204. The Deepest Sense of Belonging

Translator: Ahve

Wei Qing snorted and pushed the boy lightly on the shoulder, “Stop acting cute and looking at me with those puppy dog eyes. Sit here. I have something to ask you.”

Yan Chuyang’s heart missed a beat yet he tried his best to stay calm. “What… What do you want to know? Well, it’s such a nice night. How about watching TV with me?”

Sensing the boy’s tense shoulder, Wei Qing sneered, “I haven’t said anything yet. Why are you so nervous?”

“I… I’m not nervous at all.” Yan Chuyang straightened up and leaned against the sofa, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“It’s okay.” Wei Qing stared at the boy and uttered, “We have a lot of time tonight”.

Head down, Yan Chuyang curled up on the sofa and squeezed his own fingers anxiously, “There’s nothing to talk about. Actually, I’m a little tired. I think… ”

“Wei Yuan said you borrowed money from him,” Wei Qing interrupted him directly.

The boy looked surprised. “He told you?”

Wei Qing didn’t reply.

“How could he?” Yan Chuyang punched the sofa, “I take him as my brother. He should have kept the secret for me. I told him that I would pay back the money as soon as possible. How could he still tell you about it?”

“Actually, he didn’t tell me.” Wei Qing raised an eyebrow, “Your bank card is attached to my phone number. I saw the message on my phone when Wei Yuan transferred the money.”

Yan Chuyang looked embarrassed, mumbling, “I should have applied for a new bank card.”

Wei Qing frowned and said coldly, “Tell me, what is that money for? Are you short of money recently?”

Yan Chuyang turned around and kept his head down. “I… I have to pay my tuition for next semester.”

“It should be 13,000 yuan, right? But you borrowed 50,000 yuan from him.”

“Yeah, I also need to pay for food and stuff like that.”

“Every month I transfer 5,000 yuan to your bank account. You don’t usually eat outside and that money is enough for you to buy some snacks. You don’t need to borrow money, do you?”

Yan Chuyang turned pale from his words, and he started to rub his pants out of instinct.

Seeing the boy like that, Wei Qing sighed, “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I just want to know what that money is for, okay? You’re still in school and you don’t know what the real society is. I’m afraid you’ll be cheated.”

Yan Chuyang rubbed his knees and said, “No one cheated me… ”

“Then tell me what you spent the money on.”

After a moment of silence, the boy whispered, “I gave it to Fang Jingshu… ”

“What?” Wei Qing was shocked, his voice cold, “You met that woman again?”

Yan Chuyang nodded gently.

Wei Qing tried to suppress his anger, “When did you see her?”

“Yesterday morning.”

“Why did she want to see you?”

“She said I’m skinny, so she wanted to make some delicious food for me.”

“How interesting!” Wei Qing sneered, “After that, she asked you for money, right?”

Yan Chuyang sighed, “I didn’t want to give her money at first, but I felt sorry for her when I saw her family of three in a house smaller than our kitchen.”

“And then?” Wei Qing frowned. “Just because they lived in a small house, you gave her all your money when she asked you for it?”

“She didn’t ask me for it,” Yan Chuyang said in a low voice, “She said that she borrowed money from me and would pay it back.”

Wei Qing chuckled, shaking his head helplessly, “And you just believed her?”

The boy lowered his head again. “Anyway, I gave her the money. If she’s unable to pay it back, I’ll take the responsibility for her. As for the money you gave me at the hospital, I’ll pay you back when I finish school and get a job.”

“I don’t need you to pay me back!” Wei Qing yelled, “Why don’t you just get it? Yan Chuyang, she doesn’t deserve your sympathy. Do you still remember how it felt when you and your grandmother were alone in that small and shabby house? Did she ever feel sorry for you? Did she ever go to see you?”

Yan Chuyang stared at the floor in silence, his head down and face pale.

“I’m not stopping you from seeing her or asking you to bear grudges, but you have to know that she’s just using you every time she wants to see you. She never wants to make it up for you. She just wants to take advantage of you. Got it?”

The boy gritted his teeth and remained silent.

Wei Qing heaved a deep sigh, “I’m trying my best to take care of you every day. I can’t bear to let you suffer a little bit. But you just keep allowing yourself to be trapped and hurt! It’s the truth that she is your mother biologically, but she doesn’t deserve your love at all. All she wants is money, not you!”

Yan Chuyang rubbed his knees and raised his head with a frown, “Then what can I do? She’s my mother. She’s the one who brought me into this world. I can’t just watch and ignore it when she’s crying sadly right in front of me.”

“You take her as your mother, but does she ever treat you like her son? You’re just a cash machine to her!”

Yan Chuyang fell silent. After a while, he hesitated, “I think… she still cares about me.”

Wei Qing was so angry that he could hardly breathe. He pulled the boy over to his lap and stared into his eyes. “How could you tell that she still cares about you?”

Yan Chuyang pursed his lips and lowered his head, murmuring, “Yesterday, I went to her house. She even made me some dumplings.”

Now Wei Qing was feeling a bit jealous.

Since they were together, he had made many kinds of marvelous foods for the boy. Every day, the boy could eat whatever he wanted, yet all that the man had done couldn’t compare with one meal that woman made!

It reminded Wei Qing of a sentence he read from a famous online forum, “No matter how old a man is, the deepest sense of belonging in his heart always comes from his dear mother.”

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