202. Like a Fish Bone Sticking in His Throat

Translator: Bryan

A while ago, when they had arrived at the hospital to see the family of three chatting and laughing in the ward, Wei Qing had wanted to draw Yan Chuyang away immediately.

It was obvious that the woman had tricked Yan Chuyang. She had lied to him. The reason why she had told Yan Chuyang on the phone that her son was in a critical condition was because she wanted to trick Yan Chuyang into coming to the hospital so that she could swindle more money out of him.

He believed that Yan Chuyang had realized that too, but he had still stupidly given her the money.

A hundred thousand yuan was not much. It was nothing for Wei Qing, but the knowledge that the money had ended up in the hands of someone who had hurt Yan Chuyang made Wei Qing feel as if there were a fish bone sticking in his throat.

But he hadn’t dared to stop Yan Chuyang from giving her the money.

He knew his marriage partner very well. Yan Chuyang was so soft-hearted that he would never be harsh to his family, no matter how much pain they had inflicted on him.

Yan Chuyang didn’t know how to protect himself, and neither did he know how to retaliate or complain.

He only remembered what he had gotten from others. Like he said, that woman was his mother. He had to help her unconditionally.

He didn’t know how to counterattack, but Wei Qing did.

Fang Jingshu was responsible for the injuries and injustice that Yan Chuyang had suffered and the absence of love from his life during the past over ten years.

The woman had abandoned him. Yan Chuyang could take it lying down, but Wei Qing couldn’t.

Someday he would help Yan Chuyang get his revenge.

“I won’t eat any more of it.” Yan Chuyang clapped his hands and walked to Wei Qing’s side. He put his arm around Wei Qing’s waist and said, “I threw the cake away. I won’t eat that kind of high-calorie food anymore.”

Feeling heartache, Wei Qing gave a non-commital “Um” and lowered his head to peck Yan Chuyang’s lips.

Yan Chuyang coughed and said awkwardly, “You…You won’t abandon me, will you?”

“Idiot,” Wei Qing sighed, sweeping him into his embrace. “I told you I will always be by your side.”

Yan Chuyang nodded and then said in a low voice, “My grandmother also said this, and so did my dad, but they’ve both left.”

Wei Qing bowed his head and kissed Yan Chuyang’s delicate ear. His voice was faintly hoarse. “I’m different from them. They were people who accompanied you for a certain period of time. I’m your husband. The two of us will keep each other company for the rest of our lives.”

Yan Chuyang sighed and said lightly, “Really?”

Wei Qing’s insides contracted. Yan Chuyang’s sense of insecurity deepened Wei Qing’s resentment against Fang Jingshu.

If it weren’t for that woman, Yan Chuyang wouldn’t have felt so insecure.

The person he cared so much about was just a burden that Fang Jingshu wanted to get rid of. Wei Qing was smoldering with anger which he had no way to vent.

He had originally wanted to let that woman off the hook, as long as she stopped making trouble and stayed away from Yan Chuyang, but unexpectedly, after coming to know that Yan Chuyang had saved some money, she had shamelessly reappeared and hurt him with her hypocrisy again.

Wei Qing could feel that after Yan Chuyang came back from the hospital, his mentality had changed, and it showed on his face.

Yan Chuyang didn’t used to be so sensitive. At least Yan Chuyang wouldn’t throw away his favorite food just because of a joke. It seemed Fang Jingshu had a great influence on Yan Chuyang.

Wei Qing was very indignant. It had taken him such a long time to help Yan Chuyang, a meek boy, develop some spunk and self-confidence, but Fang Jingshu’s actions had changed him back into the overcautious and craven boy.

The look in Wei Qing’s eyes dimmed as he lowered his head to look at Yan Chuyang’s uncertain eyes. He angrily made a decision.

No matter what, he must have Yan Chuyang disown that woman and make sure they never saw each other again.

Yan Chuyang was his marriage partner. With him protecting Yan Chuyang, he didn’t need that woman’s pathetic attention.

Days went by peacefully and uneventfully.

The knowledge that Song Huaiqi was on business trip to Japan had allayed Wei Qing’s uneasiness caused by that little “secret”.

As long as Song Huaiqi didn’t meet Yan Chuyang or tell him the truth about the donator, everything would remain the same.

It struck Wei Qing as he reassured that Yan Chuyang still had feelings for him.

Wei Qing’s mind was at ease, but Yan Chuyang’s was not.

After Fang Jingshu took 100,000 yuan from him and had a taste of “victory”, she became greedier and felt unsatisfied.

People were always like this. They either never gave or kept giving unconditionally.

Obviously, Fang Jingshu took it for granted that Yan Chuyang should give her money.

Yan Chuyang was her son. Although she hadn’t raised him, it was true that she gave birth to him.

In Fang Jingshu’s eyes, giving birth to her son was the greatest favor his son had ever received. She believed that she had the right to have Yan Chuyang support her all her life.

The bell sounded for the end of the class. The boy hurriedly stood up from the chair and walked out of the classroom.

“Hello?” Yan Chuyang lowered his voice and walked to the corridor outside the classroom. “I’m having a class. Why are you calling?”

“Chuyang.” Fang Jingshu’s affectionate voice came from the other end of the phone. “How have you been lately? Are you busy? Do you know that your brother will be discharged tomorrow? I want you to come to the hospital and pick him up.”

Yan Chuyang frowned. “You can easily hail a taxi outside the hospital. Why do you want me to pick him up? I don’t have time for that, and I don’t have a car either.”

“That’s not true.” Fang Jingshu raised her voice. “Aren’t you very close to that Wei Qing guy? He’s too rich not to have a car. You can borrow his.”

Yan Chuyang was abashed and annoyed. “No matter how close I am to him, it is still his car, not mine. He doesn’t owe me anything. Why would he lend me his car?”

Fang Jingshu was silent for a moment and then said confusedly, “The other day I noticed that he’s pretty protective of you. He kept you behind him all the time. I thought you two were very close.”

Yan Chuyang’s face registered impatience. “Although he and I are close, I can’t just drive his car as if it were mine!”

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