Constructing-Style Wizard

Chapter 480 470 Void Tine

"I rescued the cucumber slices. I don't know when the winter melon and kelp turned into hysterical heirs, and they were forcibly wiped out by me using the game system." Li Nuo flew out of the three-dimensional magic circle and met the three extraordinary beings waiting outside. said.

"Hysteria? Are you sure?" The milky-white clone of the core of the "Command" plane expressed his doubts.

Li Nuo nodded and said:

"Yes, I'm sure. I used the control of the game system you gave me to forcibly shut down some of the game system functions of Winter Melon and Kelp, causing trauma to their souls. This trauma on the soul level forced them to show their In its original form, it is a strange image with a body wrapped in mist, and black tentacles extending in the mist. If I am not mistaken, this should be the descendant of Hysteria."

Li Nuo did not say that he determined the identities of "winter melon" and "kelp" through passive deconstruction.

Because in the eyes of the core of the "Command" plane and Senati, Li Nuo is just a mortal who has mastered the "Heart of Magic" and has extremely high spellcasting ability.

Among the three extraordinary beings at the scene, only the Assassination Angel knew that Li Nuo had the ability to passively structure, and this ability could be realized without magic.

In order to protect his own secret, and to help the Scroll Angel cover up the fact that he possesses deconstruction, Li Nuo could only explain how he determined that "Winter Melon" and "Kelp" were hysterical brains by saying that "the enemy was forced to reveal his true identity" Heir.

Faced with Li Nuo's explanation, the focus of the "order" was obviously not on whether the other party was hiding anything.

What it is more concerned about is why, as the player master who has control over the game system, he has never noticed that winter melon and kelp have become hysterical offspring.

This is a very, very serious problem.

Winter melon, kelp, and cucumber slices, as well as the other 12 players who had defected to the Dark God Cult, were not stripped of the game system by the Metal Ancestral Dragon.

Although the souls of this group of players have been contaminated by Yuwai Yongzou to varying degrees, they still retain a pure land in the deepest part of their souls, where the core of the game system is located.

The core of the "Command" plane deliberately did not take back the game system from these 15 players in order to rely on its connection with the game system to indirectly control the trends in the inner starry sky.

In other words, if Cucumber Patch had been stripped of the game system by the Metal Ancestral Dragon, it would have been impossible for Li Nuo to use the ritual to communicate with its soul.

"Command" can clearly sense that the souls of the 12 players who have taken refuge in the Dark God Cult have been seriously polluted, but it can be said that he is completely unaware of the fact that "Winter Melon" and "Kelp" have been transformed into hysterical offspring. .

This really made the nuclear nervous and even gave rise to a trace of fear.

The core of the "Command" plane remained silent.

Senati remained silent.

Li Nuo turned to the clone of Assassination Angel and asked:

"Your Excellency, was the sabotage operation successful?"

The Assassination Angel's clone shook slightly, and the purple mist on its surface rose and fell. He seemed to want to speak, but was forced to give up because he couldn't separate his thoughts.

Li Nuo was a little confused. Logically speaking, at this time, the servers at the headquarters of the Metal Creation Group should have sunk into the stars, but why did the Assassin's Angel seem to be in a very fierce battle and unable to concentrate and reply.

A strange feeling flowed in Li Nuo's heart.

He called up the spell list in his mind and selected the spell markers he placed near Space Station B-76, only to find that those spell markers had long been destroyed.

Li Nuo frowned slightly.

These spell marks are some distance away from B-76, and the closest one is 50 kilometers away, but how come they were all destroyed by external forces...

Could it be that something unexpected happened in the star system where the B-76 space station is located?

Li Nuo called Snowwing Cat while thinking, and gave the cat a remote command to jump to the star system where B-76 was located.

To be on the safe side, Li Nuo provided Maomao with the jump coordinates at the very edge of the star system to prevent the other party from being unprepared and involved in the battle.

The SnowWing set off immediately.

Just then "Command" came back from his meditation and said:

"I just checked the body and soul of Cucumber Pian. His body has always been on the planet and has never left. There is no pollution. His soul has been slightly contaminated. These pollutions have been absorbed by the ritual circle. His soul It is clean now, with only some minor trauma. I suggest that his soul be transformed, erase some unnecessary memories, and then put it back into the body."

Li Nuo had no objection to this.

He followed the instructions of "Command" and returned the control of the game system of Cucumber Pian to "Command" through the game interface.

The bodies of Winter Melon and Kelp had completely lost their vitality when their souls were erased by Li Nuo.

"Command" rebuilt the bodies of these two unlucky players, and at the same time pinched out two souls and put them into them, setting them as the second generation of winter melon and kelp, and returned to the studio with cucumber slices.

At this point, the three players’ brief trip to the inner starry sky ended.

This journey started so suddenly and ended so hastily that they could not realize that they had circled between the inner and outer stars.


The SnowWing Cat delivers the message through its soul connection with Li Nuo.

Li Nuo aimed at Maomao and cast "Psychic Sight", and saw the situation of Space Station B-76 through the opponent's perspective.

I saw that Base B, which originally covered the star, was now a fragment of debris floating near the star. No part of the entire Base B was intact, and massive amounts of debris were sucked in and burned by the star every moment.

"How could this happen? Didn't the Assassin's Angels negotiate with me to only attack the B-76 space station? But why was Base B bombed like this?"

Li Nuo frowned, realizing that while he was in the ritual circle, unexpected changes had occurred in Base B.

The top priority is to contact the Assassination Angel's body as soon as possible and learn about the situation from the other party.

Li Nuo first asked the Assassination Angel clone in front of him. Seeing that the clone did not respond, he had to activate the soul induction between himself and the Assassination Angel and try to directly connect with the other person's body.

But just such an operation that was extremely safe under normal circumstances caused Li Nuo's soul to suddenly feel severe pain, as intense as a large steel nail piercing his forehead.

"Hiss, hiss..."

Li Nuo raised his hand to press his protruding temples and rubbed them hard, his mind was in a blur.

After a few seconds, the pain weakened and my thinking gradually became clearer.

"what's the situation?"

Li Nuo took a deep breath, tried hard to suppress the remaining pain, and said to the "Command" clone beside him who was looking at him with concern:

"The assassination angel has lost contact. I just tried to contact his body, but was inexplicably attacked at the soul level."

"Command" asked:

"Can you tell what kind of soul attack it is? We may be able to know who is pestering the assassination angel."

Li Nuo wanted to shake his head and say that he couldn't tell how the other party used his soul attack, but suddenly, he thought of something:

Passive deconstruction works both ways.

He attacks enemies to trigger passive deconstruction.

The same goes for enemies attacking him.

Li Nuo quickly retrieved the deconstruction information in his mind and saw a few lines of text as expected.

【You have suffered "soul puncture". 】

[Passive deconstruction triggers! 】

[You have obtained the following deconstruction information:]

[The attacker is "Void Synapse", and the void system is outside the universe. 】

Li Nuo glanced at the deconstruction results and replied to the "order" in an uncertain tone:

"It seems to be a kind of void-type eternal evil spirit..."

"Command" suddenly thought of the answer:

"Then it should be the Void Synapse that attacked you. Only this evil spirit in the Void system has mastered the means of soul attack. But how could they be entangled with the Assassination Angel..."

Before the "order" could finish writing the words, Senati's clone, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly exploded into a small cloud of mist, and his whole body became a little more transparent.

"Hurry up, leave here."

Intermittent strange female voices came from Senati's clone, weak and full of anxiety and fear that could not be concealed:

"Hurry up! Leave! Here! They're coming!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the clone of "Command" exploded, and the milky white figure instantly turned into white points of light that scattered everywhere.

Li Nuo was stunned for a moment, feeling a strong sense of oppression in his heart.

He almost instinctively called the Snowwing Cat in his heart to return quickly and take him away from here.

After receiving the order, the Snowwing Cat immediately took off from the star system where the B-76 space station was located and jumped in the direction of Li Nuo.

Perhaps sensing that its master was in crisis, the Snowwing cat returned extremely quickly, arriving at Li Nuo's side in less than three seconds.

Without Li Nuo saying anything, Maomao directly held Li Nuo's collar in his mouth and started the jump mode with people.

The white light symbolizing entering the transition state condensed around Li Nuo.

His body entered the jump space within 0.1 seconds, flew upwards off the roof of the building below him within 1 second, reached high altitude, and finally passed through the atmosphere and entered outer space.

Only then did Li Nuo know what was happening here by seeing the entire planet:

A giant circular mosaic gate that is almost as wide as the planet appears near the planet. Long black forks that are longer than the diameter of the planet burst out from the mosaic gate, piercing the planet fiercely and knocking out the players. The "real" planet is riddled with holes.

The white light of the jump obscured his vision, and the last scene left to Li Nuo was extremely terrifying:

The planet was shattered by countless black long forks, and the earth's crust turned into pieces and flew everywhere. The hot core of the earth shot out red fireworks like a crushed heart. Countless white light spots symbolizing players were sucked by the black long forks. The seemingly nonexistent painful wails were layered as vast as the sea, mixed with shrill and horrifying screams and hisses...

What makes Li Nuo feel even more frightened is that even if he is in the leap state, he can still see the giant circular mosaic door that shoots out long black forks.

At the same time that Li Nuo realized this, the mosaic round door seemed to come alive. It blinked like an eye, then turned around, pointed at Li Nuo, and launched an overwhelming black long fork.

The long black fork mysteriously entered Li Nuo's jump space and caught up with him at extremely fast speeds!

"Damn it! What on earth are these long forks? And what is that giant circular mosaic door? I have already entered the transition state, how can I still be locked by them?"

Li Nuo broke into a cold sweat and his heart beat violently. The scene that happened in front of him was so unbelievable that it completely subverted his understanding of "leap".

The Snowwing cat sensed the threat from behind, and its two snow-white wings flapped faster, dragging out afterimages, and its jump speed suddenly increased by several orders of magnitude.

But even so, the mosaic round door behind him still "stared" closely at Li Nuo, with no intention of deflecting the direction, and those long black forks were in hot pursuit.

No matter how fast the Snowwing cat increases its jump speed, it can't get rid of these enemies like dog skin plaster.

"No, it can't go on like this." Li Nuo noticed that the distance between the black long fork and himself was slowly shrinking. In three or four minutes at most, he would be overtaken.

"We have to think of a way quickly..."

Li Nuo said quickly in his heart:

"Heart of Magic, query the magic that can be used in the transition state."

[No feedback. No magic is available while in the warp state. 】

"Huh?! The core of the "Wizard" plane has not developed magic that can be used in the jump state! ? "

Li Nuo shouted something bad.

When I turned my head and looked behind me, I saw those long black forks getting closer and closer!

At this moment when the crisis was approaching, Li Nuo's mind raced and he thought of a possibly feasible self-rescue plan!

"I almost forgot about the core of the "escape" plane! What this plane core is best at is escaping and breaking out! As long as it's willing to help, I can definitely get rid of the pursuers behind me! "

Li Nuo activated the soul mark left on him after he reached a soul contract with the core of the "escape" plane.

The soul looked into the distance, looking through the white light barrier of the jump channel and pointing directly at the endless starry sky.

Li Nuo forced himself to calm down and concentrate on sensing the wilderness tens of millions of light years away.

The weak soul connection quickly strengthened under his efforts, and soon reached the level where communication between the two parties was possible.

"Help!" Li Nuo was concise and clear, going straight to the point, shouting for help as soon as he realized the soul connection with the other party.

"What’s wrong with you?"

The sound of "escape" came from far away.

At the same time, a gaze fell on Li Nuo through the barrier of space, and then moved backwards, noticing the long black fork chasing behind Li Nuo, and the mosaic round door far behind the jump channel.

"Eh?! How did you encounter the "Void Tine"? ! Why are these "void tines" so powerful? ! "

"Escape" the monster screamed a few times, and then spoke faster:

"Continue to jump at a high speed, don't stop! Give me some time, I will break your jump channel and stop those "void forks". "

Void forks...these long black forks are called this name. They seem to be the evil products of the Void faction of Yuwai Yongsui.

While observing the rear, Li Nuo sent soul energy to the Snowwing Cat.

Cat drags a living person to escape, and it is only a matter of time before the soul energy in his body reaches the bottom.

Li Nuo could only maintain the state of ultra-high-speed jump by continuously transferring soul energy to it.

The distance cannot be measured in the jump channel. You can only use the naked eye to observe the distance between yourself and the enemy.

When the projection of the Void Prongs in Li Nuo's eyes increased tenfold, the white light barrier of the jump channel suddenly flashed at a high frequency, and there were many cracks like broken glass.

"protect yourself!"

"Escape" The core of the plane shouts reminders through soul induction.

The next second, the jump channel behind Li Nuo suddenly curved and was forcibly broken into two parts by invisible force.

The violent space hurricane poured in from the crack in the passage and immediately enveloped Li Nuo and the Snowwing Cat.

A dizzying feeling came over him, and Li Nuo felt that his eyes were filled with colorful lights and bursts of light.

The Snowwing cat was hit by the strong wind in space and accidentally let go of Li Nuo's collar, meowing anxiously.

But Li Nuo had been washed away by the space storm like a lone sail in the waves, and he didn't know where he landed. (End of chapter)

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