Constructing-Style Wizard

Chapter 478 468 Race against time

"How was it? Was the ceremony successful?"

In the spacious and bright secret room, the assassination angel stood outside the three-dimensional magic circle and asked Li Nuo who opened his eyes in the magic circle.

Li Nuo shook his head slightly to dispel the slight dizziness caused by hosting the ceremony.

After two seconds, he turned into a transparent and invisible breeze and flew out of the magic circle, and said to the three figures standing outside the magic circle:

"With Ms. Senati's help in weakening the communication delay between the inner and outer stars, this ceremony was very successful. With zero delay, I only tried once to contact the Cucumber Patch located 30 kilometers underground on Midas Island. About This is what he told me about the situation he saw in the illusion space..."

Li Nuo began to relay what Cucumber Pian said.

The three figures in front of him listened quietly.

The figure on the left is the clone of the Assassin's Angel, and the purple mist is steaming, making it difficult to see his true face.

The milky-white figure in the middle is the ectoplasm structure pinched by "Command" and carries the will of "Command".

The figure on the right is orange and looks a bit like a jelly man with orange glitter in his body. The surface is smooth and the inside is bright. Similarly, the true face of this figure cannot be seen clearly, although it does not cover its body with purple mist like the assassination angel.

This is Senati's doppelganger.

Without Senati's help in reducing the communication delay between the inner and outer stars, Li Nuodian would not have been able to withstand the delay of up to 5 minutes, stuck in the 1 minute after the death of Cucumber Slice, waiting for rebirth, and contact this person who was used as a coolie by the Metal Ancestral Dragon. The unlucky egg.

"That's what happened. The illusion that appeared in the illusion space is similar to the illusion cast by the brainstem in the angel's voice space. It also tells the story of the process of hiding in the Holy Fire in 'Dylan Paradise' to resist the collapse of the universe."

Li Nuo said:

"Huagua Pian and I explained that this is an abnormal intelligence brainwashing humans with their own world view settings. This statement may have some loopholes, but it should be able to stabilize Huagua Pian and the others in a short period of time."

Li Nuo estimated the time in his mind:

"Based on Huaguopian's death experience this time, his next death should be within 3 minutes."

The ritual just performed was based on Cucumber Pian's body left on the "real" planet as the medium, and the target of the ceremony was Cucumber Pian's soul.

If you really want to do something, you can only do it at the soul level of the cucumber slices.

The clone of the Assassin's Angel was silent, as if communicating with the main body.

After a few seconds, He said:

"In half an hour at most, I will be ready there and ready to attack the server group at the headquarters of the Metal Creation Group at any time."

"Half an hour..." Li Nuo thought for a while and said:

"Half an hour is enough for Cucumber Slice, Winter Melon, and Kelp to die ten times. Their souls will be weakened as a result, and the success rate of the ritual to communicate with the souls will inevitably become lower and lower."

"Command" said through the milky white ectoplasm structure:

"We can use rituals to replenish their soul energy, but doing so may attract the attention of the Metal Archosaur who is paying close attention to the scene. Even if the Metal Archosaur doesn't care much about the growth of souls, the soul strength of the three people in Cucumber Pian will not change much. They may have escaped the eyes of the Death Steel Legion. Those metal skeletons have done very profound research on the soul and are definitely experts in this field."

"So, using rituals to replenish soul energy for Cucumber Pian and the others is quite risky..." Li Nuo fell into thought.

Senati's doppelgänger did not participate in the discussion.

In fact, after his strength was greatly reduced, this angel of time and evolution who could predict the short-term future had to concentrate his remaining power on controlling the barrier of the inner starry sky, and it was difficult to squeeze out excess power to help.

In the words of the assassination angel, Senati is like an anesthesiologist, it is best not to speak.

Once He opens his mouth, it's bound to be bad news.

Either the inner starry sky barrier has been destroyed by someone else, or he is losing control of the inner starry sky barrier at a faster pace.

In short, a quiet Senati is a comfortable angel of time and evolution.

It is worth mentioning that Senati personally experienced the shocking battle between the Star God and the gods.

He sealed this history in the "echo chip".

This "resonance chip" is one of the rewards Li Nuo and the Assassination Angel received after helping "The Order" eliminate the spies of the Dark God Cult.

Before starting the ceremony just now, Li Nuo had just read the contents of the "Echo Chip" and gained a new understanding of the battle between gods.

To sum it up in one sentence:

I can't understand it, I really can't understand it.

After Li Nuo's consciousness sank into the "echo chip", he only saw changing lines and flashing lights, and his ears were filled with buzzing noises.

Li Nuo didn't even see a shadow of what a star god or Yu Wai Yong Sui was, and was completely confused.

The Assassination Angel watched with great interest, and even communicated with Senati and "Command" for a while.

The three extraordinary beings were not surprised that Li Nuo failed to "reflect the specific scene in the chip". When his life level is high enough in the future, he will naturally be able to get a glimpse of the true content of that battle.

Time passed in the discussion.

Li Nuo picked the right time, returned to the ritual circle, and contacted Cucumber Pian in the inner starry sky again.

On the other side, in the United Space Navy space station numbered B-76, the assassination angel himself took action.

The B-76 space station is not a separate entity, it is part of the United Nations Space Navy star base code-named B.

The structure of Base B is very similar to the rumored "Dyson Sphere" that surrounds the entire star.

It uses densely packed metal corridors, platforms and suspended thrusters to surround a star in its young adult stage and build a hollow sphere that intercepts 60% of the star's light.

The sunlight intercepted by this spherical base will be converted into the energy required by computing power equipment by energy facilities with a conversion rate of more than 90%, and then converted into general computing power by the computing power equipment with a conversion rate of 99% for use. Drive to all amenities of Base B.

They range from artificial intelligence engineers performing maintenance tasks outside metal channels to various deep space detectors that measure the gravity of celestial bodies, monitor stargate traffic, and search for abnormal space signals, to remotely control unmanned fleets to perform tasks.

All things belonging to Base B are consuming the computing power produced by Base B.

Interestingly, the server group of the local area network where the Metal Creation Group headquarters is located is set up in the core area of ​​Base B, which is the space station code-named B-76.

To be precise, the main body of the B-76 space station is the server group of this local area network.

Anyone who comes here for the first time will be shocked by the servers as tall as mountains. The diameter of the liquid cooling pipes of these servers alone exceeds 30 meters. It is unimaginable how much computing power is used every minute and every second. A massive server farm is consumed.

It's very difficult to blow up a server farm of this size, but it's also very easy.

Through preliminary investigations, Li Nuo found that the most vulnerable place in the B-76 space station is the connection between this space station and nearby space stations.

The B-76 space is connected to the nearby space station through a semi-fixed space corridor. It does not generate the thrust of the space station floating above the star.

Therefore, as long as these connections are blown up, the B-76 space station will fall towards the star at an extremely high marginal growth rate under the influence of gravity, and will be burned by the star within two minutes after the explosion.

The Assassination Angel accepted Li Nuo's proposal.

He commanded the ectoplasm structure in an invisible state to deploy his own special bomb at the connection point of the space station.

At the same time, he personally entered the server group and carefully searched for the possible existence of the will of the metal archaeolian dragon.

After Li Nuo got in touch with Cucumber Pian through the ritual for the sixth time, Assassin's Angel unsurprisingly discovered something fishy hidden in the server group.

Ugai Yongzui, known as the "hysterical brain", placed an extraordinary aura in the corner of the server group that would make people fall into illusions.

According to the Assassination Angel's speculation, this "hysterical brain" should be the one who hides behind the scenes of the Angel Enterprise Consortium and secretly controls the consortium to create artificial angels.

According to the historical information presented in the "Echo Chip", the predecessor of "Hybrid Brain" was the Angel of Heart, Fan Yana.

In addition, the Assassination Angel also discovered a metal proto-dragon clone hidden in an inconspicuous pipeline in the server group.

This clone is in a dormant state, lying quietly in a pipeline with a diameter of more than two meters. Using its own metal affinity properties, it blends itself into the environment, making it almost indistinguishable.

Thanks to the Assassination Angel who is an absolute expert in the field of assassination and reconnaissance, otherwise someone else - such as Li Nuo, might not have been able to discover the existence of this metal ancestor dragon clone.

The Assassin's Angel used the "veil of isolation" to set up a barrier near this clone to isolate it from the outside world.

As long as the barrier is not broken, it is impossible for the clone to detect the explosion that occurs outside the barrier.

"I'm ready here." The clone of the Assassination Angel who stayed at the ceremony asked Li Nuo:

"How's the situation there?"

"The Cucumber Pian trio have been killed 15 times in the past half hour, and their soul strength has been significantly reduced."

Li Nuo said in a deep voice:

"I estimate that starting from the 19th resurrection of Cucumber Pian, the ritual will not be able to sense his soul. Due to the limited time of each contact, I was not able to observe the soul conditions of Winter Melon and Kelp. However, judging from the situation of Cucumber Pian, Winter Melon Things should be just as bad with kelp.”

"Then, let's take action now." The clone of the Assassination Angel fell silent after finishing speaking.

Li Nuo turned around and returned to the ritual circle.

The inner barrier of the inner starry sky, near the entrance to the illusion space.

The three people in Cucumber Pian were exhausted and collapsed like dogs whose owners had wandered for dozens of kilometers, lying flat on the crystal ground.

The Death Steel soldier next to them stepped forward, roughly lifted them off the ground, and walked towards the entrance of the colorful cave.

"Here we go again..."

"Let no one live anymore"

"Other tasks cost money, but this task of yours costs lives..."

Winter Melon and Kelp complained weakly.

Cucumber Pian felt light on his body and couldn't lift up the strength, so he could only let the Death Steel Soldier carry him around.

His head was buzzing like an electric drill, and dizziness came in waves.

The succession of deaths and resurrections was not unheard of in the past, but Cucumber Slice had never been this weak.

It is estimated that after the abnormal intelligence took control of him, he also adjusted some parameters related to sensory feedback, which caused him to feel weak after being resurrected many times.

Taking a deep breath, Cucumber Pian cheered up, opened the chat group, and posted a text in the group:

"Listen to me, someone will come to rescue us soon. You two must do as I say."

"Who will come to save us?"

"How to save him? Just unplug the network cable?"

"If unplugging the network cable could save us from this stupid place, then Strawberry and the others would have done it long ago..."

Ignoring Winter Melon and Kelp who were complaining in the group, Cucumber Pian continued typing:

"After entering the dungeon, the three of us will meet up as soon as possible. We must not act alone. Do you understand? I was born at the 3 o'clock position on the illusory screen after entering the dungeon. You all rush towards me. Don't go to the illusory screen. Attend that weird meeting.”

Winter Melon and Kelp managed to recover from their depressed mood and replied in the group:


"I know."

After 15 previous explorations, the three of them concluded several rules.

First, after entering the dungeon, as long as you get close to the silver-white thread in front of you, you will be teleported to the meeting site by this thing that connects all the planets.

Second, if you do not approach the silver-white thread in front of you, but approach other threads, you can travel between different planets. If you don't arrive at the meeting site, you won't die suddenly from receiving too much information.

Third, the copy has an invisible time limit. No matter what method you use to extend the time you stay in the instance, you will face death after about 6 minutes.

These three rules are summed up through bloody lessons.

In other words, the three must gather within 6 minutes, otherwise it will be very difficult for the GM to rescue all three of them together.

Whoever falls behind will continue to be in the cycle of death.

Cucumber Pian emphasized his tone and made a speech, emphasizing once more:

"You must meet me within 6 minutes! Do you hear me clearly? If anyone doesn't come, don't blame me for not taking him with me when I left this place!"

Winter Melon and Kelp solemnly replied in the group:

"I understand, boss!"

"As long as I can get out, let alone meet you within 6 minutes, even if you let me wash you off within 6 minutes, it's no problem!"

"By the way, boss, do you know something?" Donggua suddenly asked.

In the past period of time, Winter Melon also asked the same thing.

Since it has not yet received clear instructions from GM, Cucumber Pian has not directly answered Winter Melon’s question.

Now, GM has decided to rescue the three of them, and there is no need to continue to hide anything.

After confirming that the GM agreed with him to reveal some information, Cucumber Pian prepared corresponding remarks.

But before he could say anything, the Death Steel Soldier threw it hard, and the whole body of the cucumber slice flew into the colorful cave along a parabolic trajectory.

A new round of copy exploration has begun.

When the words came to his lips, Cucumber Pian then said:

"Don't ask any questions, just do as I say. Remember! You must come here within 6 minutes! When you leave here, I will find a chance to tell you what happened!" (End of Chapter)

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