Constructing-Style Wizard

Chapter 451 441 Copying Players

The body modification services provided by Angel Enterprise Consortium are intense and exciting.

Cucumber Pian and his two friends were taken off the ship by the crew and handed over to the staff of a scientific research space station.

The staff led the group of players who had defected to the alliance to turn left and right inside the space station, and finally stopped in a biotechnology laboratory covering an area of ​​more than tens of thousands of square meters.

The biotechnology of the Angel Enterprise Consortium focuses on the concept of combining metal pipelines with flesh and blood.

Various flesh and blood organs are connected by silver-white pipelines and soaked in culture tanks with clear liquid.

Those artificial organs are each over a hundred meters tall and stand like towering ancient trees in the laboratory.

The huge culture tank, the flesh and blood organs of the same size, and the exquisite and numerous silver-white pipelines, the visual impact brought by these three is enough to shock the young players for more than ten seconds before they come back to their senses.

Compared with the hundreds of meters high culture tanks and flesh and blood organs, the human body is so small that Cucumber Pian and others had the illusion that they were walking in a primitive jungle.

"Could these organs all come from artificial angels..."

"Didn't you come to give us body modifications? Why did you bring us here?"

"Are we trying to stuff these organs into our bodies?"

"'s so will kill someone..."

"Huh? There's something wrong with what you said..."

The players murmured quietly.

The staff responsible for maintaining order nearby glanced at them, but did not stop the group of country bumpkins from the unified bureau from whispering.

Cucumber Pian and his two companions mingled in the team and only communicated using the private chat system provided by the game without making any sound.

"Captain, the item level of these artificial organs is so high, my "Psychic Detection" skill responded with a series of question marks. "

A young player with the nickname "Winter Melon is delicious" typed in the chat window.

He took up the combat profession of "Psychic Master" part-time.

"Psychic Detection" is the signature skill of "Psychic Master".

This skill uses telekinesis to lift, move, or slap objects to detect the mass, energy, and defense capabilities of an object.

The detection feedback information is displayed on the game interface, which is just a few paragraphs of relatively vague text information.

Now, "Psychic Detection" only responds with a series of question marks, which shows that the quality, energy and defense capabilities of the artificial organs in front of them all exceed Brother Donggua's detection range.

Another young player named "Kekel Kuang Kuang Xuan" also typed:

"The results of my observations are similar to those of winter melon. What useful information does "Sharp Eyes Insight" give? "

Brother Kelp takes a part-time job as the combat profession "Sharp-Eyed Shooter".

"Sharp Eye Insight" can provide information on the target's weaknesses, but at this time it only feeds back question marks.

Because Cucumber Pian has to lead a team, he doesn't have much time to work part-time in other professions, so he doesn't have the same detection ability as his two brothers, Winter Melon and Kelp.

He glanced at the information in the chat window, thought for a moment, and typed a line in the window:

"Let's take it one step at a time. Let's stick to the original plan. One of the three of us will receive the in-depth transformation. It depends on which one of us can meet the requirements of the in-depth transformation."

The two brothers, Winter Melon and Kelp, nodded.

In reality, they are brothers and have a close relationship, no matter who undergoes deep transformation.

The three of them had just calmed down when the staff next to them seemed to have received some order through the electronic computer.

One of them walked out, came to the player, raised his hand and waved towards the ceiling.

Players look in the direction of the person's finger.

I saw a transparent cylinder falling rapidly from the ceiling. Within a few seconds, it came from an altitude of more than 100 meters to the ground, hovering steadily at a height of about half a meter away.

This is a shipping box for a clear cylindrical glass enclosure.

There are dozens of nano-syringes in it that are 30 centimeters long.

The syringe is made entirely of metal, and players cannot see the color of the liquid inside.

The staff stretched out their hands and pressed on the cylindrical transport box. As a few rays of white light entered the transparent box from their fingertips, the door opened.

The nano syringe was taken out of the box by the staff and distributed to every player.

"Does this require us to inject this thing into the body?"

"Fortunately, the nano-needle used is not painful or itchy. If it were a traditional acupuncture needle, I would probably be in pain to death..."

"Weird, there is at least half a liter of injection liquid in this syringe. Is it really okay to put it all into the body?"

Players chatted with syringes in hand.

The staff member standing next to the transport box pressed the mechanical button on his neck, activated the subcutaneous sound-generating device, and said in an electronically synthesized voice:

"Please inject the first body modification potion as soon as possible. You can choose any part of the body for injection."

A young player raised his hand and spoke:

"Excuse me, do this body modification potion have any side effects?"

When they first took up the position of "Space Marine" in the Unification Bureau, the players also took the injection.

But at that time, they used nano-infusion pumps and had medical staff operating them throughout the entire process. It was not as hands-on as now.

It would be bad if something unexpected happens, so it’s better to ask carefully about side effects before taking the injection.

The content of this player's question is also what others want to ask.

Everyone stopped talking and stared at the staff.

The latter's electronic synthesized sound is extremely cold, revealing a trace of cruelty:

"You are all immortals, so there is no need to worry about adverse reactions."

As soon as these words came out, bad thoughts flashed through the players' minds.


What happened to the undead?

Have you eaten your rice?

Why since we are immortal, we don’t have to worry about adverse reactions.

Our experience will be deducted when we are reborn after death!

Several players looked towards the laboratory door when they entered, obviously starting to think about an escape route.

"I suddenly feel that the Angel Enterprise Consortium is a bit unreliable..."

"How about we still go yo-yo..."

"Let's give it a try first. If you don't die, you'll make a profit."

When the players were hesitant, a mission appeared with a ding-dong sound.

The mission details stated that in order to screen out players suitable for deep body modification, the Angel Enterprise Consortium arranged three rounds of injections for the players.

For each round you survive, one-third of the mission reward will be unlocked.

Survive all three rounds, and all mission rewards will be unlocked, and you will have the opportunity to deeply transform.

And if you die in these three rounds, there will be no other losses except experience.

You can get as many mission rewards as you have unlocked, and there will be no case where the mission rewards will be withdrawn.

As for what the mission rewards are, players need to explore on their own after injecting the potion.

To be honest, players are not afraid of death, they are just afraid of meaningless death.

If this mission had come out earlier, why would you still be hesitating? Wouldn’t it be over if you just give yourself an injection?

The players rolled up their sleeves and without saying a word, aimed the nano-needle at the forearm and stabbed it.

Seeing that the others suddenly became so active, the three people from Cucumber Pian no longer hesitated.

"How about the three of us stab each other." Brother Donggua suggested:

"I stabbed the captain, the captain stabbed Kelp, and Kelp stabbed me."

Kelp smiled:

"If you say that, I feel a little ambiguous. What is the relationship between the three of us after the stabbing?"

Cucumber Slice's mouth twitched slightly when he heard it.

The two brothers, Winter Melon and Kelp, just graduated from college last year, and their clear and stupid aura has not completely dissipated, and they will say some funny things from time to time.

Forget it, let them be.

Cucumber Slice raised his hand and inserted the needle into Kelp's forearm.

The three of them poked each other happily.

There is a tiny pressurized pump inside the nanosyringe.

After the nano-needle pierces the skin, the micro-pressurization pump automatically starts and begins to press the liquid in the needle into the players' bodies.

As the liquid penetrated, the icy cold feeling spread quickly under the skin, soon spread throughout the entire arm, and began to spread throughout the body.

After all the liquid is pressed into the body, the micro-pressurization pump stops working, the nano-needle retracts into the needle tube, breaks away from the player's skin, and the injection stops.

Every player felt like they were walking in a world of ice and snow, and their whole bodies were chilled.

"Da da da..." The players' teeth chattered and their bodies shivered. They held their shoulders with their hands and rubbed them vigorously to keep warm.

The cucumber slices and the three of them also felt uncomfortable.

Brother Donggua specializes in "Psychic Master", and his physical condition is relatively weak. Within a moment, he was so cold that he crouched down and huddled up.

Kelp's part-time "Sharp Eye Shooter" is biased towards perception, and his physical fitness is not very good. It didn't take long for him to squat down and huddle up like a turtle.

Cucumber Slice's condition was slightly better. He could barely stand still, but he was still in a hard-resistance mode with his fists clenched and his body lines tight.


There was a crisp sound, but a player's body stiffened and fell to the ground diagonally.

The moment his body collided with the metal floor, there was a sound of gold and iron clashing.

If you look closely, you will see that this player's body is tinged with ice blue from the inside out, like an ice sculpture that has just been moved out of an ice cave.

"He, he, he...dead, dead, dead..." the player next to him asked, trembling.

Another man shook his head vigorously up and down:

"Yes, yes...he is dead...I just received news from him that he has been resurrected in the cabin..."

The players were awe-inspiring, their expressions were serious, and there was no trace of playfulness.

Cucumber Pian glanced at the hard body for a few times, and felt that something was not right, but couldn't explain it for a while. He could only ask the two brothers, Winter Melon and Kelp, who were hugging each other for warmth:

"Hey, do you feel something is wrong?"

"What's wrong?" x2

Cucumber Pian pursed his lips towards the corpse, signaling his two companions to take a closer look.

Winter Melon and Kelp turned their heads with difficulty and stared at the corpse, unable to see the reason.

The three communicated through the chat window without speaking.

Their exchange of information was spied on by Li Nuo, who was behind the scenes.

Through his magic vision, Li Nuo observed the corpse for a moment, then patted his forehead and said:

"By the way, after the player dies, doesn't the body disappear? Why is this body still here?"

Judging from the game settings, the purpose of letting the player's corpse disappear on its own is to prevent players from using their ability to regenerate after death to quickly create corpses and obtain flesh and blood materials.

From the perspective of extraordinary power, the player character is an ectoplasm structure. Wherever the player is resurrected, the ectoplasm structure will move to that place. The so-called corpse will turn into nothingness and dissipate on its own the moment the player dies and is reborn.

But now, that player has obviously been reborn after death, but why is his body still here?

Li Nuo felt something was wrong.

He thought for a while, brought up the game interface, and sent a message to the core of the "Command" plane.

Not long after, the reply from the "Command" plane core came.

After reading it, Li Nuo understood it clearly. When he looked at the corpse again, his eyes showed vigilance.

The reason why the body did not disappear is not complicated. It is mainly due to Gillenz's spatial ability.

The medicine injected into the players' bodies has a trace of Jilenz's breath.

This little breath cannot allow players to master extraordinary abilities such as "space erasure", but it can leave their bodies behind and does not delay the players' rebirth after death.

The same player will have two bodies until the aura within the corpse dissipates.

One is occupied by the player after rebirth.

The other was a body that was frozen hard.

The former comes from the characteristics of the ectoplasm structure, while the latter is a "replica" created by the angel corporate consortium using Gillenz's space ability.

"Space Copy", another of Gillenz's signature extraordinary abilities, is used by the Angel Enterprise Consortium to copy the player's ectoplasm structure.

What does the Angel Enterprise Consortium want to do?

The core of the "Command" plane gave its own guess.

"The Angel Enterprise Consortium wants to create its own players. They plan to use Gillenz's "space replication" ability to obtain a large number of copies of the player characters and control them. "

Li Nuo frowned slightly and asked:

"Then how long do you estimate it will be before players created by the Angel Enterprise Consortium will appear?"

Typed reply from the core of the "Command" plane:

"For at least ten years, there will be no players created by the coalition. Copies of the ectoplasm construct are extremely difficult to control. The Jilenz aura on the replica will slowly dissipate and eventually disappear. When the aura dissipates, the replica will be released Bound, I will immediately disband these replicas and prevent them from falling into the hands of the Federation."

Li Nuo felt a little relieved.

Looking at the magic vision again, Li Nuo doubted whether these players could survive the first round of injections.

If the Angel Enterprise Consortium is determined to use potions to obtain replicas of players, then no player, including the three Cucumber Pieces, can resist the erosion of Gillenz's aura.

Being so cold that your body becomes stiff and falls to the ground is the ending for every player.

However, is this really the case?

Li Nuo waited patiently, and the situation soon changed.

After ten minutes of hard work, the chill in the players' bodies gradually dissipated, and their bodies slowly regained consciousness.

Some players with higher "Space Marine" levels recover significantly faster. When others can only hug their shoulders to keep warm, they can already look around and look at others.

After a while, even Cucumber Pian and the three of them had recovered and were no longer shivering from the cold.

Li Nuo glanced at the bodies on the floor and counted them quickly.

After this round of injections, the number of players on site has been reduced by just one-third.

15 were killed and 30 survived. (End of chapter)

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