Constructing-Style Wizard

Chapter 438 428 Chaos and profit-seeking

On the ship of the Cucumber Patch team.

Everyone is "opening the champagne" for the impending completion of the unexpected task.

Cucumber Pian suddenly slapped his forehead and said:

"Hey, by the way, brothers. I thought of something."

"What?" The team members looked at the captain.

Cucumber slices thought and said quickly:

"Tell me, does anyone want the remaining 19 artificial angels?"


What's the meaning?

The team members were stunned for half a second, and one of the players with faster reaction speed took the lead in catching up with the captain's thoughts.

"Yes! Does anyone want those 19 artificial angels? If no one wants them, can't we notify others to take them away!"

The other players suddenly reacted, and their eyes suddenly widened.

However, everyone soon discovered an unavoidable technical problem.

Their team was able to drag away the artificial angel purely because of the influence of the master of the magic academy.

Without the magic spell provided by the sudden mission, it would have been impossible for them to load an artificial angel that was as big as a battleship onto the ship.

Under normal circumstances, ordinary players who cannot recite spells and cannot open magic pockets on the ship may not be able to load the artificial angels onto the ship, let alone take them to jump with them.

Cucumber Pian thought about it and clicked on the task interface, but did not see the options of "share task" and "cancel task".

This shows that this task is a welfare task triggered by hidden elements and cannot be shared with players who have not met the triggering conditions, nor can it be canceled.

The so-called hidden factors, Cucumber Pian guessed, should be something like favorability.

The publisher of this task is the master of Black Hole Magic Academy.

At present, the trigger is limited to the Cucumber Patch team.

In the favorability list of the master of Black Hole Magic Academy, the people with the highest favorability should be the Cucumber Patch Team and Golden Dragon in the Sky.

They were the ones who triggered the expansion pack and were also the first to come into contact with the master of the Black Hole Magic Academy. Naturally, they had a unique advantage in favorability.

Therefore, if the Cucumber Pian team can receive this task, then Golden Dragon in the Sky should also be able to do so.


Golden Dragon is not online.

He was ill today and asked the vice president to come up and lead the team.

Considering that Jin Long Zaitian was his current boss, Cucumber Pian felt it was necessary to remind the other party, lest the other party miss this rewarding task.

Of course, if Boss Jin really can’t muster the desire to go online, Cucumber Pian will not force him.

Cucumber Pian just wants to do his duty, and the initiative is still in the hands of Boss Jin.

"Strawberry Juice, you take the brothers to keep an eye on the ship. I'll log off and call Boss Jin."

Cucumber Pian operated the control panel of the spaceship a few times, handed over the control of the spacecraft to the other party, and said at the same time:

"I think this sudden mission is triggered by favorability. Both us and Boss Jin should be able to trigger it. I have to send a message to Boss Jin to remind him, so that we won't be gossiped about afterward, saying that we want to monopolize the benefits of the mission. .”

"Oh, okay, go ahead, captain." The strawberry juice girl nodded.

Cucumber slices are off the production line.

The players on the ship did not end the discussion because the captain left.

They are currently discussing an alternative topic:

Without accepting the mission, can other players cast a spell to take away the artificial angel by chanting a spell?

The members of the Cucumber Pian team have a good habit of keeping the camera function at all times.

They have recorded the process of collective chanting and spell casting.

Every mantra of each person can be restored through video.

Organize these spells and give them to other player teams to see if they can reproduce the same spells.

Regarding this issue, the players on the ship could not figure it out, but Li Nuo, who was secretly eavesdropping, knew it well.

Thanks to the spell marks previously placed in the Cucumber Patch team, Li Nuo could clearly hear the discussions of the players.

He just wanted to say:

The spell is fake.

The so-called collective chanting of mantras and joint casting of spells is also false.

It was Li Nuo himself who actually enchanted the ship with space pockets and hauled the artificial angels onto the ship.

Even if other players recite the spell word for word, it will not have any effect unless Li Nuo is willing to take action behind the scenes.

As for whether to send a mission to Jinlong Zaitian who may go online...


Li Nuo thought about it carefully.

You still have to send it.

Whether it can be completed or not depends on the fate of the golden dragon in the sky.

After all, this mission was triggered because Jin Long Zaitian's favorability reached the standard. Naturally, only he himself could receive it, and only he could recite the spell and take away the artificial angel.

If he is not feeling well and cannot play the game today, then Li Nuo can only express regret.

Li Nuo was hiding on the artificial angel at this time, eavesdropping on the players' discussions.

Not only did he place spell markers on the Cucumber Patch team, but he also had eyes on the fleets of players staying in the unmanned galaxy.

Some of the players in the fleet were watching the war of words in the chat channel, while others began to scan the galaxy for spawning monsters.

In unmanned galaxies, generally everything except people may appear.

Its "unmanned" nature comes from potentially dangerous creatures.

It would be great if you could just find a few places to spawn monsters and earn some experience.

Of course, more players hope that Commander Fanfan will calm down quickly.

Li Nuo couldn't see what the players posted in the chat channel, and could only listen to the conversations the players had in the ship.

Judging from this part of the content alone, this female player named "Fan Fan Eats Rice" is the commander who directs the players' actions.

She is very experienced in commanding players to encircle and suppress the host of the demon god, and is regarded as the recognized leader.

It's just that her hobby of squabbling with people after the battle is somewhat speechless.

It was as if she had suppressed a lot of anger during the command process and could only vent it after the war.

Li Nuo wrote down the name "Fan Fan Eats Rice" and at the same time activated the spell again to eavesdrop on the movements of the Cucumber Pian team.

Cucumber slices went online again five minutes later.

His game character who was staying in the cabin recovered from the dazed state of eyes and said:

"Brothers, Boss Jin said that he has a really severe headache today. He probably won't be able to complete the task, so he can only ask someone from the guild to do it for him. He will go online to receive the task, and then see if he can transfer the jump beacon mentioned in the task. Share it with the people in the guild. If the people in the guild cannot use spells to take away the artificial angel, then they can only try other methods, such as using a fleet and rope to directly drag away an artificial angel and hide it. Wait for Boss Jin’s body Okay, let’s use a spell to contain this artificial angel.”

The team members discussed:

"This is indeed a solution."

"It's not certain whether it will work or not. If the jump beacon in the mission cannot be shared, the mission will be completely useless."

Cucumber Pian coughed lightly and said:

"Ahem, brothers, there is another way to save the money. I want to discuss it with you. Don't we just have an artificial angel on hand? Boss Jin said that if it doesn't work, he will buy our boat directly. Let him drive to hand in the mission. Anyway, the artificial angel is bound to our ship, whoever drives the ship can hand in the mission. As for the money to buy the ship, Boss Jin is willing to use three battleships in exchange."

"Eh? You can have this."

"Boss Jin is so awesome."

The players' eyes sparkled.

This deal is definitely not a loss.

The players chatted happily, while Li Nuo fiddled with the mission interface behind the scenes.

Send tasks to players without knowing where the players are.

Li Nuo can send tasks to specific players as long as he enters the player's name on the task interface.

No matter when Jinlong Zaitian will go online, Li Nuo has already written the task and thrown it to the opponent.

The jump beacon mentioned in the mission was actually temporarily arranged by Li Nuo.

It was a black metal box over one meter high, with a built-in unified bureau-standard space signal source that could provide navigation services for ships produced by the unified bureau.

As long as they are ships of the United Nations, they can accept the guidance of this jump beacon.

This means that Jinlong Zaitian can share the identification code of the jump beacon with other players.

Other players can enter this identification code into the ship's navigation system to search for the jump beacon and jump over.

This practice of calling in off-site support by sharing identification codes seems to be quite common among the player community.

When Li Nuo eavesdropped on players' chats, he had heard that a certain player team was brought to the door by their enemies because their enemies knew the identification code of the jump beacon. During the mission, they were forcibly blown up and pinched. Egg, heavy losses.

It seems that the jump beacon identification code can be shared, and it has become a consensus in the eyes of players.

Back to topic.

Li Nuo was not sure how long it would take for the people from the Angel Enterprise Consortium to arrive at the scene, but he would not terminate the mission because of this.

It is inevitable to encounter setbacks during the game, and Li Nuo does not need to avoid every setback for players.

Li Nuo waited silently for a short while and saw a team of seven ships jumping here.

The ships in this issue are all battleships with the logo of the "Golden Dragon" guild on the hull.

On the leading ship, several players stood together with slightly nervous expressions, staring at the 19 artificial angels directly in front of the cockpit.

They first wondered why the artificial angel did not attack them, and then began to chant spells.

The first spell that was recited was mentioned in the mission Jin Long received in the sky.

This spell is only used by Jinlong Zaitian himself, so the players chanting the spell on their behalf has no effect.

The second part of the spell that was recited was mentioned in the mission that the Cucumber Patch team received.

Likewise, this spell has no effect.

Li Nuo certainly knows that making the spell effective can help players get twice the result with half the effort.

But he didn't want to do that.

This is a matter of principle.

He cannot make an exception to allow non-task recipients to recite spells and cast spells for the benefit of certain players.

Li Nuo wanted to use this incident to tell the players that only the players who received the mission can recite spells and cast spells, and no one else can.

Only in this way can we cut off the inappropriate thoughts of many players and prevent them from causing trouble.

There was no way around it. The previous actions of the players who refused to listen to the advice and insisted on watching at the battle scene had made Li Nuo deeply aware of the "chaos" and "profit-seeking" characteristics of the players.

Only by making them realize in advance that this road will not work can even greater disasters be avoided.

When the players in the fleet saw that the spell casting failed, they immediately launched Plan B.

They released swarms of drones from battleships and let the nimble little guys tie up artificial angels.

The seven battleships used metal chains to drag the artificial angel together, speeding towards a starry sky with sparse stars.

At the same time, several other fleets jumped over.

The ships that jumped here this time are all stealth frigates.

They formed a three-dimensional encirclement around the battleship and the towed artificial angel, deployed an invisible force field, and formed an invisible bubble, hiding the artificial angel and the ship from space.

This is a relatively common tactical method, usually used in special service operations.

If the "Golden Dragon" Guild had special stealth ships of the looter level, there would be no need to send out a stealth escort fleet to help the battleships achieve the stealth effect.

Because only one special service stealth predator ship is needed to provide a stealth force field with a coverage of five to six kilometers to cover a large number of ships performing special service operations.

Li Nuo nodded secretly when he saw the players from the "Golden Dragon" guild cooperated tacitly.

That's right.

Since the players have their own way to complete the task in a curved manner, there is no need for him, the man behind the scenes, to make an exception and help.

But at this moment, a sparkling light point appeared in the invisible fleet.

The fleet that was secretly transporting the artificial angels actually placed a jump beacon here!

In Li Nuo's slightly stunned eyes, many players' ships jumped here.

In just half a minute, the empty starry sky was filled with an ocean of player ships, and many ship collisions occurred.

A small bump was no longer enough to make the players stop and argue. All eyes were focused on the 18 "no one wanted" artificial angels.

As soon as the player's ship arrived, they sent out a swarm of drones to tie up the artificial angel and pull it hard like a tiger.

"Hiss—I never expected that these players are so wild?"

Li Nuo reacted immediately!

Jin Long Zaitian must have told other player guilds about the unattended artificial angel.

Whether this kind of sharing of information is paid or free, Li Nuo does not know for the time being.

But the series of events triggered by it were definitely beyond Li Nuo's expectations.

A large group of light drones dragged long metal chains to the area where Li Nuo was standing, and tied the chains around the artificial angel's body.

Li Nuo's mouth twitched fiercely, and he immediately prepared to change to an artificial angel.

Looking around, you can see that each of the 18 artificial angels on site has received the same treatment.

"Fortunately, when the players of the 'Golden Dragon' guild wanted to use spells to contain the artificial angels, I didn't help."

Li Nuo secretly rejoiced in his heart, and at the same time quietly stayed away from this place.

He had a vague premonition that it wouldn't take long before the fleet of the Angel Enterprise Complex would arrive.

Sure enough, just after Li Nuo flew more than ten kilometers, a large white light symbolizing the transition appeared and surrounded the entire scene.

The fleet of the Angel Enterprise Consortium has arrived.

The size of this team is relatively large.

The team includes not only 40 artificial angels armed with spears and shields, but also a joint battleship that looks like a holy dagger.

Li Nuo noticed that the artificial angels bore the emblem of the Redemption Angel Group, and the emblem of the Lord Angel Group appeared on the milky-white battleship filled with a holy aura. (End of chapter)

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