Constructing-Style Wizard

Chapter 434 424 Tool Man? No!

"Manual Aite guild members, the Demonic Host has been cleared in the Murtori Galaxy. Come on, the space beacon has been plugged in. Just jump over after passing the star gate."

"Eh? By the way, if the people later join us in fighting the Demon God Host, will they be able to successfully complete the SS-level mission?"

"Damn it, they are making too much money, aren't we working for them?"

"I think it's not a big problem. The rewards for side missions are most likely distributed according to contribution. Those of us who board the ship must be the first to make a contribution."

"I think so too..."

The players who arrived at the heavy transport ship first were busy discussing.

Around the transport fleet, more and more spacecraft are arriving via jump, doubling the pressure on the artificial angels.

The battle between the artificial angels and the player's fleet became increasingly fierce, and soon turned into a colorful fireworks show.

A young player said something next to him:

"Do you think the Unification Bureau will come over to help us fight the demon host?"

When he asked, the voice channel fell silent for a few seconds.

"Yes, this is not the territory of the General Bureau. There is no need for the General Bureau to maintain order here. Even if a demon host appears, the General Bureau will not send a fleet to suppress the demon host."

"Then without the support of the Coordination Bureau, would we still be able to defeat the demon host?"

"We can temporarily use three-ring magic. This should be the game's way of balancing the gap between us and the demon host."

"Can the new players also use three-ring magic?"

"Okay, okay, I asked. After they got close to the fleet, they also successfully activated the academy badge and were able to use three-ring magic like us."

"Oh~ Then I understand. It should be designed like this intentionally by the dog planner. In the future, when we encounter the demon host in the territory of the General Bureau, the helper will be the General Bureau. If we meet outside the territory of the General Bureau, the helper will be College badge. Is that what it means?"

Uh... not necessarily.

Li Nuo listened to the players' discussion and shook his head slightly.

If the Demon God Cells were of no use to him, Li Nuo would not show up every time when the Demon God Host arrived to join in the fun. The only thing the players could rely on was themselves.

Li Nuo glanced at the scene outside the ship.

There are so many player ships in space, at least tens of thousands of ships gathered here.

Li Nuo saw more than 300 battleships alone.

Battleships are specially designed to attack large targets.

The heavy cruise missiles they launch can create a huge fireball or thunderstorm field with a diameter of more than two kilometers with a single shot.

The 11 artificial angels who were still able to move freely were now overwhelmed by the ocean-like firepower.

When players kill them 4 times in a row, the defense force of the transport fleet will be basically eliminated.

Li Nuo gave the newly arrived players permission to use three-ring magic while waiting for the players to launch an attack on the demon host.

Even with the help of magic, the player's individual combat capabilities are difficult to compare with that of a combat frigate.

——This level of combat power is, to put it nicely, "able to evade the attacks of artificial angels with a high success rate". To put it in a bad way, it is "not even able to break through the defenses of artificial angels."

If you want to defeat the artificial angels head-on, you have to get on a battleship.

The mobility and defense of the demon host are even greater than those of the artificial angels. You can imagine how difficult the next battle will be.

In Li Nuo's opinion, the best combat strategy is not to fight the demon host inside the ship, but to guide it into outer space and saturate the opponent with the ship's artillery and missiles.

The commander responsible for directing the players to fight probably also thought of this.

The players who were wandering around the heavy transport ship began to evacuate the ship.

They gave up on the experience of killing armed crew members and the easy-to-get loot, and scurried back the same way they came, and got out of the hole in the cargo hold.

In a short time, only the armed crewmen were left in the noisy ship.

Li Nuo glanced at the laboratory, pondered for a moment, and left the ship.

In the laboratory, the demon host was eating.

Yes, that's what it means literally.

It treats the dark priests and armed crew members as rations, and quickly replenishes nutrients by devouring each other and others.

The body of the demon host is slightly thicker, but it is hard to change its thin appearance. Obviously, swallowing ordinary people cannot provide it with much nutrition.

In addition, Li Nuo also discovered a small detail.

That is, the demon host cannot eat metal objects and cannot draw energy from the ship's energy pipe network.

Otherwise, why would the demon host leave the sizzling wires alone and just stare at the flesh and blood body.

Li Nuo's observations did not stop there.

He used blood magic to see through the demon's host and saw the other's internal organs and bones.

In the process of eating, the demon host changed from one heart to three, and the fourth heart was growing.

He also had three extra pairs of lungs.

The liver, kidneys, spleen and other organs all showed growth.

The most exaggerated thing is the stomach pouch. There are actually 9 demon hosts in this thing, and the 10th one is currently growing.

All these organs are squeezed into the bamboo pole-like body, barely squeezing the trunk to expand.

About the time Li Nuo strolled slowly to the cargo hold, the demon host's organs stopped growing, and instead, the bone spurs on the surface of the body began to extend outward.

These bone spurs look sharp and hard, but are as soft as cotton.

They surround the limbs and torso of the demon host, spreading in circles, gradually covering the entire body.

After a layer of bone armor forms on the surface of the body, dense blood vessels protrude from the gaps in the bone armor, followed by fresh meat and fascia, and finally a layer of dark skin.

Li Nuo witnessed the changes in the demon host through "mental vision" outside the ship.

The demon god host, who was still very skinny before, has turned into a little giant with a height of five meters and a round waist.

On its body, the cloaks and armors made of blood and flesh fit tightly to the body, and the aura of cruelty and blood burst out.

With just a casual glance, others can feel a chill.

There is no doubt that this is a demon host obsessed with killing, and it can also gain more power by feasting on the corpses of its enemies.

Li Nuo raised his eyebrows and moved his eyes slightly.

He knew which dark god came here.

The Slaughterer Seslot, a weak divine power.

This dark god likes to use the big to bully the small, using one against many.

The players besieged his host, which was exactly what he wanted.

In a sense, if the players present suffer heavy casualties, the Demon God Host is likely to increase in strength by leaps and bounds.

To be more pessimistic, maybe after this battle, the demon host can grow into a qualified container, allowing all the will of the killer to come into his body, and transform into a real killer.

"Hey, is it really okay to let the players fight against the host of this dark god?"

Li Nuo couldn't help but think secretly.

He was very much like asking a player to ask if their entire army had been annihilated when they besieged the demon host in the past.

If so, where did the demon host that defeated the players go?

"Eh? By the way, I don't necessarily have to ask the player."

Li Nuo slapped his forehead and said that his reaction was a little slow.

He turned to activate his magic clone left in the Lisom galaxy, and contacted Captain Layton who was docking with him.

The person who connected to the interstellar communication was Captain Layton's negotiator Doris.

Li Nuo stated to her the fact that the demon host appeared in the Murtori galaxy, and then asked for information related to the demon host.

Doris has received instructions from the Unification Bureau and will try her best to meet Li Nuo's needs.

Not long after, an encrypted electronic document appeared in front of Li Nuo's magic clone.

"It has been one year and two months since the game "Star Sea" was officially launched. During this period, there have been 347 demon host invasions in the territory of the Bureau alone.

"When the game was first launched, players were not qualified to pilot spaceships, so they missed the previous 20 demon host invasion incidents. But in the subsequent 327 incidents, at least 100,000 players would rush to the scene to join in the fun each time.

"Thanks to the Coordination Bureau's proper response and the timely deployment of security guards, no demon host has escaped sanctions so far."

Li Nuo nodded secretly and thought:

"So, when it comes to dealing with the demon host, the Security Guards of the Coordination Bureau are the main force, and the players can only be regarded as onlookers at best."

It’s right when you think about it.

The warships of the Bureau of Coordination are real high-end military goods.

The ships in the player's hands are at most a little stronger than those of the armed traders.

The gap between the two can be compared to an elephant and a cheetah.

What worries Li Nuo even more is the strength of the demon host.

According to the statistics of the Unification Bureau, the weakest demon host destroyed 6 ships of the Unification Bureau, and the strongest one destroyed three full security guards. A total of 36 ships were forever turned into interstellar dust.

There is one fact that cannot be ignored:

The more players appear at the battle scene, the stronger the demon host becomes.

The Bureau has keenly observed that the demon host seems to be able to grow rapidly through killing.

Li Nuo didn't need to think too much to know that the demon hosts that appeared in the past should all be the containers of the Slayer.

After flipping through a few pages of information and looking at the pictures of the scene, Li Nuo confirmed that his guess was correct.

The appearance, body shape and fighting style of each demon host are highly consistent and completely consistent with the Slaughterer.

The demon host currently appearing in the transport fleet is no exception.

"Then it seems that the mastermind behind every creation of a demon host is the Slaughterer Seslot."

Li Nuo made a conclusion in his mind.

He controlled the magic clone and asked Doris if the Consolidation Bureau planned to eliminate the demon host in the Mercury system.

The answer given by Doris was not surprising. It was impossible for the Consolidation Bureau to send security guards into the territory of the Angel Enterprise Consortium to help eliminate hidden dangers.

Therefore, there are only two forces that can really help players.

One is the Guardian Angel Group of the Angel Enterprise Consortium, and the other is Li Nuo.

If neither of these two takes action, the player will inevitably face the destruction of the team.

Li Nuo cut off the connection with the magic clone and looked at the starry sky, but saw no sign of the Guardian Angel Group.

This local defense force, which should have appeared as soon as the demon host appeared, never came to join in the fun.

It was as if the angel corporate consortium had completely given up on fighting the demon host.

The players were obviously used as a weapon by the Angel Enterprise Consortium, and the reward paid by the latter was nothing more than a transport fleet.

To go deeper, Li Nuo himself has become a tool of the angel corporate consortium.

"Oh, what a good plan. I've been included in the calculation."

Li Nuo laughed at himself, secretly thinking that it was not too late for him to react at this time.

He thought for a moment, raised his hand and sent out a side quest.

All players received a message at the same time.

[You triggered the sudden mission: "Unqualified Tool Man\

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