Constructing-Style Wizard

Chapter 430 420 Pole Winding Technique

The Interstellar Insurance Group, a subsidiary of the General Bureau, will provide insurance services to players.

As long as sufficient premiums are paid, players can obtain insurance money after blowing up the ship.

The amount of the insurance money was approximately one-half of the total cost of the ship destroyed.

In other words, for the same ship, players only need to earn half of the cost of the whole ship and the insurance premium by driving it. No matter whether the ship is destroyed, the players have already recovered their money.

This is a kind of care and real subsidy from the Coordination Bureau, allowing every player to confidently and boldly fight in deep space zones.

A small player team of 1 to 10 people took on C-level tasks.

After inputting the space coordinates provided by the mission into the ship's navigation equipment, hundreds of small player teams jumped to the vicinity of the destination and began to use detection equipment to search for defense forces on resource planets in all directions.

Now that all forces are generally able to travel in space, the land-to-air combat method has not changed much.

The missile bases, hidden silos, shield field generators and other defense facilities arranged by the Angel Enterprise Complex on the surface are basically exposed to players' detection equipment due to the energy reaction during their own operation.

Only ships equipped with stealth modules for both atmospheric and space environments can fly out of the atmosphere and into space, catching players off guard.

But as said before, players are not afraid of death, sacrifice, or ship destruction, and the Angel Enterprise Complex does not have unlimited troops.

After nearly a hundred frigates were blown up, the players finally exhausted the enemy's maneuverability.

Before new enemy ships jump over, there are only passive defense forces on the resource planet that are resisting.

Next is the time for bombardment.

Whoever breaks through the opponent's shield first will gain the advantage.

However, don't underestimate what players can do.

Normally, the shield of the ground defense force must be penetrated first before the threat can be eradicated.

But for active players, defeating the enemy's ground defense forces is not the only option.

"Wait, wait, don't rush to launch missiles yet."

In a missile cruiser, the captain of the player team and the companions who control the firepower system said:

"Did we bring a rogue energy grabber?"

Several companions stopped firing missiles towards the ground.

One of them pressed a few times on the control interface to bring up the loading interface of the spacecraft, nodded and said:

"That's right. There are two rogue-type energy predators installed in the medium-sized slots of the spacecraft."

The team leader chuckled:

"Then we don't have to worry about breaking through the energy shield on the other side. I have an idea. Please listen to me carefully..."

The players murmured and discussed for a few minutes, and finally they all showed their front teeth and laughed maliciously.

The missile cruiser lowered its flight altitude, entered the atmosphere, and reached an altitude of about 10,000 meters away from the ground missile base.

After the missile cruiser's flight altitude is lowered, the difficulty for ground missile bases to lock it will undoubtedly be reduced.

The firepower threat faced by the cruiser suddenly doubled, and it was hit by at least five missiles every minute.

But even the sharp increase in firepower threats could not prevent the cruiser from continuing to lower its altitude.

It wasn't until they were only five thousand meters above the ground that the player leader gave the order to start orbiting.

The cruiser turned on full power and flew around the missile base at a speed of 300 meters per second in the atmospheric environment.

It shut down all missile launchers, stopped using the fire control system, and instead activated two rogue energy grabbers.

The target targeted by the predator is the shield of the ground missile base.

This energy grabber is called a "rogue type", so can it be serious?

Of course it’s not serious!

Compared with the ordinary type of looter, the range of the rogue energy looter is reduced by four-fifths, but the looting efficiency is increased by more than five times!

Five thousand meters is its range limit.

As long as this distance is maintained during orbiting flight, 50 megajoules of energy will be absorbed by the predator from the enemy shield every second and stored in the energy device of the spacecraft.

The two predators work together and absorb 100 megajoules of energy per second.

The energy consumption of a car traveling 100 kilometers is almost 50 megajoules.

By simply sucking and circling it, energy will flow into the spacecraft continuously.

When the spacecraft shield resists enemy missiles, the spacecraft will experience energy loss.

Now, this energy loss is made up for by rogue energy grabbers.

Not only that, after rough calculations, after deducting the necessary energy expenses, the spacecraft can still store energy at a rate of 30 megajoules per second.

"We seem to be going to get rich!" The leading player trembled slightly with excitement.

The other players on the spaceship were also extremely excited.

The player leader shouted:

"Quickly, switch the operating mode of the spacecraft computer to the computing power module production mode!"

A player performs a few quick operations.

The picture on the big screen in the control room changed, from the original battle picture outside the ship to a grid picture.

On the grid chart, the value representing the production speed of the computing power module has soared.

From now on, every bit of energy the spacecraft plunders from the outside world will be converted into a computing power module by the spacecraft's computer.

In the space age, energy is computing power, and computing power is money.

Each kilojoule of energy can be used by the computer to generate a computing power module.

Each computing power module can provide a computer with a 1024-bit operation.

In the computing power and energy exchange affiliated to the Unification Bureau, every 1,000 computing power modules are sold for 1 credit point.

In order to encourage individuals with excess computing power to sell computing power, the exchange waives transaction taxes on computing power modules.

In other words, players will earn a net income of 30 credits per second by flying the spaceship around in the sky!

That’s 108,000 credits in one hour!

Such a high hourly wage is definitely a well-deserved cash cow.

"Hiss... I have a feeling that once this new version is released, the credits will be worthless! Everyone, please quickly convert all the credits in your hands into cash to avoid the devaluation of the credits!"

The player leader said while operating his electronic wallet:

"This method of making money will probably be discovered by other players soon. How about I just make it public on the game forum and make a paid thread to make some money?"

"I have no objection. Hehehe, we finally get the bonus from the new expansion pack!"

"I don't have any objection, but we have to set the price of paid posts a little higher so that everyone can get more profits."

"I think the charging price can be lower. After all, if the charging price is high, it is very likely that second-rate traffickers will take our information and sell it to others."

Players discussed it enthusiastically and took advantage of the money-making benefits of hanging up the game.

This kind of life where money can be deposited into the account as long as the auto-cruise function of the spacecraft is turned on is simply like a dream.

"It's so cool~"

"Yeah~ It would be great if I could just lie down and make money every day~"

"By the way, let's give this method of making money a name."

"How about calling it 'circling a pole'? Look at the launcher at the missile base, doesn't it look like a pole?"

“Okay, okay, let’s call it this~~”

The atmosphere in the cockpit is pleasant.

Soon, paid tutorial posts for making money appeared on game forums.

As soon as the post came out, more and more small player teams gave up attacking resource planets.

They hurriedly returned to the Bureau's territory, installed rogue energy predators on the ships, and then rushed back to the battlefield without stopping and joined the army of people surrounding the pole.

Players performing B-level and A-level missions will not need to deal with the enemy's ground defense force, but the enemy's space station.

This group of players also saw the content of paid posts.

After some attempts, they found that their tasks could also earn money!

For a moment, the players performing C-level, B-level, and A-level tasks all forgot about the main goal of the mission, and they were all obsessed with making money, making money, or fucking making money.

(Note: This method of earning money does exist in EVE, but the principle is different from what is written in this book.)

Li Nuo hid behind the scenes, saw the actions of the little players, and called them good guys!

He was originally worried that the players' ships were too poorly equipped to deal with artificial angels.

Now he doesn't need to worry about it.

It is estimated that it won't be long before players who are obsessed with pole-circling will save enough money to buy a battleship or even a looter ship in full, and transform into a master of men and fight against artificial angels.

"Okay, okay, as expected of a player, this method of raising money can be explored. Now the overall strength of the players will make a qualitative leap."

Li Nuo thought to himself:

"I have to seize the opportunity of this sharp increase in game currency production, sell high-end magic props in the academy, ruthlessly search for players' credit points, and then use these credit points to buy supplies in bulk from the Unification Bureau. "

At this stage, the magic props produced by Li Nuo are basically for single use, which seems to be somewhat incompatible with vehicles such as interstellar ships.

This is not a big problem.

Based on his own experience of wandering in space, Li Nuo summed up some plans, just waiting to intercept the transport fleet and then return to the magic academy to practice.

By the way, would those big guilds give up their mission of intercepting the transport fleet and go around the pole to earn money?

Li Nuo was a little worried that the Grand Guild would cancel its mission to intercept the transport fleet because it could not resist the temptation of paying for money.

He switched the spell markers in his mind and searched for the Grand Guild's fleet.

found it.

The five major guilds that accepted this mission each sent a fleet of hundreds of people to carry out the mission.

The so-called "hundred-person scale" refers to the scale when the mission was first accepted.

After the emergence of the method of making money around poles, the number of people in these five fleets was severely reduced, with an average of less than 50 people left in each team.

It seems that even the big guilds can't resist the temptation to circle the pole.

Fortunately, all the players who left the queue were frigates and cruisers.

The ships driven by the remaining players are all battleships, and their individual combat effectiveness is the benchmark among the current player group.

Generally speaking, the overall strength of the players who came to help Li Nuo intercept the transport fleet has not dropped much.

Li Nuo thought about it and decided to add a little bit of information to this group of determined players, so that they would know that doing things for themselves is far more profitable than circumventing the pole.

With this thought, Li Nuo quickly compiled the mission information and sent it to the players who were about to approach the warning range of the transport fleet.

【Notice! 】

[The status of the mission target has changed! 】

[Due to the influence of unknown factors, the combat strength of the transport fleet has increased. 】

[The master of the Black Hole Magic Academy has sensed the changes in the enemy and now provides you with temporary buffs. 】

[Players please wear the wizard apprentice badge immediately and accept the temporary gain from the master of the academy! 】

After leaving the academy, players no longer have the habit of wearing badges.

Now as soon as they heard the content of the game broadcast, they took out the apprentice badge from their pockets and wore it on their left chest.

After all the players put on their badges, Li Nuo, who was in the heavy transport ship, rubbed his fingers and sketched the spellcasting blueprint in his mind.

He used the apprentice badge as a medium to accurately cast spell combinations that he had designed long ago on the players.

The first spell combination, "Space Walk"!

This spell combines "Space Magic Clothes", "Airflow" and "Hurricane Armor".

It allows players to exit the cabin as individuals and enter the deep and dangerous space.

The "space magic suit" will provide them with oxygen and standard atmospheric pressure.

"Airflow" helps players move quickly in space at a speed of 2,000 meters per second.

"Hurricane Armor" protects players from dislocation of internal organs when moving at high speeds, as well as the huge impact at the moment of docking.

As for the radiation and freezing temperatures in the universe, players don’t have to worry about it. The profession they work for, "Star Warrior," can perfectly withstand low temperatures and radiation.

In short, with this spell combination, everyone is a space ranger and everyone is a boarding war madman.

This is not over yet.

The second spell combination, "Magic Leap"!

Li Nuo also called this spell combination the "Three Ring Wizard Experience Card".

As the name suggests, with the blessing of this spell combination, players who are wizard apprentices can temporarily use the spells of three-ring wizards.

At the same time, their energy perception ability and the acuity of their facial features will also be simultaneously improved to the level of the third ring.

Spells such as "Fireball", "Thunder Spear", "Rock and Earth Shield", etc. are all at your fingertips.

There is also an opportunity to cast high-level spells for free waiting for them.

The only thing the player has to do is to follow the game prompts, make the correct gestures, and call out the spell names that are full of charm...

The appearance of the two spell combinations "Space Walk" and "Magic Leap" immediately aroused players' desire to fight!

After the players read the game prompts, their enthusiasm and excitement were palpable.

"Damn it! I knew magic could be perfectly integrated with the space theme!"

"I'm going out of the cabin to pick up the ship. Who wants to go with me?"

"Oh my god! If you can walk in space, who will fly a spaceship!"

"Let me tell you, when the wizard's level is high enough, he can definitely destroy more than a dozen ships by himself!"

"Come on, come on, everyone, come to the hatch! With the bonus from the master of the academy, we can avoid battle damage to the ship!"

The cries for launching a boarding battle grew louder and louder than ever.

The fleet commanders of each guild were stubborn and could only temporarily change their battle plans.

They separated a small group of people to sail the ship and ordered the use of long-range weapons to bombard the enemy fleet.

Everyone else left the ship in landing pods and entered outer space, heading towards the enemy fleet.

It has to be said that the transport fleet was stunned at the players' actions that were so out of tune with the trend of the times.

Come on, we are in the space age. Who would still rely on boarding warfare to fight like in the sailing era?

Several staff members of the Angel Enterprise Consortium who walked past Li Nuo had expressions and tones that said "I'm afraid the person on the other side is not a fool", as if they and others had already taken advantage of this group of attackers.

After all, the shields and external armor of the transport fleet are not just decorations.

If you want to launch a boarding battle, you must first break these two things.

No matter how strong an individual is, it is almost impossible to penetrate the ship shield and external armor in a short time and successfully enter the ship.

Li Nuo watched the sarcastic staff walk away with a hint of a bad smile on his lips.

Yes, it is indeed impossible for people outside to break through the shields and armor plates.

But what if someone opens the door for them?

Li Nuo suppressed a smile, raised his hand and pressed it on the metal wall of the corridor, and quietly opened the back door of the heavy transport ship for the players. (End of chapter)

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