Constructing-Style Wizard

Chapter 426 416 Sneaking into dangerous areas

"The hidden profession of 'Dark Priest' is a bit weird. "

Li Nuo felt that he had underestimated the harm of leaked game source code.

It is obvious that the Dark God Cult is not just as simple as polluting the player's character, it has also extended its claws to the player's body, soul or other things in reality.

Based on Li Nuo's understanding of the core of the plane, creatures like players are not human beings in the true sense.

Each plane core has the ability to breed a soul.

As the person behind the game "Star Ocean", the core of the "Command" plane does not have to actually find a planet and spread the game helmets on it.

It only needs to shape the soul into the player's shape in its own plane space, and set up a life and work scene for them to create a human soul that likes to play games.

From this perspective, the player's body is contaminated by the Dark God Cult, which means that the core of the "Command" plane has been eroded by the Dark God Cult.

This is definitely a big deal.

If the erosion continues, the core of the "Command" plane will no longer exist, and players will become lackeys of the Dark God Cult.

"On the mission I received before, there was a message that the game was being repaired. This shows that the core of the "Command" plane is aware of the problem. Now I can only place my hope on the core of the "Command" plane. Only it can clean up the pollution of the Dark God Cult. "

Li Nuo thought about it and took action.

Before setting off for the Angel Enterprise Complex, he had to make arrangements for the academy.

Players who join the academy are now in the wizard apprenticeship stage.

They earn credits by completing daily, weekly, and side missions.

Credits can be used to redeem wizard preschool courses and teaching materials.

In accordance with Unas Ring's plan for cultivating wizards, Li Nuo made "Magic Herbology", "Monsterology" and "Magic General Knowledge" compulsory courses at the preschool stage.

You only need to learn a little bit to complete the contents of these three courses, and it will not consume many brain cells of the player.

When the player's credits reach 10,000 points, they can exchange for the opportunity to take the exam to be promoted to a first-level wizard.

The exam content is also very simple.

A paper with a perfect score of 100 points only needs 30 points to pass. It can be said that it is given for free.

In addition, you also need to help Li Nuo hunt enough artificial angels.

After completing the civil and military examinations, players can exchange credits for meditation and spells, and officially take up a new profession.

In order to ensure that the affairs of the college were in order while he was away from the college, Li Nuo deliberately spent a lot of energy and time to summon magic puppets with relatively high intelligence levels.

They were a group of elves whose height and proportions were similar to humans.

With pointed ears, big eyes, fair skin, tall figure, and wearing a magic robe, he is both elegant and eye-catching, and will definitely catch the player's attention.

This group of elves has been assigned the role of lecturers, mentors and professors by Li Nuo, and will be responsible for guiding players to complete standardized examinations and first-level wizard level courses.

Since Li Nuo limited the daily amount of spiritual nourishing potion, no matter how hard the krypton gold bosses worked, it would still take them two months to advance to the first level.

Therefore, in a short period of time, such a group of elf teachers will definitely be enough, and there will not be a shortage of personnel.

One day later, everything was arranged, and Li Nuo boarded the Bureau's shuttle ship in his true form.

The Star Gate will not be open to players until two days later, but at this time Li Nuo can already go to the Angel Enterprise Complex first.

This is one of the agreements reached between Li Nuo and the Unification Bureau.

The shuttle ship carried Li Nuo, departing from the deep space area where the black hole was located, and arrived at the star gate of the Lisom galaxy.

In order to better manage space traffic, the star gates of the galaxy are only connected to the star gates of the corresponding star fields.

After waiting for a moment, the huge ring-shaped star gate flashed brightly.

Light enveloped the shuttle ship.

A second later, Li Nuo arrived at the star gate of the Creda Star Territory.

After waiting here for another minute, the stargate with the same appearance used a bright light to pick up the shuttle ship.

This jump lasted about five minutes.

During this period of time, Li Nuo traveled from the Corridor constellation where the Lisom galaxy is located to the Candle constellation closest to the Angel Enterprise Complex.

When the shuttle ship left the jump channel, what appeared in front of them was an extremely heavily guarded dilapidated star gate.

The appearance of this star gate resembles a palm with five fingers spread out, and the iron-gray metal shell is covered with patches and welding strips.

Around it, there are many space sentry towers hovering around it, and there are countless standard battleships of the Security Guard of the Bureau, making it look like a scene facing a formidable enemy.


On the control panel of the shuttle ship, a holographic screen was projected and floated in front of Li Nuo.

The avatar of negotiator Doris appeared on the holographic screen.

She said:

"Your Excellency, you have arrived at the Hakapuk Star Gate. This star gate was left behind when the Angel Enterprise Complex invaded the territory of the Bureau on a large scale. It is now closed. We will not activate it until you are ready. it."

Li Nuo was now dressed as a wizard wearing a purple-black magic robe, a hood and a mask.

He said:

"I'm ready and ready to go at any time. Has this place always been so heavily guarded?"

"That's not true. In the past, there was only one permanent security guard here. After confirming that the portal would be opened for a long time to allow the undead to enter and exit the Angel Enterprise Complex, the Consolidation Bureau transferred five security guards to To deal with the possible invasion of artificial angels.”

As Doris spoke, she pressed a few buttons on the console in front of her:

"The stargate will complete preheating in 15 minutes. After preheating, you still need to wait 3 minutes for recharging. We have arranged for a clone fleet to escort you into the stargate. If the destination of the stargate jump appears Deviation, the fleet will bring you back here and jump again. The probability of the wrong jump destination is about 2%. This is something that cannot be avoided. After all, this is the stargate of the Angel Enterprise Complex, not ours. I hope you Understandable."

Li Nuo nodded, expressing understanding, and sighed casually:

"The undead don't have to worry about accidentally dying due to a deviation in the jump destination. This is enviable."

"Well, that's right. Fortunately, the Consolidation Bureau has clone pilots, which are comparable to the undead to a certain extent." Doris said with a smile.

The appearance of the star gate on the palm has changed.

Thin and long luminous strips lit up on the star gate.

There are countless star-like flash points on both sides of the luminous strip.

In less than 10 minutes, the originally gray star gate turned into a palm with a shining gem glove, and the whole body exuded a dazzling pearlescent light.

Li Nuo's shuttle moved slowly, merged into a clone fleet, and stopped with the opponent's ship in the palm of his hand.

Rays of bright light started from the palm and spread to the five fingers.

The fingertips of the five fingers each shot a beam of light towards the direction of the fleet.

Five light pillars converged together, forming a bright light group that enveloped the entire fleet.

Li Nuo felt that the outside of the ship was completely white, and there were manic and dangerous energy fluctuations everywhere.

After this state lasted for nearly ten seconds, Li Nuo felt light, his weightlessness doubled, and he followed the fleet into the jump channel.

The transition process this time can be described as long.

Colorful spots of light flashed across the jump channel, the ship trembled slightly in the surge of energy, and the pointer on the control panel swayed left and right.

A full 10 minutes passed before the shuttle ship left the jump channel.

Looking around, Li Nuo saw a strange starry sky with a dark green background through the ship's optical observation window.


The holographic screen popped up, and on the screen was a Captain of the United Nations Bureau with three-dimensional facial features, it was Layton.

To be precise, a clone of Captain Layton.

"Your Excellency, the jump is successful. We have arrived at the border system of the Angel Enterprise Complex. This place is named the Murtory Galaxy by the Consolidation Bureau. Our stealth battleship is shielding us from the Angel Enterprise Complex's radar and detectors. 3 minutes later , the fleet will return. Please be prepared to leave the invisible state."

Li Nuo nodded his chin slightly, stood up, pulled the mechanical switch of the shuttle ship, and opened the hatch manually.

The moment he left the cabin, his body quickly transformed into a transparent shadow and disappeared completely, leaving behind a stunned Captain Layton.

"The magic is incredible...he just went into outer space."

On the holographic screen, Layton turned his head and looked at the crew members around him:

"Sergeant, can our detection equipment detect that guest?"

"Report, undetectable. We found no trace of humans around."

Layton glanced at the slowly closing shuttle ship door and cut off the communication.

Three minutes later, under the cover provided by the stealth battleship, the fleet collectively launched the jump engines and entered the jump channel.

Without the help of the Star Gate, it would take them at least an hour to reach the territory of the Unification Bureau.

Stealth battleships can help suppress abnormal fluctuations in space signals caused by jumps, but the effect is relatively limited.

The moment the stealth battleship entered the jump channel, the freed space signal fluctuated abnormally and inevitably spread in all directions.

Within 10 minutes after the entire fleet jumped away, several light spots visible to the naked eye moved towards the direction where the fleet had been.

As the distance got closer, the outline of the light spot became clear, and they were clearly five giant human creatures as tall as mountain peaks.

They have white wings with thick feathers and dense branches. Long tail flames shoot out from the tail of the wings, propelling them forward at high speed.

Metal armor glowing with milky white light protects their bodies, and white firearms with holy shapes make them majestic and sacred.

Their faces were expressionless, and their pupils were like crystals made of glass balls, showing no emotion at all.

These are five artificial angels who belong to the Guardian Angel Group.

Judging from their appearance, protective gear, and firearms, they should be gunfighting angels from the constellation Warrior. They can maneuver at high speeds in space and attack enemies with laser rays.

The team of five Warrior Angels is the standardized patrol unit of the Guardian Angel Group.

After noticing the strange and abnormal space signals appearing in space, they immediately rushed here to detect the remaining space signals in all directions.

Five artificial angels hover in five directions, forming a circle.

They teamed up to emit light, using a bulging white spherical light curtain to surround the remaining space signals.

After maintaining this action for a few minutes, they seemed to analyze something from the space signal and turned around to fly towards a celestial body in the dark green background of the universe.

None of the artificial angels noticed that a completely transparent figure had blended into their ranks.

The universe is vast beyond imagination.

Even with the intelligence provided by the Coordination Bureau, it was difficult for Li Nuo to accurately locate the target in an unfamiliar area.

He decisively took advantage of the jump fluctuations of the Bureau's fleet and waited for the artificial angels who came to investigate.

Now he was clinging to the back of one of the artificial angels, following them to their next stop.

The "veil of separation" became Li Nuo's barrier, preventing him from being discovered by artificial angels.

Information about the artificial angel flashed through his mind. Li Nuo followed the information and moved towards the head of the artificial angel little by little.

The artificial angel's back is as broad as a football field, and its head is more like the big ball of an observatory.

Li Nuo stopped at the back of the artificial angel's head, using his mental power to penetrate the other person's outer shell, carefully sensing the situation inside the head.

"'s exactly as written in the information. The head of the artificial angel is equivalent to the cockpit of a normal battleship. I sensed two pilots soaked in tissue fluid inside..."

Li Nuo pondered for a moment and felt carefully.

A picture appeared in his mind.

The two pilots were wearing tight-fitting suits, with their eyes closed, respirators in their mouths, and their entire bodies soaked in yellow-green artificial angel tissue fluid.

They have silvery-white tubes on the back of their heads.

The other end of the pipeline extends into the muscles of the artificial angel and is connected to the nerve center of the artificial angel.

Li Nuo nodded slightly:

"That's right, the two pilots used neural connection to control the artificial angel. This method of operation requires a very high thinking synchronization rate between the two pilots."

Regarding the quality of pilots, there is a saying:

Third-rate pilots rely on AI, second-rate pilots rely on brain chips, and first-rate pilots control nerve impulses.

Players can barely squeeze into the second-rate level by relying on krypton gold.

But a first-class existence like an artificial angel pilot will always be an existence that is out of reach for players for at least two years.

There is no other reason. Relying on neural connections to control a ship is itself a skill that consumes time, energy, and lifespan.

Third-rate and second-rate pilots can rely on clones to extend their lives, but first-rate pilots cannot. Not only do their average lifespans only reach 30 years, they also cannot use clones to extend their lives.

This is because once the mind is switched to the clone, the pilot has to re-adapt to the ship in order to achieve smooth neural connection, which is an arduous process that lasts more than ten years.

With top-notch pilots, coupled with large-caliber pulse-type shipborne laser cannons and an outer space cruising speed of up to 3,000 meters per second, the combat effectiveness of the artificial angels is unquestionable.

Li Nuo had no intention of confronting these powerful artificial creatures head-on.

He just wants to use the flow of ships of the Angel Enterprise Complex as a springboard to get close to the mastermind controller that seals the Assassination Angel as soon as possible. Once the plan to destroy the mastermind controller is confirmed, he will immediately guide the players to come to help. (End of chapter)

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