Constructing-Style Wizard

Chapter 422 412 Wonders of the Universe

The location of the plot NPC that players have been clamoring for has finally been revealed on the game’s official website.

However, the game's dog planner did not directly specify the specific spatial coordinates. Instead, like the Riddler, it provided players with three clues to find the NPC on their own.

The three clues are described in words, with no pictures for reference.

Ordinary players, faced with such rudimentary content, shout that the planner is not a good person, and wait for plot decryption parties like the Cucumber Pian team to help them solve their doubts.

Cucumber Pian and others are actually not much better than ordinary players.

Just because the three clues published on the official website seem to have nothing to do with the underground treasure room of Planet Lisom-13.

In the studio office of Cucumber Pian, the players in the team gathered in the conference room and started brainstorming.

The appearance of the players in the game is very different from that in reality, and no one makes much use of the game’s beauty tools to modify themselves.

This is the rule set by Cucumber Pian to prevent his true appearance from being used by people with ill intentions and then use it to deceive him.

Everyone was sitting in the conference room, pondering over the clues given by the official website.

"Why do I feel that the clues displayed on the official website do not describe the location of Lisom-13?"

A young player asked, breaking the dullness.

Everyone nodded and looked at the cucumber slices.

Cucumber Pian sat on the chair with his arms folded, his brows furrowed, and he said in a deep voice:

"Yes, I think so too. I asked Strawberry Juice to check the game's database, but I couldn't find a location that completely matched these three clues."

The game's database is officially established, and you can query basic information about known galaxies, as well as panoramic images for viewing.

The first clue provided by the game’s official website is: EC9-DT5-4ER-TGF.

This is a series of standard spatial coordinates, compiled with reference to the navigation guide of the Bureau of Coordination. Players can directly import it into the database and convert it into a more detailed text description.

This string of space coordinates points to the deep space area of ​​the Lysom galaxy.

The so-called deep space zone refers specifically to areas that cannot be directly reached through jump.

Any interstellar ship can only send a deep space probe into the deep space area first, and then use the signal fed back by the probe as a guide to reach that area.

As senior plot party players, Cucumber Pian and others are very familiar with the deep space zone.

That place is usually set up as a copy space by the game.

Ships that jump there will automatically join the dungeon and start battles with monsters, or carry out rescue, decryption, interception and other tasks.

It is not difficult to crack this first clue.

The difficulty lies in the second and third items.

The second clue reads: Only people driving escape pods can enter this place.

The third clue is: once you enter, you cannot leave without permission.

This is rather nonsense.

There are no defense and fire systems on the escape hatch.

If you open an escape pod and jump to the Lysolm system, and then enter the deep space zone, isn't that just giving away the heads of ill-intentioned players?

There will definitely be people who are full and have nothing to do, squatting in the Lysom galaxy, scanning the escape cabins in all directions, and then extorting money, or even directly using porn to force themselves to masturbate.

"Did the skeleton-looking NPC move to another location?"

A player asked.

"Judging from the clues we have, it is like this." Another player replied.

"Why would he change places? That's weird."

"If Boss Jin can't find the NPC as soon as he goes online, he will go crazy."

"Speaking of which, do you know what that NPC's name is?"

As soon as this question came up, the scene fell into dead silence.

Yes, what is the name of the NPC?

From beginning to end, the game interface uses a question mark to refer to that NPC.

Everyone has no other impression except that he is a skeleton.

Seeing that the maintenance is about to end, everyone still has not come up with a reason.

With half an hour left before leaving the server, Cucumber Pian could only end the meeting and let everyone get ready to go online and take each step step by step.

Time passed in anxious waiting.

Half an hour later, the players put on their game helmets, sat back on their chairs, and officially went online.

Lysolm Galaxy.

Dikaga Federal Space Naval Academy, Logistics Engineering Space Station.

The space station, which was deserted one second, became lively the next.

Players screamed and ran through the corridors, rushed to the terminal, and rented the space station's escape pod.

The players in the space station are basically members of the Golden Dragon in Heaven Guild.

Only a handful of people passed the first ring trial mission before the maintenance and got the magic egg.

Before the maintenance, most people had just arrived at the space station and set up a safe zone for resurrection.

There is no need for the golden dragon to urge you. Players who are not afraid of losing experience will naturally take the lead and explore the path to the location pointed by the three clues.

After using deep space detectors to lock the target location, the first batch of escape capsules set off.

The egg-shaped escape capsule turned into a white light and entered the jump channel.

Not long after, shocking news came from the destination, triggering enthusiastic responses in the guild's chat channel.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

"Don't just lie, you should tell the truth!"

"Speak quickly, tell me quickly, what is going on there!"

There is no news from the players who previously sent back messages, and their avatars also have the words "temporarily out of contact", and they seem to have entered a state of combat.

The strange thing is that the players who entered the battle state with escape capsules were not immediately destroyed and returned to the space station to rebirth.

This bizarre scene lasted for about three minutes before being broken up.

A player who had completed the first ring trial mission before left the game by being forced offline, and then used real-life chat software to send information about the destination to Jinlong Zaitian.

Jinlong Zaitian did not hide anything and directly announced it in the in-game chat group.

It turned out that at some point, a black hole with a diameter of about 10 kilometers appeared in that deep space area.

That's right, it's the kind of black hole that even light can't escape from.

However, this black hole is a bit strange.

First, it can be observed with the naked eye.

Secondly, it does not affect the use of deep space detectors, it just cannot be scanned out.

Its visual effect is that of a round black celestial body.

Once the player's escape pod comes close to it, they will be sucked into it.

During this process, the escape capsule will be destroyed, the player's soul will separate from the body and float into the black hole, while the body will be stranded outside.

According to this player who was forced to log out, after entering the black hole, he will find himself in the form of a soul in a small town full of classical atmosphere.

Next to the town is a magic academy where players can register and participate in trials.

In other words, the new map updated in this expansion is built in a black hole.

When players enter the map, they enter a black hole.

This unique map loading method made the players who heard the news shout out that it was novel, and it was a rare compliment for the planning's imagination.

So is there a way to leave this new map?

The answer is yes.

But a little harsh.

Only by completing the first ring trial task and officially registering as a wizard apprentice at the Magic Academy can you freely enter and exit the black hole.

If this player who forced himself to go offline had not wanted to bring the news back as soon as possible, he would definitely have spent more time finishing the plot of the registered apprentice before coming out.

Jin Long waved his hand in the sky, generously awarded a sum of guild points, and then ordered all guild members to set off.

The Wuyangyang army of escape pods was dispatched, turning into white rays of light and flying towards the black hole.

After they left, players from other galaxies belatedly arrived at the space station and set up safe zones.

At this time, rumors about the new map in the black hole had spread like wildfire.

As soon as many players arrived at the space station, they couldn't wait to put on the escape capsule and set off.

Tao Jinghe is also one of them.

He used the game's paid service to create a new character with a high-level planet background, named "Rebirth: I Will Not Be a Cow or Horse".

When he found out that the new map was a black hole, Tao Niuma couldn't help but mutter to himself:

"The name of the hidden job mission I received is called "Destroy the Black Hole Visitors". At the time, I didn't understand why it was called this. Now I understand. The new map is a black hole. So what does it mean to eliminate the Black Hole Visitors? Are you going to make me go against the players who joined the Magic Academy?"

Tao Niuma thought carefully.

First, he had to make sure of one thing.

He didn't know if he could join the magic academy after receiving the task of "Destroying the Black Hole Visitors".

If he couldn't, wouldn't his trip have been in vain and he would have missed the opportunity to find a new profession in the magic department.

It was difficult for Tao Niuma to accept such a huge loss.

But when he thought that if he didn't follow the task, a black rope would appear in reality and strangle him, Tao Niuma couldn't help but tremble.

"Forget it, forget it, let's go to the black hole first. It's a new map after all."

Tao Niuma boarded the escape capsule provided by the space station and set off for the black hole.

After a while, he and a large group of players arrived at their destination.

Almost the moment their escape capsule left the jump channel, the suction force from the black hole acted on the escape capsule and their bodies.

Everyone passively drifted towards the black hole, gradually feeling their bodies become weak and cold.

In the surprised eyes of the players, they saw their souls separated from their bodies in the form of translucent shadows, floating out of the cabin uncontrollably.

Many players have turned on the camera function to record the entire process of entering the black hole.

Tao Niuma was worried, fearing that he would die suddenly.

Fortunately, everything was fine from the time he left the escape cabin to the time he set foot in the rumored magical town.

Looking around, Tao Niuma suddenly felt relaxed and happy.

Indeed, it is true that this is a magical town with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

It is built on the mountainside, and the terrain is gradually too high.

Below is a clear river like a white ribbon, with greenery and vitality on both sides.

Above are the towering mountains, and the Magic Academy is built on the mountains, which is magnificent.

There are many magical elves wearing hoods and magic robes, less than half a meter tall, flying in the sky.

The elves have fair skin, pleasant appearance, and pointed ears.

They either form a band, play cheerful tunes in the air, or drive small magic carriages to transport supplies.

There are also some elves riding white flying-winged war horses, carrying magic wands, and patrolling in the air in a stylish manner.

It’s hard not to be fascinated by such a small town full of magical atmosphere.

While Tao Niuma was intoxicated by the small town atmosphere, he also had a sense of superiority in his heart.

He is no ordinary player.

He received a hidden mission, which was an unparalleled advantage for ordinary players.

While taking up a magic profession, he can receive additional rewards from the Dark God Cult.

This kind of business with twice the result with half the effort can make any player laugh out of his dreams.

Tao Niuma felt content and followed the guidance of the signs towards the gate of the Magic Academy.

What he didn't know was that several elves were staring at him, with inexplicable gleams in their eyes.

Inside the castle of the Magic Academy.

Li Nuo sat at the large dark red desk, staring at the magic glass ball in front of him.

Through the perspective of the elf, he saw "I will not be a cow or horse after rebirth" in the crowd.

Li Nuo was certain that this guy should have been contaminated by the Dark God Cult and degenerated into a junior Dark Priest.

Li Nuo's basis is not the detection result of detecting magic, but comes from passive deconstruction.

He used a spell called "Artificial Black Hole" to create this unique space.

"Artificial Black Hole" is a domain spell, not an offensive or defensive spell.

Although it has some ability to distort space, it will not expand on its own and swallow everything like a real black hole.

In addition, the casting conditions of this spell are relatively harsh and can only be cast once every six months.

If it withstands more than 1,200 trillion magical energy at one time, it will break and disappear.

As for the effect of the black hole pulling the player's soul out of the body, it is achieved by the spell "Soul Extraction".

Ordinary detection magic and the player name boards provided by the game cannot detect the fishy behavior of some players.

However, during the process of soul extraction, passive deconstruction will be triggered normally, so Li Nuo can know the results of each player's deconstruction.

The words "Faction: Dark Goddess Cult" appeared in the deconstruction results of the player in front of him.

Not only him, but more than 20 other players also experienced this situation.

These players all have one thing in common, that is, their characters are all new and have just been created not long ago.

Their profession column has only one profession: Junior Space Marine, level 0.

Their game wallets, personal resumes, etc. are all blank.

Judging from previous information, players who have recently deleted their characters are the targets of contamination from the Dark God Cult.

Li Nuo thought for a few seconds, called up the game interface in his mind, and activated the reporting function.

It's better not to let black sheep like this interfere with your own college affairs, so as not to breed tigers.

Li Nuo filled in the IDs of 22 players in the report column at once, and then clicked OK.

After a short wait, Li Nuo witnessed the 22 players being forced offline with stunned expressions.

"Hmm~ Yes, yes. It seems that the core of the plane behind the game "Star Sea" is quite concerned about the pollution of the Dark God Cult, and they blocked their account so quickly."

Li Nuo nodded with satisfaction and continued to observe the visitors secretly.

Several fleets with completely different behavior styles from the players jumped to the vicinity of the black hole.

Li Nuo switched the observation screen and saw clearly the emblem on the fleet.

"Huh? How did I attract people from the Unification Bureau? Hiss...wait a minute, are these alien space natives who are just NPCs to players also planning to find a career in the magic system?" (End of Chapter)

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