Constructing-Style Wizard

Chapter 281 Chapter 281 Where is

【system information:】

【You have obtained the following deconstruction results:】

[Deconstruction Result 1: Most of the panel information of "Clint Windhawk Clone":]

[Name] clone of Clint Windhawk

[Type] Holy Wind Magic Clone

[Identity 1] The hidden wizard of Hotams

[Identity 2] Clint Windhawk's clone

[Identity 3] Representative of "Wind Eagle Domain"

【Character Level】Level 95

Character level is related to the average value of attributes

【Battle Level】

System Prediction:

In the gas environment, the combat level is 95

In the underwater environment, the battle level is 72

In a vacuum environment, the battle level is 55


1. Full Mind Magic Clone

This magical avatar possesses a full set of minds independent of the deity.

Before the magic avatar is fused with the deity, all his actions are decided by himself.

The memory and mind of this magic avatar are strictly restricted by the deity, and there is no information related to the "Field of the Wind Eagle".

The magic avatar is an energy body, without flesh and blood, and has special skills related to the energy body.

2. Plane travel

This magical avatar has the ability to travel between the natural world and the sub-plane.

Without restriction, he can go back and forth between the natural world and the "Wind Eagle Domain" at any time.

3. Pseudo-eternals

Immune to all negative effects related to aging, but not immune to death, disease, disaster and pain.

4. Remnant creatures

In this magical avatar, there is one-twelfth of the soul of the deity.

5. Extraordinary characteristic: mastery of wind element (incomplete)

This Extraordinary characteristic comes from the deity.

The magic avatar can easily understand most of the wind magic.

(The rest of the features are omitted)

【Basic attributes】

Toughness: 52

Vitality: 0 (magic clone does not have flesh and blood components)

Strength: 15

Dexterity: 153

Spirit: 285

Will: 112

Charm: 23



Active skills:

"Summon Subplane", level 115, lower plane spell:

Summon a small piece of "Wind Eagle Domain" plane space to replace the space at a specific location and create a combat environment that is beneficial to you.

"Rhythm of the Wind", level 90, wind spell:

Use up to 90 wind-law airflows to detect targets that cause medium vibration within the specified range. The maximum detection target is 90.

"Avatar of the Wind", level 95, wind spell:

Transform yourself into pure wind energy, immune to most control and damage, acquire the ability of continuous short-distance teleportation, and greatly strengthen all wind magic.

(other active skills omitted)


Passive skill:

"Secondary Plane Rebirth", the highest level, passive skill:

After this magical clone is killed, it will be reborn in the "Wind Hawk Realm". Only by killing him or his real body in the "Windhawk Realm" can this clone be permanently destroyed.

"Whisper of the Wind", the highest level, passive skill:

It can passively monitor the vibration of the medium within a radius of 4.5 kilometers.

"Wind Energy Absorption", the highest level, passive skill:

This magical avatar is an energy body, which can quickly recover from injuries and energy loss by absorbing wind magic power.

(The remaining passive skills are omitted)


(It will appear later. It is omitted for now to prevent the number of words.)

[Decomposition Result 2, you have obtained the memory fragment of the target:]

[Memory Fragment 1: "Spell Backlash Caused by Lightning Energy Detonation", completeness 100%]

[Memory Fragment 2: "Communication Process with Lunk and Benqi Jilei", 100% complete]

[Memory Fragment 3: "Using "Rhythm of the Wind" to Detect the Process of the Seabed", Completeness 70%]

[(Other memory fragments omitted)]

"This is the magic avatar of a super-sacred wizard. The magic avatar has the power of a holy position, and his real body is a super-sacred one. In addition, this magic avatar is a pseudo-eternal creature, which can not only be immune to aging, but also be able to survive the next time. Reborn in the plane..."

Li Nuo frowned slightly, and repeatedly read the panel information he had just obtained.

According to "Magic Plane Science":

The livable subplanes are generally divided into four types: small, medium, large, and superimposed.

The names of small habitable subplanes end with the words "court", "garden", "valley" and so on.

Professor Erica's "Court of Silence" has the word "court", which is a small sub-plane.

If the small subplane is equivalent to a city, then the medium subplane is a city.

The names of medium-sized habitable subplanes end with the words "domain", "city", etc.

Large habitable subplanes, "at least" the size of provinces or counties, are called "boundaries".

On top of the large livable subplane, there is a superimposed subplane.

The different habitable subplanes stack vertically upwards and are called "towers".

Stacked vertically downwards, it is called "Yuan".

Different livable sub-planes are interlaced and superimposed, and there is me in you, and you in me, which are called "rings".

There are many, many other names like this.

Plane scholars like to tidy up these things.

If Li Nuo's deduction is correct, the "Windhawk Domain" behind Clint Windhawk is a standard medium-sized livable subplane.

Also, this subplane is located in the inner starry sky.

In addition, Clint Windhawk's magic avatar has extremely strong combat capabilities, which can be seen just by looking at the skill panel and basic attributes.

It is absolutely unwise to confront such a wizard head-on.

Li Nuo reckoned:

If you are not covered by a layer of Unas ring wizard's shell, protected by the Unas ring decree,

Then the other party is very likely to come directly to the door and use violent means to resolve the dispute between him and the Deep Sea Branch.

So to a certain extent, the decree of Unas ring is not completely worthless.

At least at least, the Unas ring decree helped him shield a lot of malice from the wizards of the Unas ring.

What Li Nuo cares more about is the title of "Super Saint".

In the magic textbooks, the wizards have subdivided a "super holy position" between the "sacred position" and the "star position", which is specially used to refer to the star witch who can become a star witch at any time, and is far more powerful than ordinary holy position wizards. special holy wizard.

In a sense, Li Nuo's practice of maintaining a first-level level is a bit like that of a super holy wizard.

For some reason, both of them deliberately suppressed their wizard level, and instead focused on improving their combat capabilities.

Generally speaking, it is no problem for a super holy wizard to single out three ordinary holy battle wizards.

This is what the book says.

From this, it is not difficult to imagine how powerful the super holy wizard named "Clint Windhawk" is.

Li Nuo swept the information on the panel aside, and turned to look at the memory fragments of the magic avatar.

The memory segment that Li Nuo clicked on first was the one related to the communication process between the three of Longke.

During the entire communication process, the magic avatar named Benqi Jiley talked the most, followed by Selena's elder brother, Lunk Pomida, and the avatar of Clint Windhawk who talked the least.

Fortunately, Lunk, a non-super holy wizard, was there. When Ben Qi Jilei answered him, he revealed many things that Li Nuo didn't know.

The first thing to do is:

"Ascension Fortress" will tame wild magic and transform wild magic into native magic.

It is not difficult to see from the words of Ben Qi Jilei that in the group of super holy wizards, the existence of the "fortress of promotion" is no longer a secret.

Not only that, they also know the concepts of wild magic and native magic.

Bench Jaley means:

The more Li Nuo uses wild magic, the sooner these wild magic will be tamed by the "Fortress of Promotion".

But here comes the problem.

Why didn't Li Nuo feel that his "Thunder Cloud Technique", "Meta Reactor Summoning Technique" and other wild magics were being tamed by the "Fortress of Promotion"?

Every time he used these spells, the system did not mention "promoting the fortress" except for the prompt message of the evocation process.

Then click on the spell panel to see that there is no word "being tamed" on any of the wild spells.

"I actually think that my deconstruction core system is even better than "Promotion Fortress". "

Li Nuo lightly twitched his chin, thinking to himself:

"Ben Qi Jilei said that there are many records of wild magic in the Whirling Continent. He learned from Lunk that after I had traveled back and forth on the Starfall Sea several times, he immediately concluded that my wild magic came from Dragon Treasure.

"This shows that in the eyes of the star wizards, a consensus has been formed on the fact that wild magic comes from dragon treasures, and dragon treasures are likely to be the only source of wild magic.

"Conversely, all spells that can be shaped by an evocation wizard should have been included in the "Fortress of Promotion".

"My deconstructed core system bypasses the carrier of Dragon Treasure, avoids the restriction of "Promotion Fortress", and directly creates wild magic. It is a matter of course that the spells created by the system are immune to the influence of "Promotion Fortress". "

Li Nuo tapped his chin, his eyes flickered:

"In this way, my system is not only more advanced than "Promotion Fortress", but also has many complementary aspects between the two sides.

""Ascension Bastion" can record spells, and so can my system;

"My system can create wild magic, and "Ascension Bastion" can tame wild magic;

"My system can be connected to the metal creation group's thinking array operation interface, and the "Promotion Fortress" seems to only be effective for spells on the magic side. "

Li Nuo slightly squinted his eyes, and thoughts surged in his mind:


"Ascension Bastion is a lot like a database. Taming wild magic, it's about the same format as canonical data. Moreover, this kind of database also comes with a set of access mechanisms, which only allow wizards with access rights to cast corresponding spells.

“‘Deconstruction of the core system’ is a bit like a tool responsible for collecting and editing data. I consume energy points and activate the deconstruction technique, which is collecting data. And according to the prediction plan given by the system, I shaped spells, made alchemy and magic creations, and I was editing the data and verifying the accuracy of the data. "

Li Nuo raised his eyebrows, feeling that he had discovered something extraordinary.

He raised his right arm, pressed the Tianling Gai with his right palm, and asked himself in his heart:

"Then what will happen if my "Deconstruction Core System" encounters the "Promotion Fortress"?

"What kind of role and function do I have in this?

"Should I not be the medium that deconstructs the core system and interacts with the outside world?

"Is this part of the truth of my time travel?

"But why did the system choose me?"

Li Nuo scratched his hair, feeling slightly distressed.

To be honest, he has thought about his time travel more than once.

This time, the content he thought of was the most so far, and also the most convincing to him.

He had a premonition somewhere:

At the moment when "Deconstructing the Core System" and "Promotion Fortress" meet, something earth-shattering should happen to him.

This could be a good thing, or it could be a bad thing.

He may become the owner of the "Promotion Fortress" in one fell swoop, or he may be wiped out by the system and the "Promotion Fortress" because of the completion of the mission.

Li Nuo once heard such a saying:

When I knew where I was going to die, I would never go to that place in my life.

Li Nuo is in this state of mind now.

He will never expose his system to the opponent until he investigates the "Promotion Fortress" clearly.


Although he doesn't know where the so-called "promotion fortress" is...

Li Nuo scratched his head, brushing away all the distracting thoughts in his mind.

Excessive immersion in illusory things will make people feel empty, so let's enrich ourselves with busy work.

"Noreen, how's the situation?" Li Nuo asked sideways.

"Report, sir, all is well."

Noreen pressed the access device a few times with both hands, and a form filled with numbers appeared on the light curtain on the wall:

"Please look at the dynamic combat data I compiled for you.

"Lonk Pomida has led more than 3,000 battle wizards to subsea No. 13. More than 2,000 ice wizards have joined forces to cast range spells in the frozen subsea..."

While listening to Noreen's introduction, Li Nuo glanced at the magic field of vision and secretly said, "Awesome".

During the period when Li Nuo was reading the results of the decomposition, more than 2,000 ice wizards stood in a circle around the No. 13 sea area.

They were suspended more than 2,000 meters above the sea surface, and they joined forces to release a frosty air that covered the entire sub-sea area.

Frost-white frost magic power fell from the sky, pressing down on the sea like an avalanche.

The overwhelming ice and snow storm not only wiped out the "Deep Sea Forbidden Technique" above and above the sea, but also froze a large area of ​​sea water.

Li Nuo switched his magic vision and looked at the place below the sea surface.

Frost magic does not freeze the ocean floor.

Under the water surface, they gathered into hundreds of huge white ice cones.

These ice cones are like stalactites on the ceiling of the cave, smashing towards the seabed thousands of meters deep.

The falling speed of the ice cone is extremely fast, and it contains terrifying frost magic power.

They freeze the seawater along their path, forming long icicles.

They resisted the huge water pressure and dragged the icicles down together.

At a depth of hundreds of meters from the bottom of the sea, the ice cones and icicles burst together, spraying ice slag and cold air in all directions.

Just a few waves of ice cone bombardment were launched in succession, and ice crystal particles visible to the naked eye appeared in the seawater near the seabed, and thick hoarfrost also appeared on the seabed and ships.

The Kraken lost the cover of the queen's enchantment, and its combat effectiveness was obviously affected.

Frost magic makes the sea water cold and viscous, making it more difficult for the sea monster to mobilize the sea water to cast spells.

The sea snake of the Priestess of Dreadscale was covered in hoarfrost, her movements were stiff and she lost her flexibility.

The Direscale Pioneer is indeed very strong, and his figure, which is nearly ten meters long, is full of strength at first glance.

But unfortunately, the frost resistance of this extraordinary creature is as low as his lightning resistance.

In the icy sea, they wielded tridents, cast underwater poisonous tornadoes, and fought with 1,000 deep-sea wizards including Lunk in the water, but they inevitably shivered from the cold.

Not to mention the queen's favor.

At the moment when the queen's enchantment was destroyed, they were seriously injured and fell to the ground due to the backlash of the spell, or even died suddenly.

With the continuous frost magic power, there are only two kinds of sea monsters that can pose a fatal threat to Lunk and others on the scene.

One is a tidal wave caster who can manipulate large areas of sea water.

The other is the Dreadscale aristocrat that Li Nuo had encountered before.

The caster of the tidal wave can create a raging tide in the sea with just a few gestures, forming a fast-moving ocean current above the bottom of the sea.

The ocean currents summoned by this kind of sea monster swept away a lot of ice cones and icicles, and also brought normal temperature seawater in the nearby sea area, diluting the local coldness.

The ability of the frenzy caster is not just as simple as manipulating the flow of sea water.

They stabbed the trident into the bottom of the sea, lifted it up suddenly, and a pinnacle made of sea water and gravel rose from the ground.

The information fed back by the deconstruction technique showed that this steeple was a vicious poison spraying device, capable of splashing pieces of siren poison.

Sure enough, the moment the spire was formed, thick dark green venom sprayed out from the conch shells distributed on the spire.

Dark green venom meets frost.

Frost freezes the venom, and the venom corrodes the frost. The fight between the two seems to be endless.

After all, the deep sea is the home of the Kraken.

In the front, ocean currents swept away icicles and ice picks, and in the back, venom spread the ground.

Hundreds of frenzy spellcasters with a battle level of around 70 used real sea monster spells to regain the seabed occupied by frost.

Unknowingly, the battle situation began to tilt towards the Kraken side.

And that's not the worst.

The Dreadscale nobles in the Kraken army are definitely killers.

They used the three-pronged scepter to pierce the slave siren as a sacrifice, and used the filthy dark green blood and fresh meat as spell-casting materials, singing loudly at the top of their lungs.

"Cha-cha-cha! Cha-cha!"

The huge piece of meat over ten meters high squirmed quickly, and then exploded with a bang, turning into countless pieces of meat and falling on the Dinosaur Pioneer.

All the dire scale vanguards that were contaminated by these minced meat grew in size and became giant sea monsters with a length of nearly 20 meters.

Their eyes were red with bloodthirsty light, and the scales all over their bodies stood up like sharp spikes.

They roared and roared, dozens of twisting tentacles emerged from their backs, and the suckers on each tentacles were emitting dark green venom.

The strengthened Dreadscale Vanguard gave up all magic means, and directly rushed towards the deep sea wizard with a powerful body riddled with poison.

Their swimming speed was horribly fast, the tails of the snakes retracted and flicked, and with a bang, they shot out like lightning, and the attack became more and more ferocious.

In contrast to the deep sea wizards in the water, their means of dealing with the enemy are relatively limited.

The deep-sea spells are either obtained by cracking the sea monster spells, or transformed from water spells.

Either control the water to shoot at the enemy, or control the flow of sea water to form a barrier to block the enemy.

Only a high-level deep-sea combat wizard like Lunk can summon a dwarf mountain-like sea giant to participate in the battle.

These operations can also pose a threat to the siren when the power of frost has the upper hand.

But after the venom sprayed by the steeple polluted most of the seawater, the various methods of the deep-sea wizards were all useless.

There is no other reason.

The venom sprayed by the steeple is highly poisonous to human wizards, but it is a great tonic to sirens.

The deep sea wizard manipulates the venom to shoot at the sea monster, which is equivalent to sending the tonic to the sea monster's mouth.

I wonder if anyone has been killed by something delicious like a hamburger, French fries, or cake?


In the same way, facing the oncoming venom, the Kraken ignored the oncoming venom and went on a rampage, fighting against the sea water controlled by the deep sea wizard, rushing to kill in the enemy's formation.

At this moment, the Kraken fully demonstrated its home court advantage.

After Li Nuo broke through the queen's barrier and put the sea monsters at a disadvantage, the sea monsters completed the feat of turning against the wind.

"Oh, fun, the combat ability of the deep sea wizard in the water is so rubbish..."

Li Nuo folded his arms, shrugged slightly, and complained to Noreen:

"I thought that Lunk could at least be on an equal footing with the tide casters. Now it seems that if there were not more than 2,000 wizards pouring frost magic power on the sea surface, the underwater deep sea wizards would have been wiped out by the sea monsters. You say Don't you, Noreen?"

"Yes! Sir!" Noreen nodded and responded faithfully:

"What you said is absolutely right. Apart from being better at moving in the sea, deep sea wizards don't actually have a greater combat advantage than other wizards. In contrast, using thunder and lightning to deal with sea monsters is the deep sea wizard. This is a skill that must be mastered by a wizard who specializes in the deep sea domain.

"Of course, the "Underwater Blazing Ray" and "Sonic Blast" spells you invented are also suitable for use in underwater combat environments. I really admire your magical attainments. "

"Mmmmmm~" Li Nuo enjoyed Noreen's rainbow fart, and said with emotion:

"If the attitude of the Deep Sea Branch is better, don't be fooled by me, then I am still willing to sell the "Underwater Blazing Ray Magic Scroll" to Lunk in advance.

"It's not impossible to lower the price of the "Sonic Blast Magic Scroll".

"For now~ it's fine.

"The group of sea monsters captured Yoksim and other wizards, locked them in the pirate ship, and took them as hostages to confront the Deep Sea Branch.

"In this case, Lunk would not dare to use the "Sonic Blast Magic Scroll", otherwise he might accidentally injure his own people. That Ben Qi Jilei was probably worried that the thunder and lightning would accidentally injure the wizard, so he never made a move. "

"Yes, sir, I think so too..." Noreen agreed.

Before she could finish speaking, a breathtaking thunder and lightning light suddenly lit up on the magic field of vision.

"Oh? Is Bench Jerry going to do it?"

Li Nuo sat up straight and ordered:

"Noreen, record his combat data for me."

"Yes! Sir!" (End of this chapter)

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