Constructing-Style Wizard

Chapter 119: Chapter 119

Chapter 119

[System message: You consume 50 energy points to deconstruct "Wizard Mion Filia". 】

【You have obtained the following deconstruction results:】

[1. Refresh the panel information of the target, and add a "status bar":]

【Status Bar】


Gain effect:

1. Elemental vision, level 5, elemental detection spells, high-level magic.

This effect comes from a one-time magic scroll with a remaining duration of 110 minutes.

During the duration of the effect, Filia can intuitively see the flow of elemental energy within a range of 50 meters horizontally and 25 meters vertically.

2. Cycling wind shield, level 25, elemental protection magic.

Shield strength 55 points.

Air elemental energy damage resistance 90%. The resistance to other elemental energy damage and kinetic energy damage is fixed at 70%, and the resistance to the rest of the damage is only 0% to 30%.

This magic shield has a "cycle cast" feature. Automatically draws the caster's mana to replenish shield strength without Filia manually casting the spell.




[2. You have obtained the more important recent memory fragments of the target:]

【The lady handed the magic scroll to Filia, "Take this. It records a very useful high-level elemental magic - "Elemental Vision". \

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