Constructing-Style Wizard

Chapter 111: 111 Frontiers of the Times

Chapter 111 111. Frontier of the Times

"Let's start grouping."

In the lobby of Iron Thorn Shield Security Company.

Conte stood in front of a group of security team members with a list in his hand.

Starting today, the security team will check the ground and underground areas of Sector 7.

They want to ensure that all the alchemy devices used to collect universal metal powder are in normal operation.

At this time, Conte was grouping his team members.

He reported dozens of names, and then said to the vice captain:

"Mark, you take the brothers I just named to inspect the above-ground area. You will arrange the specific division of labor. Be sure to be careful. Check whether the alchemy array of the powder collector device is complete and whether it needs maintenance. If If maintenance is needed, record it and report it to the company, understand?"

"Yes, head."

Conte named a few more names:

"I've named the person now, come with me to the underground area. Li Lei, you also follow me. And Fars, you too, check the alchemy device underground with me."

"Yes, head."

Li Nuo responded and glanced at Fars next to him, who had a sad face, as if the laboratory had been bombed.

Conte clapped his hands and announced the end of the meeting:

"Let's go, everyone."

He came to Fars and slapped him on the shoulder heavily:

"Cheer up, Fars, we still need you to adjust the alchemy formation on the spot. Isn't it the time limit for the research mission of the Alchemy Academy? There is nothing to worry about."

"You don't understand, Conte, you don't understand." Fars had a bitter look on his face:

"Among the research tasks I have accepted, there are still many things that have not been completed. If it weren't for the fact that I was able to do a few researches when I went underground this time, I wouldn't have the time to come."

Conte shook his head and said:

"You didn't find it yourself. The Alchemy Academy has issued so many research tasks, and others only pick the ones they can do well. It's better for you to pick the ones you are interested in. You don't even look at the cost and difficulty of the research tasks, just accept them." Under the research and development task of the alchemy structure.

"If you want me to tell you, take advantage of this dusting day and show yourself well. Kill more aberrant mutants, and maybe you can earn the lab rent for the second half of the year. Don't you think so?"

"Okay, you're right. It's time for me to deal with the mutants seriously." Fals sighed silently, and touched the alchemy stone under his clothes:

"I brought the alchemy structure this time, and I should be able to hunt and kill a lot of mutants. Then you have to calculate the number of my hunting, Kante, don't miss one."

"Don't worry, I'll keep that in mind."

Conte waved his hand and led the team out. At the same time, he introduced to Li Nuo who participated in the mission for the first time:

"There are a lot of aberrants in the underground area, Li Lei. The Gold Chamber of Commerce has issued a bid. Kill a small-sized aberrant and reward 100 aggregate coins. Kill a standard-sized aberrant and reward 200 yuan. If you can kill the seed If you are a powerful mutant like the Seeder, you will be rewarded with at least 2,000 yuan. We will share the money equally. Use your extraordinary ability leisurely, don’t waste it on ordinary mutants, it’s best to use it against the Seeder.”

"Okay, head, I've made a note." Li Nuo held the straps, lifted the backpack up, and fastened the straps.

In order to earn aggregate coins and collect soul shards, he took some firearms and a lot of ammunition from Iron Thorn Shield's armory.

The other security personnel who signed up to join the underground patrol team also wore the same outfit, with the excitement of making a fortune shining in their eyes.

Theoretically, there are many entrances of pipes connected to the underground area.

The manhole cover on the ground, the rainwater pipe opening, the sewage pipe opening in the building, etc., all lead to the underground area of ​​the city.

However, there is one and only one pipe opening that allows humans to pass through in each city sector, and it is generally located in the back garden of the security forces in that sector.

Like sector 7 here.

Behind the Iron Thorn Shield security company building, there is an entrance to an underground passage covering an area of ​​more than 100 square meters.

A spacious warehouse is draped over this underground entrance, blocking views from the outside.

Inside and outside the warehouse, there are security personnel guarding it all year round, and only the security personnel of Iron Thorn Shield are allowed to enter and exit.

A Tier 1 alchemist like Conte is only allowed to lead his team on the first to third floors of the basement, corresponding to the city's underground waterway area.

Further down, starting from the fourth underground floor, there is an underground area called "Crack Corridor".

Only the second-level alchemists in the Iron Thorn Shield, that is, the security personnel at the level of the company director, have the strength to enter the "Crack Corridor".

Professional fighters of various large alchemy forces can also step into the "Crack Corridor".

For example, the "Gold Merchant Sword" of the Gold Chamber of Commerce is a combat department that protects the interests of the Chamber of Commerce. The Sword of Gold Merchants is not only the name of this department, but also the title of every combat member.

They have their own internal passage, which can go directly from the upper city to the "Crack Corridor".

The security company went to the underground area to maintain the underground facilities in the lower city.

Uptown's full-time combatants are different.

They are more about curbing the expansion of the aberrations, repairing the powder collection device, and recovering the alchemy suit buried deep in the corridor.

It is rumored that about 30 years ago, the Alchemy Temple summoned a large number of alchemists and dug out the "Crack Corridor" from the ground to the aberration's lair.

Their purpose is to build the underground walls of the Amalgamation City and install an alchemy device that collects universal metal powder from the excrement of the aberrant body.

Deep underground, near the lairs of the aberrations, the alchemists have been violently attacked.

Although the expansion of the lair was successfully blocked with a wall in the end, and the alchemy device for collecting powder was installed, the alchemists also suffered heavy losses in the attack of the mutants.

A large number of alchemists of the third rank and above were killed in the depths of the corridor, and there were countless alchemists below the third rank.

Only a small part of their relics was brought back to the surface, and most of them were buried forever in the area below the 80th floor of the "Crack Corridor".

The Alchemy Temple said that whoever can bring back the leftover alchemy materials, alchemy manuscripts, sage particles and other rare things from the area below the 80th floor of the basement will own them.

The various forces who heard the news recruited alchemists wantonly and threw them into the "Crack Corridor".

It can be seen from the career promotion route from the Iron Thorn Shield to the Gold Chamber of Commerce.

A first-level alchemist, who is the captain of the security team, practices on the 1st to 3rd floors of the basement.

A second-tier alchemist, who serves as a director of a security company, practices in the corridor area from the 4th floor to the 20th floor underground.

The third-level alchemist was adopted by the Gold Chamber of Commerce as the Gold Merchant's Sword, and he practiced in the corridor area on and below the 21st floor underground, or served as the vice president or president of the Iron Thorn Shield.

The higher the strength, the higher the position, and the higher the number of layers of underground areas that can be entered.

These are the common sense that Kante confessed to Li Nuo during the preparation stage before going underground.

Only then did Li Nuo realize that if he wanted to "spawn monsters" underground for a long time, there were only two ways to go.

The first path is legal.

That is to mess around in the Iron Thorn Shield, sneak into the Gold Chamber of Commerce all the way, become the sword of the Gold Merchant, and master greater autonomy and personal time.

The Gold Merchant's Sword is a combatant of a mercenary nature.

The gold chamber of commerce has very weak binding force on it, and has given a great deal of autonomy.

Correspondingly, the sword of the gold merchant cannot touch the internal secrets of the gold chamber of commerce.

If Li Nuo became the sword of a gold merchant, then it would be no problem to soak underground for ten and a half months, and no one would care about him.

The second way is illegal.

That is to take refuge in the illegal forces entrenched in the "Crack Corridor".

While checking the supplies, Conte chatted about the past:

"Back then, the Alchemy Temple summoned at least 300,000 alchemists to build the underground wall of the city of aggregation. What kind of concept is this? Such a large group of people is as tall as a ten-story building just standing together. There are all kinds of people. Ancient families inherited from the Dianjin Dynasty, federal nobles who enjoy permanent territories, and various alchemist groups and alchemy forces.

"The rift corridor is not just a corridor. It is actually an underground building of unprecedented scale. It not only has conventional passage facilities such as downhill passages and rotating corridors, but also casinos, underground camps, underground alchemy workshops, etc. Area established to seal off Aberrant lairs.

"After so many years, the underground facility is still not deserted, and countless 'rats' have occupied it. If you encounter an illegal alchemist from the underground, you must tell me how far away, how far away. Don't care what the other party says Don't be fooled by them, or you will be caught in the "Black City" hidden deep underground! It was the base camp for resisting distortions back then, and it was thousands of meters deep from the ground. If you are caught there, don't even think about going back to the ground! The illegal alchemists in the black city will refine you into living alchemy products, such as alchemy slaves.

"Do you hear clearly?"

"Yes, head!"

Li Nuo and everyone responded in unison.

A young team member asked puzzledly:

"Head, I have a question. Why don't you destroy the Black City? Wouldn't it be better to empty it and put people from various alchemy forces?"

Conte snorted and said with a smile:

"Ha, if only it were that simple. Guess how the illegal alchemists in the black city came to be? Isn't it the alchemists who were sent underground by the alchemy forces and the alchemy temple. They control the collection of universal metals The powder underground alchemy device, use this as a bargaining chip to negotiate with the alchemy temple and the major alchemy forces, so it has been able to survive until today."

After checking the materials and equipment of all personnel, Conte stood in front of the team members with his hips crossed, and continued:

"The Gold Chamber of Commerce behind our Iron Thorn Shield is just a businessman and has no brains. It can be said that in the entire Federation, there is no alchemy force that cherishes peace more than the Gold Chamber of Commerce.

"But other alchemy forces are different.

"Just take the sector 1 to 6 next to us. The "Heavy Training Alchemist Association" controls it. As you can tell from the name, the Reforging Association has a huge demand for universal metal powder.

"In the Black City, there is a group of illegal alchemists who defected from the Reforging Association. But if you think that these alchemists are traitors of the Reforging Association, you are too naive. There are rumors that this is The purpose of the play directed and performed by the Reforging Association is to send a group of people to the black city to control the alchemy device that collects the powder, and to win more voice for the Reforging Association on the ground."

Conte shrugged slightly:

"I don't know if this rumor is true. In short, you have to remember it well. If you encounter an unidentified alchemist underground, you must stay away from him and don't talk to him."

"Yes, head!"

"Okay, everything is ready, drink the night vision potion, bring a spare lantern, and let's go!"

Conte raised his head and drank the night vision potion in his hand, and nodded to the security guard guarding the entrance.

The security personnel guarding the gate stood in the sentry box and reached out to pull the lever.

There was the sound of gears turning under the floor, and the metal gate on the ground opened in half, revealing an underground passage illuminated by alchemy lamps.

"Let's go. We are going to the first to third floors of the basement. It is relatively close to the ground, but the terrain is diverse and the layout is complicated. If you don't pay attention, you will go the wrong way. You must follow me closely."

Conte took the lead and stepped into the underground passage extending diagonally downward.

After the entire team entered the passage, the metal gate above the head slowly closed.

With a bang, the door panel closed without revealing a single gap.

The atmosphere in the underground passage instantly became oppressive.

The dark vision effect provided by the night vision potion is limited, and everyone can only see things within a range of about 20 meters.

In order to ensure that possible enemies are not alarmed, portable lighting equipment such as lanterns are only spare emergency lighting.

Everyone felt in the dark and followed Kante on the steps in silence.

The walls on both sides of the underground passage are covered with metal pipes of different thicknesses, shaped like intertwined roots of giant trees, and like blood vessels in the body of a huge beast.

"Tick tock.."

The sound of water dripping came from nowhere, making the underground passage even more silent.

When he arrived in the promenade on the basement floor, Kante looked around and saw that there was nothing unusual around him, so he waved to Fars and said:

"Fals, start detecting energy leaks. Repairing the alchemy circle of the underground facility is the most important thing."

"Okay, leave it to me."

Fars grabbed a handful of light balls from the alchemy stone and spread them out in the palm of his hand.

The light cluster shrank inward, condensing into a palm-sized alchemy instrument.

Li Nuo read a lot of alchemy knowledge in the past three days.

At this moment, he didn't need to throw the deconstruction technique to know the function of this alchemy instrument.

This instrument is called "Handheld Energy Detector", which can detect abnormal energy fluctuations within a radius of 30 meters.

The energy commonly used by alchemists includes elemental energy of the four attributes of fire, air, earth, and water, as well as soul energy.

Soul energy can be used as any energy and has high adaptability.

It can be converted into other energy according to a certain ratio.

Alchemists use alchemy stones to transform them into four elemental energies.

The wizards of the Death Society use meditation methods, magic wands, magic robes or other magic props to transform soul energy into death energy.

In the field of alchemy, soul energy is also called non-attribute energy.

In the eyes of wizards, soul energy is one of the original powers of everyone. It goes hand in hand with the muscle strength and vitality of the body, and together constitute the three original strengths that human beings are born with.

Li Nuo learned this knowledge in the process of reading books.

He confirmed that the "soul energy" mentioned repeatedly in the book refers to the "soul strength" on the system panel information.

The two may have some differences in deep connotation, but in most cases, they can be treated as the same thing.

Holding the energy detector, Fals gestured in the air and read the energy readings on the dashboard.

He raised his hand and pointed to the side and said:

"Let's go in that direction first, Conte. The energy of the water element there is obviously high. It should be that there is an energy leak in a sewage treatment alchemy device."

"Come with me. In my impression, the place Fars is referring to should be the sedimentation tank for domestic wastewater."

Conte thought about the general route, and led the team into a corridor.

The number of metal pipes on the walls on both sides decreased, but there was an extra layer of wet mist.

The alchemical creations of the Golden Federation are of guaranteed quality.

These metal pipes, which have been soaked in water vapor all year round, show no signs of rust.

On the contrary, the alchemy array is relatively fragile.

It's kind of like a circuit board in microelectronics.

The alchemist dipped the rune stick into the energy fluid that conducts energy, and carved the lines of the magic circle on the flat metal panel.

The pattern of the magic circle is composed of alchemy runes, and the alchemy runes are the logical language for the operation of the magic circle.

If the energy passing into the alchemy array is unstable, then the lines of the alchemy array will be damaged, causing the energy in it to leak out.

This situation is almost the same as the circuit board being broken down by high voltage current.

The energy anomaly detected by Fars came from a damaged sewage collection device.

He opened the side cover of the device, turned off the switch of the device, and removed the metal panel depicting the alchemy formation.

The alchemy formation composed of alchemical runes appeared before his eyes.

It is a complex pattern flowing with the light of four-color elements, with uneven and uneven fold lines, circles and arcs distributed, densely packed and dazzling.

Li Nuo fixed his eyes on the alchemy array, threw out the deconstruction technique, and then nodded secretly.

【system information:】

[You are about to launch a deconstruction technique on the "broken sewage collection technique array". 】

[You have mastered the "Basic Alchemy Theory", and the alchemy rune skill is level 3. 】

[The energy consumption required for this deconstruction is reduced to 35 points. 】

[Are you sure to proceed with the deconstruction? 】

When he first traveled over, he used deconstruction to pick out the translation errors in the translation.

Facing this damaged array now, he would definitely be able to use the deconstruction technique to lock the damaged area and obtain a solution from the system.

This is undoubtedly good news.

It proves that deconstruction is equally promising in describing and modifying the alchemy array.

"Let me see where the damage is." Fars frowned, inspecting the array, unaware that there was a guy on the scene who could easily come up with the answer.

"You guys go to guard outside. Li Lei, you stay here and guard with me." Conte ordered.

The sewage collection room became quiet. Fals took out the rune stick and repaired the damage while thinking.

The whole team has entered the working state.

In the following three hours, the team stopped and went from the first basement to the second basement, repairing the alchemy arrays in the sewage collection room, dry-wet separation room, and powder recovery room in sequence.

When he arrived at the entrance to the stairwell on the second basement floor leading to the third floor, Conte raised his arm, clenched his fist, and motioned for the team to stop.

"There will definitely be enemies in the third underground floor, because there is an isolation zone that separates the city's underground waterway area and the crack corridor."

Conte solemnly exhorted:

"It's the same sentence, guys, don't let your guard down. Not only will there be distortions in the third underground floor, but there may also be illegal alchemists from the Black City. When I led the team in the past, if there were casualties, it must be in the underground The third floor encountered an illegal alchemist. Now everyone check the firearms and alchemy bombs for the last time. We have to go through the third underground floor to make sure that all the metal gates are closed. This is a long journey and full of dangers. "

Li Nuo pulled out his short-barreled rifle, checked the firing pin and recoil spring, and glanced at Fars, only to see that the other party grabbed a strange alchemical object from the alchemy stone.

This alchemical thing looks like a spider, about the size of a washbasin, with eight mechanical legs made of metal and a metal shell. The overall luster is introverted, showing a dull light gray, which is extremely inconspicuous in the underground area.

After a closer look, it is not difficult to find:

The spider's torso and legs are purely composed of mechanical components, and under its matte metal shell, Li Nuo vaguely felt energy fluctuations.

"What is this?" Someone in the team asked curiously.

Fars laughed and responded with a show:

"This is the most cutting-edge alchemy product in the Alchemy Temple, guys. It's called "Alchemy Structure", and it is a kind of alchemy product that can be manipulated by alchemists. This little thing in my hand is an experimental product. I got it from the college, and my research task is related to it. This time I just came to the third basement floor to experiment with its actual combat effect. "

"Then how do you control it?" The curious baby in the team asked again.

"Use this." Fars took out a thick leather glove from the alchemy stone:

"This glove has a whole set of alchemy arrays that recognize gesture signals. I can use gestures to control the alchemy mechanical spider."

Fars put the glove on his hand, shook his palm, moved his fingers, and the five fingers floated in the air like waves.

The alchemy mechanical spider received the gesture signal, and moved the spider's legs in place, making various movements such as turning, jumping, and rolling. It was flexible and vivid, far more agile than a real big spider.

There was chatter in the queue.

"Nice little guy"

"It seems to have a gun barrel in its mouth, Fars, did you install a gun on it?"

"Yes. You guessed it right. It has a shotgun in its body that can switch between buckshot and slug. It has a "sensory link" with me. I can directly see what it sees, listen to the sound it hears. Great for dangerous tasks. "

"How many alchemy structures can an alchemist control?"

"Good question. You may not know that the question you raised is the hottest topic in the alchemy world this year. A first-order alchemist like me can only use the left and right hands to manipulate the alchemy construct. It's just my limit. But a third-tier alchemist can use the "Supreme Computing Power" alchemy suit, and use the suit's computing power and his own thinking ability to simultaneously control ten or more alchemy structures. "

Li Nuo faced Fars who was talking eloquently, his gaze hidden under the sunglasses flickered slightly.

When he checked the panel information of the book "Supreme Computing Power" before, he knew the relationship between this alchemy suit and the alchemy structure, but he didn't expect to see the real thing at this time.

He threw Deconstruction at the mechanical spider.

Among the messages fed back by the system, the string of zeros made Li Nuo's head hurt.

This alchemy structure actually needs 10,000 energy points to be 100% deconstructed.

Not only that, the system also reminded him that he must meet the requirements of reading the book "Supreme Computing Power" in order to understand the results of deconstructing the mechanical spider.

Now Li Nuo is very clear about his position.

His attainments in the field of alchemy are equivalent to the level of a second grade elementary school student.

The "Supreme Computing Power" and the alchemy structure correspond to the difficulty of doctoral research projects. No matter what, you have to learn advanced mathematics and mathematical modeling before you can understand research reports on cutting-edge technologies.

The same is true for alchemy structures and "Supreme Computing Power".

However, just using the alchemy structure should not require such a high requirement...

Li Nuo squinted at the glove in Fars's hand, threw the deconstruction technique, and then his mouth twitched.

150,000 energy points to deconstruct this glove?


Or I'll get out the revolver now and give the glove a few hits. Even if you can't understand the panel information, it's good to get the 150,000 energy points.

Facing the temptation of this "huge sum of money", Li Nuo forcibly suppressed his inner impulse.

One team member said worriedly:

"If this alchemy structure is popularized on a large scale, will our group of security personnel lose their jobs?"

Fars laughed inscrutablely. Obviously in his heart, it will be a matter of time before the artificial security is eliminated by the alchemy structure:

"Well, your worries are justified, but there are still many difficulties to be overcome before the actual replacement of security personnel with alchemy structures. Don't think this little thing is so flexible, it's purely because of my proficiency in manipulation. Wait a minute One day, the alchemy structure will be able to operate independently without us alchemists controlling it, then you will have to worry about your employment. Now, it is too early."

Are you alchemists not afraid of the Omnic Crisis?

Seeing Fars showing off, the corners of Li Nuo's mouth twitched slightly.

Conte coughed lightly, and said:

"Okay, don't be a fart, Fars. Let us find out the way of the little guy who manipulates you, let us see what it can do. I am also curious, is this little thing as good as you said it is? .”

"Look, Conte, I have been practicing for a long time in order to demonstrate to you the cutting-edge products on the wave of the times. Help me open the gate, my little baby is about to go."

Fars' right hand danced a few times.

The mechanical spider came from the floor to the wall, got into the crack of the door that Conte opened, and disappeared in the dark stairwell.

Fars stood in place, closed his eyes, rolled his eyeballs under his eyelids, and muttered:

"Oh, it's really dark here. Fortunately, I installed the "Night Vision Rune" on the little spider in advance. Hmm~ I saw the situation on the third basement floor. It was a mess here, with dried blood and sewage all over the floor and walls. We were lucky that there were no fresh muddy footprints near the landing. This shows that in a short period of time, no aberrations passed by here. "

Conte reminded:

"I heard that the control range of the alchemy structure is limited. Don't let it go too far."

"Okay, don't worry, Kante, I know it well. There is still a control range of one or two hundred meters. If the "perception link" becomes unstable, I will naturally let it come back.

"Eh? Strange, Conte, when we came last time, was there a hole in the floor? Why did the floor of this corridor collapse, and I can see the floor of the next floor."

Conte's complexion changed, and he asked quickly:

"Where is the hole? Show me a rough location."

Fars kept his eyes closed.

He raised his arm and pointed to the corridor of the third basement through the second basement floor:

"Here, there, there is a hole with a diameter of more than two meters, which just cuts off the corridor. My little spider has to walk from the wall to get around this hole."

Everyone shut their mouths tightly, slowed their breathing, looked in the direction Fars pointed, and listened carefully to the voices there.

Due to the high quality of the building, no one heard anything, let alone the movement of the little spider.

"I've got to be careful lest my little spider fall into the hole. Well, well, it went around the hole. Ah!"

Fars suddenly screamed, two tubes of blood spurted out of his nose, his eyes opened suddenly, the whites of the eyes were bloodshot, and the pupils shrank like needles.

He hugged his head, grabbed his hair, squatted on the ground, shaking in pain, his teeth chattering uncontrollably.

"What's the matter, Fars?" Conte asked in a deep voice.

"Someone attacked my little spider! Smashed it to pieces! The "perception link" between me and it was forcibly broken!" I have suffered serious backlash. No, no, I have to go to the third basement as soon as possible to recover the core components of the little spider, or I will be in big trouble! "

Fars struggled to stand up, but couldn't move because of the needle-like pain in his head. He could only fall to the ground, enduring the pain of the forced interruption of the soul link.

Li Nuo raised his eyebrows, and seemed to realize something in his heart.

It turns out that the "perception link" used by the alchemist is similar to the "soul link" he used to control the dead with dominoes.

The Crypt Lurker controlled by Li Nuo gave Pim a fatal blow, but died soon at the hands of Murphy.

The pain at the soul level was very tormenting, and it took Li Nuo a long time to recover.

Seeing Fars's distressed appearance now, Li Nuo immediately felt the same.

"Conte, please, help me find the alchemy cube in the little spider's body, that is the core alchemy component." Fars begged while scratching his hair.

"Okay, I'll go now."

Conte arranged two team members for Fars to protect him, and then beckoned, leading the rest of the team members into the metal gate.

Li Nuo followed in the team, quietly turned on "Track the Living", and looked towards the place where the little spider was attacked.

Things are a little tricky.

In the field of vision of "Tracking the Living", two figures with bright red outlines were staying by the hole in the lower floor.

They squatted on the ground and groped around, as if looking for something in the pile of parts.

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