Conjurer? I, the Warhammer Psyker

Chapter 230 The rebels shouted for the emperor!

"The demise of the enemy is often accompanied by the heavy footsteps of the "God's Machine" Titan.

Titans and battleships both symbolize the highest casting level of the Martian Mechanicus.

The incense ceremony for awakening the machine soul of any device has always been very serious in the Martian Mechanicus and does not allow any mistakes, let alone awakening the machine soul of the "God's Machine" Titan.

Isayama Nomei held the [Ohm Messiah's Book] in his hand and the staff symbolizing the power of the Mars Mechanicum in his right hand as he shuttled among a group of titans dozens of meters tall.

Since there are countless opportunities to hold such large-scale ceremonies in his memory, there is nothing unfamiliar about the execution.

Those huge and ancient Titans all lowered their heads, giving people a strong sense of oppression like an iron wall.

[Get Halo, Titan Soul]

A system sound suddenly sounded in Isayama Nomei's ears. He was still walking slowly until he stood on the high platform and began to sing for joy.

Behind Isayama Nomei are several large-scale machine servants specially designed for this kind of ceremony, carrying large incense burners weighing hundreds of kilograms, and countless mechanical priests are also holding in their hands. Various incense.

The price of these incense is extremely expensive, and the smell is extremely unpleasant. The [Word Bearers] who are watching can't stand it for a long time.

Even the tears came out, and even the superhuman body of the Astartes could not bear the unknown smell.

The machine soul is not an illusory thing. It sounds like metaphysics but it is actually science, because it is a mechanical soul forged using special techniques within the Mars Mechanicus. Without the machine soul, these weapons cannot even operate normally.

[The Word Bearers] All the possessions added up to all different models of Titans, the approximate number is 65.

Large war instruments like Titans are many times rarer than Space Marines. Some planets do not even have Space Marines stationed there.

Therefore, having a small team of Titans on a planet is already very powerful, and these 65 units are really all packed into the box.

"Praise the God of all machines, praise Ohm Messiah, praise the spirit of machinery!"

Isayama Nomei held his scepter high, and the mechanical axes behind him were also singing together.

"For the Emperor!"

However, it was obvious that after Isayama Norimei said this, the other mechanical priests were stunned for a moment and did not dare to follow. ˜”*°•.˜˜.•°*”˜

"Have you forgotten that this is a necessary part of the Machine Soul Ceremony?"

Isayama Nomei turned his head and said in a cold tone.

After the officer said this, the mechanical axes who had been cowering began to respond one after another, bringing an end to the machine soul ceremony.

"For the Emperor!!!"

When bathed in the loud voice for the Emperor, the dim eyes of the twenty silent Titans beside them all lit up, flashing with golden light, and the cores of the Titans began to rotate, and the water vapor stung. There was a jet-like sound, and the throttle valve was fully extended.

This is the joy of the machine soul that can be seen with the naked eye, and this ceremony is quite successful.

But the scene was quite silent except for the soul-stirring roaring gods, especially the mechanical gods who didn't know what to say.

Sir, please don't forget that they are rebels now. How can the rebels shout slogans for the emperor?

Is the bottom line really flexible?

"Crack, snap, snap."

The sudden applause broke the silence of the scene, and the person applauding above the venue was none other than the bald man.

Kor Phaeron, the first company commander of the Word Bearers, was smiling and seemed quite satisfied with the great sage of the Mechanicus.

Under his leadership, everyone in the audience began to applaud.

"As expected of the great sage."

"These Titans, which cannot even be corroded by the power of subspace, have been awakened by you."

Cole Fallon was followed by a Mechanicus Priest from the Cult of Mechanicus who looked and behaved similar to Isayama Norimei, but Isayama Norimei could clearly smell that guy without even walking over. The stench.

The devilish smell of shit.

His whole body is highly mechanized, and it is estimated that more than 70% of it is mechanical. He is a high-level mechanical priest who has surrendered to a certain master in subspace.

But his level is not as high as Isayama Nomei's, and his qualifications are not as experienced as his.

It is estimated that he is the deputy casting director of some planet, that is, the person under the foundry director, usually his secret skill or deputy type.

At the same time as the two of them came out, a lot of other strangely dressed believers also came out. The composition of these bastards was actually quite complicated.

Isayama Nomei has already seen the flags from the four evil gods. It should be believers who believe in evil gods from different planets and also come to get involved.

If the information he had just received was correct, from the few words revealed by Cole Phalen, Isayama Kenmei also knew the whereabouts of the remaining 40-odd Titans.

Corrupted by dark forces, he transformed into a fallen titan.

It can be said that the fallen Titans that appeared on the battlefield in the thousands of years after the Great Rebellion in the Empire were all plundered during the Great Rebellion and transformed into something similar to some kind of life form.

Even the noble machine soul inside was directly transformed and stuffed into the devil's soul, making it extremely filthy.

If the Word Bearers destroying the emperor's sculpture is undoubtedly an act of blasphemy, then sending the Titan, known as the incarnation of the god, to be corrupted by the dark power is undoubtedly an act of desecration. God's blasphemy.

The ultimate insult to the Messiah of Ohm.

I don’t know what kind of pig brains I had to make such a decision to give the Titan, their highest masterpiece of the Mechanicum, to Chaos.

Isayama Norimei didn't know what to say to such an idiot teammate.

A waste of natural resources, an absolute waste of natural resources.

"Sir Besarius, this is Ahiti Yasen."

Cole Fallon introduced the mechanical priest next to him to Isayama Nomei

"The deputy director of the foundry world of ADH-234 in the XX galaxy. He is favored by one of the four masters."

"He is also the highest-ranking mechanic among us [Word Bearers] besides you, the sage Besarius."

The guy who looks exactly like Isayama Ken's meditation image is indeed the middle to upper level of a Martian Mechanical God General, but he is still far away from the core circle.

"He has completed the machine soul "debugging" work on the other 40 Titans."

"Yes, here comes the pig brain."

Isayama Nomei was just thinking about which god-defying thing did it, and now it appears.

Cole Phaeron didn't say anything. Instead, the fallen Mechanic Priest couldn't wait to show his face and output. The corners of this guy's mouth raised slightly.

"Sage, you are indeed a sage, the ceremony is too professional."

"These Titans were from the Great Crusade. They fought with the false emperor."

Ahiti Yasen looked at the pile of Titans in the distance that had completed the debugging work, and found that all of them, without exception, had awakened and showed the sign of Machine Soul Joy.

There was a look of jealousy in his eyes.

"It is useless to face the corruption of those adults."

"Don't even mention you, they were activated immediately."

But before the mechanical priest could finish his words, a huge mechanical staff struck him directly in the face. It was a sudden attack with no warning at all, and he swallowed all his next words.

The whole person was stunned and fell to the ground.

"I'm talking to [Word Bearers] First Company Captain Kor Phalen, why are you interrupting?"

When Kenmei Isayama pushed out the scepter, it was not that his movements were very rude, but that his movements were very smooth and even the amplitude of his hand did not exceed 30 degrees, so it looked very elegant.

But it looks very elegant, but its attack power is not low. The force was so strong that it directly smashed the fallen mechanical priest's body and some of the metal pipes used to transport engine oil on his head.

And that's not all. Electric energy with destructive power came out from the mechanical staff at an extremely fast speed. The powerful thunder dragon continued to output on the fallen mechanical priest.

"Who else allowed you to look directly at me?"

The dazzling thunder light illuminated the faces of everyone around him, and the terrifying high temperature and sparks were like divine punishment. The fallen Mechanic Priest, who had been so arrogant just now, was roasted to black all over, with black smoke flowing out of his body and twitching. There was movement.

"Unruly stuff."

Isayama Nomei snorted coldly, and threw the staff that he had just used in the Machine Soul Incense Ceremony until the top was still dripping with something that could not be distinguished from machine oil or blood to the machine servant behind like trash.

"Cole, let me discipline the subordinates who have exceeded the rules."

Isayama Nomei looked at Cole Fallon, whose face had become stiff from just now, and said in a slightly calmer tone instead of the harsh tone just now.

"You don't mind, do you?"

Even Isayama Nomei could see what the bald guy meant originally. This guy came to dampen his spirit and make him feel disgusted by the way.

However, he didn't expect Isayama Nomei to be even more ungrateful than him. He directly attacked him and knocked him to the ground. He didn't have the poise that a high-ranking member of the Mechanicum should have.

"do not mind."

Cole Phaeron recovered from his shock. This guy's temper was much more irritable than he imagined.

Because Isayama Kenmei directly defined his beating of the Mechanic Priest as disciplining his subordinates.

This is nothing to the strict hierarchy of the Mechanicum of Mars. The sages at the top will have no problem even if they kill several forging generals in the forging world.

Because they maintained a high degree of autonomy and were not subject to imperial laws.

Being beaten to death for jumping in the face is because you are asking for death and there is no place to cry. If there is any problem, there is no problem at all.

"This blind bitch offended you."

"Sir, you are worthy of being an electric monk back then. The power of controlling electric energy with this hand is still so powerful."

Cole Fallon also wants to praise him for playing well. There is no way, after all, he has a high status and his brother is now at the top of his game and is a powerful figure in the Mechanical Mars Cult.

The Electric Monk is a unique fighting force in the Martian Mechanicus. It is the kind that is specially used for close combat. It can even be said to be the wrath of the God of All Machines. It is also invincible on the battlefield. A large group of electricity-wielding macho men rush in. The front.

Isayama Nomei's body is inherently special. When this body is at its peak, its electrical energy is no less powerful than its spiritual energy.

"thank you for understanding."

As soon as Isayama Kenmei finished speaking, Cole Fallon directly heard a clean and crisp sound. The unlucky Heidi Yassen on the ground, the senior mechanical priest of the [Word Bearers], was directly kicked by Isayama Nomei. Crushed.

"Clear the door."

"no need to thank me."

Isayama Nomei sneered, with a bit of disdain in his tone.

"He's just a Titan of the Hellfire Legion. How can he be qualified to be a Mechanic-Priest if he can't solve such a small problem?"

Isayama Kenmei looked at the exterior paint of those Titans and knew that they were Titans from the Hellfire Legion, and belonged to the Titan Order like him.

The [Hellfire Legion] had fought alongside the Emperor several times during the Great Crusade, so those demons and ghosts that had actually been contaminated by the Emperor's aura could not be contaminated.

Although the Hellfire Legion was created by the Martian Mechanicus to create the second generation of Titans, it is indeed an army of betrayers.

Because they had committed various crimes during the Great Crusade, they were generally disliked by others. When they learned that Horus had completely launched a rebellion, they immediately hugged Horus' thigh.

"What [Word Bearers] senior technician"

"It's gone now."

[Congratulations on killing Heidi Yassen of the Dark Mechanic God]

[This unit is a C-level unit. 】

[Acquired 3000 combat merits. 】

Isayama Nomei's eyes lit up slightly

[Obtain a C-level treasure chest]

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