Conjurer? I, the Warhammer Psyker

Chapter 176 The prey’s self-cultivation

To untie the bell, one needs to tie the bell.

It is impossible for an outsider to resolve the contradiction between father and son, and even father and daughter, by Isayama Nomei.

Moreover, there was a fire that not only burned the Conjurers Association, but also burned his head.

"Have you heard? As long as you kill that little girl, you can get a reward of 50 million."

"And if you kill her three protectors, you can get an additional 20 million for each head."

"Really or not, wouldn't that mean a total of 110 million?"

In the past few days, the underground dark web of Curse Master’s website has been abuzz, because an unknown sponsor has posted a large number of tasks on the website, and the task bounty suddenly exceeded 100 million!

An unknown person released a picture of the real astral body, and the location and location of the little girl with the headband were completely exposed.

The mole in the Spellcasters Association took the initiative to expose her location. That night, the Spellcasters Association found out who had leaked the secret. However, they were already cold when they found her, and she died unexpectedly that night.

There is also information about the three protectors,

It's the mugshots of Isayama Norimei, Gojo Satoru and Xia Youjie. Because it is exposed information of the Conjurers Association, the photos taken when they were registered in the Conjurers Association were obtained.

The "best looking" photo of Gojo Satoru is the one with his mouth open, his tongue exposed, and his thumb making the famous throat-cutting gesture.

However, the reward notices on the website only have their bare avatars and no other introductions. In particular, no information was leaked about the most important spell content and combat methods that can be used as a basis for curse masters to take orders.

In fact, this does not comply with the regulations of the Curse Master's underground dark network, because assassination missions are a must-do technique and a personal habit. There is also some private information gathered in the intelligence, so as to increase the success rate of the curse master in killing the curse master.

Generally speaking, conjurers are higher than curse masters because they have received orthodox education.

The inheritance of curse masters is basically broken, with arms and legs missing. Because the spells and curses of the previous generation were extremely cruel and bad, and sometimes required the sacrifice of human lives, this resulted in these anti-social lunatics often encountering large-scale sieges by regular spellcasters.

Therefore, when accepting a mission, the information of the conjurer is particularly important.

No one has ever taken a mission like this before, but considering that the reward is 110 million, which is a bit harsh, even the dogs raised by the Curse Master want to participate.

100 million is already a small goal, what kind of bicycles are you considering? So the curse masters in the entire circle were boiling.

And in order to mobilize the enthusiasm of this group of curse masters, the sponsor of this release also specially set a deadline, which ends at 12 o'clock tomorrow.

"So my vacation is ruined."

Isayama Nomei originally thought he could be free for a while, but after receiving a notice from the Spell Masters Association, the three of them went separately for safety reasons and immediately set out to protect the astral body.

"Is that 20 million?"

"Yes, it looks exactly like the one on the bounty website."

"You're riding the tram so arrogantly, who are you looking down on?"

The two seemed like newcomers to the Curse Master Association who jumped out after hearing the bounty on the Curse Master Association website.

Why do you say they are newcomers? Because the veterans are waiting for these newcomers to come first.

The information about curse masters is what those experienced curse masters really want to obtain.

"It tastes really bad, this lunch box."

"Isayama Nomei" took two bites, a lunch box sold everywhere on the Shinkansen.

"The damn Conjurers Association made me work overtime again."

He also unscrewed the mineral water bottle next to him very realistically and took several sips.

While eating, he cursed.

It looked like a poor working man who was exploited by the Spell Masters Association and had no choice but to eat a few bites of food on the road to satisfy his own food and clothing problems. This look was really miserable.

When they saw the target of the mission touching his belly after eating, their faces suddenly became extremely ugly, and they suddenly became happy.

"The medicine is taking effect!"

This group of people put special poison in all the lunch boxes in the restaurant. Although they said it was poison, it was actually just a homemade recipe they concocted.

Because controlled drugs are not only managed by people from the Metropolitan Police Department, but also by people from the Conjurers Association, the ability to prepare poisons that can kill ordinary people is already the limit.

"The physique of a conjurer is far beyond that of ordinary people. Waiting for this kind of medicine that can kill ordinary people can only make them painful but not fatal."

The curse master on the side stopped his eager partner and asked him to wait a little longer.

"We will take action again after the medicine becomes more effective."

Sure enough, after a while, as the drug took effect, the task subject began to have blood coming out of his mouth, and his whole body began to twitch.


This abnormality quickly attracted the attention of the passengers nearby, and some women even started screaming loudly.

"Come here quickly, that person seems to be dying."

When the task object is confirmed. After this situation was no longer pretended, the two curse masters each looked at each other and quickly took out a black stocking and put it directly on their heads.

"It's now."

The two young curse masters each took out a handmade shotgun from their backpacks.

Although they are still young, they are all as cautious as a veteran should be, and their rhythm is perfectly controlled.

The Curse Master even faced the Curse Master who was about to die due to poisoning and still used firearms to expend the energy just to be on the safe side.

Bullets that are highly threatening to the human body can usually force the magician to use his spells.

Moreover, in their opinion, the opponent is already at the end of his strength and has no backhand power at all. They are taking out the gun now just to be safe.

"What can still move?"

When one of the conjurers saw the task target looking in their direction and then moving his fingers slightly, he suddenly noticed a different feeling in the air.

This is the prelude before the operation begins.

"Really a monster."

The wide-eyed Curse Master tightened his grip on the gun in his hand and pulled the trigger without any hesitation.

While he was horrified that the task subject was still able to move, he was also extremely lucky.

"It's really nice to be able to prepare the poisoning in advance."


Although the gun made with bare hands shook every time it was fired, its power was exactly what the original one should have, and it had not been emasculated at all.

Even the two guys were still on the bullet, and after some effort, there was gunpowder hidden in the steel ball, which could cause a secondary explosion.

Dozens of bullets were endowed with powerful kinetic energy and sprayed out together like a rainstorm of pear blossoms, producing astonishing destructive power.

Let alone flesh and blood, even the seats made of composite materials with a certain strength were penetrated by bullets. In their eyes, "Isayama Norimei"'s fingers, palms and even the upper part of his arms were all shot. Cut off, beaten to a bloody pulp,

Moreover, small holes appeared on the body, which were caused by the dents made by the steel balls. As mentioned before, these steel balls contained gunpowder and could explode.

So it was almost the moment I hit it. The gunpowder inside began to explode.

"Bang bang bang!"

The dent that was made exploded directly at this moment, which was already extremely miserable. Several large-scale wounds appeared on the surface of the body. The wounds were extremely deep, and the bones were basically visible directly. They were dripping with blood, and the white bones looked extremely scary.

All the blood splattered on "Isayama Kenmei" splashed on the onlookers, as did the steel balls ejected.

The two dark holes made the originally chaotic car almost even more chaotic. The panicked crowd almost immediately stood up and seemed to be running out.

The range of damage was huge, and accompanied by loud gunshots, it was simply the beginning of a sprint race.


The curse masters showed no mercy at all. They just pulled the trigger on these innocent people. This was to clear the scene.

The two brothers were in tandem. The bullets were pouring wildly over there.

They even include those curse masters, because they know that these are also competitors and unstable factors.

As for why those curse masters couldn't react, it was the curse of one of the brother curse masters.

frivolous illusion

You can designate an object to disappear from everyone's sight, and attacks made with it will also be invisible.

Projectiles were flying densely, bullets poured out like raindrops, and red blood was scattered all over the sky. Every life was killed instantly without being able to even scream. The entire passenger compartment of the Shinkansen seemed to have become a hell on earth, with corpses everywhere. Broken limbs and arms, big eyes can be seen everywhere, a strange mixture of flesh, blood and internal organs. These disgusting things are all soaked in blood.

A neat cabin in front and behind you. Until now. The bloodstains all formed a sharp contrast. The impact of these cruel scenes before our eyes was beyond imagination.

After a while, the two brothers fired all the bullets in their guns, and the field became very quiet, with no other movement at all.

As for the guilt of killing so many people. What is that? Can guilt satisfy you? Can it bring them money?

These people were just killed casually. It can only be blamed on their bad luck, as they bought a line with a bunch of curse masters.

"Come on, let's go over and take a look at our 20 million."

But there was an abnormal history that the two brothers were unaware of. Whether it's the blood of the curse masters or the blood of the passengers, it seems to be alive at this moment, slowly gathering in from a distance.

If the different bloods are marked, they may be like small arrows, similar to a weathervane pointing directly in that direction.

It was ignored just because there was blood on the ground, and the final destination of this blood was their target "Isayama Nomei".

"Just to be on the safe side, let's take another shot."

The older curser stopped the younger curser and put his hand against the muzzle of his gun, preventing him from pulling the trigger.

"No need, he looks like that, he can come back to life, I'll show it to you."

"You should be lucky that our previous attack didn't destroy the head, otherwise it would be really difficult to identify who he is."

When a curse master makes a mission, he usually cuts off the head of the mission target, so that he can be most identifiable.

"Okay, cut off the head quickly."

"The longer it takes, the more disadvantageous it will be for us. After all, everyone wants to take the 20 million."


There was a sound of "rubbing", which was the sound of a sharp blade being unsheathed.

Just follow the wound. Cutting along the gaps in the bones, he skillfully cut off the human head with almost no resistance.

"Speaking of which, this thing is not much older than us. Why is he so valuable?"

"Who knows?"

Another curser was packing these firearms, but when he inadvertently raised his head, he suddenly saw the bloody human head in his hand and seemed to open his eyes and blink.


The sudden fright frightened him so much that he took several steps back.

He said in a panic.

"This guy is still alive."

"Are you kidding? I cut off his head. How can he still survive?"

When he saw the ugly appearance of his companion, it was impossible for the curse master to believe it. He thought that his companion was hallucinating after seeing this bloody scene.

I couldn't help but sarcastically said

"You look so timid."

But the guy who was being ridiculed. The expression on his face was even more horrified at this moment. Because in his sight, he saw that the head whose eyes were originally closed was now fully open.

"I'll cut off the head. Don't laugh to death. How can he survive like this?"

"Actually, if you just cut off the head, you won't be able to do anything to me."

Who is speaking?

The man holding his head in one hand. I suddenly felt creepy, and there was already a slight chill in my back.

Soon, he also noticed something was wrong. The sound seems to be. It came from the bleeding head in his hand.

"Look, I'm alive."

"Isayama Kenmei"'s eyes were being grabbed and rolled around, and finally he stared at the two of them, looking quite exaggerated and terrifying.

The person caught in his hand was thrown out like a hot potato.


But as soon as he took his hands off, a black and red slightly glowing mud-like object appeared around the head, spurting out, connecting the broken bodies together.

This unusual and strange scene suddenly broke the defense of the curse masters, and they picked up their guns and opened fire again.

Now it's not a question of delivery, but a question of whether they can get out alive.

"Isayama Kenmei"'s head was punched through, but it almost grew back at a very fast speed. His upper body was almost beaten to a pulp, but it recovered as before.

It feels like the pile of things in front of you is insubstantial and is made purely of blood. Even the body of "Isayama Kenmei" has become more active by absorbing the blood of the corpses on the ground.

An almost black-red shadow directly covered the entire carriage. Eye-like things began to appear on the walls, which looked extremely evil and terrifying.

And in the deepest part of those bloody pools, there seemed to be many terrifying ferocious hounds grinning, and countless black and red centipedes densely entangled together.

"Game over, Curse Masters."

The roles of prey and hunter have been fixed since the beginning, but the skilled "hunter" often appears as a non-threatening "prey".

If all this is just a trap, and such scenes are staged in three places at the same time, how should the curse masters deal with it.

The actual post is 4400. I am still revising the article. I just closed my eyes and fell asleep, so I almost didn’t have time to upload it. I will ask the editor to add a topic tomorrow.

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