Congratulations You Are Under Arrest!

Chapter 250 Lifting to the seventh level (1)

Absolute strength means absolute obedience.

This is the survival wisdom of people living in the dark side of New Tokyo, and as the leader of the Ashida team, Yoshihisa Ashida obviously has such wisdom.

The strength of the power user of the fifth stage and the fifth stage, Yoshihisa Ashida knows that he is very strong, even stronger than some members of the third investigation team of the Metropolitan Police Department.

But in front of this young man with a gentle smile who looked harmless to humans and animals, he couldn't even capture the movements of the other party.

From that moment on, he knew that the two sides were not at the same level of strength.

Of course, what really made Yoshihisa Ashida give up his resistance was the broken bottle of champagne that the young man in front of him had pressed against his neck.

Even though he didn't let out any bluffing words, there was a rusty and bloody smell in the air.

Yoshihisa Ashida, who is very sensitive to this kind of breath, is very familiar with what is in it.

So when the other party said I ask you to answer again, he simply chose to answer truthfully - for some reason, Yoshihisa Ashida felt inexplicably that the young man in front of him didn't seem to be afraid of him lying.

The I ask you what you answer segment of the nightclub went well.

After Higashinohara showed the terrifying power that he could easily stuff the broken glass bottle in his hand into Yoshihisa Ashida's throat before everyone started, and by the way give everyone a flower, he followed behind Yoshihisa Ashida. Those core backbones did not act rashly.

Yoshihisa Ashida honestly and honestly explained all his dealings with the shelter. If Higashinohara hadn't stopped him, he would have even revealed his bed affairs with the woman in charge of the shelter. .

Half an hour later, Higashinohara, Nishimaru Miri, and Charlie stood at the door of the nightclub.

Higashinohara and Nishimaru Miri both looked back at the neon lights behind them at the same time.

When he turned his head, he noticed that Nishimaru Miri's eyes were full of unfinished intentions, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

The head of the Tianhu girl Xia Li next to her was a little dazed.

Before going deep into the tiger's den this time, she had many ideas in her mind.

He even imagined himself as a ruthless interrogator. If this abominable human trafficker is stubborn and full of lies, then he must know what cruelty is.

But now, Charlie's face was full of that's it.

Finally, she still swallowed her saliva, staring at Higashinohara and couldn't help but ask the doubts in her heart:

Are we going back now?

Higashinohara turned to look at her, Are you still drinking another drink?

What's the point of that?

Xia Li hurriedly pushed her hand in a guilty conscience, smashing it, smashing its mouth, the juice just now was strangely delicious, and there is a reason why it is expensive.

Wait, seems to have been taken astray.

I mean, that guy won't lie to us, right? He cooperated with the woman at the delivery station to abduct and sell so many children, how could Nova not be the one who abducted and sold them.

Indeed, in the I ask you and answer session just now, Yoshihisa Ashida knew that he had no chance to resist, so he and the Edogawa District Shelter's criminal business over the past few years was shaken clean.

Only Nova, who disappeared this morning, when Higashinohara asked about it, he denied that there was no such thing.

Higashinohara also verified Nishimaru Miri, and the other party did not lie, but it seemed that he did not tell the truth either.

So Higashinohara could only stab the broken glass neck in his hand into the opponent's right leg.

Well, the effect is still very immediate.

Yoshihisa Ashida finally confirmed that his previous feelings were not wrong, and there was no room for lies in front of this man, so he could only take a deep breath and tell the secrets he had heard with difficulty.

Originally, according to the agreement, today was the day for shipping from the Edogawa District Shelter. Everything had already been arranged inside, and he only needed to pick up the goods as usual.

But just last night, the day before the shelter delivered, he received a call that someone intercepted the goods he shipped.


Higashinohara asked at the time.

But Yoshihisa Ashida shook his head and said that if they did it, don't ask if you shouldn't know!

Since the other party has the ability to intercept the goods by airborne, and also let the person in charge of the shelter destroy the previous agreement, there is no room for resistance.

can only say,

The other party is someone they can't afford to provoke.

In addition, although Yoshihisa Ashida didn't say anything, Higashinohara saw in the eyes of the other party that there were very few organizations or forces in Wano country that the Ashida group could not afford to provoke, even if they were stronger than them. The Yakuza organization also couldn't let him eat this dumb loss in silence.

Then there is only one possibility, and this force is likely to come from the official upper level.

As for how high it is,

That's a bit of an unknown.

think of this,

Tonohara's brows furrowed slightly.

Although he has never been optimistic about the politicians and officials of Wano, he never thought that those big men would be involved in the world's worst thing, selling people as goods, and a feeling of saying no suddenly surged in his heart. out of disgust.

Is this the norm all along?

Or is it because the Judgment Division has withdrawn from New Tokyo, and the storm is about to come, so all the bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods have jumped out?

Higashinohara has no idea about this.

At this moment, Charlie suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help but said angrily, By the way, what about that guy? I just let him go?

Although Yoshihisa Ashida has basically washed away the connection with the Nova who disappeared this morning in the Edogawa shelter, but he has been in this industry for so many years, and he is already full of evil, and Charlie wanted to give him another leg at that time. Out of breath.

Of course not. Breaking one of his legs is mainly to confirm that he can't run in the past two days.

Higashinohara shook his head, took out a voice recorder from his pocket, shook it and said, Our evidence collection method is a bit 'special', go back and ask your boss to optimize the content of the recording, and then put the evidence together. To Mr. Morita, I think Yoshihisa Ashida has been arrogant under the eyes of the Metropolitan Police Department for so long. In the past few years, two people have been handed over to face the crime. The Metropolitan Police Department must also want to catch this big fish once and for all.

Xia Li blinked when she heard the words, and stared at Dongyeyuan with a face full of surprise, Dongye! You are so scheming.

. Higashinohara.

well said.

Don't say it next time.

He shook his head and ignored Charlie, squinting slightly.

Since there is no news from Yoshihisa Ashida, everything will return to the original point, and the only way to open a breakthrough can be from the woman in the shelter.

When the sunset was lonely, a group of three people disappeared on the streets of Edogawa District.

At the same time, when Higashinohara and the others left the nightclub.

Tokyo Bay Tamagawa International Airport in New Tokyo, and National Center Airport in Wano Country.

A huge private jet tore through the sunset like a giant black bird and slowly slid to the runway of Haneda Airport.

In the open space on both sides of the runway, a row of big people who Wano country can often see on TV stand by the black solemn sedan.

They didn't receive any guests today, they didn't handle any government affairs, they were all just to receive the guests on the private jet.

Among the people who were greeted in this row, the leader was the Our Prime Minister Dongsen River Valley, who often appeared on Wano TV.

At this time, his usually gentle and friendly face was full of heavy colors, and he quietly stood with his hands behind his back without looking back and said to the people behind him:

Is everything ready?


The personal guard behind him said respectfully, Residence, travel, food, and the special needs of distinguished guests in Beijing are all prepared.

Hearing the words 'special needs', Dongsen River Valley's eyes suddenly showed an extremely ugly look, and after a long while, he didn't take a deep breath to calm down.

At this time, his eyes looked around, and suddenly he asked, Why didn't 'Shadow' come?

When the guard heard the words, a trace of respect and even longing appeared on his face. For that elusive and unfathomable shadow, all the personal guards of the Prime Minister of the Cabinet regarded it as their lifelong goal.

The guard hurriedly said, Master Shadow said that he had to deal with a few things. He seemed to have left a little trouble when preparing the needs for several distinguished guests.

Little trouble?

There was a trace of unpleasantness on the face of Dongsen River Valley, and he said in a light tone:

The training of Kimura's guy is still not in place. Since it is a small trouble, I hope it can be solved quickly. Any big trouble starts from a small trouble.

Yes! The guard said quickly, and did not forget to add, Master Shadow said that he will be back before the Emperor's banquet tonight, please rest assured.

That's good.

After Dongsen River Valley finished saying this, he did not continue on this topic. His eyes were already on the black giant bird that had landed in the sunset.

Thinking of this day, the undercurrents surging secretly in Wano Kingdom, which was light on the surface, was surging.

There are already several countries on the Cross Continent that have established foreign trade relations with Wano. At the same time, they called the Prime Minister's Office to say that from today until the end of the [World Conference] in June, those countries will refuse to use Japanese yen as a payment and payment. The currency in which payment is made.

The implications are self-evident.

Not to mention that in less than two days from yesterday to now, a large number of chaebol assets in Wano country fled under his nose.

If this continues, there is no reassurance to stabilize those chaebols.

This country for which he has worked so hard will soon be cut into a shriveled body

Thinking of this, Dongsen River Valley involuntarily took a breath and looked at the black giant bird-like private jet again.

After the Judgment Division announced its withdrawal, will Wano Country's [World Conference] in June usher in a turnaround?

He can only place this bet on the most prestigious and noble people in Beijing in that plane.

As for the conscience and moral condemnation to be discarded, he was willing to bear it.

Everything is for this country.

Dongsen River Valley said to himself silently in his heart, and his face suddenly became firm and hard again.

In the evening, Haneda Airport, where flights at nearby times were interrupted, looked very quiet and comfortable on the runway of the T3 terminal. After the black private plane stopped on the runway of Haneda Airport, the hatch slowly opened.

After a while, the outlines of several figures appeared in the hazy light and shadow. The first person to walk to the spiral staircase was the old man named Abraham Rhine from the Nine Great Heavenly Dragon Clan.

With the hatch facing the west, Abraham squinted slightly at the sunset, and a meaningful smile appeared on his old face.

The sun is setting. Tsk tsk, this astronomical phenomenon doesn't seem to be a good omen, and the country of Wano is probably approaching.

Vincent Leon, an old man of the Eagle Clan behind him, shook his head and said with a smile, Danwan Xiaoguo, pinning one's destiny on others is doomed to not last long, it's just a human being, and it won't last until the last moment. It is impossible to give up.”

At this time, an old man with green vertical pupils came out. He smiled and licked his lips:

The last meal before leaving is really a long aftertaste. I don't know what kind of surprise the loyal dog of Wano country has prepared for us?

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of important executives and guests who had been picked up by Wano Country had already walked over, and the afterglow of the setting sun had plated the faces of both sides with the same color.

Both sides smiled at each other.

As if diners at the same table.

under the same sky.

On the other side, when Higashinohara brought Charlie and Nishimaru Miri back into the alley near the shelter in Edogawa district, Higashinohara realized something was wrong.

The alley was empty, and the noisy noise of the children in the courtyard of the shelter, which could be heard when I walked in at noon, all disappeared at this moment.

Xia Li also seemed to have noticed something was wrong. With her long ears pricked up, she said in a puzzled way:

What's the matter? Are the kids sleeping? Are they still eating? Is the shelter so early?

She opened her mouth, as if she had something to say.

Suddenly, without warning, the roar of a motorcycle engine came from the ears of the three.

It's just that the sound of this motorcycle is obviously different from the little motorcycle they are riding.

Higashinohara raised his eyes, squinted slightly, and saw a man in a black leather jacket and trousers at the end of the alley, wearing a black motorcycle helmet, sitting diagonally on a black motorcycle full of ghosts.

Nishimaru Miri, who was sitting behind Higashinohara, just glanced at the other party, and the small hands that wrapped around Higashinohara's waist suddenly grabbed his clothes tightly.

Big brother

Don't be afraid.

Higashinohara turned his head and tried to reassure her with a smile at Nishimaru Miri.

Only then did I realize that I was wearing a motorcycle helmet, and I couldn't help laughing bitterly in my heart. His face became a little colder.

The visitor is not good.

Needless to say, this can be felt.

But who is it?

Why are you waiting for them here?

Could it be the person from Yoshihisa Ashida in the nightclub just now, but why didn't the other party make a move there?

Higashinohara suddenly realized something and looked up at the extremely quiet shelter with a thoughtful look on his face.

He turned around, gently picked up Nishimaru Miri who was hugging him, put it on Charlie's little motorcycle, and said without doubt in his tone:

Bring Mili, you go first.

Ah? But you.


The conversation was brief.

Although Higashinohara had a lot of complaints about Charlie on weekdays, he had never spoken to her in such a tone.

Xia Li was stunned for a moment, and realized something. Obviously, this is a man who can't be beaten by Higashinohara.

Okay! We'll be waiting for you outside!

Xia Li immediately took Nishimaru Miri, turned the scooter and looked back at Higashinohara, then turned the accelerator and was about to ride back.

Unexpectedly, at the same time as he twisted the accelerator, someone on the other side of the alley also tightened the accelerator, making a humming sound that shook the air.

Higashinohara suddenly raised his head, and saw the man across the alley who was leaning on the motorcycle press the front of the motorcycle, and the rear wheels were raised high. Pull the throttle straight to the bottom.

Come on!

Higashinohara increased his voice.

The next moment, the rear wheel of the opponent's motorcycle slammed to the ground, and the ghost fire motorcycle under the crotch twisted sharply in place like a ferocious beast!

Immediately, like a shell out of the chamber, it blasted towards them at an incredible speed.

Under the white motorcycle helmet, Higashinohara lowered his eyebrows slightly, he suddenly tightened the accelerator of the small motorcycle he got off, and rushed towards the other side in a ridiculous way!

In the alley at dusk, on the battlefield where the smoke filled the sky, the two armies fought against the fierce generals.

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