Congratulations You Are Under Arrest!

Chapter 245 The Betrayer's Madness

On the day of March 10, 1122 in the Tianyuan calendar, the official live broadcast execution that took place outside the Sakurada Gate in New Tokyo, Wano country, caused great controversy. Another major event was replaced - that is, the Judgment Division announced the withdrawal of Wano.

For a time, various media and news practitioners poured in one after another.

Every section of traditional newspapers and electronic journals is filled with various analyses of the current situation, reflections on the past, and predictions about the future of Wano Kingdom.

The public has always lacked the ability to analyze and think independently. When this information is like a tide that wipes out everyone in less than half a day, under the tide, everyone's heart begins to be full of thoughts about the future. of anxiety.

As for whether those anxious reporters and vocal politicians are really concerned about the country and the people, or whether they are thinking of taking the opportunity to grab some traffic, this is a matter of opinion.

Just when people were panicking outside,

The tall, straight-faced prime minister Dongsen River Valley, although he has experienced vicissitudes of life, stood out and announced that he would give a public televised speech in his office.

Edogawa Ward, Aragaki Apartments.

On the tatami in the middle of the living room, Charlie looked at the TV, and then at Higashinohara, whose eyes were lowered slightly. The two fluffy ears on her head twitched, and she gently raised her hand and poked Higashinohara.

What's wrong?

Tonohara slowly raised his head.

Dongye. Are you angry? Xia Li suddenly asked.

Higashinohara was stunned for a moment. Just now, he saw the innocent people outside Sakurada Gate who were supposed to be acquitted today and embrace their families again. Those people, men and women, old and young, had their skulls under the sharp knife of the Judgment Division. roll.

While he was angry, he also felt a little self-blame.

Because Higashinohara knew that if he hadn't broken into the Judiciary's Mansion last night and let go of those who were on the execution list on the second and third floors of the dungeon, the innocents on the first floor of the dungeon would not have been replaced and brutally murdered. .

It's just that this self-blame is only for a moment.

Higashinohara soon realized.

When he blamed himself at this time, he was actually punishing himself with the sins committed by others.

If he falls into this kind of self-blame, then if one day, the Judgment Division holds all innocent ordinary people in Wano country hostage and publicly threatens him to commit suicide, otherwise they will kill all those innocent people.

How should Higashinohara choose?

This assumption turned half a circle in his mind, and Higashinohara immediately got the answer.

In this world, truth exists only on the edge of the blade.

Of course Higashinohara will not turn himself in or kill himself, nor will he fall into endless moral self-blame.

He will only continue to strive to become stronger, so powerful that one day he will be able to kill those innocent people, from mastermind to participant to executor.

One counts as one, finds out and kills them all, and neither tolerates nor forgives.

This is his answer.

The same is true for the scene outside Sakurada Gate today.

Having figured this out, Higashinohara's face was also somewhat relieved.

At this time, Nishimaru Miri, who was helping Kolotia to cook, also moved over in small steps.

Witnessing the scene outside the Sakura Tian gate, her delicate little face turned pale, and she said in a very frightened tone, Thank you eldest brother, if it weren't for you, my aunt would probably be.

It's alright, it's alright. Tonohara rubbed her little head with a smile.

On the TV, the NHK news channel also cut from outside the Sakurada Gate to the Prime Minister Higashimori Valley, who was about to give a speech in the office.

Dongsen River Valley was so worried last night that he stayed up all night. NHK's news shooting was not deliberately lit, which made the Prime Minister's face look extremely tired and haggard.

As soon as his face with a razor-sharp face appeared under the camera, his tired expression immediately caused a lot of discussion among the people.

It's just the calm and determined expression revealed by the tiredness of Dongsen River Valley, but it quieted the faces of countless people in Wano Kingdom who were caught in arguments and worries, and they couldn't help staring at the most people-friendly person in the history of Wano Kingdom. a Prime Minister.

He is our prime minister.

At this time, Dongsen River Valley, who appeared under the camera of the TV speech, did not give a speech immediately, but leaned forward slightly towards the camera, spread his hands flat on the desk, and barely squeezed a trace on his exhausted face. The friendly smile that people are familiar with.

However, seeing this tired smile, countless people in front of the TV and the computer were all nervous, and they all felt a little distressed for this prime minister who had just taken office but suffered a series of drastic changes.

He was so tired and haggard, and it seemed that only at this time did he relax a little. He must be carrying some unimaginable burden on him.

For a time, countless aunts in their 40s and 50s all over the country had tears in their eyes. They were the most staunch supporters of Dongsen River Valley during the election period as a member of parliament.

It starts with appearance and ends with character, but in the end, he is convinced by the impeccable affinity of the other party.

It was at this time that Dongsen River Valley opened his mouth to the camera. Even though his face was extremely haggard and tired, his voice was still as firm and powerful.

I believe that today, many people should be as shocked as I was when they saw the news. The World Government's Judgment Division to help us maintain public order management, there was an astonishing and vicious terrorist attack last night, and today decided to evacuate Wano Country!

Dongsen River Valley paused, and his tone gradually became deeper, Of course I haven't forgotten my promise in my inaugural speech to seek justice for those innocent lives who fell under the Sky Tree on the night of January 31! Apply for World Government Arbitration at this World Conference

But there are always people! ! !

Speaking of this, the voice of Dongsen River Valley suddenly mentioned, and said in a very sonorous and angry tone:

There are always some people! They don't want to see us defend our justice and fight for our fairness through proper channels!

So they want to destroy all this with violence and death, to destroy our peaceful and stable life.

There are always some people who fantasize that they are messengers of justice and wantonly destroy the order, but they don't know that they have already lost themselves in their own abilities and cut themselves off from the people.

And those people

Suddenly, the tone of Dongsen River Valley was full of loneliness and desolation.

Those people I admired and regarded as like-minded friends! But after the incident in the Judgment Division last night, those people will be me! They will be the enemies of all the people of Wano!

When Dongsen River Valley said this, the tiredness and haggardness on his face were swept away, and the sculptural line on his face was full of sigh, which made people feel moved!

His fiery televised public speech did not name anyone throughout.

But in the hearts of countless people up and down Wano country, there is that person who occasionally wears a dark golden dragonfly mask and a fox mask with red and blue patterns. Involuntary justice.

Speaking of which, many viewers in front of the TV had previously regarded it as a kind of superhero who helped justice.

But in today's sudden situation, coupled with the incomparable TV public speech of Dongsen River Valley, the people who were a little anxious and at a loss suddenly seemed to have found an outlet, and they cursed angrily in front of the TV. up.

In just a few minutes, countless swearing messages and posts appeared on the Internet.

Aragaki apartment, in front of the TV.

Higashinohara stared at the resolute and upright face on the TV screen, his brows could not help frowning slightly, and suddenly many, many thoughts came to his mind.

He remembered that Nishimaru Miri once called him a good uncle; he remembered that Nishimaru Miri once regretted that the other party did not come to power earlier, otherwise her adoptive father Tokugawa Lihu might not be so easily framed; also remembered He once comforted Nishimaru Miri that is our Prime Minister, everything will get better and better.

But it seems.

Nothing has changed.

Tonohara let out a sigh of relief.

At this moment, he suddenly found that Xia Li, who was sitting cross-legged on the tatami, was trembling slightly, her hands were pressed tightly below, and she looked very angry.

Higashinohara couldn't help but startled, and smiled bitterly in his heart.

With Xia Li's upright character as a tiger girl, I'm afraid she should be scolding herself at this moment, right?


Unexpectedly, at this moment, Xia Li suddenly raised her arm and pointed at the face full of integrity and tenacity in the East Sen River Valley.


Higashinohara's first reaction was to talk about himself.

But looking at Xia Li's fingers that were almost on the nose of Dongsen River Valley if it weren't for the TV screen, she couldn't help but be surprised.


The doubts in his heart have not been asked.

Charlie turned her head and said indignantly, You are a friend when you need it, and an enemy when you don't need it. Such a guy is the most hateful in our village. Betrayal! This is a blatant betrayal!

Is it betrayal?

Looking at the angry Xia Li, Dongye's originally depressed mood suddenly improved a lot, and a smile appeared on his face.

Although many of his actions during this period were just satisfying his wishes while completing tasks to improve his strength, he did not regard him as a chivalrous person.

But not to be happy with things and not to be sad with oneself is a realm, a realm that few people can reach.

Even if Higashinohara did not ask for gratitude, he would never hope to do the right thing but be stabbed in the back and cursed incessantly.

For a moment, he really began to wonder if he had ever been lost in what he was doing.

But at this time, hearing Xia Li's words, Higashinohara suddenly woke up.

From the beginning to the present, his actions have never been overkill, or superfluous when someone has already taken care of him.

All the people he killed were those who had done a lot of evil but were able to walk under the bright sky and go unnoticed.

Yes, others think it has always been like this, so will he also stand by and watch?

Thinking of this, Higashinohara's eyes narrowed slightly.

Even Charlie can understand the truth, he doesn't believe that there are so many fools who are easy to fool in Wano.

In the final analysis, he was just a target for venting out in this terrifying emergency today.

And the person who personally ordered him to look like that target was the one on the TV that he once called Our Prime Minister's Dongsen River Valley.

Higashinohara looked at Xia Li, who was waiting for her opinion, and couldn't help but nodded gently:

Yeah. He betrayed

Upper Kyoto city area.

The eastern outskirts of Shangjing is an inaccessible wetland reserve. In the middle of the reserve is the Moon Lake with beautiful scenery, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds in the center of the lake.

There is lush green grass growing by the lake, and where the grass and the lake intersect, there is a holiday manor that looks a few years old.

Quietly, the door of the manor was opened, and a black extended car without a license plate slowly drove in. In the past, the cumbersome identity verification was not hindered by any authority in front of this black car.

When entering the door, the window of the back seat of the black car was opened, revealing the face of an old man smoking a cigar. The most striking thing was his green vertical pupils.

He turned his sight away from the line of sight on the sand by the Moon Lake not far away from the white bird, and felt the abundant moist breath of the wetlands. He took a deep breath and turned his head to face He The old man who was in the same car said:

That old guy from the Rhine family really knows how to choose a place. I'm afraid no young people are willing to come here for many years.

Although the old man sitting next to the old man with vertical pupils looked very old and looked like he might die at any time, his occasionally slightly raised eyelids still seemed to reveal a piercing sharp line of sight.

He closed his eyes again and said indifferently, A generation is not as good as a generation. I didn't expect that at this age, when something happened to the junior, we would have to invite us old guys.

Yeah. The old man with green vertical pupils also nodded tacitly.

The two people in the car, the former is Walker Lot, an old man from the Celestial Snake Clan of the Nine Great Families. Although there is no direct blood relationship with Adeline, the fifth ruling, but strictly speaking, it can be regarded as Adeline of the Celestial Snake Clan. grandpa generation.

The latter, Vincent Leon, is similar, except that he was born in the Eagle Clan, and is considered to be a direct relative of the grandfather of the fifth ruling envoy, C Luojian.

The two old men were very clear.

Although their status is not high among the Nine Great Families, after all, their seniority is there, and their strength should not be underestimated. If they decide to stay in the clan for the elderly, no one can invite them to take action.

But that is nothing but lingering, waiting for the end of Shouyuan, who has not been in a few years, to reach the end of death.

Nobody wants to die.

The gods above the sky don’t even want to.

In the end. Still confused.

All of this is because of the news from Wano Kingdom that the gate of the [Border] of the third-order blue appeared.

According to the records in some secret files of the Nine Great Masters and the Judgment Division, it means that they have once again seen the opportunity to break through the current shackles and bottlenecks of life essence.

After entering the door, the owner of this lakeside manor is the old man named Abraham Rhine from the Tianlong family. He has already been wearing black and elegant custom clothes and is waiting in front of the door for a long time.

You are late.

Someone contacted us on the way, and watched a good show by the way.

Oh? Is it the host of the Wano country we are going to?

That's right, hehe, that's an interesting human being. He knows very well that launching a battle at any time is the only choice to gather public opinion and centripetal force, even if it's just a war of public opinion.

That's really interesting. This time he offered to cooperate with us. I hope we can cooperate more happily.


After getting out of the car, the three seniors who were respected in Shangjing just walked into the manor and stretched out, walking towards the lakeside terrace behind.

Although this lakeside manor is old, it is extremely clean. Along the way, there are always one or two extremely respectful servants when the three old people need it and where they need it.

When the three old men walked leisurely and walked to the lakeside terrace of the manor, the air suddenly became extraordinarily refreshing and pleasant.

On a luxurious stone table on the terrace, the old man of the Tianlong family, Abraham, sat in the middle, looked at the old people on both sides and said with a soft smile:

It seems that both of you have decided to leave for Wano, just like me. The special plane is ready, and we can leave at any time in the afternoon.

Speaking of this, he saw that the two of them were still unmoved, and he couldn't help but clapped his hands in fear and said with a smile:

Okay, then our weekly 'Sacrament' will be brought forward to today. This time the 'farm' of the manor is quite a few excellent ingredients. Please taste it well.

Hearing the words of Abraham, the old man of the Tianlong clan, Walker of the Serpent clan and Vincent of the Tianying clan both had their eyes lit up instantly.

Once a week at this lakeside manor, there is a Sacrament that is enough to nourish the body and prolong life.

For these old guys who are dying, it is definitely a supreme delicacy that is worth repeating for the next few days.

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