Congratulations You Are Under Arrest!

Chapter 201: One Sword Breaks All Laws? (first update)

The moment she heard the gunshots, Ling Wei's dry face suddenly showed some disgust, and she seemed to feel a little threat from the gunshots.

She should have felt threatened.

As the most outstanding scavenger of the Yesha Revolutionary Army, Kenjiro Nanami is a sixth-order power user. He may not be the most capable power user in the sixth-order, but he is definitely the sixth-order power user who is best at killing people.

Even if he is facing a sixth-order peak, he is only one step away from completing the fateful promotion of dangerous demons from second level to third level.

Go away! Open!

Ling Wei raised her dry eyelids, and her dry throat uttered two harsh syllables that made Kenjiro Nanami and others unable to understand the specific meaning.

But some things are common,

Like killing intent.

After pulling the trigger, Nanami Kenjiro raised his eyes slightly. It was clearly an open space under the gloomy sun, but he inexplicably heard the sound of surging waves.

At this moment, a huge pressure shrouded Nankai Kenjiro's heart, making him feel as if his heart stopped beating for a beat, and a terrifying pressure of Mo Yu rushed towards him like a frenzy. At this moment, he subconsciously raised his arm to protect the face door.

In the next second, Kenjiro Nanami disappeared in place, and almost pulled an afterimage like a cannonball like Higashinohara, and slammed into the residential building not far behind him.

Bang Bang!

Countless pieces of broken glass shattered like snowflakes!

Nanami Kenjiro smashed directly into the room from the front window of a house, and with another bang, he seemed to smash a wall, and countless concrete rubble collapsed.

Gray Maine, who was walking to the corridor, heard the movement, and turned his head to look in the direction where Kenjiro Nanami fell, a hint of sarcasm flashing in his eyes.

Disobedient and self-sufficient.

Isn't that what happened?

He thought that the human employers of the investigation team would learn from Kenjiro Nanami's lesson, but the moment he rushed to the corner of the corridor and turned back, his face turned gloomy.

I saw Hela turned into a super-fast streamer, and at the moment when Kenjiro Nanami flew out, he did not hesitate to relay and slash out again in the direction of Ling Wei.

The remaining Shinichi Shinmura and the sensitive Camilla actually stopped in place and did not move. In short, apart from Jiyuan Wenren, none of the remaining hired human beings in the investigation team obeyed his instructions!

What stupid and mean people are!

Gray Maine's eyes flickered slightly, but when he thought that they would no longer be people of the same world, his gloomy mood was inexplicably relieved.

What to do with the dead?


Without looking back, Gray Maine kicked a strange monster on the corridor behind him who was trying to catch up with him, turned around, and rushed to the second floor in one breath.

Getting the supplies is the most important thing.

The open space downstairs.

Holding his neck by an invisible force, Higashinohara's face, who was raised in the air, became more and more red, and a huge sense of oppression and crisis flooded into his heart, making Higashinohara's heartbeat like a drum of war bang bang bang accelerated.

At this time, even if this invisible force locked him like a shackle, causing his heartbeat to speed up unconsciously, but after speeding up, he inexplicably found that there was no fear in his heart.

Only calm and faint excitement.

The world government, the Judiciary, the world they once lived in, these people who have become strange monsters inexplicably but will kill them when they meet.

He can live to this day,

Not by someone's charity.

It's his big heart that is more dangerous, calmer and full of fierceness in the life and death of the cliff wire again and again.

His life belongs only to himself,

No one wants to take it away.

Almost at the moment when Hela and others intervened in the battlefield, Higashinohara, whose throat was choked, suddenly opened his eyes, and a terrifying current that was enough to smash and cut everything suddenly rolled up around his body.

Ruins. Vortex!

In the next instant, the terrifying water flowed towards Ling Wei's direction like an upside-down waterfall and patted her head down like an upside-down waterfall.

Ruin Ruins is the blue high-risk ability of Talent Sequence 23. At this moment, Ling Wei's thick black pupils also showed a wave of fluctuations.

She raised her hand to the upside-down waterfall and gently patted it like washing clothes, and the invisible violent force rushed to the water in an instant, splitting the waterfall that fell towards her head in two from the middle. At first glance, it looks like the gods in myths and legends, and they are divided when they meet water.

Not only that, whether it was Hela who just took the opportunity to attack her or Shinichi Shinmura, both of them seemed to have hit the invisible air barrier.

How fierce it was when it came, how miserable it was when it went, the whole person sprayed blood and flew out in different directions.

This is the psychic ability.

It is said to be an ability that is more difficult to improve than the spiritual ability, but once someone can really improve this ability to a certain level, it must be an existence of the same rank that is more mindless and terrifying than a swordsman.

In an instant, Camilla was the only one left.

Camilla touched the amulet that was handed over to him by her sister when she came over her neck. She couldn't help taking a deep breath, and said to herself again in her heart, I won't die, neither of us will die.

This is a promise from a brother to a sister.

He didn't think it was a wise choice for the short-sighted captain of the sky and man of Gray Maine to take the opportunity to snatch the supplies at this time, so he decided to help Higashinohara.

Although he had a secret agreement with the woman in the Judgment Division, he was saving himself and did not violate the agreement between them.

In the next moment, the blade in the hand of Camilla, the master of the talent sequence 33 [Wind Dance], shook, and the whole person rolled up and broke the air in the direction of Ling Wei with a violent airflow, and the blade in her hand made a harsh sound. hum.

And go with the wind.

Dance of the Wind. Dance of the Wind!

Ling Wei seemed to finally get tired of the wave after wave of attacks. She suddenly raised her hands at the same time. Kamika, who was in mid-air and advancing with the high wind, was like a tsunami like a storm encountering a frenzy of energy.

His speed became slower and slower, until finally his body suddenly felt a force that seemed to tear his limbs apart in different directions, and his body suddenly felt a sense of cracking.

According to reason, Camilla should be desperate at this time, but in fact he is not desperate, the blue eyes that are characteristic of people in the central and eastern regions are brighter and brighter.

Because at this moment, he saw a figure passing over his head.

The figure seemed to be dancing wildly with flowing water, the light of the sword was as fast as lightning, and the sound was like Shura. The invisible energy frenzy that came from all directions in front of him, trying to interfere and capture him, was actually blocked by the airtight, air-tight body that would dance up and down. The swordsmen are all turned away!

No self, one knife flow. Sword type. Seventh type!

Asura dance!

Compared with other sword types of Wuyi Yi Dao Liu, whether it is the straight forward of [Tornado], or the wind and lightning of [Lei Long].

They are all straight forward, full of domineering aura of seeing the mountains and breaking the sea, this is a real sword style.

However, in this seventh form [Sura Yewu], Higashinohara felt that it was very refreshing every time he practiced his sword in his skull, and he didn't have the indomitable momentum of the previous six forms of swords.

But at that moment, Higashinohara suddenly reacted. Only offense, not defense, the world is unparalleled only exists in an overly idealized state, such as Higashinohara who has added a certain attribute to the extreme.

Most people are in a relatively balanced state like Higashinohara under normal conditions, so it is impossible to just blindly seek to kill decisively, and also need to defend.

It's just that a knife flow is a knife flow after all.

The seventh-style sword-type Shura Yewu is said to be defensive, but to put it bluntly, it is still defending with attacking.

When Higashinohara urges this sword to slash away against the invisible energy frenzy under the control of that woman,

The terrifying turbulence surrounding his sword seemed to fill the whole world, and the energy particles that were trying to wrap Higashinohara around those invisible substances seemed to be chopped and fell into a cycle of continuous collapse and reorganization, and could no longer be touched. to his stature.

On the other hand, Higashinohara swept across the heads of everyone like a shooting star dragging a flame tail, and the spiral rolling of the chopped sword surging with endless water in his hand disturbed all the invisible energy, and slammed towards Ling Wei almost instantly.

At this moment, Ling Wei's face finally changed.

Although she retains some sense of autonomy, in the long years of alienation and becoming a monster, her thinking seems to be a little stiff, not like the mind of the female executive who managed thousands of people countless years ago. active.

She tilted her head slightly, it seemed a little difficult to understand, how could someone be able to cut off the invisible energy with the visible sword.

In fact, not only Ling Wei, but even Hela and Shinichi Xincun who flew out and squatted on the ground also showed shock and surprise on their faces!

Ordinary power user swordsmen, even if the sword type is fierce and unpredictable, at least it is a real sword type, which belongs to the category they can understand.

But the style of Higashinohara is completely detached from the sword shape of an ordinary swordsman.

Cut the invisible with the visible.

In my impression, this is completely the category of one sword breaks ten thousand methods that can only be mastered by swordsmen above the seventh rank and even great swordsmen!

Without waiting for the shocked people to think more, Ling Wei finally reacted at the moment of the close call, and her hands slammed the invisible energy around her towards the blade in front of her.


The terrifying shock wave exploded in an arc!

At the same time, Ling Wei, who has been standing still since her appearance, was also affected by this shock, and her whole body was like a dry corpse. He flew out behind him.

One hit!

It is impossible for Higashinohara to pass up this opportunity and let the other party revive.

The surrounding demons and gold medal lecturer Li Chu went upstairs to chase down Gray Maine and others who were robbing supplies. Once the other party was relieved, they would become the bait that Gray Maine left behind.

In mid-air, the sword in the hands of Tonohara, who was catching up with the situation, pulled out a waterfall that was seven or eight meters long, and rushed down violently towards Ling Wei, who flew out.

From Ling Wei's dry throat, a gritty gritty gritty sound came out, Abandoned us. Betrayed us all. Damn it!


A question mark flashed in Higashinohara's mind.

Do you mean her husband?

Higashinohara has never been a person who likes to reason in battle. If there is any reason, he will say it after the fight.

The terrifying wave of energy exploded in the air, and the energy carried by Ling Wei, who flew out, was once again disturbed by Dongyeyuan. The whole person was slapped by an invisible giant palm, and instantly smashed to the ground.

A loud bang!

The gravel flew over the ground square, and the dust was raised high.

However, the flying dust and gravel, as well as various bricks and other debris did not fall again, and was suddenly suspended in the air by an invisible force.


A figure slowly stood up.

But at this time, Higashinohara heard the movement of Gray Maine and the others behind him turning over and going downstairs. It seemed that they had already grabbed the supplies and prepared to evacuate, and they were going to throw them here as bait to hold the alien demon.

After all, Ling Wei in front of her is a strange monster who is about to be promoted to the third-level ability, and it is difficult for them to be their opponents.

Dong Ye Yuan frowned slightly, seeing that the other party was about to make another move, his heart suddenly moved slightly.

The next second, he shouted at Ling Wei a syllable that was extremely strange to Hela and others.

your husband,

He is waiting for you in Jianghai First Hospital.

In an instant, countless pieces of gravel, dust, and debris that were suspended out of thin air seemed to have lost some kind of strength to support them, and suddenly they all fell down like rain.

We also withdraw.

Higashinohara took a deep look at the other party and said decisively in the team's voice.

There will be a second one later.

Ask for a ticket!

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