Chapter 77 FBI? Then finish them all out! Gin wine, do you have an opinion?!!

“I should have known that you guy won’t be killed so easily!”

Seeing Ooka Heping again, after looking Gin Jiu up and down, he spoke coldly,

“What is very dangerous, in this world, people who can make you feel dangerous, I haven’t heard of it!”

The corners of Ooka Heping’s mouth rose, revealing a smile of unknown meaning, and moved his lower waist,

“Believe it or not, I believe it anyway!”

This attitude made Qin Jiu’s eyes freeze, and his tone was even more cold, “Who is the other party?” ”

Ooka Hei smiled mockingly, “I don’t have to tell you that!” ”

Gin Jiu’s expression became even more gloomy, and after being silent for a long time, he nodded,

“Well, indeed! It’s enough for you to tell me that someone else from the FBI is coming! ”

Ooka Heping was stunned, what did I tell you?

You guy, looking at a cold face and a very high IQ, how can you say something inexplicable?

What does this mean is that you have learned the whereabouts of some FBI members? As for the people secretly sent by the FBI…, it should be Mr. Judy’s group!

Seeing Ooka Heping’s slightly contrived and pompous stunned expression, Gin Jiu felt that this guy was clearly trying to pretend to be stupid and stunned, and he didn’t bother to waste his lips and tongue on this issue, his face was solemn, and he spoke in a deep voice,

“This time I asked you to meet, it was the gentleman’s meaning!”

Seeing Gin Jiu mention the gentleman with a serious expression, Ooka Hei stretched his waist, and seemed uninterested,

“This is what you and Belmod have recruited yourself, and you haven’t sent messages to harass that gentleman lately, and that gentleman will make me look at you!”

“Why, when you meet me today, you want to continue to make an agreement with me not to interfere with each other? I know, you, like me, don’t like to be restrained! ”

Saying that, he looked at the gin wine with a more lazy expression,

“Do you want to continue to not interfere with each other? Yes! However, if I remember correctly, you still owe me a thank you for Akemi Miyano’s matter last time, right? Now, thank me, and I agree! ”

Hearing this, Qin Jiu’s breathing suddenly stagnated, and his face was gloomy like water, making him thank him, it was even more uncomfortable than killing him, not to mention, the object was still this guy Baijiu!

Volt 19 plus felt that the temperature in the car suddenly dropped several degrees, he regretted a little, why every time, when the two big brothers of baijiu and gin wine meet, they are either in the car or in the carriage, I should not be in the car, it should be under the car!

Vodka wanted to cry without tears, and did not dare to move, only hoping that the two eldest brothers could ignore his poor little transparent.

Time froze I don’t know how long before Gin Jiu’s breathing finally recovered, and he looked at Ooka Heiping coldly, his tone suppressed anger and unwillingness,

“My mission was not beautiful enough, there was a mistake, you were able to shoot, thank you so much, Baijiu!”

Being able to say this is already Gin Jiu’s best effort, his anger and unwillingness, not only to Ooka Peace, but also to himself, not noticing that Miyano Akemi is watching behind him, which is a thorn in Gin Jiu’s heart.

Vodka’s heart suddenly trembled when he heard the words of ginjiu, he had followed gin for many years, and it was the first time he had seen gin like this, and now, vodka’s idea that he should stay under the car became more and more intense, alas, if only he had not heard this!

After Gin Jiu did not have much sincere thanks, he imagined that Ooka Heping’s wanton laughter and ridicule did not come, which surprised him, in his impression, this guy of baijiu has never been a person who knows how to accept it when he sees good, does not torture people to the point of almost collapse, or plays until he has his own pleasure, but he will not easily let others go.

Ooka Heipi really didn’t have much interest in the unsalty thanks, he was just disgusted with the gin, and after a moment of contemplation, his eyes kept falling on the vodka shrunk on the edge of the car.

After feeling that Ooka Heipi was looking at himself, Vodka’s body had already collapsed nervously, and he didn’t dare to look at him at all, until several seconds later, Vodka finally couldn’t help it, turned around respectfully, facing Ooka Heiping, trying his best to squeeze out a stiff smile,

“Bai, big brother baijiu!”

Ooka Hei saw that Vodka was such a burly big man, shrunk in the corner like an angry little daughter-in-law, and he felt funny, and after Vodka fearfully spoke, he laughed directly,

“Vodka, you, are afraid of me?”

Vodka was worried in his heart, but he still cooperated very well to make the smile on his face bloom a little,

“No, it’s not, big brother Baijiu, I respect this!”


Ooka Heipi snorted softly, “Vodka, you say, what should you do with the FBI that has been targeted by you?” ”


Vodka suddenly hesitated, and said in his heart, Brother Baijiu, didn’t you just tell Brother Gin Jiu that as long as Big Brother Gin Wine thanked him, the two sides would not interfere with each other?

How to deal with the FBI, it should be a matter for big brother ginjiu to consider, right?

The eyes behind the sunglasses, glanced at the face of the gin wine next to him slightly, and saw that the other party did not have obvious joy or anger, and the vodka heart was slightly calmer,

“Big brother baijiu, with you and big brother ginjiu here, what you say to do, I will do it!”

Ooka Hei bowed his head slightly, very satisfied with the vodka’s statement, “Then kill them all!” ”

The tone was calm without a trace of fluctuation, so that Vodka heard it wrong, and Gin Jiu was also stunned for a moment, and saw Ooka Heping with a smile on his face,

“Do you have an opinion, ginjiu?”

“Of course not!”

Gin Jiu’s eyes narrowed, and his face also showed a cruel sneer,

“Kill that FBI trash fish, tell those people behind them, and Akai Hide-”

“I already knew you were coming!”

“This is really your style, baijiu!”

The smile on Ooka Hei’s face changed from cruelty to mockery, and he snorted disdainfully.

“Akai Shuichi, or anyone else, want to investigate the organization? Yes, take your life in exchange! ”

Saying that, he glanced at the vodka and then at the ginjiu, and the mockery was even worse.

“As long as you kill enough, it hurts enough to kill him, Shuichi Akai’s mouse, will soon be unable to hide!”

The killing intent revealed between the words made vodka secretly frightened, I don’t know if it was an illusion, he just felt the coldness revealed by the cold light in the eyes of the big brother of Baijiu, almost condensed into ice, so that he couldn’t help but feel shuddering!

Akai Shuichi, it is the silver bullet that the gentleman has been worried about, it may destroy the organization, and Gin Jiu is naturally anxious about that gentleman’s urgent, and the person who wants to kill the most is also Akai Shuichi!

“I’ve wanted to see him for a long time!”

Gin Jiu’s tone was cold, and his eyes were cold.

Gin Shu is very obsessed with Akai Shuichi, but Ooka Hei is not much interested, silver bullet? That’s just an empty bomb!

Without Conan’s help, what waves can be turned over by him alone? After thinking for a moment, Ooka asked casually,

“What has that woman been doing lately in Belmode?”

Gin Jiu’s expression was indifferent, and he simply responded,

“I don’t care what that woman does!”

This answer, of course, will not satisfy Ooka Hei, vodka suddenly felt that the temperature in the car plummeted again, like falling into an ice cave,

“Cough, big brother Baijiu, Belmod has always been like this when he has no mission, her transfiguration and cross-dressing, we are really…!”

Before his words could be spoken, Ooka Heping’s figure moved, appeared in front of him, and pressed his head,


With a loud bang, vodka’s head slammed heavily on the car wall, “When I didn’t ask you, don’t answer, don’t you understand?” ”

Volt cried out quickly, feeling his head buzzing all of a sudden, again!

Last time, it was in this car, too!

However, the difference is that this time his head cleared up quickly, because he felt that the hand of the big brother of Baijiu was really as cold as ice, and he felt that his hat must have been frozen on his hair, but he did not dare to reach out and touch it to confirm this matter.

Vodka allowed the blood to flow from the nostrils, dripping down,

“Yes, yes, big brother baijiu, I remembered!”

Ooka Heipi shook Vodka’s head a few times, “I hope, this is the last time I remind you!” ”

“Yes, big brother Baijiu!”

When vodka was taught, there was no reaction to ginjiu, and when he first met here, he told vodka that baijiu was a moody maniac, neurotic, and vodka himself did not have a long memory, then, even if he was killed one day, he was looking for his own death.

After Ooka Hei let go of the vodka, he sat back in his seat and looked at the gin, his tone was cold,

“You’d better stare at that woman!”

When Gin Jiu heard this, his eyes were suddenly cold, and his brows were furrowed,

“You mean…?”

“I don’t mean anything!”

Ooka Heipi interrupted him directly.

However, this is enough to make Gin Jiu wary, and the meaning of Baijiu is to doubt Belmode’s loyalty to the organization?

Although that woman has always relied on the trust of that gentleman and went her own way, if she would betray the organization, this is a bit of a fantasy, right?

However, if Baijiu did not mean this, wasn’t he sowing discord when he said these words?

This is even more fanciful!

Although Baijiu is a neurotic and fun-loving, he will never do anything harmful to the interests of the organization, and even if Gin Jiu is unhappy, he has no doubt about it.

Ooka Peace can allow Belmode to take good care of the angel Xiaolan, but Judy’s group of FBI comes to Japan, Akai Shuichi will definitely appear soon, he does not allow Belmode to open up to the enemy because of the relationship between Xiaoran and Kudo Shinichi, let alone allow her to be yang and yin, eat inside and outside!

Ooka Heipi knew that Belmode’s heart was desperate for someone to destroy the organization, but, just thinking about it, yes!

No one can make actual actions in front of him and still be safe!

The black-clad organization, is that gentleman’s? Yes and no!

Because, sooner or later, Ooka is peaceful!

Therefore, anyone, who wants to be bad for the organization, then, take your life in exchange!……

Andrew Kammel, as the driver, has been lurking in Japan for a long time in the Chevrolet sedan at the Flying Spur, and he said while introducing the recent situation and the work of the FBI,

“Judy, your disguised identity during your time in Japan is to go to a high school to be an English teacher, the relevant procedures have been done in advance, you only need to go to report for three.”

“The group of men in black have not appeared recently, but the recent many accidental deaths are very similar to their style, they must be acting in secret!”

Judy Stilene, who was seated in the back row, held up the old-fashioned glasses on the bridge of her nose, a little puzzled,

“Let me lurk in a high school as an English teacher? Why? ”

Kamel responded without a hint of hesitation,

“Although I didn’t know the whereabouts of the group of men in black, that woman, Belmode, still showed some clues, and our people, more than once, observed that she seemed to be very interested in some people in that high school, but I don’t know what she wants to do!”

Hearing Belmode’s name, Judy’s eyes and expression instantly became resolute, Belmode is her father’s murderer, and this time she came to Japan, and she came to track Belmode! James Black next to him heard this, and spoke in a deep voice,

“Since there are no other clues, starting with Belmod is indeed the only way at present!”

Judy had no other objections after hearing Belmode’s name, and after a moment of silence, she spoke again,

“What about Shuichi, you have been in Japan for so long, have you collected information about Shuichi In addition to Belmode, Akai Shuichi is also the reason why Judy came to Japan.”

Hearing Shuichi Akai’s name, Kamel was a little embarrassed, “Uh, I’m sorry, no!” ”

2 years ago, when FBI717 was preparing to secretly arrest Gin Jiu, it was because of his mistakes that the operation failed, and Akai Shuichi’s identity in the organization was also exposed, and he had no choice but to escape from the organization, which was a thorn in Kammel’s heart, which made him Minmin think of it and was annoyed.

“No news?”

Judy whispered, with great disappointment in her tone.

James Black knows that Judy and Shuichi Akai used to be lovers, because Shuichi Akai was going to organize undercover, so they had no choice but to break up, Judy still loves Shuichi Akai until now,

“Judy, as long as Xiuyi is in Japan, he must be secretly investigating the organization, we will meet sooner or later!”

Judy snorted and didn’t speak again.

Didan High School.

On the road outside the school, a bright yellow Lamborghini parked on the side of the road, attracting many people’s curious eyes, this kind of luxury sports car, is rare.

Not to mention, the owner of the sports car is still an elegant woman with a delicate appearance, beautiful and moving!

Belmode ignored those curious gazes, elegantly smoking a cigarette on the dashboard in front of the steering wheel, there were two photos, one of which was Ran and Shinichi Kudo wearing the uniform of Teidan High School students, and the other, also a group photo, was none other than Ran and Conan.

She smoked, her eyes looked back and forth on the two photos, the smoke made her eyes gradually narrow, and the time when Kudo Shinichi disappeared from Xiaolan and the time when this child named Conan appeared next to Xiaolan highly coincided, which had to make her suspicious.

In particular, she also knew that Shiho Miyano, who she hated very much and wanted to kill for a long time, was studying something!

“Cool boy! Is that you? ”

Belmod muttered softly, and then looked at the clinic next to the school, the owner of the clinic, called Shinide Tomoaki, who was also working as the school doctor of Didan High School.

At the same time, after sending a patient out the door, the new doctor also noticed a line of sight, seemed to be observing him, he looked around, and noticed that it was the beautiful woman on the Lamborghini across the road, in fact, the new doctor had noticed this woman here several times, sometimes riding a motorcycle, sometimes driving a sports car, dressing style, and many changes.

The new doctor was not narcissistic enough to think that this woman had taken a fancy to him, but he felt a little faintly uneasy, especially this time, the other party actually looked directly at him, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Belmode squinted and glanced at the new doctor, pressed the window, and then started the car,

“New out wise, then, that’s you!”

The Lamborghini roared and quickly disappeared at the end of the street, in a building on the side of the street, several people observed all this,

“It seems that this woman seems to be planning to disadvantage the doctor, although I don’t know why, but this matter must be notified to the superior as soon as possible!”

“That’s right, it just so happens that the headquarters has recently sent a more senior search officer to support this matter, and it must be reported immediately and prepared early!”

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