Chapter 67 Cause my woman to cry, I will make him pay!!


A thunderclap sounded.

Xiaolan, who was frightened by the bandage weirdo just now, was shocked by the thunder, the two things she was most afraid of, appeared at the same time, and the buff was directly full,


Xiao Ran exclaimed, threw herself into Ooka Heping’s arms, hugged his arms tightly, and shivered.

Obviously a karate master, he was afraid of being like this!

Ooka Heping smiled and let Xiaolan hold her for a while before reaching out and holding her arm,

“Hold it so tightly, is it to thank me for saving you just now?”

Hearing the familiar ridicule tone, Xiaolan was stunned, only then realized that she had just been afraid and involuntarily looked for Ooka Heping as a dependency, her face suddenly blushed, and quickly let go of Ooka Heping, “No, it’s not!” ”

“According to the drama of heroes saving beauty, shouldn’t beautiful women be rewarded with their own promises?”

The banter in Ooka Heping’s eyes was even more irrepressible, making Xiaolan feel ashamed of himself, this nasty guy, every time people just think he is a little more normal, he looks like this teasing!

Xiaolan seemed to be shy, and seemed to be resentful and glared at Ooka Heping, and after seeing the warm smile on the other party’s face, her face turned even redder,

“It’s going to rain, I’m going back!”

Saying that, without waiting for Ooka Heipei to answer, he turned and ran towards the woods.

Ooka Hei looked at Xiaolan’s back, and then, he turned his head and squinted his eyes into the depths of the woods, and finally, his gaze fell on the axe blade embedded in the ground,

“Attack Xiaolan? Then you, die unjustly! ”

“Bandage weirdo?”

Xiaolan, who returned to the villa, told everyone about her experience, and everyone was shocked and puzzled.

Ota, Chikako Ikeda, Kadoya and others all said that they had not seen anyone with bandages, and only the fat Takahashi took the conversation,

“I have been repairing the roof just now, but I didn’t see such a person, but on the suspension bridge where I came to the villa before, I did see a person with a very strange costume and a strange look!”

“His face, I didn’t see clearly! Just dressed in black, draped in a black cloak, and wearing a black hat on his head! ”

“That’s right! The person who attacked me is the one you see on the drawbridge! ”

When Xiaolan heard this, she immediately spoke,

“Moreover, I saw him on the drawbridge when I was 19!!”

Speaking of the weird guys on the suspension bridge, Ota and Kadoya also recalled at this time and said that they had seen it too!

Xiao Lan looked nervous, and her tone was determined, “He is a bandage weirdo!” ”

At this time, the drizzle had turned into a pouring rain, and after a heated discussion, everyone decided to go to the police first, and as a result, the call could not be reached.

Ooka Hei took Keiko and sat by the window, watching the last rain before the murder, and the corners of his mouth raised mocking laughter.

Takahashi will soon dismember Chikako Ikeda to avenge Atsuko, who died two years ago, revenge! Peace Ooka is supportive!

However, this guy, when he made a move on Xiaolan, he touched the anti-scale of Ooka Peace, and the guy named Ota!

“Brother Peace, what you said before, there will be dead people or something, isn’t it, coming soon?”

Keiko quietly leaned into Ooka Hei’s ear and whispered, “I see it!” ”

Ooka Hei tilted his head and smiled,

“It’s going to be scary, it’s bloody, aren’t you scared?”

The little girl shook her head repeatedly, and there was even a little excitement in her eyes, “Don’t be afraid!” ”

This almost neurotic ‘perverted’ personality and psychology! Little girl, you have the potential to become a member of the organization! I’m optimistic about you!

Ooka Heipi glanced at Takahashi, who was directing his attention to the bandage weirdo.

“Wait, the show is about to begin!”

As a member of the film club, even if he is responsible for props, Takahashi’s acting skills are still very good, he quickly showed his fear of bandage weirdos, and then, taking the opportunity to run out the door, the people who were worried about his safety were guided to the suspension bridge, and after finding that the suspension bridge was cut off, everyone was even more shocked, this time, almost everyone believed what Takahashi said, attacked Xiaolan in the woods, cut the telephone line, and cut the suspension bridge, it was the bandage weirdo!

On the contrary, Chikako Ikeda, the only one among the crowd who dismissed this, she acted very calmly and returned directly to the villa,

“Anyway, now that the situation is like this, it’s raining again, it’s better to stay in the villa, if you are really worried about that bandage weirdo, lock the doors and windows!”

Then, go straight to the upstairs room,

“I feel a little tired, go back to my room to rest first, and I won’t eat dinner!”

Chikako Ikeda’s coldness made several people feel even more low because of the fear aroused by the bandage weirdo, and the strange atmosphere permeated everyone, so that everyone did not talk much for a long time.

After more than half an hour, Ayako Suzuki, who had prepared dinner, glanced at Ooka Heipi who was watching the rain by the window, and seemed to have no concern for everything that happened today, and his heart sank slightly, alas, this date, it will really make him unhappy! Ayako pursed her lips and exhaled to ease her mood, “Okay, okay, then, let’s have dinner together!” ”

Ooka Hei is holding Keiko back to the window and sitting down, even if Keiko said that she is not afraid, but what is about to happen is the famous scene of childhood shadows, Ooka Heipi still doesn’t hope very much, Keiko encountered a case for the first time, it was so exciting!

Xiaoran and Sonoko, helping Ayako put all kinds of food on the table, photographer Kakutani, looking at Takahashi who was busy on the second-floor platform, beckoned him to come down to eat, Takahashi answered, and then shouted in a surprised tone, “What person?” ”

Then, in the next second, a man dressed in black and black robes with a bandage on his face flashed from the floor-to-ceiling window on the first floor, and in the arms of the bandage weirdo, was Chikako Ikeda, who opened his mouth wide and looked terrified!


After everyone was taken aback, photographer Kadoya immediately ran over and pushed open the window, “Chikako?!” ”

However, the speed of the bandage weirdo was much faster than he thought, and in just this short effort, the other party had disappeared!

Looking at the sky outside, Ota couldn’t help but say,

“It’s so dark, Chikako doesn’t even know where he was taken!”

Kakutani couldn’t manage so much, shouting Chikako’s name, chasing after him, Ota and Takahashi followed, and even Keiko looked eager to follow the past.

Ooka Heipi looked into Keiko’s eyes,

“Are you really sure you’re going to see it?”

Keiko’s eyes lit up, and she nodded excitedly, “Okay, then there you go!” ”

Keiko jumped out of her seat and quickly followed Sonoko and Xiaolan, who had been lagging for half a beat

Ayako finally gets alone time with Ooka Hei, but she is also worried about Ikeda Tomoko and chases her out after the apologetic Ooka Heipi owes money.

Chikako Ikeda has long been divided by Takahashi, and the corpse was discarded in the forest, and the only thing used to attract everyone’s attention just now was actually a human head of Chikako.

Soon, Ooka Heping heard a faint exclamation from the other side of the woods, at this time, he had already walked up to the second floor, now walking to the left middle, Xiaolan’s room door, reached out and touched the door panel, then pushed the door in, went straight to the floor-to-ceiling window of the balcony, his fingertips flashed a few green lights, and then left the room.

When everyone returned to the villa again, their faces were heavy, but Ooka Heping was sitting on a chair, eating dinner slowly, looking unaware and completely unconcerned.

The last to come in were Ayako and Ran and they were, Keiko ran to Ooka Hei with a cigarette, stood on tiptoe, leaned into his ear, covered her mouth,

“Brother Peace, that woman, she was really killed! It’s so miserable, the corpses have been cut into several pieces! ”

Keiko’s tone was completely devoid of panic, and even, with a tone of suppressed excitement, her eyes were full of interest.

Ooka Heipi nodded and motioned for Keiko to sit next to him, “Now, the excitement is over, let’s eat!” ”

Keiko climbed into the seat, still couldn’t help it, and leaned over again,

“However, Sister Ayako cried very sadly just now, she felt that she would die because she planned this party and invited that woman over!”

Ooka Heipi glanced back and stopped crying, but Ayako Suzuki, who was still depressed, snorted softly,

“Well, got it! Cause my woman to cry, I will make him pay! ”

When Keiko heard this, the look in her eyes became even brighter,

“Brother Peace, are you going to teach that person a lesson?”

“I’ve always been a peace-loving person, how can I do such a thing as fighting and killing! Ooka Heipi laughed softly and rubbed Keiko’s head,


The companions of the party died, so that everyone had no appetite for dinner, after checking the doors and windows, they went back to their rooms to rest, Ayako and Xiaolan, who wanted to wait for the help to clean up together, looked at the dining table, one big and one small, two people who ate happily, a little stunned, Ooka Hei and Keiko two, in comparison, simply an outlier, there was a homicide!

How do you two look like you haven’t been affected in any way, but you have a better appetite?

Sensing the gazes of the two women, Ooka Heipi did not look up, concentrating on the food on the plate,

“Your cooking skills are good and can’t be wasted!”

“Yes, sister Ayako, I think tonight’s beef soup is delicious!”

Keiko, who still had a look in her eyes, also nodded in approval, but she didn’t know what she said, but for what.

The chef was able to recognize the lover, and the depression in Ayako’s heart dissipated a lot, and her face resurfaced with a gentle smile,

“If you like it, I will often…!”

She wanted to say that she would often cook for Ooka Hei in the future, after all, if the two of them are together, it is natural to cook for her husband.

However, when the words came to her lips, she remembered that Xiaolan was still around,

“Cough, Xiaolan, you came all the way today, it’s also hard, you should also go to rest early!”

Xiaolan was still wondering how Ayako’s sister didn’t say anything halfway through her words, and now when she heard the other party persuade her to rest, she shook her head decisively,

“Sister Ayako, I’ll help you clean up later, and then go to sleep!”

Ayako said in her heart, if you don’t leave, how can I talk to my lover about each other? It’s been a day, and I haven’t found a chance to talk!

Ooka Hei saw that Ayako was a little anxious, and reached out and rupped Keiko’s head a few times,

“Keiko, tonight, you sleep with Sister Xiaolan, okay?”

Keiko didn’t even think about it, so she refused,

“No, I want to sleep in a room with Brother Heping!”

Ayako and Xiaoran, but I don’t think there is anything wrong with this in itself, Keiko is still a little girl, she doesn’t understand anything, so to speak, she feels a little cute!

Ooka Heiping repeated the original words again, this time, Keiko finally understood the meaning, she looked at Ooka Hei blinked, and then glanced at Ayako inexplicably, and finally her gaze fell on Xiaolan, “Sister Xiaolan, can I sleep in a room with you at night?” ”

Xiaolan naturally will not refuse such a cute little girl, moreover, today is a thunderstorm, if there is thunder at night, she will be very scared alone,

“Of course!”

Ayako Suzuki also heard a trace of strangeness after Ooka Hei repeated that sentence again, she remembered that in the afternoon, Ooka Hei told her that if she left the door at night, Kasumi flew her cheeks suddenly, and did not dare to look at Ooka Heipei’s smiling eyes,

“Then, Keiko, if you are full, go back to the room with Xiaolan first, children can’t go to bed too late!”

Xiao Lan still wanted to say something, so she heard Ooka Heping speak,

“I’ll finish eating last, I’ll help clean it up here!”

Hearing this, Xiaolan didn’t say anything more,

“Okay then, Keiko, let’s go back to the room!”

Keiko nodded heavily, snorted, and then leaned into Ooka Heping’s ear and said softly,

“Brother Peace, you are so bad! Now, am I what you said earlier, wingman? ”

Ooka Heipi took the opportunity to chew food and bowed his head slightly, “Answer correctly!” ”

Keiko raised her eyebrows, jumped off the 613 seat, and raised her hand to salute, “The wingman is ready, request to take off!” ”

Ooka Heiping was also very cooperative, holding up the dinner knife and saluting back, “Permission to take off!” Good luck! ”

The conversation between the two people like a child’s game made both Ayako and Xiaoran a little stunned, especially Xiaoran, she still found out for the first time that Ooka Hei had such a childlike side, and it was no wonder that she would become friends with a little girl like Keiko!

Ayako was stunned, but after being stunned, the smile in her eyes was gradually replaced by tenderness and sweetness, and finally, the entire restaurant, only she and Ooka were left at peace! She almost didn’t have a trace of sluggishness, she rushed towards Ooka Hei, the beauty was on the side, beautiful and delicious, this meal was no longer able to eat, Ooka Hei put down her knife and fork, looked at Ayako Suzuki, the smile in her eyes turned into a fiery enthusiasm,

“Now, it’s time for something more delicious!”


The affection in Ayako Suzuki’s eyes was lingering, almost turning into water, and after a sticky call, she forcibly suppressed the shyness in her heart,

“I want you to know how much I miss you!”

Before the words fell, he took the initiative to raise his neck and stick it…

On the second floor, Xiaolan’s room.

Xiaoran and Keiko slept separately, both of them were actually more curious about each other, Ooka Hei said to Keiko yesterday, ‘I want them all’, so Keiko, as a qualified wingman, naturally wants to know more about Xiaolan.

Xiaolan wants to know more about Ooka Peace through Keiko, what Sonoko said to her before, she has tacitly acknowledged to Suzuki’s parents, because of the old grudge between the two families, and denigrated Ooka Heiping, just like that day, when he was in the alley, Ooka Heipi first talked about Sonoko, he also felt disgusted, in the end, Ooka Heipa and Sonoko are victims of two family feuds

The gentle sister Ayako is too, in her bedroom that day, she also reacted coldly to the name Ooka Hei, and today, she did not show a very resistant look!

Although, it doesn’t show as intimate as the garden!


“Sister Xiaolan!”

Two people with their own hearts, after thinking for a moment, almost spoke at the same time, and then, at the same time, they were stunned for a moment, and finally, it was Xiaolan who laughed,

“Keiko, if you want to say anything, just say it first!”

Keiko turned over and turned sideways to face Xiaolan, her bright eyes were exceptionally clear, “Sister Xiaolan, do you like my peace brother?” ”

Xiao Lan was stunned, she didn’t expect Keiko to ask this, and before she could think of how to answer, she heard Keiko say more bluntly.

“Brother Peace, I like you very much!”

After a pause, Keiko moved towards the side of the bed and asked again,

“Sister Xiaolan, do you like him like Brother Heping likes you?”

These words made Xiaolan’s heart suddenly startled, and she waved her hand again and again, “No, it’s not, I don’t!” ”

When Keiko heard this, her eyes darkened, “Brother Peace, how pitiful!” ”

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