Chapter 66 Some of you have shown their dead face!!

“Kakutani, you don’t have to apologize to this kind of person!”

Ooka Heping’s cold attitude made the smoking Ota very unhappy,

“This guy who came last and was late, turned out to be like this…!”

Ayako, who was shy to hide in the kitchen, had actually been paying attention to the situation outside, and when she saw that the atmosphere at the table was a little dignified, where could she bear to see her lover being blamed, and quickly walked out with a coffee pot, “Ota, don’t say it!” ”

Ayako’s face, still to give, Ota snorted softly, did not speak again.

“Just now Yuanzi introduced me, a little too brief, please allow me to add a little more.”

Although Ayako stopped Ota, she couldn’t stop Ooka Heping, and he looked around the table coldly,

“In fact, my profession is a fortune teller!”

“Calculation, fortune telling?”

Everyone present, except Keiko, even Ayako and Xiaoran, it was the first time to hear Ooka Hei mention his profession, in Ayako and Koran’s opinion, Ooka Hei has the second son of the Ooka family, this identity is enough, there is no need for any professional identity at all!

All of you here are movie lovers, more or less familiar, especially Tomoko Ikeda, who is a screenwriter,

“Is it similar to divination, prophecy?”

Ooka Heping’s gaze swept over the other’s neck again, and a mocking smile appeared on his face,

“Sort of! Are you interested in counting before you eat? ”

As a woman, Chikako Ikeda was keenly aware of Ooka Hei’s gaze again, and this time, because of Ooka’s cold attitude before, she was disgusted, so instead of showing a proud and self-satisfied look like the first time, she frowned slightly, and felt a little disgusted in her heart.

“Okay, okay!”

When Sonoko heard this, she immediately agreed, she thought that this wave of initiative to break the news was Ooka Heiping’s efforts to ease the atmosphere,

“Brother Peace, I’ll come first, I’ll come first, I want to calculate when I can find a boyfriend!”

Ooka Hei squinted, glanced at the garden, grinned, showing a few large white teeth, and laughed silently,

“I tell fortunes, but all the calculations are bad luck, Yuanzi, are you sure you want to listen?”

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere of the entire restaurant suddenly became gloomy, this one dressed in black, with a cold expression, said doom or something in a mad tone, which made everyone’s hearts tremble for a while, and felt that the smile on Ooka Heping’s face looked hideous.

“Ah, this…!”

Yuanzi was also stupid and didn’t know how to answer.

The atmosphere became more solidified, but before it was finished, Ooka Heping’s gaze once again swept the smiles on the faces of Ayako’s friends who were members of the film club, and it seemed to them that it felt even a little cruel,

“Some of you have shown their dead faces!”




This sentence, finally detonated the entire restaurant of the oppressive atmosphere, several men all gasped, several women screamed in fright, the coffee pot in Ayako’s hand did not hold steady, fell on the small table next to it, a smoking man named Ota, who was almost frightened by Ooka Heipian’s words just now, frightened cigarettes all fell, finally came back to his senses, and immediately looked angrily at Ooka Heiping,

“You, you guy, what are you talking nonsense?”

Photographer Kakutani also stiffened his face and said with a cruel smile,

“That’s it, Mr. Peace, this kind of joke is not funny at all!”

Only Takahashi, who was obese, changed his face slightly, but soon returned to normal and did not say anything.

Ayako couldn’t help but walk up to Ooka Hei after returning to her senses, her tone was gentle and she had a gentle smile on her face, trying to ease the atmosphere.

“Yes, we friends, we haven’t seen each other for 2 years, it’s time to reminisce, don’t make such jokes!”

At the same time, reaching out to his shoulder and gently stroking it a few times, as if begging Ooka for peace.

Of course, Ooka Hei understood what Ayako meant, and fell silent, and the slightly gloomy smile on his face turned into a sunny smile in an instant,

“Hahahaha, I’m not very familiar with everyone, so just kidding, relieve the awkward atmosphere, don’t be so nervous!”

From cold and gloomy, to enthusiastic free switching, so that the people present, stunned, Sonoko was even more surprised, did not realize her sister’s casual action on Ooka Heping’s shoulder, what is wrong, only Xiaolan, who has long seen Ooka Heping’s ability to change faces, is accustomed to this, and Ayako behind Ooka Heipei, naturally did not see it, however, she could hear the change in Ooka Heping’s tone, which made her breathe a sigh of relief, now, Lin Lang is by her side, and has seen a few friends who have not been seen for two years, Ayako seemed very happy,

“Getting together with everyone reminds people of before!”

Then, immediately, his expression darkened again,

“By the way, there is also Atsuko, if Atsuko hadn’t happened to him, he would be here today!”

This sentence made her friends in the film club all change color, and they reacted more violently than when they were frightened by Ooka Hei’s ‘joke’ before,


Sonoko and Ran wondered, but before they could ask for details, Chikako Ikeda suddenly slapped the table and stood up, his expression irritated and angry, almost roaring,

“Don’t mention Atsuko again, okay?”

Her sudden rage made everyone else a little stunned, and suddenly, everyone’s eyes fell on her, and Chikako Ikeda also realized that her mood swings were a little big after she snorted angrily, and after sitting down again, her face was serious,

“It’s hard to go out on vacation to relax in your busy schedule, don’t mention the matter of people who died 2 years ago!”

Ota, who smoked a cigarette, laughed and mocked,

“Oh, famous, the tone of speech is different? Chikako! ”

“What did you say?”

was ridiculed in person, how can Ikeda know how to endure, the tone of voice raised again, Ayako quickly walked between the two and played a circle,

“Okay, okay, blame me, I just said the wrong thing! I’ll go make dinner now, I see you guys should rest first!” ”

“I’ll go outside and fix the broken roof!”

Fat Takahashi, immediately stood up, “Maybe wait a minute, it will start raining!” ”

Chikako Ikeda looked serious and walked towards the door, “I’ll go outside for a walk, you guys take care of yourself!” ”

Hearing this, photographer Kakutani immediately chased after him,

“Chikako, didn’t Takahashi just say that it might rain later?”

Because of Heipa Ooka’s fortune-telling and Atsuko Suzuki’s mention, it would be a little awkward to eat at once, so the dinner time had to be postponed a little later, and even Keiko, because of the fight with the garden, quickly disappeared

In the living room, soon Ooka Heipei, Ayako, Ran and the man named Ota remained.

Ota smoked a cigarette and looked at the gradually gloomy sky outside the window, and Xiaolan was a long time ago, because of Sonoko’s strange attitude towards Ooka Peace, she was full of doubts and wanted to find an opportunity to ask clearly, but because Sonoko’s attention was all on Keiko, she never had a chance.

Ayako, on the one hand, hopes that taking this opportunity can make Ran change her misunderstanding of peace, and on the other hand, hopes that Ran and Ota will leave quickly, so that she can have the opportunity to be alone peacefully with Ooka.

Ooka Heping is the most calm of the four, the weather is gloomy, the mountain rain is coming, it is a good weather to kill people and divide corpses!

The corners of his mouth involuntarily rose slightly, revealing a sneer.


After smoking a cigarette, Ota suddenly slapped his palm on the wall next to Xiaolan, put his other hand in his pocket, and put on a cool expression,

“Beautiful Miss Xiaolan, I don’t know, can you accompany me to the woods next to me!”

Ooka Heping’s eyes instantly gloomy, boy, you are not far from death!

Xiaolan heard the other party’s invitation, first stunned, and then, noticed Ooka Heping’s eyes, cold want to kill, she knows very well, in Ooka Heping’s heart, she is already his woman, this Mr. Ota, such an invitation, is simply challenging Ooka Heping’s tolerance limit, in case Ooka Heipa is angry, with his strength, Ota this small body ten is not enough to fight!


Xiaolan’s face was stunned,

“I’m not the slightest bit interested! I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere! ”

Hearing Xiaolan’s answer, Ota’s face became embarrassed, and quickly recovered as before,

“yes, that’s a shame!”

Then, he left in ashes.

Ayako is also a little disappointed, because in this case, it means that she will not be able to spend peace alone with Ooka.

After Xiaolan refused Ota’s invitation, he quietly glanced at Ooka Hei again and saw the affirmation and appreciation in the other party’s eyes, only to breathe a sigh of relief, fell silent, and looked at Ooka Heiping,

“Mr. Peace, that, excuse me, can you accompany me out for a walk, the two extreme attitudes of the garden towards Ooka peace really make Xiaolan very concerned, and Ooka Heping who lives in the words of the garden is simply a worthless scum.”

However, if you really face each other, Yuanzi is very casual to Ooka Heping, and even likes it, which is really strange, and now, Xiaolan can’t find the garden for a while, so naturally she can only think of a way from Ooka Heping.

Neither Heipa Ooka nor Ayako Suzuki expected that Ran would take the initiative to send out an invitation, but after thinking about it a little, Ayako nodded,

“That’s fine, dinner won’t be served later, so let’s go for a walk!”

In fact, she felt that the purpose of inviting Xiaolan to come with her was to hope that through real contact, Xiaolan could change her view of Ooka peacefully, and it seemed like a good opportunity to go for a walk and chat together.

Ooka Hei glanced at Ayako strangely, Ayako only thought that Ooka Hei was complaining that she was pushing herself to the other woman, and suddenly blushed, waved her hand in panic, and explained, “No, it’s not!” ”

Xiaolan felt inexplicable, did this mean that we should go, or did not want us to go?

Also, I’m asking about Ooka Hei, why is it Ayako-san Sister who is answering?

“Sister Ayako, what’s not?”

“No, nothing!”

Ayako is even more embarrassed,

“I still have beef broth stewed in the pot, I’ll go check it out… With that, he turned around and ran into the kitchen…”

In the grove outside the villa, Ooka Heipa and Ran walked side by side.

Xiao Lan was pondering in her heart, how to speak, but suddenly heard Ooka Heping speak first,

“This outfit suits you perfectly! It’s beautiful! ”

No matter how you hear this, it is a bit like what the couple said when they first met, which made Xiaolan’s face suddenly a little red,

“Thank you, thank you!”

Ooka Heipi slowed down his pace and asked softly,

“Okay, now it’s okay, you ask me out, what do you want to say?”


Xiao Lan was stunned, “You…?” ”

Ooka Heping looked into Xiaolan’s eyes, and his tone was inexplicable,

“I’m not naïve enough to think that you asked me out because you want to strengthen your relationship with me!”

Xiaolan heard a little ridicule from Ooka Heping’s tone, as well as a little self-deprecation, and even disappointment, which made Xiaolan’s mood become complicated, and she knew that if Ooka Heping invited her, she would probably not agree

And just now, in the face of that Ota’s invitation, if it weren’t for Ooka Heipei’s presence, she would probably be hindered and agree to go out for a walk with Ota, is it just because the man in front of her is Ooka Heipei, and she has a preconceived stereotype of him, so she can’t help but be very resistant and mean to him? Xiaolan was silent for a while, and after introspection, she blamed herself a little, she was even mean to Ooka peace, even more than to Ota, who was almost a stranger!

However, even if she was treated like this, Ooka Heipi did not take advantage of the fact that now, when only the two of them were alone, to make fun of her, and, before she spoke, he took the lead in picking it out and straightforward.

This made Xiaolan feel very uncomfortable for a while, now, those questions in his heart, there is no need to ask, Ooka Heping has shown with practical actions that he is indeed not what the garden said, useless!

His personality, even if he is a man with a thousand bad, is still a man with advantages, Xiaolan now finally understands why Yuanzi has different words and deeds, because Yuanzi’s understanding of Ooka Peace is also heard from the mouth of the family elders, just as he understands Ooka Peace from the mouth of Yuanzi, however, people always have to get along to know that it is after several contacts with Ooka Peace that he found that Ooka Peace is not as bad as rumored, Yuanzi, too, in fact, in life, Very easy going with Ooka Hei!

“No, nothing!”

After thinking for a moment, Xiao Lan shook her head, “I don’t have anything to say!” ”


Ooka Heping’s expression was slightly startled, he was a little surprised, he didn’t know what the girl in front of him was thinking, and took the initiative to ask himself out, but he didn’t say a word.

Ooka Heping’s doubtful nasal voice made Xiaolan a little ashamed, and her face tightened,

“I just, I just, I want to go with you!”

Ooka Heping was stunned, his feet suddenly stopped, Xiao Lan noticed that he stopped, and her heart was even more shy, where did she dare to stop, lowered her eyes, took a few steps past Ooka Heping, and continued to walk towards the depths of the woods.

Oh, this little nizi’s psychology is a little unclear!

Ooka Heping smiled, for the time being, he didn’t understand how this girl’s mentality changed, how was it so big, seeing that he was already several meters behind Xiaolan, Ooka Hei raised his legs to follow, at this moment, he noticed that behind a tree in front, there was a person hiding

This made him suddenly remember that Xiaolan had attracted the murderer to chase and kill because he saw the true size of the murderer!

At the same time, behind the woods, the guy dressed in black and black robe with a bandage wrapped around his head held a sharp big axe, and his figure quickly rushed out from behind the tree, raised the axe and cut towards Xiaolan!

Xiao Lan was most afraid of this kind of thing related to gods and monsters, seeing the face wrapped in bandages, only showing cold eyes, suddenly frightened and sluggish, watching the cold light of the axe, getting closer and closer to himself, just when the bandage weirdo thought he was about to succeed, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, it turned out that Ooka was peaceful a little under his feet, his figure suddenly accelerated, and in the blink of an eye, he had already crossed Xiao Lan and kicked over, “Another!” ”

Huge force, immediately kicked off the wooden handle of the axe, the sharp axe blade flashed with cold, after flipping dozens of circles in the air, it smashed heavily on the ground, the bandage weirdo obviously did not expect that Ooka Heiping’s speed would be so fast that it was incomprehensible, almost in the blink of an eye, he crossed a distance of nearly ten meters, looking at the mocking smile on Ooka Heping’s face, the bandage weirdo’s shocked eyes quickly turned into gloom, and then, with his feet, he turned and rushed into the woods.

Ooka Heping did not chase, the people have not been killed, the good show has not yet begun, how can it be dispersed?

However, if only one dies, I will not be satisfied!

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