Conan’s World Stand-in

Chapter 50: Bell ↑ Er ↓ Mor ↑ German ↓

"Okay, that's the end of the bullshit. I'll ask you one last time, are you joining us or not? I'll count three numbers."

Chris put her finger into the trigger slot of the pistol, and her white and plump forefinger was slightly deformed by the cold and hard trigger.

"It's really implemented... uh!"

Guan Dounan wanted to continue talking nonsense, but suddenly his whole body froze, and then the muscles in his body twitched uncontrollably, and the head lifted by Chris also shook violently, as if being opened. To the maximum power of inferior washing machines in general.

It looks a bit like what Doctor Strange looks like when he observes the future, but instead of this, "Sheepmania" is nothing more than a better way to describe his current state.

"It's a stand-in attack again?" Chris frowned, her gun still on Guan Dounan's forehead, she could shoot right away if she found something wrong, and turned her head to look around at the same time - except for the 30% of the people who fell behind and looked like dead pigs , there is no trace of other people or other stand-ins at all.


Guan Dounan's "epilepsy madness" only had a violent attack for a while, and soon subsided. In just a few short seconds, a layer of fine sweat appeared on his body, his face was also very pale, and he was panting weakly.

"You...really mentally ill?"

Chris originally wondered if Guan Dounan was pretending, deliberately acting like he was sick to make herself panic, so as to find a chance to turn the tables. But the appearance he just showed was too realistic, even the tremors between the five fingers were different, and he bit the tip of his tongue, and blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth at this time.

Even she has been immersed in the film and television industry for many years, and even the substitute is a disguised "performance", and she herself thinks that she cannot perform in such a state.

Coupled with the strange words he said before, Chris couldn't help but really suspect that he might have some physical, neurological or mental illness.

"Probably...probably..." Guan Dounan breathed for a long time before he recovered. He didn't even have the strength to raise his head. He raised his eyelids with difficulty and glanced at Chrissy.

"...It seems that I need to reconsider my evaluation of you, but the problem is still the same." Kris reached out and straightened Guan Dounan's face, making him face her, "yes, orno?"

"Huh...Are you so cruel? I..." Guan Dounan swallowed a mixture of blood and saliva, "I just went through such a painful experience..."

"We've always been cruel, would you like to take a look?"

Chris suddenly burst into a gorgeous smile, and the pistol that was on Guan Dounan's forehead was removed, and she was pointed behind him.



The sound of gunfire, which had been greatly reduced by the silencer, was perfectly hidden in the screams from the roller coaster next to him. Guan Dounan's eyes, which had been difficult to keep open, suddenly widened and looked at the opposite side.

The muzzle of the gun resting on his forehead again smelled of hot and gunpowder, and within his line of sight, behind Chris, just quietly stood up, took out a fruit knife and summoned a substitute to attack her. 30% of Zheng Ren was shot in the chest and fell to the ground again.

The surface was covered with black and white stripes, and the stand-in with its concave and convex eyes dissipated in the air like a weathered rock, and after Sancheng Zhengren fell to the ground, his body no longer moved, not even the ups and downs of breathing. This time, he should never be able to stand up again.

"Ask again, you join our organization, ye, orno?"

Just killing a person, Chris's expression didn't change, and she didn't even tremble in her hands.

"I don't know how much you have heard about what I said to that guy before, you can forget about those half-truths. Our organization is indeed absorbing all kinds of stand-ins, and I stumbled upon your ability to be interesting, so I want to invite you."

"That night, it was you in the building..." Guan Dounan said in a low tone.

"Yes. Later, I found out that guy was also a stand-in, so I wanted to pull him in too. However, the use of that ability is too small. If necessary, you can give up completely, and even use it as a bargaining chip to recruit you."

"Unfortunately, your character disgusts me. Although your ability is rare and valuable, it is not necessary for you. If you do not answer, or refuse to join, I will kill you in the same way. "

A life disappeared in front of Guan Dounan so easily. Although this person once killed him, although this person wanted to join that organization just now, although this person was someone Guan Dounan also wanted to take revenge on, although, although.

The burning sensation from the gun on his forehead has gradually dissipated, and Guan Dounan had an illusion in a trance. The dissipated temperature was not the temperature left after the gunpowder was burned, but the lives of 30% of the people.

"...Huh." Guan Dounan blinked hard, the muscles in his cheeks trembled slightly, and suddenly he let out a low laugh.

"Chrissy Wynyard, is this your real name? Or is it better to call you your code name, 'Belmode'?" Guan Dounan looked into Chrissy's eyes, but still didn't answer her question, as if his own Life is just something insignificant.

"Is this what you learned with your ability? It's a terrifying ability. It seems that the need to kill you has increased. Three." Belmod ignored Guan Dounan's nonsense and counted down the numbers.

"Bei↑er↓Mo↑de↓!" Guan Dounan suddenly changed his expression and shouted the code name of Belmod in a cadence.

"Why can't you understand me asking what day was yesterday's date?"

"Why is your ability to become 'transformation', but it is related to 'time'?"

"Why do you feel inexplicably dazed when you hear Sancheng Zhengren's answer about the date?

"Two." Belmod's expression gradually turned cold, and he spat out the second countdown number from his mouth.

"There's only one answer—" Guan Dounan paused, staring fiercely at You are, the BOSS in your organization, the artificially created avatar! "

"One... uh!"

When Guan Dounan mentioned "the boss of the organization", Belmod already wanted to shoot him directly. This is the "principle" of their organization.

But there was another voice in her heart crying, don't shoot, don't shoot, listen to him, listen to what he's going to say next.

She pressed her finger on the trigger several times and tried to exert force, but she was controlled by herself to relax until Guan Dounan finished the last word.

Belmod became the third person to fall to the ground. She was half-kneeling on the ground, covering her head with her hands, and her mouth made a scream of pain that was not like a human voice, but more like a beast.

"This chaotic time, just, comes from the boss of your organization." Guan Dounan turned around with difficulty and turned his back to the sky, as if talking to himself, "It's also because of this reason that he created it, you guys. , man-made stand-ins, not allowed access to the 'truth' of chaotic time."

"This is the ability to affect the world level. It's really... terrifying. Just learning the relevant information, I almost went crazy."

"However, there is a saying that good and bad depend on each other." Guan Dounan gritted his teeth, crawled up from the ground abruptly, and stumbled halfway to Belmod, who was still trembling and unable to do anything else. around.

He stretched out his hand, opened Belmode's right hand, which had been convulsed and trembling to the point of being stiff and white, wrapped his hand with his sleeve, and took away the pistol with the silencer. He took a few steps back, leaned against the wall, and slid along the wall to the ground.

"Now, the tide has turned."

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