Conan’s World Stand-in

Vol 3 Chapter 26: I think you have a problem here

"Wow! It's the golden mask Superman card! The explosion rate is super low, super rare card!"

On the other side of the conference hall, a few children were looking enviously at a few cards in the hands of Ayumi and others. It was a certain peripheral of Masked Superman. It was super limited and the explosion rate was extremely low. The one you can definitely buy.

"Hmph, how's it going? Now that the game 'Cocoon' has come out, there will be more to play in the future, but if you miss these cards, you won't be able to find them." Ayumi shook the cards in her hand and hung up. Appetites of several children.

"Well... OK! I'll exchange the game qualification badge with you for the Masked Superman card!" "Me too!" "And me!" "Me too..."

"Okay, there are four cards in total, and four badges are exchanged. You can't go back." Ayumi took away the badges presented by the children with a smile, and said proudly.

On the other side, at the entrance to the basement where Jian Cun, the main person in charge of the operation and maintenance of the "Cocoon" game, is in charge of the biggest project of this conference. back to normal.

"Yamamoto, did you feel anything just now?" "It seems that your eyes suddenly dazzled..." "It must be tired from standing for too long..."

On the stairs leading to the basement, Guan Dounan slowly retracted the illusion of the "banquet scene" that had been placed in front of the two of them.

"...I will make atonement, I will make everything public, and I can accept any kind of sanctions. But before that, can you show me the DNA traceability system created by Hongshu?"

In the underground computer room, Chairman Sindora, who was wearing a suit and had a gloomy face, was looking at the complicated middle-aged neon man sitting opposite him and said slowly. There was a hint of begging in his words, and he seemed to promise to reveal some of his secrets to the public.

The man opposite thought for a moment, turned his chair, and started typing on the computer.

The moment he turned around, Chairman Sindora silently took out two gloves from his pocket and put them on his hands, and touched the dagger in his arms with his right hand.

"Shangjiu, Kanglong has regrets, saying that the profit cannot last long."

Suddenly, Chairman Sindora's hand was grabbed suddenly, accompanied by a line that seemed to be pretending to be a ghost. Chairman Sindora, who had been concentrating on preparing to assassinate Jiancun, was suddenly startled, and quickly wanted to step back, and at the same time, he also wanted to stab the man with the dagger in his hand.


A violent sound of gold and iron sounded, and a circular metal disk flew up suddenly, knocking off the dagger that Sindora stabbed at the man. The self-proud wrist, which is still as stable as Mount Tai even if it kills people, was shaken slightly by the force of the shock.

The metal disc made a circle in the air and returned to the man's other hand. It turned out to be a compass engraved with constellations, gossip, tarot and other occult symbols. At this time, there was still no wind in the man's hand. Automatic, trembling slightly.

It was only then that he had time to see what the man who grabbed his wrist looked like. He was dressed in a black suit and had a well-proportioned figure, with a silver mask covering most of his face. The only eye exposed was like an endless starry sky, revealing a strong sense of mystery. But these eyes are very indifferent and emotionless, not like a human being, but like a **** who is high above and looks down on all beings.

"Ascension is high, isolation and helplessness, there will be disasters. With your Sindora's industry, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the pinnacle of excellence. This hexagram can be used for you."

The mysterious man just lifted his hand slightly, and Sindora felt as if he had been hit by several elephants, rose in the air, and fell heavily to the ground. Jiancun, who was focusing on the computer screen, only reacted at this time and turned his head to look at this scene in amazement.

"Sindora... Sure enough, are you still cursed by your own bloodline? You promised just now..."

"Stop talking nonsense! How can you possibly understand my pain? Mingming, as long as we follow the original plan, everything will be fine..."

"You two, stop for a while." The mysterious man waved his hand, and Jiancun and Sindora immediately found that the words in their mouths completely lost their voices, only their lips were still playing, and they couldn't help looking at the man in amazement. Mystery man.

"Sindora, the purpose of your actions is to prevent your identity from being leaked out, leading to ruin. But your so-called 'shameful identity' is really worth it?" The mysterious person is naturally Guan Dounan , he has now been able to play the image of a detached fortune-teller. With the help of the little black act1 ability that has been practiced with ease, he can basically adjust and monitor anytime, anywhere.

"..." Sindora seemed to be roaring at him, but it was a pity that Guan Dounan used Miss Act2's ability to silence his words, so he couldn't hear the slightest sound. However, without listening to the voice, it is not difficult for Guan Dounan to know what he is talking about.

"Isn't it a descendant of the so-called 'Jack the Ripper'? But do you think this so-called black history identity can really ruin your career?"

"I think you've been mixed up with the Neon people a lot, and you take things like 'bloodline' and 'family' too seriously, but you have learned 100% of their extremely deformed thinking. That's all It's the ancients a hundred years ago, and they didn't leave you anything that could make you rich now, why should you panic about this kind of thing?"

"Take a 10,000 step back, even if you think about it for yourself, just count how many people in the country you live in, the United States, do you think you are much worse than them? "

"In my opinion, the only thing you inherited from your ancestors is the mental illness you share." Guan Dounan poked his temple, indicating that Sindora might have a brain problem.

In terms of pure blood relationship, Chairman Sindora is indeed the descendant of the legendary "Jack the Ripper". This is still from the so-called "DNA tracking system", relying on Sindo who is an experimental product. The gene sample that I pulled from was of course in the testing stage of the system, so this news was concealed and not disclosed to the outside world.

But I don't know why, Jiancun found these things in his mailbox one day, and also knew that Sindora had secretly coerced him in order to make the genius young Hongshu develop this DNA tracking system quickly, or cold Violence finally made Hongshu choose to jump from the upstairs and end his life.

It is also because of this that Jiancun, who is Hongshu's father, chose to threaten Sindora with the news of "Jack the Ripper's descendants" and let him admit to the public that he indirectly killed Hongshu. I just didn't expect that, from the performance of Syndora today, he is more willing to directly solve Jiancun in a physical sense.

"Let the two of you deal with it yourself." Guan Dounan shook his head. He is now in a state of indifference, and it is not suitable for the value judgment of what these two people have done. Just restricting the movement of the two people, I plan to ask the police to come and solve this matter.

Originally, he just came over to say hello to the unawakened "Noah's Ark".

"However." Before leaving, Guan Dounan turned his head, looked at Sindora and said, "In order to cover up your identity as a descendant of a murderer, you almost became a murderer. Think about it."

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