Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 889: Unreasonable Mr. Yutani

   Nobuhiro finally didn't fry the cafe.

   It's not because the powerful man known as the silver bullet, Shuichi Akai, was guilty as soon as he met his own woman. Of course, there was also this factor. The biggest reason was that Nobuhira himself didn't want to blow up the cafe.

   Of course, he can control the scope of the gas explosion and try not to cause death, but the situation will only be more complicated when it is actually detonated, and even Xinfan cannot guarantee it.

   Seliang Marie and Seliang Zhen are pure excuses for Xinfan.

   After making a decision, Xinfan took out an unknown pill and removed the outer capsule, leaving only the powder inside. Then he tried to hide Watanabe's face and walked into the cafe.

  Although this cafe uses freshly ground coffee, the hot water they use comes from the same stainless steel bucket. Xinfan deliberately led the clerk away, and then spilled the powder into the stainless steel bucket.

   There are too many weird drugs developed by the organization, enough for the doctors of the National Medical Research Center to have a headache.

   After doing this, Xin Fan quickly evacuated from the cafe.

   Seliang Marie, who was chatting with her daughter while drinking coffee, suddenly glanced sideways in the direction of the door consciously, but Shinfan had already walked out of the coffee shop at that time, Seliang Marie could only see an unclear back.

   She frowned and said nothing.

   A few minutes later, Xin Fan returned to the gin car again. Vodka had just completed his task, and Shiraz was also there.

   Shinhan joked, "Why, everyone has time for a meeting today?"

   Jinjiu glanced at him coldly, and said, "Going smoothly?"

   "Soon." This is the answer of Vodka and Syrah.

   Shinshige answered honestly, “It’s not going well. The liquefied gas in the cafe just ran out, and the new tank hasn’t arrived yet.”

   Gin didn't speak, he was silently waiting for Mezcal's follow-up.

"So I added something to the drinking water in the cafe, enough for the guests to enter the hospital." As he said, Xinfan looked at the direction of the National Medical Research Center and muttered to himself, "Within a few minutes, it will be here. It's going to be lively."

   Gin used the car cigarette lighter to light a cigarette. This action proves that he is very relaxed now. Obviously Gin was very satisfied with the results of Mezcal's actions, but for this man who had no other expressions except for his cold face, it was unrealistic to expect him to show another look.

   The atmosphere among the members of these dark organizations is very relaxed, but the employees and customers of those shops that have been poisoned are completely different.

   Customers at the sushi restaurant were the first to notice the problem. Several people left the sushi restaurant with expressions of expression and rushed to the nearby National Medical Research Center. Immediately after a dispute broke out in the coffee shop, several aunts yelled at the manager of the coffee shop while clutching their stomachs. But soon, the manager of the coffee shop fainted, and the other clerk rushed them to the hospital.

  The last one at the barbecue restaurant had an accident. The carbon monoxide produced by the incomplete combustion of charcoal takes a period of time to accumulate to take effect. During this period, some customers found anomalies in other stores and wanted to go out to check. Fortunately, it didn't take long for them to fall asleep by themselves. In the end, a passing cleaner opened the door and saved the diners of the entire barbecue shop.

   Just like that, within an hour, all three shops selected by the organization suffered. Food poisoning and carbon monoxide poisoning patients crowded the halls of the National Medical Research Center.

   The few nurses who had helped Watanabe's physical examination and triage were also busy, and they rushed to assist the doctor in helping the patient.

   The entire National Medical Research Center is in chaos.

   Jinjiu heard the report from the sniper who controlled his vision in the distance, and pinched the cigarette **** out at his fingertips: "Go, it's time to go to the hospital to see the situation."

   Taking advantage of chaos is the most basic principle.

   "It's just chaos, maybe it's not enough?" Xinfan questioned.

   Gin didn't answer directly, he just winked at vodka. Vodka said immediately: "They have acted."


   It seems that Gin has sent a lot of people for Kiel this time.

   Xinfan is a little curious. After all, based on his knowledge of Gin, Gin would save face without directly killing Kiel. It is almost impractical to spend so much energy on saving someone who is likely to have betrayed the organization.

   Soon Xinfan knew what "they" in vodka meant.


   "Mr. Yutani..." Kazami Yu also glanced at a man who concealed his face in a peaked cap and was wearing a mask, and asked for instructions, "Would you like to go in and wait for the news?"

   "No need." Jiang Gu Ling's face was calm, and his attention was always at the gate of the National Medical Research Center below.

   Suddenly there are so many patients. This must be the organization's handwriting. As a normal police officer, he must now be vigilant and carefully confront the organization.

   Feng Jianyu also hesitated for a while, and still tentatively said: "Actually, the police should ask Mr. Asano to be responsible. After all, he can change his face, so there is no need to worry about his identity being exposed."

   Jiang Gu Ling: "……"

   He's already very upset that he won't be able to dissolve, and Feng Jianyu is also going to add fuel to the fire and make trouble. Isn't it poisonous?

   Seeing Jiang Gu Ling get angry, Feng Jian Yu also feels innocent.

   He just told the truth, and he didn't know where to provoke Mr. Yutani. What's more, Mr. Asano was originally responsible for Mizuno Reina's affairs.

   "Mr. Fengjian, Mr. Fengjian!"

   Suddenly, a police officer hurried over, shouting Fukasumi Yuya's name.

   In order to keep it secret, Jiang Guling immediately lowered his head and did not go to see the policeman.

   "What's the matter?" Feng Jianyu also asked The hospital suddenly received a lot of couriers signed by Mizuno Rena. "The police officer said anxiously, "The doctors and nurses didn't know what was in the package, so they didn't dare to open it. "

   Feng Jianyu also straightened up immediately: "Quickly, let our people take over the package, and promptly notify the blasting team and the police officers of the biochemical laboratory to come in and assist in the investigation."

   "Yes!" The police officer stood up and saluted, and then left quickly.

   When his figure disappeared completely in the corner, the majestic expression on Kazami Yuya's face suddenly faded. He looked at Noriya Noriya, and asked nervously, "Mr. Noriya, can I handle it like this?"

   "No problem." Jiang Gu Ling said casually.

   It doesn’t matter how you deal with the package, anyway, their purpose is the same as the organization, that is, to send Keir back. Just follow the organization's wishes, and Asano will promptly notify them in the event of an accident.

   At this moment, the National Medical Research Center was in trouble again.

   The TVs in all wards and the large screens in the lobby were occupied by a video that appeared suddenly, which was exactly the same as the content on a laptop on a Porsche 356A a few meters away.

   Xinfan hit the universal enter key and said with satisfaction: "The video was sent successfully."


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