Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 872: Xin Fanxi be a father

   Conan looked at Xinfan speechlessly, trying to get his sister from Xinfan's side: "Mr. Asano..."

   However, Xinfan just took Xiao Ai's towel, wiped her hair lovingly with eyes full of love, and indulged her extremely: "Xiao Ai, go if you want. Anyway, it's just a guy who may know someone who may be related to the organization."

   Conan felt helpless.

   Why is Mr. Asano so optimistic? Asano Huihara really opened his mouth, and there is no problem.

   Huihara Ai raised his chin proudly.

   So Dr. Aka had to shoulder the responsibility of making a phone call, calling the grandson of the former manager of the Okonomiyaki shop.

"Hey, I am your grandfather's friend. He was entrusted by him to return something to the people who used to go to his shop." I still want to confirm it. After all, it is a very important thing..."

   Dr. Ari and the other party chatted over and over again, and then they got what they wanted to know.

   Although the other party doesn't know the person's work and address, he still keeps a photo of him and his son.

   Conan suddenly became interested when he heard that, and urged Dr. Aka to make an appointment with him to see the photos tonight. Although the man wanted to go to the gym to work out at night, he still agreed to Dr. Ari's request after thinking about it.

   After putting down the phone, Dr. Aka let out a heartfelt sigh of relief: "Oh, it's so hard to deceive others."

   "Yes." Conan glanced at Xinfan, "Some people are different. They tell lies and don't write drafts at all."

   Xinfan does innocence.

  Oh, Conan is so careful. Didn’t he just say something ill of Kudo Shinichi in front of Morilan? As for it, he didn’t let it go until now?


   Nobuhira and Dr. Aka waited at the entrance of the agreed apartment for a long time and did not see that person.

   Conan finally couldn't help it. Before jumping out of the car, he specially told Xinfan: "Mr. Asano, please watch Huiyuanai and don't let her follow."

   Xinfan nodded and agreed well, but when Conan stood in front of the answering machine and had a headache with the person's house number, Huihara's voice rang behind him: "It's 302."

   Conan was shocked: "Why are you here... No, why are you all here?"

   Xin Fan Tan Shou: "If we don't come, you don't even know the other party's house number."

   "...Even so, can't you do what I say occasionally?" Conan reluctantly lost the three numbers 302 in front of the answering machine.

   Suddenly, Xinfan's ears moved slightly, and he heard very light footsteps. Someone seemed to have just stepped into the hall and was walking in their direction.

   The footsteps are very light, which should be the result of deliberately letting them down, but he has not been truly silent, and his handling of footsteps is not professional enough. Therefore, Xinfan knows that the person here is just an ordinary to no more ordinary young man. He is in his early twenties. He lives at home for a long time and lacks exercise. The height is about 1.7 meters. He wears soft-soled sports shoes. The fabric of his clothes should be polyester. of……

   These thoughts pass through Xinfan’s brain in an instant, and it takes almost no time.

   At this time, the uninvited guest also slowly approached Xinfan, who looked down at the answering machine. He suddenly raised his hand and put a hard object on Xinfan's shoulder.

   "Hi!" The man lowered his voice and snorted coldly.

   Suddenly, Dr. Ari, Conan, and Xiao Ai who were next to Shinfan's face changed drastically.

   Especially Conan. After he saw the pistol resting on Xinfan's shoulder, his entire face suddenly became ashen. He subconsciously took a half step forward and firmly protected Hui Yuanai behind him.

   Hui Yuanai was originally very nervous, especially the person threatened by the gangster is still a very important brother to her. However, Ai Huihara later noticed that there was something wrong with Asano Nobuhiro.

  How can ordinary people be like him after being threatened by gangsters? Even if Nobuhiro Asano is indeed different from ordinary people, he is not at all unresponsive.

   Hui Yuanai felt that the emotion in Xinfan's eyes was not like a life threatened, but rather like meeting someone who suits his tastes. It is not vigilance and appreciation, but pure curiosity.

   Anyway, Hui Yuanai didn't see that Xinfan was hostile to the gangster.

   The gangster didn't know it, he sneered and said, "It's not bad, you found it here."

   Hearing this, Xinfan calmly reached out and grabbed the handle of the pistol. This action scared Conan almost yelling.

   The gangster raised his eyebrows and was about to speak, but he heard the words: "How about the model market in Tokyo?"

  As soon as he said this, the gangster's face suddenly stiffened, he stalked his neck and said, "Don't talk nonsense, it's up to you today..."

   "The weight is wrong." Xin Fan said suddenly.

   Gangster dumbfounded: "What weight is wrong?"

"The weight of the gun, this should be an American Colt 10mm pistol, right? The weight of the Colt 10mm pistol is 1105 grams, and according to the posture of your gun and the texture of it on my shoulder Look, this one in your hand definitely does not exceed 600 grams."

   Gangster: "..."

   Xinfan seemed to have not noticed his gloomy expression at all, and continued: "I should be a model, right? There is a saying, it is really realistic, if it is not because of the different quality, it looks almost the same as the real gun from the outside."

Hearing Xinfan’s praise, the man sighed helplessly: "You are so amazing. You can tell that I have a model gun based on your feelings. But how do you know about guns so much? If you are not a firearms enthusiast, this kind of thing You shouldn't dabble at all, right?"

   "This is just common sense." Xinfan said frankly, "If you don't believe me, ask the little boy next to he must know it too."

   "Huh? Really?" The man put away the gun and squatted in front of Conan. "Brother, do you know guns too?"

   Conan: "……"

  What should he say? No matter what the answer is, it is not quite right.

   Fortunately, that person didn’t care. He quickly showed a cheerful smile and said to Dr. Ari: “Sorry, sorry, it’s just a joke. You should be my grandpa’s friend who called just now, right?”

   Dr. Aka nodded.

"I shouldn't scare you? Because my grandfather is a senior firearms and reasoning enthusiast, so I think his friends should be the same. It seems that I guessed right. For you enthusiasts, Even children know so well!"

   Conan could only smile awkwardly and politely.

   Dr. Ari touched the back of his head, and said, "You are right. My son and I are interested in these things. My grandchildren and grandchildren have probably been dizzy since childhood, and they also understand it."

and many more……

   Shinhan looked bewildered, how could he become Dr. Aka’s son?

  Also, he shouldn't be Conan's father!



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