Xinfan couldn't describe his subtle mood for a while, and he was a little surprised, but in his surprise there was a calmness of "it really is so, worthy of gin".

  A certain model worker has become accustomed to it, and probably never considered that they acted without Rum today and needed to hide their tracks.

   Xinfan spit out the smoke helplessly, and emphasized: "Don't let people discover...Forget it, I guess you have been discovered. Try not to let Glenfiddich and Daan Gangzhi see you."

   "You don't need to remind me." Gin finished the exchange roughly once again.

   Shinhan: "..."

   Forget it, getting angry hurts the liver, not angry.

   He has reduced the requirement to this level. If the gin is still not up to the point, if Glenfiddich or the target person discovers their plan, Xinfan will act decisively and immediately sell the gin to Rum.

   Although it is a pity to lose such a useful tool, Xinfan has no choice in order not to put himself in.

   Vodka took a peek at Mezcal, then quickly turned away when Mezcal looked up. This kind of self-deception is very much like his elder brother.

   Gin's work efficiency is very high. Anyway, before the cigarette in Shinhan's hand was burned to the end, three familiar figures swaggered out from the door and got into a black car together.

   He even began to suspect that there was something wrong with his eyes.

  Who were those three people just now? Isn't it Gin, Glenfiddich, and Takashi Tanya?

   Shinshige opened the file with suspicion, and once again checked the photos of Gryffindy and Takashi Tanya. It's a pity that Gin did abduct them - if it wasn't because Gin had a wicked face, in fact he was more like a kidnapped person.

   So he really shouldn't have much expectations for Gin, what about surveillance and surveillance? It was the first time that Xinfan saw someone watching and abducted them in such a fair manner.

  Vodka is the most confused person. He looked at Mezcal, his language uncertain: "Are we going to follow it now?"

   "Go around from the east."

   "Okay." Vodka responded, but suddenly asked in confusion, "Where to go around?"

   "Sui Linquan."

   Xinfan twisted out the cigarette butts in a car ashtray, then put them in a plastic bag and put them away, ready to take them back for disposal.

   At this time, Gin finally remembered them, and reopened the communication device so that Mezcal could also hear his conversation with Glenfiddich and Takashi Yatani.

  Taniyoshi Takashi said: "Hyuga-kun, your friend is really murderous."

   Glenfiddich said with a smile: "He is Professor Sato's closed disciple. If he takes you there, he will definitely win the patent for the new medicine."

   "That's good, I am still looking forward to the new medicine. I just don't know what price Professor Sato plans to pay?"

   Hearing this, Shinhan probably understood how Glenfiddich approached the target person. He made up a fictitious professor who holds a patent for a new drug, and he acts as an intermediary to deceive the target's trust, and then find a chance to kill the target.

  Only Glenfiddich and Gu Gangzhi were talking along the way. The gin was silent from beginning to end, but the temperature of the gin-brand air conditioner was getting lower and lower, and Gu Gangzhi finally froze.

  Tani Gangzhi glanced at the gin, with a gloomy expression on his face.

   "President of the Valley," Glenfiddich whispered.

Gu Gangzhi immediately put on a warm and sleek smile: "Oh, look at my current memory. I really have to obey the old age. I have a shareholders meeting in half an hour and I must attend. I think I will visit again tomorrow. Professor Sato."

   "Ah, this way..." Glenfiddich's expression was slightly stiff, "That..."

   Before Glenfiddich said anything, he saw Gin pull out his pistol and pressed it against Gu Gangzhi's forehead.

   Said that it was too late, and it was fast. Tani Gangzhi almost leaped towards the door when the gin made a move. However, the door was locked, and he hurriedly drew his gun and confronted him. But who was the gin, didn't give Gu Gangzhi any chance to resist. He smashed his elbow and the pistol fell into the enemy's hands. Not to mention Gu Gangzhi lost half his life. What's more, Gin is aiming the black hole's muzzle at the temple of Gu Gangzhi. Gu Gangzhi is now in a dilemma, and he dare not move.

   The change came too suddenly, and Glenfiddich's brain was still in the harmonious picture a second ago. He stared at the scene before him dumbfounded, with a look of doubt on life.

what happened? Why is it so?

   The hand of the gin holding the gun pushed forward slightly, and printed a shallow mark on the temple of Gangzhi Gu: "You are too much nonsense."

  Tani Gangzhi had his hands clamped behind him, and he had to kneel and crawl on the back seat, but even in such a humiliating posture, Tani Gangzhi's expression did not break. He clenched his teeth tightly, with unyielding and firmness in his eyes.

   Glenfiddich was flustered and at a loss: "Jin, gin?"


   Gunshots rang out at Glenfiddich's side. He was so scared that he almost missed the steering wheel and only had time to slam on the accelerator. The car happened to stop on Suilin Spring, and there was flowing spring water under their feet.

   "Shut up." Gin said coldly.

   Glenfiddich closed his mouth immediately and said nothing.

   is terrible, is this the horror of the head of the Japanese region? Thinking of working under such people in the future, Glenfiddich felt that his future was dark.

   Alas, it's getting harder and harder for bad guys these days. Knowing this a long time ago, I should study hard and be admitted to the police academy and be a good talent with sunshine and justice.

" Shanshan Gangzhi, who is firmly under the control of gin wine, suddenly snorted, and his expression was full of disdain, "Your true identity is not a student of Professor Sato at all, but a person from CROW. Right? "


   Gin’s facial expression management is definitely one of the best in the organization. No matter how violent the heart is, there is still no expression on his face.

  Taniyama Takashi said again: "I knew that Rum was going to kill me. I knew that this day would always come when the stables died."

   Jinjiu raised his eyebrows slightly, and a cruel and stern smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He said coldly: "Then you go to death--"


   Xinfan urged vodka to rush to Suilinquan non-stop, then quickly got out of the car and rushed to the gin.

   "Be merciful! Keep people under the gun!!" Xinfan stopped loudly, barely opening his arms to stand in front of Takashi Gu.

   Jinjiu saw him, and pulled the corner of his mouth very lightly, and pushed Gu Gangzhi to him hard.

   Nobuhira grabbed Takashi Gu, and bitterly scolded someone: "Have you forgotten our purpose today? It's Glenfiddich's task to kill Goshi Gu, and we are here to protect him!"

   "Huh?" Gin questioned seriously, "Are you sure?"


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