Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 857: Kazami: The clown is actually myself

  Public security is a group of people who are hidden in the gray area and have been in contact with the dark for a long time. Although their jobs are not known to the public, the types, difficulties, and numbers are not low at all. In the Ministry of Public Security, Yuya Fengjian, who also has two roles, is tired like a dog every day.

   It was night, and Yu Kazami finally finished his whole day of work, including but not limited to sorting out the documents of the Security Planning Division, dealing with the two bosses tremblingly, and the hard-working Tingsomizu no mercy, etc.

   After doing these things, he also looked at the time and found that it was wee hours again. At this point in time, most people should have fallen asleep, but for a social animal like him, what he thought was "it's still early".

   Kazemiyu also packed his belongings, ready to go home for a short nap, and then continue to devote himself to the new day's work.

   But just as he was about to step out of the police station gate, the phone he put in his pants pocket suddenly vibrated. Kazami Yu also murmured strangely: "It's so late, those scammers and those who send small advertisements are really hard."

   He turned on the phone and was surprised to find that the person who worked hard was not a liar, but one of his amiable bosses, Nobuhiro Asano.

   Afterwards, after seeing the content of the text message, Kazami Yu also sighed silently.

   Who is he sympathizing with? Mr. Asano even told him to go to the sea to collect trash at night. What kind of rubbish, shouldn't this kind of thing be managed by the sanitation department? What does it have to do with their public security?

   After going around for a long time, the clown is actually myself.

   Feng Jianyu also didn't understand the meaning of this order, but the military order was like a mountain, he still had to resign his fate to drove his little broken car and hurried towards Tokyo Bay.

   The address on the text message is a famous diving spot, maybe because the diving area has relatively high water quality requirements, and the cleaning work is very heavy, so that people have to be seconded from the police at night.

  In Kazami Yuya's heart, people on the coast should be all responsible for cleaning up. With high-wattage searchlights on, everyone worked together to pick up trash. However, when he finally rushed to the scene, he found that it was pitch black and there was not even a street light.

   Feng Jianyu also looked towards the black sea, couldn't help but slumped on the trash can beside him, tears streaming down his face.

   He understands, he must have done something wrong and made Mr. Asano angry, so Mr. Asano has to punish him for running to the beach in the middle of the night and blowing cold wind.

   But what wrong did he make?

   Just as Kazami Yu was puzzled, a car suddenly approached from the end of the highway.

   You need to know that a place like this kind of bird doesn't shit, and you won't pass a car for a few minutes in the middle of the night, so Kazami Yu also narrowed his eyes and looked at it twice.

Um? That car seems a bit familiar, it seems... Ah, that seems to be Mr. Asano's car!

   Kazemi Yu also quickly lifted his **** from the trash can and waved at Asano Nobuhira excitedly.

   As a subordinate, he didn't realize the meaning of the boss's command. It was very bad in itself. He actually misunderstood Mr. Asano. It really shouldn't be!

   However, this familiar car whizzed past Yuya Kazami's eyes, completely ignoring him.

   Feng Jian Yuya could not help but float several question marks above her head: "???"

   I saw that the car suddenly made a beautiful flick at a distance of about fifty meters from him, and stopped steadily on the side of the road. Immediately afterwards, a huge humanoid creature fell decisively and simply into the dark sea in the form of a parabola.

   Feng Jianyu also looked at the question marks, and looked confused.

   He hadn't thought about whether he should step forward and ask, a new message lay in his inbox again.

   Feng Jianyu also looked down. The text message was very simple. It only read: [Trash has been thrown away, pick it up quickly. ]

   What the hell? It turns out that the so-called picking up **** requires Mr. Asano to throw him first and then pick it up? So what is the significance of this matter? Is the water cleaner?

   Feng Jianyu also looked up dumbfounded, but the only person who could help him drove away in the car, leaving him alone, accompanied by rubbish, clear and melancholy.


  In the early morning, when the first rays of sunlight sprinkled into the house with the crisp and sweet calls of sparrows, white wagtails, and starlings, Xinfan’s biological clock had already sounded. He opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling, reacting for five seconds.

   He is the manager and investor of Ryufeng Music Classroom and Iroha Sushi Restaurant, Mouri Kogoro’s manager and investor. He is 24 years old and has a lively and lovely sister at home. The staff in the shop are very hardworking and capable.

   Today is a brand new day. He should get up to wash and change clothes, eat breakfast with his sister, watch her leave home for school, and he drives or walks to Lu Feng's music classroom. There, he could eat the cakes made by employee Amuro-kun with coffee, and occasionally attend one or two music lessons, most of the time just sitting in the sunshine by the window and reading.

so good……

   Shinshige sat up with his right arm, rubbing his temples with a headache.

   It's a pity that besides Asano Nobuhiro, he is also Mezcal, a high-level criminal group, and Zhufu Jingguang, a police officer. Those peaceful lives envisaged are not destined to be all of life, and they are too boring.

   But recently, his monotonous life has added a lot of flavoring agents, and the role of flavoring has played a role, but the power is a little bit more powerful, which makes him feel a little bit overwhelmed for a while. He hasn't even considered how to go to the Lufeng Music Classroom to face Shuichi Akai and Nagatani—especially Yesterday, he felt Alexander when he was in bed together this morning.

   During the past period of time, they were used to being colleagues, friends, and enemies, and suddenly they had to change into a relationship of comrades-in-arms. Xinfan really couldn't adapt in a short time. What's more, he still has to carry the last secret and stick to it alone.

   It's so difficult to think about it.

   Shinhan reached for the phone on the bedside table and tapped the screen hard: "Hiroki, where did your morning paper go?"

   Hiroki woke up from sleep in a daze, all systems were still in the restarting phase of operation, and he spoke with a squishy smell: "Well, what morning paper?"

   "It's..." Xinfan sighed suddenly, "Forget it, if you don't have it, then you won't cherish what you get. This principle applies no matter who you put it on."

   Hiroki wanted to get the approval of Fu Keiguang at first, so he desperately showed his practicality. And once he became familiar, he immediately showed his true shape, revealing the naive attitude that only a real ten-year-old child would have.

   This is actually quite good. Anyway, in addition to the messy functions, Hiroki has done quite well in other areas, such as this time for the recovery of the virus software in Yuya Kazumi's mobile phone.



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