Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 841: Kazami: I'm so hard, really

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On the streets of Tokyo, light rain was falling.

A man covered his hair and half of his face with a thick hat, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and quickly walked through the crowded streets. He looked like a loach, turned left and right, and soon disappeared at the end of the road.

At the same time, a man dressed in a suit and tie with a pair of eyes on the bridge of his nose, dressed as a social animal, was circling anxiously under the street lamp. He was holding an umbrella, but his shoulders were still soaked. The man seemed to be waiting for his late girlfriend, and like a pupil who made a mistake, he was fidgeting and waiting for the teacher's punishment.

Soon, the answer was revealed.

The man in the hat walked quickly to the side of the social animal. He was separated from the social animal and stood alone, kicking an empty can by his feet.

Seeing the visitor, the eyes of the community animal suddenly brightened: "Descending..."

Before Mr. Gu could speak, he was interrupted by the other party: "Those greetings are unnecessary. What have you found? Tell me soon."

Jiang Gu Ling's indifference deeply stung Fengjian Yuya's heart, but he had no time to be sentimental alone. Although I don't know why Mr. Yutani is so anxious, Kazami Yu also cooperatively took out a document from his briefcase and handed it over, saying:

"I found out that Yingyou Bentang lost his mother when he was young. When he was very young, his father disappeared. Later, his sister ran away from home. Since then, Yingyou Bentang has been living with relatives until recently he transferred to another school. Dan High School."

Jiang Gu Ling took the document and read it carefully. The raindrops hit the document and soon dampened the ink-printed writing.

Kazami Yu also saw this, and moved the umbrella in the direction of Janguling very winkly, but this action only gave him a wink of Janguling's eyes.

"..." Feng Jianyu also licked his wounds silently.

He couldn't be disappointed, maybe Mr. Jiang Gu was just too immersed in the information and stared at him unconsciously. As a qualified and excellent subordinate, he shouldn't cause trouble to Mr. Yugu, it is more appropriate to stay where he is and do nothing.

After a while--

Ling Gu closed the document. At that moment, Feng Jian Yu also swore that his heart had already touched his throat, and he was anxiously waiting for the "rule" of his superior.

"You found these after investigating for so long?" Jiang Guling glanced at him lightly, and instantly smashed the floating Feng Jianyu back to the ground with thunder.

"Are there any problems?" Kazami Yu also stammered, "I also investigated Mizuno Reina, but according to the file, she and Hondō Eiyu have not had any anxiety in the past."

"Really?" Jiang Gu Ling didn't seem to be angry. He just took out a photo from his pocket, held it, and shook it in front of Yuya Kazami's eyes.

Kazami Yuya's face turned pale.

It was a photo of Mizumu Rena when he was young, with the background of Osaka Tsutenkaku, and Osaka was the place where the main hall Eisuke lived ten years ago.

This photo actually doesn't prove anything, just like the photo Kudo Yukiko gave to Conan can't prove that Mizuno Rena is the sister of Eisuke Hondō, the photo taken by Rei Yutani can't even confirm that Mizuno Reina is acquainted with Eiyu Hondō.

But for Yuya Fengjian, who had a guilty conscience, his legs are now weak.

Jiang Guling put away the photos and stood in a more comfortable position by the way: "Feng Jian, do you think that my ability is declining now and I can't get information through my own channels, so just fool me with this kind of thing?"

"Of course not, please don't get me wrong!" Feng Jianyu also immediately shook his head into a rattle.

"Mizumi is still at the National Medical Research Center now?" Jiang Gu Ling asked suddenly.

Kazami Yu was also taken aback, and he could only answer truthfully: "Yes, yes, it's still there."

"Oh..." Jiang Gu Ling stretched his voice, "It's really not easy. Counting time, Shui Wu Ren's injury should have almost recovered, right? The public security guarded members of an organization so well. And even if the body recovered, no interrogation was used by any means."

Every time Jiang Gu Ling said a syllable, Kazami Yuya's legs trembled twice.

He watched his boss quickly tap a few fingers on the phone screen, then looked at him and asked politely: "Would you like to see the information I found?"

Kazami Yu also ran in tears, can he choose not to watch it? He doesn't want to see...

Jiang Gu Ling obviously did not intend to give him the opportunity to choose. He read according to the content on the phone, with a kind tone: "Hontang Eisuke's father, Ethan Hontang, used to be an undercover agent sent by an organization to enter the organization for four years. His former identity was exposed and was executed by Keir. His sister Yinghai from the main hall disappeared ten years ago and her whereabouts are unknown, but this Miss Yinghai from the main hall has a face exactly like that of Mizumi."

With that said, Ling Gu Ling turned the phone screen over and showed Yuya Kazami the photo of Eikai Hondō above.

Kazami Yuya didn't know the entanglement of his family before, he was actually very innocent, and he was stunned during the whole process today. After seeing the photo, Kazami Yu also showed an exaggerated look of consternation. He was shocked: "These two people really look exactly the same! Couldn't Keel deliberately face his daughter after killing Ethan Bentang? Save it as a memorial?"

Jiang Gu Ling:? ? ?

"No, no, no." Feng Jianyu also quickly denied himself, "No, Keele is not that kind of pervert, she is obviously a..."

Although Kazumi Yu also quickly realized that he was about to say something and stopped in time, Jiang Gu Ling's expression questioning his IQ quickly turned into a string of exclamation marks.

"Who is Gere?" Jiang Gu Ling asked.

Kazami Yu also hurriedly smiled and concealed: "It's nothing, I mean she doesn't look like a pervert, she should have a pretty good personality, hahahaha."

There was a mocking smile at the corner of Jiang Gu Ling's mouth, and he suddenly pointed out calmly: "What you want to say should be that Kil is an undercover agent, right?"

Feng Jian Yu also petrochemical instantly What, what to do? He suddenly couldn't understand what Mr. Yuguchi was saying.

Jiang Gu Ling snorted disdainfully: "I have investigated Ethan Hondang, Hondang Emi and Hondang Eisuke, how difficult is it to continue digging? Could you please tell the person behind so that he does not have to continue to conceal it. Yes. I will not undermine his plan, but I also ask him not to affect my mission."

Kazami Yu also had a stiff expression, and he struggled weakly: "I, I don't know what you are talking about, the person behind what? There is no one behind me, don't scare me..."

Jiang Guling raised his eyebrows and glanced at him in passing. Immediately afterwards, Jiang Guling reached out to Kazemiyu, "Give me the phone."

"What are you going to do?" Feng Jianyu was also immediately alert.

"Hurry up!" Jiang Gu Ling said impatiently, "The other undercover information can't tell me, I understand it. But you have caught Shui Wu Ren for so long and still have nothing. Isn't the efficiency too low?"

Kazami Yu also presented his mobile phone awkwardly, and wanted to apologize.

He is so difficult, really.

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