Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 838: Black organization

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"Then do you know where she is in the hospital now?" Hontang Eiyu asked immediately.

Hideyoshi Haneda shook his head and said, "I don't know. I was busy going to the game and left soon. As far as I know, the following matters should be settled by the insurance company and the traffic police."

According to traffic laws, the retrograde Mizuno pity bears full responsibility. The driver who took him was sent by the race officials to pick him up, so Hideyoshi Haneda did not have and there is no need to pay more attention.

"That's it..." Hondō Eiyu sighed helplessly, "Thank you for telling me this."

In any case, he has at least confirmed that Shui Wu Reina did indeed have a car accident and was seriously injured. I haven't returned to the TV station for such a long time. It is estimated that the female anchor is still living in the hospital.

There are so many hospitals in Tokyo. As long as one family perseveres in investigating, he can always find water without mercy.


Hondō Eiyu's eyes suddenly became firm.


Kogoro Mori finally received a large commission fee, and Mari Kijima paid twice the original commission fee to celebrate that Koyuri's illness was not a major problem.

Yes, as Nobuhiro had previously guessed, Mari Kijima and Keiko Araki were worried too early.

In fact, the genetic test results show that although Xiao Xili does suffer from self-destructive facial syndrome, she is not a typical serious case. Due to the early detection of the disease, the damage to the brain nerves is still relatively minor. After that, as long as Xiao Xili is urged to take the medicine on time, and she will be guided correctly when she has a tendency to self-harm, Xiao Xili's illness will get better every day.

For this reason, Mari Kijima "had to" quit her current high-paying job and switched to a job that could work at home. Although her income has decreased, the time she spends with Xiao Xili has increased significantly.

In the foreseeable future, Mari Kijima will gradually learn to change diapers, hold children, gradually learn to deal with others, and gradually learn to trust his best friends.

The only thing that makes Shinhana regret about this commission is that neither Marie Kijima nor Keiko Araki has the slightest interest in music. Although he has won the right to music lessons for Xiaoyuri in the future, who knows whether it will come smoothly next year. Promises are almost equal to zero.

"Miss Mizuno is in the hospital, should we go over and take a look?"

Maori family, Maorilan asked to herself while she was cooking dinner tonight.

Kogoro Mouri, who was sitting in the Japanese room and reading the newspaper, immediately asked, "Which Mizuno-san?"

Mizumi, she knew that she was a very gentle and beautiful woman as soon as she heard the name, and Moori Kogoro's eyes beamed as soon as she heard the girl's name.

"It's the female anchor who asked us to investigate the knocking prank last time. Didn't my dad particularly like watching her news programs during that time?" Mao Lilan said, showing a little helplessness between her eyebrows.

At the time, she thought that her father would finally mature, and she transferred most of the energy devoted to beauty and horse racing to work and major domestic and foreign events until she found that her father hadn’t remembered anything, so she remembered the appearance of the female anchor. .

"Ah..." Mouri Kogoro suddenly realized, "You said Ms. Mizuno Reina, I heard that she took a long vacation from the TV station and said she was going to take a good rest. Why, she was hospitalized?"

Maurilan was silent.

Okay, dad, you should read the newspaper, it doesn't matter what she says.

An undercurrent surging storm was slowly brewing around Moriran, and even if he was sluggish, Mori Kogoro was aware of the strange atmosphere in the air. At that moment, his brain suddenly became brighter, and his memory was restored all at once:

"Yes, yes, I almost forgot. The Taiko celebrity Shuji Fujisawa said that Miss Mizuno had a car accident. I also think we should visit the hospital."

Mao Lilan: "..."

What is she expecting?

Mao Lilan looked at the scene in the room. The small but eye-catching figure in her memory did not seem to be there. She asked, "Where is Conan? Dad, did you see Conan?"

"Isn't Conan always there?"

"Really, I'm going to eat soon, where did he go?" Mao Lilan pursed his lips angrily, and the temperature of the room dropped several degrees.

Mouri Kogoro scolded Conan secretly in his heart, and even if he ran by himself, he didn't even call him, leaving him alone to bear Xiaolan's anger. Hey, his father is too dignified.

At the same time, Conan is active in the streets and alleys of Mihuacho, seemingly wandering around without a destination, but if you pay close attention, you will find that he is always following a figure unhurriedly.

Ahead, a boy who looked like a high school student turned into a building.

Conan, who was still spinning around at random, immediately became serious. He quietly walked to the side of the building and glanced inside.

Oh, Sago Hospital.

Sure enough, Eisuke Hondō is looking for water in Tokyo.

Conan is also curious about the whereabouts of Mizuno Reina. He hopes to find that woman with the help of Eiyou, and then explore the secrets of the organization through Mizuno Reina.

However, just as Conan was about to step into the gate of Sago Hospital, a shadow suddenly enveloped him.

"Children, are you lost?"

Unfamiliar voice, unfamiliar environment, but this weird feeling is too familiar, and it makes Conan's whole body tremble.

His sanity was immediately pulled back to the winter months ago, back to the snowy day when he was trapped by his parents. More importantly, that person, the guy who is completely disguised by Amuro, is very likely to be code-named Mezcal!

Conan slowly raised his head stiffly and looked at the person above his head.

Immediately afterwards, a black shadow shrouded him at a lightning speed. When Conan reacted, he had been wrapped in a and carried away.


who? ?

Who could do something so frantically on a child?

Or is his identity as Shinichi Kudo revealed again? !

After a while, Conan felt that he had been thrown on a soft object, which he suspected was the back seat of the car.

Conan took a deep breath, trying to make his voice look naive: "What are you going to do? Help, someone is robbing a child——"

"Quiet!" the man yelled coldly, with a rough male voice, "Be careful if I stun you. Regardless of whether the hostage is injured or not, the Kudos shouldn't mind paying you to redeem you."

Wait, there seems to be a lot of information.

Conan was confused.

This robber seems to be planning to use him as a host to challenge Yusaku Kudo and Yukiko Kudo for ransom. This operation sounds no problem at first, but... he is clearly Edogawa Conan now!

And if that organization discovers his identity, it makes no sense to arrest him for ransom, right?

Does the dark organization seem mysterious, but in fact it is just a trifling gang?

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