Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 836: Qualified mother

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"Ah, Conan, where did you go?" Maurilan saw Conan and quickly pulled him to his side, "We are now going to the neurology department for further examinations for Xiao Xili."

"Neurology?" Conan looked confused.

However, these people obviously did not intend to explain to him, and the group rushed to the neurology department.

Xinfan was one step behind and walked with Conan: "Where's Eiyu Hondō, didn't you go looking for him?"

Conan asked, "Aren't you not interested in what he did?"

"Just forget it if you don't want to say it."

"..." Conan wanted to shut up, but he really needed Xinfan's help now, so he had to open his mouth obediently, "I found that Eiyou Hontang seemed to have been inquiring about someone, but I didn't dare to get too close, I didn't hear him clearly. Describe. I asked the nurse after he left, but the nurse didn’t know clearly, only talking about men and injuries."


Xin Fan was a little surprised.

Didn't Hondō Eiyu come to find Shui Wu merci?

Male, injured...

Xinfan went through it in his mind, and suddenly realized it!

Hon Tang Yingyou didn't know that Shui Wu Reina was hospitalized. He probably learned of the car accident that happened nearby that day. He might have just heard of the person who had the car accident, so he came to the hospital to look for it.

So Eisuke Hondō's real goal is-Hideyoshi Haneda.

Poor Hideyoshi Haneda was not only implicated in the danger of fighting between the organization and the public security and the FBI, but was also targeted by Mizuno Reina's younger brother. However, Xinfan remembers that the police who reported the situation only said that Mizuno Reina was seriously injured, and did not say that Hideyoshi Haneda was also injured?

After the neurologist learned about Xiao Xili's situation, he immediately opened a genetic test checklist, suggesting that Mari Mujima take the child for further testing to determine the condition.

As soon as Mari Kijima came out, she kept crying. She couldn't even hold the child tightly, so she had to hand Xiao Xili to Keiko Araki behind her. At this time, the two young women were no longer diametrically opposed, they were very depressed, and the hands of Araki Yoshiko holding the child were trembling.

"Uuuu..." After seeing Moori Kogoro, Mari Kijima couldn't contain the sadness in her heart. She suddenly threw herself into Mouri Kogoro's arms and burst into tears, "Wow--"

The warm fragrant nephrite was in his arms, but Kogoro Mouri could not feel any happiness. His nose was filled with the strong perfume of Kijima Marie, and the brand-new suit was also marked by the tears of Kijima Marie's tears.

Kogoro Mouri tried hard to push Mari Kijima away, but as soon as he moved, Mari Kijima hugged him tighter.

Kogoro Mouri had no choice but to ask: "Don't cry, what's the matter? What did the doctor say?"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." Marie Kishima cried so much that she couldn't explain it clearly.

In the end, Yoshiko Araki explained: "The doctor's speculation is the same as that of Mr. Asano. He highly suspects that Yuri has self-destructive facial syndrome. We suggest that we do a genetic test to make sure."

Mari Kijima burst into tears: "More importantly, the doctor said that children with this disease basically do not live to adulthood, and most of them die from infection or kidney failure at a young age. My Xili is only a few months old, but I have determined the end of her death. I can't accept it! Why can't I let me suffer for her?!"

Mari Kijima is indeed not a qualified mother. She gave birth to a child out of wedlock, has worked outside for a long time, and has never been able to get along well with Yuri. She can't change diapers, can't hold children, so Xiao Xili doesn't get close to her either. But at this moment, when a mother cried and said, "Why don't you let me suffer for her", everything before disappeared.

Mari Kijima is not doing well enough. She is a mother, but at the same time a novice mother who has not had time to learn. Although she could not take care of Xiao Xili well, she would be anxious to seek help from detectives after the child was injured. Although she had a bad temper, she would cry and plead with God when she learned that Xili was sick.

It's a pity that helpless begging is the least valuable in this world. There are so many believers praying every day, and God can’t hear everyone, let alone provide help across the dimension wall.

Araki Keiko stood beside Mari Kijima with Xiao Xili, she didn't say anything, just standing there, it also brought some strength to Mari Kijima. She has always persisted on her own all the time, but as long as she looks back, she will find the person behind her who has always supported her.

Xiao Xili suddenly reached out and grabbed Mari Kijima's finger.

Xili is so small, but her fingers are so strong, she clings to her mother tightly.

Mari Kijima’s eyes were red again. She squatted and held Xiao Xili’s cheeks almost religiously: "Xiri, mother promises you that I will heal you no matter what, I must heal you. !"

Her Xiao Xili is so cute when she is not sick, and more beautiful than other normal children of the same age. She still has to attend Xi Li's graduation ceremony, she also has to watch her put on her wedding dress, and see the little Xi Li who is bleeding with Xi Li's blood.

Xinfan watched from the sidelines, this scene was originally very sad, otherwise Mao Lilan would not cry.

But the problem is... Xili doesn't seem to be diagnosed yet, right? Is it a bit early to be sad now?


Suddenly, there was a sound of heavy objects falling from a distance, accompanied by a few wailing.

This kind of movement successfully dissipated the sad atmosphere surrounding Xili a lot. Mao Lilan looked towards the sound source and was stunned: "Yingyou-kun??"

I saw that Eiyou and the aunt of the hospital sweep the floor together ~ A checklist that was thrown away happened to be stuck on his face.

Hontang Yingyou hurriedly got up from the ground, but the checklist remained motionless: "No, sorry, I got lost in the hospital just now!"

Conan laughed dryly, not only disdainful of Eiyu Hondō's lying, but also sympathetic to his extremely bad luck. But fortunately, this time it finally did not harm him.

"Hurry up and take things off your face." Mao Lilan said helplessly.

Hontang Eiyu quickly took off the check sheet pasted on his face: "Hey, this seems to be an orthopedic examination report. The name is..."

"Little brother, thank you for picking up my report." A gentle voice rang above Hontang Yingyou's head, and he looked up and met a pair of clear eyes.

At that moment, Eiyou Hontang was obviously stunned.

The man wondered: "Little brother, what's the matter with you?"

"Man, injured..." Conan suddenly realized, "Is this the person that Eiyu Hondō has been asking about?"

Then he sighed again: "This hall seems to be confused and unlucky every day, but maybe he is actually the one with the best luck."

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