Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 822: Don’t ask, you just fell

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Toru Amuro has been an undercover agent for so many years, and his sensitivity to intelligence is one of the best in the world, not to mention that he talked with Asano Nobuhira alone today with a purpose. Toru Amuro immediately heard the clue from Asano Nobuhiro's words.

"Oh?" He raised his eyebrows and said with a look of interest, "I didn't understand Keele's deeds in the United States before. I only heard that she seemed to have always belonged to the Gin Action Team."

Xinfan glanced at him, and for a moment he couldn't tell whether Tou Amuro was true or not.

Does he really not know about Gere and Ethan Bentang?

Forget it, no matter if Amuro knows it or not, Xinfan thinks he can give him some information.

"Four years ago, Keir was just a newcomer who had just received a code name..." How Xinfan General Keir tracked down Ethan Hontang's traces, how he was countered by the opponent, how he was still tortured or even taking Veritaserum He refused to confide, and told Amuro Tou all.

Tou Amuro already knew most of these things, but he learned some details for the first time in Xinfan.

Speaking of the end, Xinfan did not change his face and embezzled the classic quotation of gin: "Our people, even if they were shot, injected with Veritaserum, or even broken their ribs, they refused to say half of them. The word guy."

Xinfan refers to Mizumi's mercilessness, but Amurotou's mind has a pair of eyes stained with blood but still firm. Mezcal at that time was like a beast howling in the abyss. Once he was given a chance, the pain that had been imposed on him would become his motivation to continue to be strong.

Even if it was just a memory, Amuro felt like his chest was being pressed by a boulder, almost out of breath.

He closed his eyes slightly to conceal the abnormality in his eyes.

Sure enough, Mezcal knew about the old grievances between Gere and Ethan Bentang, and now he told Bourbon the incident. What does he want to do? It caused Bourbon’s attention to Hondō Eiyu, and then?

These FBI undercover agents are too uncandid!

Toru Amuro felt a strong exhaustion.

It seems that he will not be able to fish during the next period of time. He has to find a way to investigate the purpose of Hondō Eiyu and his relationship with Mizuno Rene, and then try to prevent the two men from meeting and hinder the organization of the investigation of Kiel's location. .

Hey, he probably has to work overtime again.


Due to several jobs, Amuro Toru said goodbye to Shinshige and Enomoto Azusa with a smile as soon as the off-duty time came.

Xin Fan was about to leave, but received an invitation from Okinawa Subaru to dinner.

"Just the two of us?" Xinfan asked suspiciously.

"Just the two of us." Subaru Chongya smiled affirmatively.

If it is an elegant and beautiful lady, Xinfan must be very happy to attend the appointment. However, Okiya Subaru and Akai Hideichi chose high-end Western restaurants with good environment and good food... Not only did Shinfan not feel happy, but a bit cold.

Two big men can sit in an izakaya, so what do they do officially—even if it is an izakaya, Shinshige doesn't want to go with Akai Hideichi at all, especially at this moment.

But Hideichi Akai obviously didn't intend to give him any chance to think, Shinshige pushed open the door of the music classroom, and at first glance he saw the cramped car parked on the side of the road and the pink hair sitting in the car with squinting eyes.

Okinawa Pleiades honked his whistle.

Enomoto Azusa immediately looked back curiously.

Eh? Isn't that Mr. Okiya, he finished class?

Huh Huh Huh? Mr. Asano walked over to Mr. Okiya, he took the seat of the co-pilot and the car drove away!

Oh my god, is the relationship between Mr. Asano and Mr. Okiya so good?

"It's okay to say anything here." As soon as he got into the car, Xinfan expressed his attitude decisively.

Subaru Okiya did not accept Shinshige's proposal, and he still drove the vehicle towards the destination restaurant.

"Okinawa Subaru?"

"Sorry." Subaru Okinawa smiled, "but I still think that a better environment is needed to talk about business, and it also seems that I am more sincere."

Xin Fan retorted, "What you want me to do is not a business, let alone you do not do a business."

Subaru Okinawa nodded in agreement: "I am not a businessman, of course I can't be as easy as you are. But my sincerity is enough. The plan I provide is a win-win situation. I think you can consider it again."

"I'll consider it." Xinfan reached out to open the door.

Okinawa Pleiades pointed out faintly: "The doors and windows are locked, don't do useless work...!!!"

Before he finished speaking, he watched the door of his co-pilot being opened, and the gust of hunting suddenly poured into the carriage, causing his face to hurt.

"Nobuhiro Asano! You don't want to die?!!!" Okino Subaru shouted loudly, grabbing the steering wheel and stepping on the brake at the same time.

Nobuhiro Asano was crazy, and he jumped out of the car. You know, even if Okinawa Pleiades has desperately slowed down, the speed when he jumped down was still 80 yards.

After Xinfan landed, he tumbled lightly for a few laps before stabilizing his body. He stood up and faced the direction of the vehicle with a mocking smile.

Akai Hideichi clearly saw the sneer in the rearview mirror, and his heart trembled.

His hands holding the steering wheel tightened, loosened and tightened. For a time, he wanted to turn around and catch up with the man who hadn't had time to leave, but in the end he didn't do anything.

There are always people in this world with ridiculous persistence, but at this moment, Hideichi Akai is suddenly very envious.


When the car crashing into Yasuba's car completely disappeared at the end of the road, Xin Fancai let a painful hiss from his throat.

"I've made a mistake..." He rubbed his sore shoulder, then looked at the frowning and crowded environment, and cursed the impulse as the devil in his heart.

The action of jumping off the car just now is very a bit like 007 in the movie, but the price of being handsome is obviously cruel.

Fortunately, the phone hadn't broken yet, Xinfan hurriedly called Fengjianyu and asked him to come over and pick up people.

Kazami Yu also had to work out of working hours again.

When he drove to the scene in that beloved little broken car, he saw the familiar figure sitting pitifully on the side of the road in a daze, like a small animal licking and wounding alone in the dark night.

Kazami Yu also parked the car nearby, took a look, and suddenly said in shock: "Mr. Asano, what's the matter with you?"

Xin Fan Hei Xian: "Don't ask, you just fell."

"Good, good." Feng Jianyu also closed his mouth winkingly.

He put his hands on him and helped Xinfan into the car.

At this moment, Feng Jian Yuya's stomach groaned suddenly.

Xinfan looked at each other with him--

After a while, Kazami Yu also weakly suggested, "Why don't I invite you to dinner at a nearby izakaya?"

Xin Fan: "..."

He suddenly missed the Italian meal that Shuichi Akai invited him to eat.

Q: Is it too late to regret now? Waiting online, very anxious.

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