Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 814: This is a good seedling

"Huh?" Conan expressed doubts, "I heard that there are some ways to drive without a key. If Honda Huiji doesn't understand, why did he smash the car window? Thinking about it, it's impossible for anyone to leave the car key inside. "

   Shinhan sighed and shook his head, "Either Honda Teruki is too stupid, or Miss Liuye's car is more advanced."

"Of course a guy who planned to exchange for murder is not stupid. As for Liuye's car..." Conan recalled Yamada Liuye's dilapidated car, hehe smiled, "Yamada is so rich, why is Liuye sister? Driving a second-hand car?"

   "It is because they know how to economize that they can make their family business bigger...Huh?" Xinfan's Yu Guang caught a glimpse of a person, and he turned his head to look in a little astonishment, "My Lord?"

   Hearing his voice, Mouri Kogoro, Amuro Toru, Conan, and Mouriran looked at the person who suddenly appeared.

  Mori Kogoro was surprised and said, "Aren't you Eisuke Hondō, Xiaolan's classmate?"

   "You, hello!" Hondō Eiyu bowed politely, "I'm here to bother again."

   "Why are you here?" Mouri Kogoro glanced at the door, "Isn't the door locked properly?"

   Hondou Eisuke scratched his head embarrassedly: "I came here with classmate Mori."

   Mao Lilan also remembered that she had brought a person over: "I ran into my classmate in the supermarket, thinking that anyway, Dad said he didn't hate him, so I brought him back."

  It was the first time Amuro Toru saw Eisuke Hondō. He showed a curious look and asked, "This one is?"

   Hondō Eiyu immediately turned to face Tou Amuro: "Hello, I am Ms. Morilan's classmate, and my name is Hondō Eiyu, please give me some advice... Whoops!!"

   "Ah! It hurts!!" Conan held his head.

   As expected, Eiyu Hondō accidentally ran into Conan sitting on the sofa when he bowed.

   Mouri Kogoro helplessly raised his forehead: "This kid's luck is still so bad."

   "Well, it has always been like this, but..." Mao Lilan said thoughtfully, "My classmates and Conan seem to have a special fate. The last time he came to the office, he often collided with Conan."

   Conan clutched the big bag above his head, and complained with grief on his face: "Whoever takes this kind of fate is rare!"

   Hondo Eiyu also knocked out his forehead, but he still reached out to help Conan rub it, but the other party didn't appreciate it at all. Conan just wanted to stay away from him as far as possible.

Toru Amuro took two steps forward and stood next to Shinshige. He looked at Eisuke Hondō with interest: "The Hondō-san is amazing. We haven't noticed his existence since Ms. Mori came in. If it weren't for Mr. Asano, look at him. When we arrive, we don’t know when we will notice."

   Toru Amuro seemed to just say these words casually, but the credible fan heard the implied solemn meaning in his tone.

   Who is this guy?

   Jiang Gu Ling finds it more and more interesting, the Maori Detective Agency is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Or it should be said that Nobuhiro Asano has a special attraction to powerful characters.

   A high school student is nothing more than a high school student who does not look like a high school student. If he is not a genius specially cultivated by some organization, there should be no problem. In this way, Jiang Gu Ling admitted that he was moved.

  What a wonderful seedling, what a rare talent, as long as he finds a way to persuade Yingyou to enter the police academy, he will have a way to send people to the police. People who are born with a low sense of presence are especially suitable for special industries, whether they are secret agents or undercover agents, they are a good choice.

   As for the luck that Eiyu Hondō seems to have been kissed by the devil...Ri Yutani said that he doesn't believe in such things as luck. Maybe Eiyu Hondō is a little bit unlucky, but he won't always be unlucky, right?

   A child is a good boy. As long as he teaches well, he is not afraid of failing.

   Hondō Eiyu suddenly felt a chill in his back, he raised his eyes to look through Amuro, and then shuddered inexplicably.

   The little animal has an inexplicable sense of danger. Hondō Eiyu immediately moved away from Toru Amuro and hid on the side of Xinfan, using Xinfan to block Amuro Toru's body.

  Amuro Toru: "???"

  Is he acting so obvious, why is Hondō Eiyu suddenly avoiding him like a **** of plague, but has such a good attitude towards Nobuhiro Asano?

   If Eisuke Hondō doesn't like him, Toru Amuro doubts that such a good seed will eventually be abducted by Asano Nobushige. That is absolutely not allowed! Their good Japanese seedlings will stay in Japan!

   Shinshitsu touched Hondō Eiyu's head, as if he was throwing up a cat: "Hondō-san is not afraid. That is Mr. Mori's disciple, Amuro Toru, is also a detective."

   "Huh, detective?" Hondō Eiyu poked out her head timidly, "Hello, Mr. Amuro."

   "Hello." Amuro Tou barely maintained the smile on his face, but his hands hidden in the sleeves of his shirt clenched into fists.

   "It's all right." Mouri Kogoro asked angrily, "Now you should tell me why you came to me?"

   Hondō Eiyu did not hesitate to say: "Of course it is to rub your luck!"

Maori Kogoro:"……"

   What's up, hasn't this kid given up this unrealistic plan?

   Suddenly, the landline on the table in front of Kogoro Mouri rang.

  Mori Kogoro was about to pick up, but was rushed by Hondō Eiyu.

   "Hello?" Hondō Eisuke excitedly said as a member of the Maori Detective Agency, "This is the Maori Detective Agency, what can I do?"

  Mori Kogoro looked helplessly at Eisuke Hondō what he wanted to say, but he was afraid of hurting the child's weak heart. At this moment, his peripheral vision saw a certain action, and he was stunned: "Wait..."

   "Huh?" Hondō Eiyu removed the microphone and said inexplicably, "It's strange, why did the phone break?"

   "..." Mouri Kogoro was already so irritated by him, "I said, you clearly hung it up yourself." He pointed to Hondou Eiyu's finger on the hang-up button.

   Hondō Eiyu said "Yeah" and quickly apologized.

Uncle Maori waved his hand: "It's all right, you are not allowed to touch everything here from now on. Asano, please help me find out who called me just now. Maybe it will be something amazing. The big shot."

   "Hi, hi!" Xinfan took out his cell phone and wrote down the phone number of the other party.

   He doesn't need to worry about the next thing, Sawada Hiroki serves him wholeheartedly, and does not charge a single cent.


   Shinhan's phone suddenly began to vibrate.

   In the past, his mobile phone was in his pocket, and only he could notice the news in the vibration mode. However, he just took out the phone, and before he could take it back, everyone saw it.



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