Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 812: Exchange homicide

   "Is your identity confirmed?"

   Gunma Prefecture Police Headquarters

   Nobuhira didn't expect that he would just abduct himself to Gunma County just to help.

   "It has been confirmed. Based on the dentist information of the deceased, we found that he was born in Gunma Prefecture, 28-year-old Yuta Kojima." Yamada Rokuha read the information recorded in the police handbook.

   "What does he have to do with the corpse of the convenience store?" Amuro asked.

   Xinfan reminded him in a low voice: "People have a name, Matsukawa Tsuka Komachi."

   "Well, Matsukawa Tsukakomachi, so does this Mr. Kojima Yuta and Matsukawa Tsukakomachi know?" Amuro Toru repeated the question in a polite manner.

   "We don't have the relevant information that they know yet. But..." Yamada Rokuba paused, and suddenly smiled at Shinshige, "There is a clue that you might be interested in."


   "We found that Yuta Kojima had been secretly acting as a debt collector for a loan shark company. In order to recover the debt, he was involved in beating and brain death of an old man. At the beginning of this year, he was just released from prison after serving his sentence."

   "So, there should be a lot of people who have the motive to kill him. Are there no suspects among these people?"

   Yamada Liuye regretfully said: "It's not that there is no, but it's a pity that they all have an alibi."

   Hearing the words, Yamamura probed his head and came over: "There is a person who is still in the hands of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, but he was not in Gunma Prefecture when the crime occurred. The alibi proved perfect."

   "Perfect alibi..." Shinhan shook his head and sighed, and asked, "Who is this person?"

   may have been with Conan for a long time, Xinfan's current thinking has gone in a strange direction. The more perfect the alibi proves, the more Shinfan suspects that there is something tricky in it.

   Shancun **** with a smile: "Liuye Sang should hate that person very much."

   Yamada Liuye was confused: "Why should I hate him?"

   "Because Honda Teruyoshi's grandfather was the old man who was beaten to death by Kojima Yuta." Yamamura Maori looked at Yamada Rokka, "Do you remember Honda Teruyoshi?"

"Of course!!" Yamada Rokuha gritted his teeth, "It was he who smashed my car window and stole my bag, which caused me to be suspected by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department but unable to prove my identity. The car was not for the reason. I’m so angry that I can’t apply for compensation because I’m damaged!"

   eh eh eh?

   Hearing what Yamamura Maori and Yamada Rokuha said, Shinhan suddenly discovered the New World.

   A man with a motive for killing a male corpse in a national park unexpectedly appeared near the male corpse of a convenience store, and Xinfan once suspected that he was the murderer of the male corpse of the convenience store.

   A perfect alibi, appearing at the wrong time and place, these clues together seem to point to a classic criminal technique.

   "Mountain village police officer." Nobuhiro said, "Can you please investigate Nakarina?"

   Yamamura was confused: "Nakarina...wasn’t she drinking with a friend when Matsukawa Tsukakomachi was killed?"

   Nobuhiro shook his head: "It's not the connection between Rinana and Matsukawa Tsukakomachi under investigation. I hope the police can treat her as a suspect in the murder of Kojima Yuta."

  The mountain village operation was stunned: "Why?"

   "Ah, I get it!" Yamada Rokuha patted his thigh abruptly.

   "Ah-it hurts, it hurts!!" Yamamura's **** tears were about to come out, he stared at Yamada Liuye and complained, "If you want to hit, hit your own leg. Why do you want to hit me?!"

   "I'm sorry." Yamada Rokuba said sorry insincerely, "I see, Mr. Asano. Are you talking about murder in exchange?"

   "Hi..." The village exercise subconsciously took a half step back.

   Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, such a terrible thing could happen in a small Gunma prefecture. If it's just two people exchanging murder, it's okay, if there are more people involved...tsk.

   The so-called exchange of murder, as the name implies, is to exchange murder targets with others.

   Due to the limitation of manpower and material resources during the police investigation, they often start from the relationship with the victim, and a "stranger" who is far away in other cities without motives will not enter the police's sight. This gives some criminals room to operate, they will contact other murderers through the Internet and other methods, and exchange targets with each other.

   In this way, when the victim is killed, the suspect who has hatred with him can create the most perfect alibi for himself and dispel the suspicion of the police.

   However, although the exchange of murder is an excellent way for the murderer, the probability of the exchange of murder has been very low. On the one hand, many homicides are based on impulse, and few people plan for a long time. On the other hand, it is difficult to contact a cooperator who is also determined to murder, and that cooperator must be very trustworthy. Otherwise, you helped him kill people, but he turned around and reported you. The consequences would be too harsh.

   This is often the case when solving a case. Once the key is clicked, the next thing will go smoothly.

   The Gunma prefectural police immediately contacted the Metropolitan Police Department and discussed the two cases together, and soon discovered the clues.

   Seeing that the police had a clue to solve the case, Shinhan took the initiative to leave. After all, it was already night, and it would take a few hours to get back to Tokyo from Gunma Prefecture.

   "Thank you so much today and Mr. Amuro." Yamada Liuye bowed sincerely to thank Shinshige.

   "You're welcome, this is what I should do." Xin Fan smiled, "There will be problems in the future, please feel free to call the Maori detective office."

   "Morri detectives should be charged for all the orders they receive? Can I call you?" Yamada Rokuha blinked, pretending to be naughty and cute.

   However, not only did Shinshihan not be attracted to, he even felt that Yamada Liuye wanted the services of the White Prostitution Office.


  What about Amuro Toru? As a member of the Maori Detective Agency, how could he be absent at the moment of safeguarding the interests of the agency?

   Shinhan looked around, and found at the door Amuro Toru, whose patience gradually disappeared, just wanting to go back quickly.

   Feeling Asano Nobuhiro's condemning gaze, Amuro curled his lips: "Miss Liuye has asked so sincerely, how can you bear to refuse?"

   Shinhan: "..."

   It's okay, you better shut up.

   Yamada Liuye laughed happily when he saw this: "Alright, alright, just a joke. But as compensation, can you tell me how you found the dead body in Oze National Park today?"

   Xinfan didn't intend to hide this from them, so he explained naturally: "Because of biogas."



   When the corpse is buried in the soil, it will decay to produce biogas, which gradually seeps out from the soil, inhibiting the living conditions of nearby plants. Therefore, the plants around the corpse are all in a yellow and dry state, which is very obvious.



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