Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 708: Distortion of human nature or loss of morality

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The silk thread that Shinshige originally put on his hand fell to the ground, which means that Hiroshige Nixia went out when they left to explore the room of the Saito couple and the old man Aimoto. However, neither Shinfan nor Amuro Tou met him on the road.

Is there a time gap?

Hiroshige is really lucky to be favored by the goddess of luck.

Xinfan glanced at Amuro, and then suddenly asked, "Are you going to wait at the door of his room tonight?"

Amuro shook his head, "Of course not, I'm not a fool."

"Then why are you still here?"

Amuro Tou’s expression stiffened for a moment, and then he gritted his teeth and said: "It's getting late, I'll go back first, I wish you a good dream!!"

Ha, is this just crossing the river to demolish the bridge? Call him when he needs it. If he doesn't need it, he can go away at will. What do you think of him as a safe room? Tool man?

Amito, who was about to step out of the room, looked back at Xinfan, and asked seriously, "Are you really not thinking about calling the police? That's a bomb. Maybe you will send the people in this ship to the west if you are not careful."

Maybe this question shouldn't be asked by Mezcal, let alone by Bourbon, but he still did.

The man didn't doubt anything. He smiled softly when he heard that, and then said: "Maybe you can try it when you get back to the room, I wish you success."

So Amuro understood that the landline of the Aphrodite should have been manipulated too, at least unable to talk to the outside world.

Xinfan watched the door close in front of his eyes, and he called Hongshu out again: "Hongshu! Hongshu!"

Sawada Hiroki said helplessly: "I'm not a real voice assistant. You don't need to use a specific wake-up word, just just say anything."

"Okay." Xin Fan straightforwardly said, "Did the monitoring record record the whereabouts of Guangcheng under the sun?"

"I'm about to tell you that, shortly after you entered room 607, all the surveillance of the Aphrodite was destroyed. The crew of the surveillance room did not know what had happened. They were doing their best to repair it, but according to the damage According to the degree analysis, the monitoring should not be repaired well before returning home."

"You can't help it?"

"This is hardware damage, I can't help much."

Xinfan nodded, "That is to say, I didn't get anything from this wave of operations, and it is very likely that Higashita Guangcheng has achieved his goal?"

He rubbed his temples with a headache and asked, "Can you find out where gunpowder has been lost in Japan recently? I need the specific amount of gunpowder."

"I'm sorry." Hiroki replied, "I can't connect to the Internet here. However, I have been paying close attention to large and small incidents happening all over the world. Important things like explosives are also recorded. According to the records, there is no gunpowder depot in Japan recently. Report the theft."

Xinfan breathed a sigh of relief: "Then the amount of gunpowder won't be too much, and Nichixia Guangcheng should blow up a power distribution room at the most."

But this does not mean that he can relax, because there are still many places in Japan where gunpowder can be legally obtained, such as ore fields and construction companies. These private enterprises are not under the control of the state, and if high-level officials want to use a batch of gunpowder, there is no need to alarm government departments at all.

Thinking of this, Xinfan's head hurts even more.

He and Tou Amuro, two professional players, have never played a half-way amateur amateur, Hioshina Nishita, which is outrageous! This can definitely be regarded as the black history of a career!

After a while, Shinichi Kudo ended up with the childhood sweethearts who hadn't seen you for a long time, and returned to the room.

"It's a shame that you didn't eat the last dessert." Shinichi Kudo shook his head and walked in. "I didn't expect someone to make orange cake so delicious. It really deserves to be a chef on a super luxury cruise ship. Ah. But it may not be so to your taste. I remember you don’t seem to like sweets, and you don’t add sugar to brownies."

"It's adding half of the sugar and butter." Xinfan corrected.

"Yes, yes, half." Shinichi Kudo curled his lips. "But the chocolate cake is inherently bitter. In this case, double the sugar should be added, right?"

Xin Fan didn't want to talk to him, so he took his toiletries and went into the bathroom.

Accompanied by the sound of "crashing", he could hear Kudo Shinichi feeling outside: "It's great to be able to join Xiaolan on the cruise, especially since nothing happened today. I saw Aimoto's house. At the time, I was really worried that I would encounter a case again. Do you remember the last time we were on the cruise ship of Lai Ben's family? Although there was no danger in the end..."

Xin Fan wiped his face with a towel, and said blankly, "I hope this time is also a surprise."

"What did you say?" Shinichi Kudo did not hear clearly.

"Nothing. It's just a bomb."

"Oh, the bomb, I thought someone died again." Shinichi Kudo sighed in relief, and then suddenly widened his eyes, "Bomb? Where is the bomb? Wouldn't I call it a bomb? Fireworks, how can fireworks count? Where's the bomb?"

This time it was Xinfan's turn to be stunned: "What fireworks?"

Shinichi Kudo said innocently: "Didn't you discover the surprise I prepared for Xiaolan? When she participated in the Kanto contest, I could only send blessings as Edogawa Conan, so this cruise trip, I also specialize Prepared a firework surprise for her, and plan to show it to her on the night we return."

"..." Xinfan raised his forehead helplessly, "I now know how Higashita Hishita smuggled the bomb onto the ship."

Don’t the people at the eight-generation shipyard know about the security check? What is dangerous like gunpowder? ?

By the way, he didn't even smell the gunpowder from Kudo, which means that Hiroshige Nishita carries more bombs.

"What? Hiroshige, bomb?!" Kudo Shinichi felt as if he was in a dream.

Shinhan nodded, helping Kudo Shinichi to make sure that there was no problem with his ears.

Shinichi Kudo quickly touched the landline in the room, while Shinshige said coolly next to him: "The phone line was tampered with, so I can only get through internal calls, and there is no signal on the cell phone. We can't reach the Metropolitan Police Department."

"Then tell the captain." Kudo Shinichi said, going out.

"The captain might be one of the accomplices." Xinfan reminded indifferently, "What is the truth about the cargo ship crashing into the iceberg fifteen years ago? Why did the captain who was responsible for that incident die in the sea, but the deputy captain was promoted because of this?"

Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality?

Nobuhira stood at the door, blocking Kudo Shinichi’s desire to go out: "Across from us is Hiroshita Higashita. When it’s useless to figure out what he’s going to do, he can easily anger him and cause irreversibility. Things happen."

Shinichi Kudo asked seriously: "Then what should we do?"

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