Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 421: No, can't be heartbroken

"Conan's Toast, Don't Eat Fine Wine (

Before hanging up the phone, the gentleman mentioned another thing: "I have an assassination mission to give you, and the information has been sent. This mission is very important. You can use all the resources of the organization in Japan."

This is the first time Shinfan has directly received a mission from the BOSS that can directly call the Japanese forces. In the past, such missions were conveyed through gin.

"Where is the gin?" Xinfan asked.

The gentleman is very generous: "If you need gin's assistance, you can contact him directly."

"I understand."

"That's right." The gentleman emphasized, "This assassination can be done more beautifully, and let other flies know how far they are from us."

Since it was an assassination, you should be careful and try to hide your whereabouts. But I also said that it can be done more beautifully, and it must play a role in killing the chicken and the monkey... The BOSS is forcing him to open Wushuang!

But this is just to think about it. Even if the gentleman didn't care about the risk of exposure, Xinfan still had to think about it. If possible, the resume on his face should not be too ugly.

After hanging up the phone, Xinfan walked towards the Maori detective office and opened the mailbox to glance at the information roughly.

The target of the assassination was a drug lord who had been active in Southeast Asia for a long time, and he had extremely in-depth cooperation with the organization. But not long ago, because his mistress died in the meeting with the organization, he hated the organization and unilaterally terminated the cooperation.

Xinfan's task is to try to keep him back and forth during his business trip to Japan.

However, after reading the general content, Xinfan always felt something strange. This "you killed my lover" and "I didn't have" pattern seems to be seen somewhere.

Xinfan stepped into the door of the Maori detective office with doubts.

Mouri Kogoro was holding snacks and beer, watching TV with gusto.

A spy war drama is currently being broadcast on TV, and Xinfan remembered it when he saw it. How come the grievances between the organization and the drug lords are so distracted by other forces?

He dare to bet one yen, this is not the FBI, it is MI6's hand!

"You're back." Kogoro Mouri blushed with a thick neck. "What phone has been on for so long?"

"An applicant, he has a lot of questions about salary and other aspects, I just talked to him a few more words."

Kogoro Mouri pouted his lips and said: "The young people nowadays are really. They demand high salaries and high treatment before they have done anything. When I just graduated from the police academy and became a police officer, where did I consider the issue of salary?!"

"Everyone wants a better life, I can understand this. Moreover, the salary of the police is higher than that of many jobs." Nobuhiro sat next to Kogoro Mouri, his gaze naturally fell on the newspaper at the table, "Three days What happened before, was it in the newspaper so soon?"

"That said, I have already missed the days when I was a policeman now." Kogoro Mouri glanced at him, "Oh, that, it is said that Sengen Yuyo and Ogami Zhushan took the initiative to abandon the twilight annex. Ownership. The Twilight Annex has now returned to Karasuma Renye's relatives."

"A relative of Karasuma Renye?" Xinfan raised his eyebrows and carefully read the relevant report in the newspaper.

After Chima Kanyo and Osami Zhushan were arrested by the police, they did not know what went crazy and suddenly gave up the ownership of the Twilight Pavilion and returned the Twilight Pavilion to the relatives of Karasuma Renye who suddenly appeared. Karasuma Renye’s relatives expressed gratitude and helped them repay the loan they had bought when they bought the annex.

After Xinfan finished reading, he only had: "..."

This kind of thing seems to be the handwriting of the organization, otherwise, how can the kind of person who is unscrupulous for the treasure willing to give up so much money?

Some people say no, but their bodies are honest!

"Oh, there's more." Taking advantage of the TV show commercial break, Mouri Kogoro got up and took out a box of letters from the cupboard, and put it in front of Xinfan's eyes. "I have recently been troubled by fans' letters and my hair has turned a lot white. Obviously they all stated on TV that they would stop sending me letters, but these people just wouldn't listen!"

Xinfan didn't respond to the words and words of Moori Kogoro, he just opened a few letters and looked at it, and found that they all admired Kogoro Moori and asked him to accept a disciple.

There is also a letter from a girl who knows that it is a girl by looking at the name. The letter begins with a long text of thousands of words expressing her love for Kogoro Mouri. The girl even bluntly stated in the letter that she didn't mind the destined feelings of no standing, and was willing to be the unknown woman behind the detective.

Shinshige glanced at Mouri Kogoro: "Are you moved?"

Kogoro Mouri glanced at the fancy letter in Xinfan's hand with what he thought was extremely obscure, then cleared his throat and said, "It's kind of."

"..." Xinfan said suddenly and heavily after a brief silence, "No, you can't be heartbroken."

"Why?" Maori Kogoro stunned.

Why? Of course it’s because your big disciple is still in the United States and can’t come back!

However, Xinfan could not express his conscience directly. He could only say solemnly: "I think accepting an apprentice will only affect the speed of your sleep."

Maori Kogoro:"???"

What if he wants to hit someone?

The seed of love that Moori Kogoro had yet to germinate ended without a He heartbrokenly sealed those letters, and secretly made up his mind to find a girlfriend for Asano as soon as possible. He seriously suspects that Asano can't help others falling in love because he is not going well in his relationship.

Seeing that Uncle Maori was really uncomfortable, Xinfan comforted him: "This kind of unrealistic love will have no good results. You think that the other party is a beautiful young girl, but the person who wrote the letter may actually be a big-legged guy. ."

"Asano, Mrs. Yamada's daughter just went to college this year. The last time I saw it, I thought it was pretty good. Would you like to think about it?"


It turns out that Mrs. Yamada who wants to take care of Amuro but does not allow her husband to look for the mistress outside has a daughter.

Xinfan hadn't figured out how to respond to the slightly enthusiastic Uncle Maori, but suddenly heard a familiar voice from downstairs.

"Mr. Asano—"

He opened the window and looked at it.

Enomoto Azusa waved at him, and there was an unexpected person standing beside her.


"Please sit down." Xinfan handed the man to a position by the window, while Enomoto Azusa graciously offered coffee.

Xinfan didn't speak first, but raised the cup, using the cover of the coffee cup to pay close attention to the other's actions.

The other party was not in a hurry, he learned Xinfan's coffee and took a sip. After putting down the cup, I looked at him directly and said slowly: "I saw your company's recruitment information on the Internet. Today I am applying for the position of substitute teacher."

Xinfan's hand holding the cup was slightly stiff, and this scene naturally fell into the eyes of the person opposite.

The man thought for a while and added: "By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Subaru Okinawa."

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