Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 416: Kidd cheated again

"Conan's Toast, Don't Eat Fine Wine (

"How to get to the back?!" Mouri Kogoro asked eagerly.

"Just wear and go through the atrium."

Aki Ishihara watched the detectives hurriedly running behind with a dazed expression.

What's the matter with these detectives, why can't she keep up with their brain circuits at all?

When we arrived in the backyard, everyone was relieved.

"Great, it was not burned!" Kogoro Mouri walked to the car and said happily, "Now we might have a way to get out of here."

"But the dummy said that the plank bridge has been destroyed, right? And don't you think this car is weird?" Gunda Yumi frowned. "Only it was not destroyed, and it was ordered by the owner of the annex. Miss Ya Ji stopped here."

"Maybe that guy wants to leave a way out for himself. Anyway, don't you know if we drive to the boardwalk to see." Kogoro Mouri said indifferently, "Maybe these are just Kidd's mysteries. He said for a long time to take our lives, but so far we are all fine."

Dashang Zhushan walked to the side of the car, bowed to take a closer look, and touched the doorknob again: "It looks like there should be no bombs in this car, maybe Kidd forgot."

Qianjian Jiandai opened the door and checked the interior: "In that case, let's go to the boardwalk together and have a look."

"Happy to accompany you."

"I am willing to go too."

"Then take me too!"

"Me too."

"Then I..."

Mouri Kogoro was interrupted just as he wanted to raise his watch.

"Hey hey hey." Qianjian Jiandai frowned. "This car does not have a few seats in total, not to mention that when the identity of the man behind the scenes is unknown, no one can stay behind at the twilight annex."

"Then we will decide by tossing a coin." Conan took out five coins from his pocket.

Sengen Kanyo, Hakuba Tan, Asano Nobushige, Mogi Haruka, and Gunda Ikumi, who decided to go to the boardwalk just now, took up coins.

In the end, the people who threw the suit and got the ride qualification were Chima Kanyo, Asano Nobushige, and Mogi Haruka.

Needless to say, Chima Yudai, the suspended animation she has planned for so long will never be broken by tossing a coin. It was Kuroba Katoto who made Xinfan pay attention.

From the previous seat change to the current coin toss, Kuroba Kato has always been coincidentally just what he wanted. I'm afraid he also moved his hands and feet when the coin tossed.

Baima watched as the yellow vehicle disappeared at the end of the road. He rubbed his eyebrows with his knuckles: "Then I will go to the room and have a look. If Kidd wants to do something, he will give it to us. The selected room should also have surprises."

Xin Fan immediately said, "The owner of the annex did not arrange a room for me, but I should be able to choose one by myself."

Dashang Zhushan also said, "I'll go back to my room and take a look."

"Then I will stay in the living room with Lanchan, Mr. Mori, Ms. Aki, and Conan and wait for them to come back." Gunda Yumi stretched her waist and suddenly turned sideways to Tan Tan Hakuba, Dashang Zhushan and Xinfan. "The first people to die in horror films are those who left the main force and acted alone."

"This is not a horror movie." Xin Fan smiled. "The guy who planned everything is also a human."


Even though the sound of the explosion in the distance was weakened by the air and woods, it still clearly passed into Xinfan's ears.

Without squinting his eyes, he returned to the twilight annex, detoured slightly from the back door, and finally opened the restaurant door before the others returned.

The candle in the dining room still emits a faint light. There is obviously no wind, but the flame is jumping, reflecting the shadow of the dummy on the wall.

Xinfan went straight across the dining table and came to the innermost fireplace.

Above the fireplace hangs the only clock in the entire pavilion. Since this is the key to unlocking the mystery of the treasure, it is very likely that Mezcal's secret can be unlocked at the same time.

Xinfan paid close attention to the wall near the clock during dinner, and found some violations.

Although the wall clock is close to the wall, it is loose, and the whole clock can be rotated with a little effort.

First, Xin Fan grasped the clock and rotated it counterclockwise, but there was no response, so he switched to clockwise and rotated it again.

With a slight "bang", a staircase leading to the ground suddenly appeared beside the fireplace. It was dark inside, but the air was rather dry.

Xinfan picked up a candlestick and put it down to explore the way. The candlelight illuminates a small area, but the farther place is still dark. However, the ability of the candle to continue to burn at least shows that this long-dust basement has sufficient oxygen.

Xinfan put the candlestick back in place and illuminated the road ahead with the flashlight he brought from the gas station.

After he walked down the steps, Xinfan vaguely heard the sound of the car engine. However, the stone gate of the passage was soon closed behind him, isolating all voices.


Motegi Haruka and Asano Nobuhiro walked back to the but their expressions were so serious that people would know something was wrong at first glance.

Mo Lilan looked around and asked worriedly, "Mr. Asano, where is Ms. Chima Yudai? Didn't she come back with you?"

Kuroba Katoto said in a heavy tone: "Ms. Chima Yudai should have been killed."

"Huh?" Gunda Yumi was shocked, "How did she die?"

This is too childish! They were very careful in the annex without accident, and as a result, someone died as soon as they left the annex.

Mogi Haruka sighed: "Mr. Asano and I were checking the situation by the bridge. Ms. Chima Yuyo stayed in the car alone. I think she accidentally touched the mechanism of the bomb."

"Then the bridge is really gone, right?" Dashang Zhushan appeared on the stairs.

Kogoro Mouri asked immediately, "Is it time to talk about this? Ms. Chima Yudai has been killed by the murderer!"

Da Shang Zhu Shan shook his head and looked disapproving: "It is precisely because death has already occurred that I think we should focus more on finding out the murderer and how to leave the annex."

"Yes, after all, no one wants to die in a game inexplicably like Ms. Chima Kandai." Gunda Ikumi immediately looked at Ogami Zhushan and asked, "Where are Hakuba Tan and Watanabe?"

"How did I know? We went back to our respective rooms after we went upstairs. I think they might still be resting in the bedroom." Da Shang said again, "To be honest, I'm also a little sleepy."

Gunda Yumi glanced at him and said: "If the current problem is not solved, none of us can rest at ease. Conan-kun, I remember that you know Mr. Watanabe, so please go up and have a look with Mr. Mori. "

Conan nodded immediately.

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