Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 404: Epcot related households?

"Conan's Toast, Don't Eat Fine Wine (

Xinfan didn't wait at the warehouse for the police to come. He asked Shimabukuro to conceal what he had done today from the police, and then returned to the hotel soon.

"Get things, let's take the last ferry off the island tonight." Xinfan told Epcot as soon as he entered the room.

Epcot reluctantly shifted his attention from the cooking show to him: "Why are you in such a hurry, and did you go shopping for supper?"

Xinfan has sorted out his few belongings. He glanced at Epcot and said quietly, "The police will be on the island in a while. It doesn't matter if you want to stay."

"Police?" Epcot's expression became serious in an instant. She was no longer obstinate, but cooperatively began to clean up the traces that might be left in the room.

As a result, she had been busy for a long time before she realized that all she cleaned was basically her own hair fingerprints, and Mezcal hadn't left anything!

Does this kind of person who protect himself to every detail really exist? ?

"Hello!" Epcot couldn't help asking, "What the **** did you do when you went out just now, why are you alarmed by the police?"

"It seems that there is an emergency on the island. If we don't leave tonight..." Xinfan suddenly stopped his movements, looked back at Epcot, and narrowed his eyes. "Are you suspicious of me?"

Epcot rolled his eyes: "Normal people would doubt you, right?"

"Really?" Xinfan smiled and said nothing.

Until Epcot cleaned up all the traces in the room and planned to leave with him, Xinfan said as if he had just remembered: "By the way, you and I shouldn't know each other. Please do as before. Leave from the window."

"...I'm leaving now, how can it be so troublesome?"

Although complaining in his mouth, Epcot obediently turned out the window and followed the shadow of the bushes to the road.

No way, who told Mezcal to hold her assessment authority? Epcot doesn't want to get a zero for the first mission.

Xinfan went to the front desk of the hotel to check out with all his belongings, and then he and Epcot met and walked to the pier one after another.

The last ferry to Mermaid Island will set sail in ten minutes. The police just learned the news that it will take some time to come from the island, and the ferry that has not received the order should depart on time according to the timetable.

"You really just stepped on the spot!" Epcot lay on the railing of the ferry, panting and complaining, "We won't be able to catch up anytime later."

"Thank you." Xinfan thanked the crew who helped them withdraw their pedals.

The crew member waved his hand indifferently, and quickly got into the cabin.

At twelve o'clock in the night, the last ferry of the day, and also the earliest ferry, set off on time from the pier of Mermaid Island and slowly sailed into the endless ocean of Wakasa Bay.

There seemed to be a bit of light in the far front, and Xinfan knew that it was the direction of the main island.

Epcot sighed helplessly: "Really, I have a weird personality and a big temper. He is obviously performing the mission of the organization, but he is secretly messing up strange things. How can there be a guy like you in the organization?"

Xinfan glanced at her, and Epcot shivered with fright with his black eyes like falcons.

"I wanted to ask before." Xinfan suddenly pulled out a smile without much warmth. "You always seem to think that my purpose is impure and unkind. Can you tell me why?"

Epcot was stunned and raised his head. He saw that the man had reduced the coldness in his eyes. He reached out and took out a cigarette to light it, and asked her casually and indifferently.

As if he didn't care about the answer to that question at all.

But how could he not care? After all, she had already hinted so clearly.

Epcot pursed her lips, her eyes gradually cleared, and a few seconds later, she suddenly pulled out an open smile: "Mezcal, behind your carefully decorated mask, is there something that cannot be spied by the organization? What about the huge secret?"

Xinfan's heart sank suddenly, but his facial expression remained unchanged, and even the irony and contempt in his eyes was about to overflow.

"Your tone is really like gin interrogating a traitor." Xinfan said coldly, he deliberately reread the word traitor.

"I am not the same as him." Epcot did not flinch, but met Xinfan's gaze fearlessly. "I am not interested in knowing other people's secrets, because people who know too much tend to lose their lives."

"Heh." Xinfan smiled lowly, "You are so courageous, Epcot."

A newcomer who has just received a code name and has never even performed a task independently, dare to openly question the predecessor of Mezcal. She even arrogantly said something like "I have no interest in knowing other people's secrets" with an attitude of looking down, as if it was her gift to no longer Such courage has never appeared in any organization member, Xinfan This is the first time I have met someone like Tanaka Kikue.

But she is very similar to a woman-Belmode.

Belmode relies on the boss behind her, what about Epcot?

This made Shinhan even more curious about Tanaka's relationship with Rum.

Did she join the organization because of Rum? Does she know the plan and purpose of the organization? Does she know the true face of Rum? Does she know what she is doing?


After returning to Tokyo, Xinfan spent two days sorting out the information on this mission, writing a summary, and uploading it to the organization's internal website.

Xinfan's summary basically fits the facts, except that he selflessly stamped a "D" in the column of Epcot's evaluation.

At the same time, he also reported the sample, which is the disk, to the police superior.

Even if he has no way to know the contents of the disk for the time being, at least he can make the public security aware of the organization's future in advance so that he can work out a corresponding plan.

Jiang Guling is now in the United States, even if he is the backbone of the intelligence team, it is not as convenient as Xinfan to obtain first-hand information. Xinfan believes that he has to take on more responsibilities.

However, at this moment, in San Francisco, USA, separated by the entire Pacific Ocean from Japan, Jiang Gu Ling was busy with what he had on hand, and at the same time, was anxious for the sudden emergence of the situation on the Japanese side.

He didn't even know that he still had his own comrades in the organization, so he took everything on his own body, and he wanted to break it into ten.

Seeking truth from facts, Jiang Guling thinks he can do everything in one mind. Does the organization really not consider developing human replication and brain manipulation technologies? He thinks this technology is completely feasible.

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