Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 147: Detective's word game (part 1)

   Morilan's face changed drastically, she clenched the microphone and asked loudly, "Who are you?! What happened to you Mr. Asano??"

   Her reaction was so violent that Conan and Mouri Kogoro immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

  Oops, the most undesirable situation has appeared!

   At Conan’s gesture, Maurilan turned on the hands-free of the landline phone, and the unpleasant voice echoed clearly in the room: "He is still alive now, but if your movements are slower, I’m afraid I can’t guarantee it."

   Damn it! !

   Without waiting for Conan to do anything, Kogoro Mouri yelled into the receiver first: "How do we know if Asano is really with you when you say that? Let him answer the phone!"

   "It's troublesome." The man whispered.

   After a short pause, Conan's familiar voice came from the earpiece.

Asano Nobuhira’s state sounds good: "Mr. Mori, I’m fine, as long as I have 50 million yen ready as soon as possible. I remember I put a bank card in the office before, and the password is written on the card. , I have to trouble you to go to the bank."

   "But on that card..." Up to two million.

  Mouri Kogoro was interrupted by Conan before he finished speaking: "Okay, Brother Asano, do you have anything else to say?"


   I could vaguely hear the unpleasant voice over there berating something, but Asano Nobuhira still said calmly and calmly:

"According to the bank’s work efficiency, I won’t be able to go back until the evening at the earliest. In such hot weather, the drinks on the table might stink. Can you ask Miss Maori to clean it up for me? Ah, yes, and me. I was a little anxious at the time, and the computer seemed to be turned off. In addition, I originally invited so many guests to the opening ceremony, but as a result, I, the boss, was absent. I will definitely have to..."

   Xin Fan Balabala asked a bunch, and the kidnapper's face next to him became darker and darker.

Finally, the man couldn't help but yelled: "Enough! Do you think I'm joking with you?" He grabbed the phone and shouted into it, "Now immediately follow the method that Asano Nobuhira said. Go and get the money. Get it at the entrance of the park next to Mihua University before the evening. You are not allowed to call the police, otherwise I will tear up the ticket immediately!"

After    said, he hung up the phone with a "pop".

   Lufeng Music Classroom, Mouri Kogoro and Mouriran looked at each other, while Conan smiled helplessly.

   As expected, Mr. Asano, he can face this kind of thing without changing his face.

   But is there really no problem? If the kidnappers are angered...

   Conan was stunned. He remembered that he wanted to read Mr. Asano's messy emails.

   Just now, Mr. Asano also specifically mentioned the cup and the mail. He put these two things at the forefront and said that it is the place where people's attention can be most concentrated.

   What do the cups and mail stand for?

   Conan hurriedly climbed up the chair and adjusted the laptop screen downward.

   Just as Kogoro Moori said, the screen is showing the interface of mail. The mailing address is empty, the subject is not written, only a few English letters are typed in the text.

   "PINP..." Conan said, "What does PINP mean?"

   Mao Lilan turned around and asked: "Procollagen N-terminal extension peptide?"

   Conan: "……"

What? What is the original gum balabala extension peptide?

Facing Conan and Mouri Kogoro's dumbfounded look, Mouriran smiled uncomfortably and said, "I also saw it on TV by accident yesterday, but Mr. Asano shouldn't write such things, right? "

"Normal people would not write such things." Kogoro Mouri said irritably, "No matter what, call the police first. Really, the bank card he gave me clearly only had more than one million on it. Where do I get it from? 50 million in cash!"

   "Hmm!" Mao Lilan immediately picked up the phone, "Perhaps Officer Mumu will have a way."

   The sun outside the window was suddenly covered by a cloud of clouds, and the leaves of the street trees rustled under the wind.

   Conan pays no attention to changes in the weather. He stares at the PINP on the screen, racking his brains to wonder what it means.

   Mr. Asano shouldn't leave such things on the computer for no reason. He always pays attention to privacy. There are passwords on mobile phones and everything, and he will not forget to turn off electronic devices even in urgent matters.

   If you can’t get through in English, maybe it’s in Japanese...

   Conan tried to type "pinp" with the Japanese input method and the result was ぴんp.

   Obviously this will not be the case.

   He quickly remembered the misplacement method often used to encrypt telegrams before. If they were all moved forward by one position, it would be "ohmo", not to mention that it seemed not right to go backwards.

   The more Conan thinks, the more depressed, the more he thinks, the more entangled.

   Morilan saw that he was about to pull his hair off, and quickly came to stop him: "The police will come soon, Mr. Asano must be fine, don't worry."

   "Hmm." Conan responded and continued to entangle the meaning of "pinp".

   Mao Lilan glanced at the screen and keyboard, and suddenly said, "I remember seeing Mr. Asano typing in blind typing before. Will he be like this when he typed incorrectly?"

   "Blind typing?" Conan was stunned for a moment, and then immediately reacted, "Maybe it's not a typing mistake, but the misplacement method used by Asano is based on the keyboard!!!"

   He held the computer and started typing: "p is before o, i is before u, and n is before b. In this case, the Japanese of ‘oubo’ is おうぼ application!!"

   Kogoro Mori said disdainfully: "Asano doesn't need to look for a job. How could it be an application? You are just trying to do it."

   "Brother Asano doesn't need to find a job, but he has been busy recruiting before, maybe it has something to do with this!!!"

   Conan found the file bag where Xin Fan kept the applicant's resume according to his memory.

   It’s no secret that Lufeng’s music classroom is well paid. Since Xinfan’s job postings are posted on the Internet, there is an endless stream of people submitting resumes every day. It's just that he seems to be more inclined to pick up employees on his own. Masajiya chose only Sachiko Matsumoto by recruitment information.

   Although the recruitment information is like a decoration, he still prints out the resumes of candidates carefully, and will take a look when he has time. Conan thought Xinfan was serious about his work, but in fact he was just looking for familiar names in it.

   If you can meet someone who will appear in the case, of course, you have to come in and get acquainted.

   There are a lot of resumes accumulated for so many days. Looking at so many materials, Conan suddenly remembered that he had read the materials desperately during the monthly gift event.

  Why is he always doing such bitter and tiring things? ?

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