Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 1130: Jiang Gu 0: Talking about people!

Maori Kogoro happily put on the ring and was very happy: "Now I don't have to pay for a ticket by myself. I really want to get what I wanted!"

Suzuki Sonoko did not hear clearly: "What?"

"No, no, it's nothing." Kogoro Mouri said solemnly, "I mean I will be on time for the appointment."

"That's great. There are a total of three rings here, for Uncle Maori, Xiaolan, and Mr. Asano. As for Xiaoai and Conan, Dr. Aka will pass them on."

Xinfan picked up the ring that belonged to him and put it in his pocket.

At this moment, the landline on the desk suddenly started ringing.

Kogoro Moori asked impatiently, "This is the Moori detective office, what's the matter?"

"Mr. Mori," the soundproofing effect of the landline is relatively poor, so Xinfan can also vaguely hear it, "I have a commission. As long as you agree, you can now pay 50% of the commission fee, which is five million."

Kogoro Mouri’s first reaction was that he had heard it wrong: "How much did you say? Five hundred thousand?"

"No, it's five million. When you complete the commission, I will pay the remaining five million."

Kogoro Mouri was shocked: "That is to say, the total commission fee is 10 million yen?!"

"Yes, would you do me a favor?"

"Yes!" Mouri Kogoro responded hurriedly, "Can I ask the specific content of the commission?"

"It's not convenient to talk about the specific content on the phone, so let's talk about it when we meet next weekend." The client said again, "By the way, please bring your daughter and the child who is staying in your house temporarily. "

Kogoro Mouri was stunned: "That kid you mentioned is Conan? In fact, he has long ceased to live with me."

"Really? Then please take him. I admire the kid's reasoning ability."

Kogoro Mouri hung up the phone with a weird look.

"What's the matter, Dad?" Mao Lilan asked, "has a new commission?"

Kogoro Mouri nodded: "Yes, the commission fee is a full 10 million yen. But this commissioner is very strange, and you actually let me take you and Conan to see him next weekend."

"What's so strange about this?" Suzuki Sonoko stuck out his tongue and smiled, "Everyone knows that Conan is great. But I was willing to pay a commission fee of 10 million yen, I am afraid this commission is not easy."

"No commission can beat my detective Kogoro Mouri!"

As he was talking, the uncle's cell phone suddenly showed an account reminder. The client has actually put five million into his account.

At this time, even Suzuki Sonoko was shocked: "He is so generous..."

Shinshige looked at Mouri Kogoro: "He did this to not leave you room for remorse, right?"

"It seems that this is correct, but how could I go back, it was 10 million yen!" Mouri Kogoro happily counted zero with his mobile phone.

"Hey, wait." Suzuki Sonoko suddenly said, "Isn't it the day when the Suzuki express train departs next weekend? If uncle and Xiaolan are going to see the client, won't you guys not be able to participate?"

Maori Kogoro's face suddenly stiffened: "Ah, no, why is it such a coincidence!"

Mao Lilan reluctantly persuaded: "This is no way, after all, work is more important. Besides, the Suzuki express train runs every year, and we still have a chance next year."

"But next year I will buy my own tickets!" Mouri Kogoro was crying without tears.

"Uncle and Xiaolan can't go, but Mr. Asano can still go, right?" Suzuki Sonoko said and patted Jingjizhen's shoulder again. "It's a pity that Ajin also had something that day, otherwise it would be fun for you to go together."

Xinfan immediately took the initiative to draw a line with a certain lady: "If it wasn't for Xiao Ai's long-awaited express train, I actually didn't want to go."

Because of Asano Nobuhiro's previous sentence, "Suzuki Sonoko's boyfriend," Makoto Kyogoku now has a very good impression of him, and it seems that it is perfectly acceptable for him to be alone with Suzuki Sonoko.

Xinfan looked at the chaotic detective office, only feeling a headache.

After sending away the lovers Suzuki Sonoko and Kyogoku Shin who were bubbling pink bubbles everywhere, Shinshige bid farewell to Kogoro Mouri and returned to the Lufeng music classroom located downstairs.

There is only Tou Amuro in the store.

"Where is Miss Xiaozi?"

"She went to deliver the goods."

"It's too much to let the girls deliver the goods by themselves."

"…speak English!"

"Cough cough." Xinfan cleared his throat, his expression becoming serious for a second, "have you talked to Belmode?"

Jiang Gu Ling glanced out the window subconsciously and confirmed that there was no suspicious person hovering near the music classroom. Then he said, "I didn't say it face-to-face, I just released some signals to her. Why, she has decided to do it?"

Xinfan shook his head: "I don't know. But today, Mr. Mouri accidentally accepted an order with a high price. The client coincidentally chose to meet him on the departure day. More coincidentally, the client asked Kogoro Moori to bring the gross profit. Ran and Edogawa Conan."

Jiang Guling sneered and said, "This is indeed like Belmode's style."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Me?" Shinhan smiled, "Of course I can't let Belmode get what I want. Since she wants to keep Maurilan and Kudo Shinichi away from the center of the storm, I will help her take them there."

"Aren't you afraid that they will be in danger?"

"This is something Belmode should worry about."

It’s easy to get Conan to the Suzuki express train. You just need to reveal a little bit that the organization will take action on the train. The key is how to get Maurilan to board the Suzuki express train.

An elegant club somewhere in Tokyo—

The gin is the most conspicuous of all the celebrities present. He has not concealed his exuding air-conditioning, nor has he concealed the drifting silver long hair.

As soon as Belmode entered the venue, he saw the gin gleaming in a corner.

She raised her lips and walked slowly towards the gin.

Before Belmode was close to the gin, a cold pistol suddenly reached her waist.

Belmode didn't change his smile, but got closer.

"Gin." The soft voice of the mature woman echoed in the ear of the gin, "Would you like to make a martini?"

Gin's cold eyes swept towards Belmode unceremoniously.

"Are you too leisurely lately?" Gin asked.

"How can I say that? I've been burnt out recently because of Shirley's affairs." Bellmode laughed. "But fortunately, I already have a mature plan. Maybe I can prove your thoughts~"


Belmode leaned down, pressed his gin neck, and whispered softly, "Do you know the Suzuki express train leaving Tokyo Station next week?"

"That's the grave I chose for Shirley~"

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