"We found a backpack in the woods three kilometers away from the scene and would like your help to confirm whether it belongs to Ms. Yamakura."

As he said this, Mumu Thirteen gestured to the policeman on the side, and the policeman showed a red backpack to the three of them.

"It’s unmistakable, that’s what’s behind Yue Mei."

Looking behind me, Eiko Ikeguchi said immediately. Ashizuka Tokunori and Hayashida Taro also nodded in agreement.

Seeing this, Megure Thirteen continued:"Inside the backpack, we found a knife suspected of being a murder weapon and an empty wallet."

"The murderer must have thrown it away. Ashizuka

Tokunori said immediately.

Hayashida Taro also said:"So, after the murderer killed Yue Mei under the cliff, he fled outside the mountain."

"Not so. Takagi

Sheba heard this and said:"The people from the Mountain Guard have been staying in the hut at the entrance of the mountain since 4 o'clock this morning. They said they did not see the suspected murderer leave.""

"What does it mean?"

They are all adults. Ikeguchi Eiko, Ashizuka Tokunori and Hayashida Taro are not stupid. They do not understand the meaning of Takagi Wataru's words. Isn't this because they suspect that the murderer is one of them?

"Maybe someone wanted to disguise the case as being committed by someone outside the mountain, so they abandoned the backpack in the woods."

Megure Thirteen looked at the three of them, and then looked at Shinichi Takada and Curacao who were standing on the other side. He directly ignored the young detective team. However, among the five suspects, Shinichi Takada was also Not the target of Mumu Shisan's suspicion

"If nothing else, there should be three murderers. Upon seeing this, Takada Shinichi said:"

I and Miss Hetian met Miss Yue Mei for the first time yesterday. We didn't even communicate with each other, let alone have conflicts, so we have no motive for killing." And the three of you, especially Mr. Ashizuka, you had an argument with the deceased yesterday."

"is that so?"

When Megure Thirteen heard this, he immediately looked at Ashizuka Tokunori. If it was true, then this person would be more suspicious.


Ashizuka Tokunori was shocked and immediately said:"It's true that I had a quarrel with Yue Mei, but I didn't kill anyone, and it's impossible for us to kill anyone."

Mumu Shisan couldn't help but ask:"How do you say this?""

"Yue Mei was still alive at 3 a.m., and this child was also present. Ashizuka

Tokunori said and pointed at Conan.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Conan nodded and said,"Miss Eiko called her at that time."

"Yes, that's it. Ashizuka

Tokunori said to Megure Thirteen:"The time when the body was found was around 5 o'clock in the morning. In other words, the crime was committed within these two hours."..."While talking, he took out a brief map of the climbing route and spread it out on the wooden table.

"However, walking from the mountain hut to the site will take 40 to 50 minutes no matter how fast you walk."

"It took about that long when we went down."

Conan spoke up to prove that Ashizuka Tokunori was right.

Takagi Wataru spoke up:"The murderer killed Miss Yamakura and then threw the backpack into the woods three kilometers away. It would take another thirty or forty minutes. Since the return trip is uphill, it will take longer, at least an hour, so the total time will be more than two hours."

"Can't the crime be committed within two hours? Curacao thought silently. The murderer must have used some method to kill the deceased, and it took no more than two hours. Now, she has to uncover this time limit before she can designate the murderer. Otherwise, the murderer can Denial.

Only by finding out the truth and finding the murderer as soon as possible can the police not label her as a suspect and conduct cross-examination and investigation on her.

"Can't commit a crime within two hours? If this assumption is not true, then all three are suspects and are more likely to be the murderers."

Takada Shinichi suddenly spoke up. In fact, before the police arrived, he had already thought of the methods the murderer might use. Now that there is a 'two-hour' limit, he is even more sure.

"Brother Takada, what do you say?"

Megure Thirteen couldn't help but feel happy and looked at Takada Shinichi expectantly.

"Did he think of the tactics used by the murderer? Curacao looked at Shinichi Takada in surprise. She hadn't figured it out yet. If Shinichi Takada had really figured it out, wouldn't he be better than her? At least in terms of reasoning.

Conan was not too surprised. , although he still has some clues and is not sure whether the murderer used the method he thought, but he has always known that Takada Shinichi is very good at reasoning and will never lose to him.

"If I guess correctly, the method used by the murderer used balloons. Without waiting for others to refute and question, Shinichi Takada continued:"The murderer should have inflated the balloons before three o'clock in the morning while everyone was still asleep, and there was more than one." Because inflating balloons makes noise, I think the murderer went to a place far away from the cabin to inflate the balloons."

"No wonder that time..."

Curacao's heart moved, thinking that someone secretly got up and left the hut before three o'clock in the morning. It was thought that the murderer left at that time to inflate the balloon.

"I don’t know exactly how many balloons the murderer filled, but I think it must have been at least six. After inflating the balloon, the murderer jumped off the cliff in one breath. Although the balloon could not float people, it could slow down the descent."

"Just like a bird that spreads its wings to slow down its flight, it first lands on the rock, slows down, and then jumps down again, so that it can reach the scene in a short time."

"Hahahahaha, how is this possible? This is impossible."

Ashizuka Tokunori laughed for a while. Although he felt that it made sense to barely explain it, it was simply impossible to do it.

"No, it can be done, but it requires a professional."

Curacao secretly thought in her heart and glanced at Eiko Ikeguchi. She can do it herself. From yesterday's free climbing skills, it can be seen that Eiko Ikeguchi is also a professional, so this woman can do it too.

However, in order to avoid attracting the attention of the police, Curacao did not tell her speculation. She believed that Takada Shinichi was so smart that he would have figured this out, and there was no need for her to make any unnecessary moves.

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