Conan's Organization No. 3

Corini Organization No. 3 Section 778

"The police, about this question just now I found a lifeboat."


"Is it difficult to take a lifeboat?"

"I have already started searching, but I think it is hard to find it."

"Do you escape?"


The face of the police department and others became serious, but the white emperor on the side, but turned his attention to Shame Summer and others sitting on the other side.

"In any case, I know that he is not in the boat, we can at least make an angry." Don't make it easy.

"Yeah, you can rest assured."

"But Histori He also slammed another egg, I think he is likely to appear in home Castle."

I heard this sentence, the pretty face of Han Shan Xiamei can't help but

Immediately, white birds look at the police department, continue to pass,

"No, I think he should have already gone, and I also want to go to the castle together after arriving in Tokyo tomorrow.

"Okay, let's do it."

Although some strange white birds have become so hard, but the police department still nod agrees with the white bird's request.

"Hey, the little ghosts you will be at home this time -"

"No, take Copan to go together."

The white bird smiled and interrupted the words of Maori Xiaogiro.

"His interesting thinking can not be helpful to us."

Looking at the white bird is full of deep eyes, Conouton is cold, and hurriedly deviating.

Suddenly, the white emperor walked over and calmly staring at the eyes of the white bird, a calm voice.

"Say, I always feel that this white bird police officer seems to be unexpected."


White birds are slightly smashed, watching the smile in the corner of the white emperor, there is an innocence, and then calming the road.

"Perhaps because the history of the history of the monarch is the reason for the egg, let me know a little bit."

I heard this sentence, I nodded in the police department, and he did not continue to go deep.


The night is gradually depressed, and the police department has also had a high-grade police officer, accompanying the bodies of Hanchuan Dragon, rushed to Tokyo.

As for the white bird, it is left to the cruise.

In the spacious and bright hall, everyone who had eaten dinner returned to their own rooms, and they were prepared to start rest.


On the deep sea, the waves conclude, the sea breeze of salty shi is moving toward the figure in front of the railing, as as slamming the rock, blowing teenager's clothes hunting.

"Da da..."

A crisp high-heeled shoe suddenly passed back from the post behind you, and it was more close, and the rhythm was tense.

Soon, a faint Qingya fragrance flavored into the nose of the teenager.

"Is Xiamen?"

The teenager's tone is very gentle, and even the smile on the face is mild.

The footsteps suddenly accelerated, a delicate pretty face with a surprised expression appeared around the teenager, the gray beauty is like crystal crystal behavior, as if it speaks generally staring at the side face of the teenager,

"White Di knows me?"

The teenager is gentle and smiled. It is more important than him, but it is more like a small girl, a soft traveler than him.

"Because this boat is only Xiamei, you will appear next to me this time."

For Bai Emperor's almost perfect answer, Han Shan Xiamei's exquisite, very soft cheeks, it suddenly looked up with a good look, just like a drunk, smoked, low head, did not dare to respond.

For Han Shan Xiamei so cute movement, Bai Di can't help but laugh, it is different from the situation when you are with Mran, and you will relax, you don't have to maintain those calls at all.

After all, although Xiaolan is really like an angel, provoke him pity, but whether it is an ancient well-tribute, it is still a secret, and it is necessary to keep this angel-like girl hurt.

However, Xiangshan Xiamei, just known, did not have this concern.

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