Conan's Organization No. 3

Corini Organization No. 3 Section 747

Xiaolan asked with a confusion.

Wen said, Zhu Ti is to answer, and I have noticed what, I immediately bowed to Cuan,

The eyes of the two are right.

Immediately, Conan immediately slammed the line of sight and turned his face to the side, and I was afraid that Judi saw something.

Note that Conan's movements, Zhu Ti couldn't help but hit the corner, then looked up and replied.

"Only a little curious about Miss Chang Dynasty, the broker of the Bai Emperor's classmates, after all, the Bai Emperor in Japan is a big star, his broker is actually so young, I really surprised me."

The garden next to him is heard, and he doesn't want to smile and say it.

"Yeah, I first knew that Changdai sister was a broker of the white emperor, I was also surprised to Xiaolan. But this is nothing, Changdai sister is a broker who is specially found for Bai Di.

On work ability, Changdai sister can be much more powerful than the brokers outside the outside. "

"Just, right, the garden I remember the first time I met the Jie Dynasty, it was still in the concert of the White Emperor ..."

Xiaolan also couldn't help but recall the situation of the year, and the exquisite pretrequitment has given a warm smile that is enough to dissolve the winter ice.

Seeing the appearance of the Mranano's concert of the white emperor, Congan's heart couldn't help but gave birth to a jealous, and the heart continued to be a silver boy.

However, Conan is somewhat strangely, and the direction of the white emperor leaves.

Just now, when he was bent over his head, he smelled a faint fragrant flavor, different from the past violet,

More like a rose. ....

When is the Changdai sister changed incense?

He remembers the last time with Chang Dynasty, it seems to be violet.

Forget it, Conan shakes his head and scattered his distracted thoughts in his mind. It stepped next to Xiaolan three.



The door of the elevator is slowly opened, a man and a woman came out and slowly appeared in the top of the building.

This bar is called "Cocktail" bar.

" ..."

The woman stepped on high heels, and the footsteps broke into the bar, and it appeared very loudly in a few unattended bars.

However, when you hear a woman's footsteps, they just looked in the two people, and they had removed their sight.

Although the woman is really beautiful, but the man around the woman is like a distorted something that is unfortunate.

However, the most important thing is not annoying, but fear!


Two people passing straight from the counter, walking to the most inside the bar in the bar.

"The feeling of the woman is really sensitive, have you noticed that she just saw my eyes?"

Women are not polite to sit on the sofa, and I hope that the man is interested in the man.

The man didn't speak, but put his hand before the forehead, immediately slammed,

In an instant, a face was screaming, showing the cold and indifferent face.

"You have done too much, and a common person in the district can quietly close to the scope of the special training FBI search, anyone will feel that you are very suspicious."

Speaking here, the deep black scorpion is one of them, moved to the exquisite jade face of the woman.

"Now give me this face, Bell Mo."


The woman loudly, but the movement is not slow, and the face on the face on behalf of De Dali Temple,

"Don't say me, the ancient Yukong your courage is really big, and even if you let him know, he will be angry."

"So he will be sent to the dirty mice by the gentleman, but can not be responsible for the organization."

The teenager disdainfully snorted, and immediately smoked, turned to the silver hair woman cold channel.

"And you. The cat will be found by the mouse. It seems that the piano wine makes you investigate the movement of FBI?"


Woman laughs for 3.7,

"Sure enough, you, Dan high school things."

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