Conan's Organization No. 3

Corini Tests No. 3, 611

Seeing the smile of the white emperor, the garden youth is beautiful and beautiful, and it is very lively answered, or so energetic.

After a few minutes, Room 1905!


With the opening of the door, the white emperor came in with the garden.

Bai Di just turned to take the door, the garden took the left and right of the left and right, stepped on the white and smooth jade, quickly ran into the room, throwing something to the sofa.

Seeing the lively appearance of the garden, Bai Di couldn't help but shake his head, and then put the shoes on the ground, and took off the shoes and went in, put his own sunglasses and jackets, hangers hanging in the living room. on.

"Wow, I can finally take a break, so tired this afternoon."

The garden squats on the sofa, with hands with furry pillows, and rarely flashed a tired color on the lively pretty face.

Oh, the garden thought of, slammed from the sofa, looked at the door, and saw her pair of white sandals.

Suddenly, the garden is exquisite and pleasant to rise, and then I am very embarrassed to see the white emperor, vomiting the sofess, and looks very cute.

"Okay, hurry to wash it."


I heard the words, the garden immediately sat up from the sofa, playing with the white emperor, walking towards the bath and room.

Just, in the bathroom, the room suddenly turned around, very boldly ridiculous.

"Hey, white emperor, do you want to come together?"


If you hear the garden, even the white emperor who has always been flat can not help but shock, pay attention to the ruddy of the garden,

Bai Di can't help but smile, stand up,

"Okay, since you are so invited to me so, I am very embarrassed to refuse."

Said, Bai Emperor wants to take the bath in the garden, let the garden are completely stunned.

After half, I saw the white emperor who came to the face, the garden was slow, and the exquisite pretty face was horror and shy.

"Hey? White, Bai Emperor, you really agreed?"

Seeing the stupid expression of the garden, the white emperor can't help but laugh, stretch, eat the forefinger and gently played the forehead of the garden.

"Of course, you are fun. Dare to adjust, play me, when did you become so bold?"

The garden hurriedly grabbed the forehead. By the way, the garden was held, and then quietly saw the white emperor who didn't be angry.

"Then I went in and taking a shower, you don't want to see it."

After that, the garden turned around and ran into the bath, in the room, hurriedly took the bath and room door, and he was jumping.

On the other hand, the white emperor did not help but smile, but he shaken his head.

For the garden, this kind of ridicule, the white emperor is somewhat helpless, but it is also happy.

After all, the garden has the heart of your own, and the white emperor is undoubtedly the most clear. However, the two have added a small latch in the middle, no one wants to make Xiaolan, let alone,

In the eyes of the garden (Li Yue), the white emperor is undoubtedly happy, happy.

So, the garden will contribute to the white emperor once again.

As a compensation, Bai Di can only make up for the garden in other ways, and the white emperor will do our best to satisfy the garden.

Although the garden is a young lady of Suzuki Group, but not developing an arrogant habit, and there is a romantic, although there is some naughty lively, but this is also the highlight of the garden.

Soon, in the cranky of the white emperor, the door of the bath, the room opened, and the garden only went in a white bath towel.

"White Emperor, you also have to wash it."

With some shy sounds, the white emperor can't help but look at it. I saw the garden naked, the big skin whitening powder, tender, and the body were also unexpected, with the girl's unique green, exquisite pretty face It seems to be covered by pink by the bathing of the bath.

Note that the eyes of the white emperor, the hearts of the gardens couldn't help with a touch of stealing, but they were installed on the surface, and the sound was slightly trembled, shaking, and she did not know her face has exposed everything.

"What happened, white emperor, I look good?"

"Of course, look."

The Bai Emperor did not hesitate to have a sentence, let the garden suddenly come out,

"However, I will take a shower first, remember to change clothes, don't catch cold."


When the garden is full of disappointment, it is quite speechless to look at the white emperor towards the bath and riots. .

Chapter 244 Chapter Dark Night Duke Killing Event (Conan Atcained)

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