Conan's Organization No. 3

Conni Organization No. 3 Section 365

"That is to say, there will be about 1300 meters away from the distance of the murderer shot."

The police officer on the left nodded seriously.

"It seems to be the case. Xiaoda Minister, I am afraid it is that killer appears."

Of course, there is a saying that it is said to Xiaodae Militan.

"Okay, let's go first, Sato police officer."

That long-fierce man saw two people, and then waved the Sato beauty before standing on the stage.

"Yes, Matsumoto Police!"

Although Sato Beautiful and Son wants to stay, the executive officials searching for a lesson, the chronicle of Matsumoto, she has to turn the folder to the three people before turning around.

However, it is clear that this case has no doubt that she has caused her curiosity. After all, there is a normal sniper event. How can I face Song Ben's regulatory official and the Minister of Xiaoda will be alarmed.

There is no doubt that this sniper case is definitely not just as simple as it appears on the surface.


I saw Sato Beauty and the son left, Novo's conference room, and only Oda Chimin was left, and the Queen's father had three people.

"It's another killer."

The police said that the eyes were flashing in the eyes, and after he learned the model of the bullet, the police department immediately thought of this.

And then I saw the bullets, the unique spiral traces engraved, and the police department is no doubtful confirmed the identity of the murderer.

It has been in the past three years. It has been committed to the domestic mans in China. It is a killer named "Gujing Gong" with the high-rise talents of the high-end talents in Japan, or the directors of the big consortium.

Moreover, for the information on Ancient Jinggong, the information of the police officer is not much at all, if he is not because of his more than 20 years of police, the next step is likely to accept the seat of Matsumoto, he can't know Gujing Gong This person's.

In the police room, they only learned that Gujing Gong has a dazzling silver short hair, as for other aspects of appearance, the police room does not have half.

However, the police breeze or a few times from Gujing Gong in the country, analyzed the ancient well-tribute gun method, good at using Baret sniper gun, and can take people within 1,500 meters.

After all, there was a case in the police room for a year ago, which was made by Gujing Gong, and a director of a big consortium was killed in the distance of more than 1500 meters.

However, from the ancient well-tribute, it can't find any information about Ancient Kong. However, the police also speculated that it is estimated that Gujing Gong is a killer hired.

Of course, this is the most surface information of the police information center.

According to the Ministry of Australia, the ancient well-gorge is not named by the police officer, but because the people of Gujing Gong is a member of a transnational crime, 'Ancient wells' is the code inside the organization. .

"Take a better thing, including his family conditions, economic conditions, and more."

Xiaodae Militong slowly came to the command of the police,

"Yes, there is also his Panasonic Biotechnical Company, but also to investigate it. One of ordinary company executives, how maybe a person who has been in no reason."

It seems that what I thought, Xiaotian Chi Milu immediately added a few words.

"Understand." The police department nodded seriously.

Suddenly, the long-term fierce Matsumoto Xiao suddenly looked at the police department, asked,

"I remember that the people in Zhongcun were assassinated by people after participating in the gathering of Suzuki."

"Yes," I nodded in the police department, explained, "Xiaoda Minister, the administrator, in fact, we have already surveyed this aspect.

But unfortunately, there is no one in this banquet, any conflict with Chinese villages. And at that time, according to the investigation, many people said that the mood of Central Village was very happy, completely like being a big disaster. .... "

"very happy?"

Xiaodaek Militang gave this, and immediately asked with the P.Moto, immediately asked the police to the police.

"Waters, immediately said the survey of the athletic at the time."


The Spirit The police immediately opened the folder in his hand and began to talk.



Connaught stretched out, turned off the TV, a blind,

"Really, the current news is talking about the thief of the thief, but it is the shooting case that occurs after the banquet, but no one is reported."

"This is no way, new one,"

Dr. Ai took a pot of coffee and looked at Conan,

"After all, compared to shooting, the international thief stirbead once again shot this news, which is more likely to be welcomed."

Hearing here, Conan can't help but be more depressed, and the free glance sat quietly, sit in the living room, the gray original, uncomfortable,

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