Conan's Organization No. 3

Connievial ​​Organization No. 16 Section 162

Chapter 61, No. 1

There is a beautiful light in the pretty of Zi Zi, which is the performance of tears filling in the eyelid.

There is a playful and cute, although narcissism, sometimes fuzzy, but very kind, so after hearing the Bai Di's series of bumps, there is Xi Si di to be sentimental, very sympathetic, and the heart of mother's love.

Seeing the slight convulsions, Conan found that if they usually, they will definitely ridicule their mothers, but this time, Conan has not had such a thought after hearing the experience of the white emperor.

Delivery, - serious, grateful, complicated,

This is the taste of the heart in Conan.

For Bai Emperor with such experiences, Connone can say anything, if he lets the white emperor help him, it is in the emperor. The white emperor reminded him several times, and Conan is in his heart.

For yourself, Bai Emperor exposed his identity, but he did not believe him at first, and even doubt him, Conan is not a taste.

I think about it, I'm so many white emperors who have done themselves and Xiaolan, which makes Conan a lot of instant.

He never had the previous Koi's new, no longer a big, no longer think "black is black, white is white", and it will not be young and hesitant, saying that he has solved the organization.

For Makiro, this is obviously he is happy to see, and Conan is his son after all. He also worried that his son did not know the progress and was organized.

After seeing the embassies and more determined eyes in Conan, Mado's good gratitude did not help but gratitude to Bai Di.

"So, new one, are you still staying in Japan now?"

Mercivian is asked to Conan.

This time, Conan is extremely firm, I nodded, I looked at the direction of the eye, and the voice of the road.

"Yes, I can't let the white emperor fight, I have to help him."


Have Zi Zi wiped the tears of his eyes and walked out of the room.

I saw the back of Zi Zi's departure. The Mohavi did not care too much. He only thought that he had heard the past, and his heart was somewhat uncomfortable and went out.

What he is now is that some things in Cuenan make him unconventional.


The window of the 10th floor of the rice flower hotel.

Bai Emperor leaned next to the window, looked at the scenery outside the window, blue sky and white clouds, the weather is sunny, the road is rolling, people come, noisy, the face is more or less. Smile.


A cold wind blows from the sky, blowing the silver short hair of the white emperor, the silver hair is flying before the forehead, revealing the face of a little pale, gray, with a faint sad face.

The white emperor did not touch the wine, nor did it smoke, which is especially good for a killer or spy, but it is also the greatest advantage.

As a killer, a spy, psychological pressure is the most sad. Sometimes, the psychological pressure has accumulated deep, it is likely to affect the mental state, which in turn can lead to failure of the mission, or die.

Therefore, psychological pressure must be released, and the best way to release psychological stress is undoubtedly smoke and wine.

However, although the smoke and the wine can release psychological stress, but the smoke will smell the smell, and the alcohol will make people paralysis, so the smoke and wine are not good.

It is also because of these drawbacks, the white emperor does not smoke, and it does not touch the wine.

Bai Emperor habits a person staying, habits are accustomed to the quiet atmosphere, so he likes his emotions in your heart. However, the accumulation is deep, and will always break out.

The white emperor took a box of cigarettes from the pocket. After taking a cigarette, holding a lighter, pulling the fire, gotting to the cigarette butt, still did not ignite.

He hesitated for a long time, and finally returned the cigarette to the cigarette case, received it, then turned to look at the window, enjoy the cool breeble blowing, the low mood is a lot.

" ..."

With a rhythmic footsteps, the white emperor looked back and was there.

"Is it a sister?"

The white emperor looked at it in front of him.

"White sauce, are you okay?"

Have a little worried about the eyes of the Emperor, asked.

The Bai Emperor flashed in a smile, and the smile is still smiling.

"Don't worry, there is a sister of Zi Zi, what can I have, but it is a Canada, you have to do it for him."

When I heard the white emperor, I nodded in Zi Zi. I greeted a little apologize. The white cheeks rose a slim, to the white emperor,

"Just now, I have doubt it, I am sorry."

Bai Emperor smiled and smiled surprised to see Xi Zi, blinking blinking.

"It doesn't matter, but I can see that I am so cute, I am also satisfied."

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