Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2169: 2172 [Akai Shuichi’s work plan] Please vote for me

Jiang Xia looked away from the FBI who didn't know what he was doing, and continued: "The murderer is Miss Ogino. She has not left the water park today. In order to prevent others from seeing through the truth about 'throat cutting', she probably does not dare to use those things." The syringes used to draw blood are scattered everywhere, but they are hidden in places that only she knows. It is not difficult to find her following her movement today."

 It is more effective to investigate only one person than to investigate everyone equally without any target.

 The police went there in high spirits.

The short-haired girl wanted to hold them back, but realized that the situation was over. She stood frozen for a moment, then suddenly covered her face and cried loudly: "I don't want to, and I don't want to kill her either!"

 The first criminal who did this was very pitiful, and the second one was also very pitiful... After that, everyone gradually got used to it.

However, this did not prevent the police from happily taking notes: it is rare for a prisoner to be willing to take the initiative to reveal information, and it will be in vain if he does not take notes.

As expected, not long after, the short-haired girl sobbed and said: "In order to make money, I leaked the entrance exam questions. This matter was discovered by Xiaoling. From then on, the woman took advantage of this and led me around.

"I've already been groveling in front of her, but she seems to like to see others break down and beg her. A while ago, I just didn't do a small thing well, which she didn't like, so she said she was going to report me. I can't graduate.

"I borrowed scholarships and worked hard to study medicine for so many years. How could I sacrifice myself because of her bad taste! As long as she dies, as long as I kill her... I will be free!"


The real murderer was escorted by the police into a police car and headed to the police station.

With the help of an enthusiastic detective, Judy narrowly escaped death.

 The unlucky FBI kept smiling and said goodbye to several high school students, and also made an appointment to make up for the swimming competition that he couldn't continue today when they meet next time.

 But when she turned around after saying goodbye, Judy's calmness changed.

After confirming that no one was following her, she immediately contacted Shuichi Akai with excitement: "I have an important new clue, guess what?"

Having said that, this was just a casual question. Judy had no intention of really letting Akai Shuichi waste his time guessing. She was about to continue, but she heard Akai Shuichi on the other side of the phone say first: "The one who asked the deceased to move the car. people."

"!" Judy couldn't help but look around, "Are you really watching nearby?"

A thousand meters away, Akai Shuichi took a look at his position. He was not sure whether it was nearby, but he still nodded: "Yeah."

He said: "I will handle the follow-up investigation. You are the person closest to me, so don't expose any flaws."

A sense of mission arose in Judy's heart, and she felt a sense of urgency that she was confronting "that person"...even though she didn't even know what that evil cadre looked like.

 The two exchanged a few words and hung up the phone.

On the other side of the phone, Akai Shuichi was not as relaxed as Judy thought.

He glanced down at the notes he had taken down. In addition to the focus on the car owner who was blocked by the deceased, there was also a long list of names below, all of which were factors that might affect Judy and this murder.

The long list in the arcade last time has just begun, and this time it’s...

Akai Shuichi had to think: Was he trying to catch that person's flaws, or was that person throwing out these baits and in turn trying to find traces of their FBI?

 …What a formidable and cunning opponent.

The terrifying and cunning opponent finished counting the murderous auras and shikigami he had obtained this time, rushed to the Hashimoto Mayagai Theater, and then rolled up the ghost mint comfortably at home.

Just a day or two after the comfortable days, Teacher Judy, who had sorted out her mood, made a comeback - Jiang Xia received another invitation email from her.

 In order to keep this teammate who was fighting on the front line calm, Akai Shuichi did not tell her about the difficulty of the rear investigation, and only created an illusion of leisure and certainty of victory, so as to prevent Judy from being confused and exposing flaws.

So Judy didn't know that Shuichi Akai had a long list of pending investigations. Instead, she was worried that her speed in gathering intelligence could not keep up with the processing speed at the rear and would be delayed, so she was particularly concerned about contacting Jiang Xia. Be proactive and strive to send more information to the rear.

For example, today, the message Jiang Xia received was a sudden message: "Come out and swim and continue the last game!"

There is no specific swimming location attached, only a meeting address. It feels like there is no plan and you can swim wherever it happens.

Jiang Xia: "..." For some reason, he remembered the dice used to choose routes that Toru Amuro had brought with him when he took him on a trip.

That is really a lucky dice...

Possibly to explain why he carried such a thing with him, Toru Amuro made the dice sparkle like an ornament.

 So after Jiang Xia brought this thing over, he drilled a hole in it and made it into a hanging ornament. Thinking of this now, Jiang Xia took the dice with her before going out - she should really arrange a meeting between Teacher Judy and Boss Amuro when she has time. The two of them might have a lot to talk about, and maybe even get a little extra murderous.


Judy has indeed thought a lot about asking Jiang Xia to go out this time.

 —For example, should we hit "that person" step by step, or should we deliberately struggle and quietly disrupt his pace.

 After hesitating for a moment, Judy decided to choose the latter: the layout of this cadre must be quite sophisticated, otherwise it would not have been so long that no one found out the real identity from behind the scenes.

If she just does nothing like an ordinary citizen, there may not be any changes in the future. Only when the plan is disrupted and "that person" makes a temporary arrangement in a hurry can someone get caught in a hurry.

Since the other side may be targeting her, she certainly can't let go of this opportunity.

So when a few high school students brought swimming equipment to join her and happily asked her where she was going, Judy silently opened the dice rolling program on her phone.

 She found a few swimming pools at random, numbered them in her mind, and then started throwing.

Noah, who was about to see what tricks she was going to play: "..."

 Human, you are looking down on me!

 Key members of the Anonymous organization who did not have a complete "Z" imprint felt that they had been provoked.

 Soon, the dice on Judy’s cell phone stopped.

 She glanced at it and saw "3" on it.

"Go to this sports club." Judy put away her phone and pointed on the map nonchalantly. She checked, "I heard that this is a new fitness building opened by a wealthy owner who invested tens of millions of dollars. , there are various projects inside, let’s go take a look too!”

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