After work yesterday, I found a few of my companions overnight to discuss the specific plan of this operation, and in the morning, I took a car to the design office of my father's deceased Dejima Sohei, and this time I just came back, and I didn't rest all night.

Dragging her tired body, Masami Hirota tightened the belt of her satchel and hurried to the rented apartment, maybe she could take a good rest in the next few days.

She was in a good mood so far, and happily, they agreed to their request.

Then just wait for that day to come and complete this last task....

It's great to finally be able to take my sister out of that damn place!

Thinking of her sister, Masami Hirota also raised the corners of her lips unconsciously, as if she could see the future picture of living freely with her sister in the future, and the exhaustion of her body felt a lot more relaxed.

Since the unexpected death of her parents, she and her sister have rarely seen each other, because of the pressure of the organization, her sister has been sent abroad to study since she can remember, and finally returned, and has stayed in the underground laboratory for a long time in the cold machine, never enjoying a day of freedom.

And although he can still freely enter and exit in real life, he can only be forced to remain incognito and live with the identity of Masami Hirota, seemingly free, but in fact, he is always stared at by the eyeliner in the organization, and he can't help himself.

Her real name is Akemi Miyano, in order to better work for the organization, she works at the rice flower bank under the pseudonym Masami Hirota, and the task given to her by the organization this time is to take the opportunity to snatch the next batch of one billion yen shipped to the bank.

Although he can occasionally make an appointment with his sister to meet, the two can only go to that kind of public place, and the time to meet is limited, and they can't talk properly.

This time, she plucked up the courage to propose conditions for separation, and the organization agreed, but in exchange, she had to get the billion yen to hand over to the organization, which was undoubtedly a difficult task.

And before the task was completed, she and her sister could not see each other again during this time, that is, they completely lost contact.

The organization has always done things like this, and Akemi Miyano can only smile bitterly in her heart, as long as she can leave that ghost place, no matter how dangerous it is, she must try it, she must leave there with her sister!

After the death of her parents, her only sister Shiho is her only concern and motivation to survive, and she is willing to do whatever she does for her sister!

The rented apartment is more remote because it is cheaper and quieter, which is the best choice for her.

I don't know how long I walked, and there were almost no pedestrians around, and she finally came back to her senses from her thoughts.

Although she is only a peripheral member of the organization, she has also received some strict training, and she didn't realize much on the street before, but now there is almost no pedestrian around, in this case, even if she is tired, she realizes that something is wrong.

Feeling the movement behind her, Akemi Miyano's expression quickly tightened, and she clenched the bag strap on her chest, she felt her heart beat a little strongly, but the pace under her feet also unconsciously accelerated.

Who is it?

The other party's steps were steady, and there was no dangerous aura on her body, but this did not mean that she would relax her vigilance.

Could it be someone in the organization?

Did they discover their little movements?

No, she was already so careful, she was sure that she didn't leave any clues that could arouse the suspicion of the other party, so why was she targeted now?

It is also impossible for the police people, because she only briefly discussed the information of this mission with a few of her companions, and the specific action arrangement has not yet been decided, and these are partners she trusts very much, and they will not attract the attention of the police so early.

After being in that organization for a long time, her whole person has become more and more sensitive, and in this place, she basically has no ordinary friends, she is used to being alone, just don't want to have unnecessary worries.

Although the other party did not show malice, even so, she felt her heartbeat like a drum, and the palms of her hands pinching the straps gradually sweated.

She is not worried about herself, but she is worried that the task will not go according to the normal plan, then her purpose will be in vain.

Thinking of her sister, her thoughts also calmed down a little, and she began to think about how to face such an unknown situation.

You can't sit still, at least you can't lead the other party to your own home, thinking of this, Akemi Miyano also reacted immediately.

At the next corner, she picked up her pace again, taking the lead in letting her figure disappear from the other party's field of vision, while already sliding her palm down, quickly removing her lady's pistol from her bag.

With her hands clasped in front of her chest, she watched the situation behind her vigilantly, trying to steady her breathing, and soon she heard footsteps from far and near.

Just when she pulled the trigger and was ready to shoot at any time, the footsteps behind her stopped abruptly, and the other party did not continue to approach.

At this moment, she did not dare to act rashly, she could only stalemate with the other party, she did not understand what the other party wanted to do, but lost the other party's movement, she was more nervous, the sweat of her palms almost made her unable to hold the gun in her hand, but reason was always reminding her to stay awake.

Jiang Shan followed the familiar figure all the way to a remote path, although it was not very close at first, but the bank work uniform and the special temperament on the other party made him determine the identity of the other party.

That is Masami Hirota, that is, Miyano Shiho's sister Akemi Miyano!

He didn't think that his luck was so good, or that the place was too small, and such a chance made him bump into the woman.

He followed the other party all the way, and while trying to make sure that he was not looking at the wrong person, he noticed that the other party's footsteps were a little messy, and his back looked very haggard.

Coupled with the fact that he was still wearing a work uniform, he would be curious, and he had unconsciously followed it in his mind for so long.

It stands to reason that today is the weekend, and the bank is on holiday, so why did she come to this lonely place looking overworked?

Is it staying up late and working overtime?

Seeing that the other party is walking crookedly, he is his future sister-in-law, he can't let it go, he can only follow all the way here without worry.

But when he noticed that the other party suddenly quickened his pace and flashed into a corner, he walked and finally realized that something was wrong.

Isn't this silly, as a civilized young man in the new century, he seems to have forgotten that this is the crime-ridden world of Ke Xue!

And the current Akemi Miyano should still be a member of the brewery, and she can join this organization, although there are also reasons for her parents, but Akemi Miyano herself is not an ordinary person, at least there should be an organizational mind.

Xu is used to leisure these days, Jiang Shan almost let his guard down, although Miyano Akemi himself knows the character Jiang Shan very well, but if he approaches rashly at this moment, he will not be treated as an evil force and solved by the other party.

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