Conan: Peppermint Beluga

Chapter 223: Who should start with?

"Conan Mint Beluga (

Putting on the gas mask, Officer Nakamori and the others opened the door of the smoking room on the third floor of the flying boat, and came to lie down in front of the dark red sofa. One of the officers quickly found the ampoule under the sofa.

The ampoule with the red Siamese cat logo was empty inside, and it was already open.

Officer Nakamori immediately took out the evidence bag and put the ampoule in, and after leaving the smoking room for a simple disinfection, he found a safe lounge and contacted the Metropolitan Police Department's Mu Mu Shisan, who was in charge of investigating the case.

Mu Mu Shisan opened the mailbox passed by Officer Nakamori, and there was only a photo of an ampoule.

"It is confirmed that it is the same type of ampoules left by the guys who attacked the institute. The police have not released information about the ampoules."

Officer Nakamori said with a serious face: "So the man on the phone is the man from the red Siamese cat?"

"Well, I think it should be like this. Anyway, I will report this matter to the machine."


After Officer Zhong Sen hung up the phone, he said solemnly, "It seems that what the man said seems to be true."

Suzuki Jiroji felt a little complicated when he heard this. If it was as he said, I'm afraid something big will happen on the flying boat.

"How can this be, so there is no spare energy to arrest Kidd."

Officer Nakamori showed a helpless expression, this old man was more obsessed with Kidd than himself, and he was still thinking of arresting him at such a time.

"Lock down the smoking room now, and it's best to lock down the bar as well, just to be cautious!"


Conan, who returned to the restaurant from the toilet, noticed Haiyuan's gaze. He sat back on the chair and whispered, "Relax, there's nothing serious. Those children should be fine with Matsuda to take care of them."

"Well, so is it about the bacteria?"

"I really can't hide it from you, it's true, but Matsuda said that the bacteria leak should be fake... Red Siamese cats used to do money business before, and I don't think they would take such a big risk."

"I hope it's what you think. After all, on this flying ship... if the bacteria really leaked, it would be a major accident."


After the smoking room and the bar were cordoned off, Officer Nakamori and others returned to the restaurant on the third floor to tell everyone present the unfortunate news. After all, they all have the right to know, and killing bacteria is not a trivial matter. Maybe some of them have been infected with bacteria in the smoking room.

Just after Officer Nakamori explained to everyone, a strange cry suddenly attracted the attention of everyone present.


With his back facing the crowd, Takashi Fujioka looked terrified, his hands trembled slightly, and there were large areas of erythema on his cheeks, neck, and palms, which were very terrifying.

"Help, save me..."


Officer Zhong Sen frowned and said, "Could it be that you are already infected?"

"I remember, that gentleman was in the smoking room just now!"

Takashi Fujioka walked towards the crowd step by step. He couldn't say harsh words at such a time. With a pleading, he said nervously: "Please, save me, I feel so uncomfortable right now!"

"You calm down!"

"I don't want to die yet!"

Conan took out a narcotic pistol, **** it, did he and Matsuda make a mistake in their judgment? Did the Red Siamese really spread the killing bacteria on the flying boat?

These lunatics!

At this time, Maurilan immediately blocked in front of the somewhat flustered Officer Nakamori, and without hesitation, punched Fujioka in the upper left abdomen, hitting his stomach enough to make him faint.

"Hold... I'm sorry." Officer Nakamori looked at Fujioka, who was laid on the ground, and blamed himself for what he had done just now. As a policeman, he actually asked a girl to protect him... He was afraid that the bacteria would infect him and backed away. .

Conan hurriedly said, "Sister Xiaolan! Hurry up and disinfect it!"

Kuroba Kuito, who was disguised as a waiter, looked at Xiao Lan with some worry, but he was entrusted to protect them all. He said, "There is alcohol disinfectant in the pantry, please ask the lady to come with me."


Before Xiaolan entered the pantry, the ponytail waitress who had been clutching her left arm suddenly fainted to the ground, Conan hurriedly ran over to check her arm, and sure enough there was a rash.

"She also went to a smoking room and got infected!"

"Damn, is it even her?" Officer Nakamori turned to look at Jiroji and asked, "Is there a place to isolate the two of them?"

"There are wards in the consultation room. Bring them there."

To be on the safe side, the police took the two infected people to the ward for isolation, while the rest moved to the lounge.

At the same time, on the other side, Matsuda, who was in charge of finding the location of the teenage detective team, was in the cabin. He frowned and tried to identify their location by listening to the sound. However, the subtle sounds from the surrounding instruments were too loud, and he really didn't know where they went. There was a sound from the detective badge in his trousers pocket. After Matsuda took it out, he heard Conan's slightly anxious voice, and he asked aloud, "What's wrong?"

"Songtian, two people had rashes on their bodies just now, and one of them fainted... Things have become a little subtle, come back quickly, Yuan Tai and the others have already returned."

It's no wonder that I can't find anyone, it turns out that these children have already gone back.

Matsuda picked up the badge and brought it to his lips, and said, "Oh, don't worry too much about this, because..."


He narrowed his eyes and looked at the man in a black hoodie not far away. He couldn't see his face, but judging from his size, it should be a man... What do you want to climb to such a high place?

"Because of what?"

"Something happened to me here, don't contact me with your badge first, I will take the initiative to find you when the matter is resolved."

"Huh? Well, you pay attention to safety."

Matsuda put the badge back in his pocket and followed the shadow quietly, but who knew that there was a sound from the top, no, it was the sound of a helicopter outside the flying ship.

It turned out that the man in the hoodie just now was a member of the Red Siamese cat who was in charge of the internal response. He climbed to such a high place to open the valve on the top of the flying ship.

Fortunately, when I went to the toilet just now, I brought the pistol, and now it can be considered useful.

But isn't the number of people a bit small? If my memory is correct, there were seven people who attacked the research institute last time. Could it be that they were divided into two groups and entered the airship?

Anyway, no matter how many people there are, beating them all down and interrogating them is what I have to do now.

"Then... who is better to start with?"

Matsuda's eyes fell on the single armed man who was installing bombs on the flying boat. The target was determined, so let's start with him first.

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