Conan: I Am Surrounded By Undercover

Chapter 272: Don't use others as substitutes

After thinking about it, he knew that the actual operation was not that simple.

This is the undercover agent of the French Directorate General of Foreign Affairs, a European agent whose activities are basically overseas.

The Japanese public security did have undercover agents in France, and it was one of the undercover agents who first sent back the news that Angstra was coming to Japan. But he didn't want to trouble the seniors for his personal interests and bring them unnecessary danger.

Down Valley Zero began to silently sort out the existing information.

Panno, produced in France, has an alcohol content of 40%, and the wine is light blue, which turns milky white when ice is added. With a sugar content of 10% and a strong anise flavor, it is a fragrant and sweet after-dinner wine that is loved by the French people.

The blood is a blond mixed-race Asian, and as Gin said, Angstra hates Panno.

You can ask the members who have been in France and have been in contact with Angustra and Panno at the same time. One of the two people is very conspicuous, and the other is an undercover agent who was caught. There must be many people who know them.

When Jiang Gu Ling saw that the tea was finished, he poured himself a cup of cold tea.

Ordinary members will not be transferred across the country, so they can only find code members. The only members of the French region he knew, apart from Angustra and Panno, were...

Dairy Cocktail.

Jiang Gu Ling felt that this person might be a good person to ask.

Know Japanese, and can ask questions directly after arrest;

The strength is not strong. After he was punished by Jinjiu and entered the bottom training ground, Jiang Guling took the opportunity to see his training results, and it would not be difficult to arrest him;

He has a weak mind and a weak and vicious personality. To force him to come out, he will set fire to the mountain, and he will be trembling with Angstra... There are many such people who have fallen into the valley. You can spit everything out just by asking, which is very time-saving and labor-saving;

Another very important point-Daijili, for some reason, tried to silence the undercover drop-down zero.

Whether it is public or private, he should consider starting first.

The public security had long known the cause and effect of his residence being bombed, and Daijili notified him immediately when he returned to France. If it wasn't for the fear that after the person was secretly arrested, the organization would immediately suspect Jianggu Ling, who had just suffered a loss from him, and the public security would have arrested him earlier.

Jiang Gu Ling stared at the water surface of the teacup, and his appearance was reflected on it.

The reflection is a little blurry, but he can still make out his natural blond hair, which is different from ordinary Japanese, and his darker wheatish skin.

He himself doesn't know why he is so curious about Panno. It's just a dead undercover agent, and there is more than one undercover agent who was caught and killed by the organization... Is it because this person is suspected of knowing Angstra?

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

Thinking of the little devil, Zero Tani couldn't help but look in the direction of the shower room.

Angstra didn't tell them anything about his time in France, whether it was assignments, subordinates, partners... None of these things were said. He and Zhu Fu Jingguang knew that the DGSE headquarters was broken into by this little lunatic, or through the channels of the public security.

He didn't tell them anything about Panno, including the code name "Panno", which Jiang Gu Ling accidentally heard from Daijili, who wanted to burn him to death.

Daijili is currently in France, and the issue of wrapping his sack is a long way off. Instead of going around and asking bystanders, I don’t know if I can find a reason and ask Angstra himself directly.

If Gin's inexplicable violence in mid-April is mentioned, he should tell him a little about what happened in France, and even if he doesn't say it, he won't beat him or suspect him like Gin's paranoia, Angus Pull is pretty easy to get along with most of the time.

...However, it's just "easy to get along with" in comparison. In addition to this little bit of kindness, the little devil is killing people more.

Jiang Guling put down the teacup, intending to put the Pan Nuo thing aside for now, and then send a novel about his brother's affairs.

Zhu Fu Jingguang finally came out of the bedroom, holding Angstra's clothes in his hand, and was about to walk towards the shower when Jiang Guling got up and pulled him.

There were only the two of them in the room, and Zero Tsukatani was certain that there was no wiretapping or surveillance. He reminded: "Angstra met several Nagano prefectural police officers on the way back... He spoke to them."

Fukutani Zero did not name Zhufu Takaaki, he knew that mentioning the Nagano Prefectural Police was enough to make Faxiao realize.

Sure enough, Zhu Fu Jingguang's eyes widened slightly.

"I found a reason to deceive him temporarily. I don't know if it was successful." Jiang Gu Ling lowered his voice, "Pay attention."

"……it is good."

Zhu Fu Jingguang nodded, and he also explained the reason why he stayed in the bedroom for so long.

"I received news just now that the missing girl in the hotel was found half an hour ago." He paused, frowning slightly, "It was found in the lounge of the Odawara Police Station. She was not injured. Still in a coma, there are no traces left in the surveillance, and some hackers erased the relevant images."

Down Valley was startled.

The elimination of hacking and surveillance traces made him think of Angstra for the first time. After sniping, he would also erase the surveillance footage of nearby buildings.

And he remembered that the bus he took... was coming from the direction of Odawara Police Station.


Jing Baiye stayed in the shower room. He had already taken off his dirty clothes, leaving only the bandages on his body. It made him look like he had taken off, but nothing was revealed.

He planned to wait for Scotland to send a change of clothes before taking off the bandage. Although Scotland had seen the scars on his body, the look in his eyes at the time... He should pay more attention not to scare him.

Thinking of what Amuro said to him on the way, Jing Baiye couldn't help sighing.

[I didn't expect that kind of thing would happen to Scotland...]

In fact, Jing Baiye had no idea about the substitute. In his opinion, he would buy the delicious food after eating it, and buy the same or similar substitute if the useful thing was lost. Of course, people can also.

- That's what he thought.

It was one night while studying in the United States, and he was about to go to bed when he suddenly received a call from Shirley. The girl's voice on the phone had a crying voice, which startled him, thinking that she had been kidnapped or bullied, and almost jumped out of bed to find her.

Then Shirley told him that she was fine, she just read a stand-in novel that was popular among female classmates.

Then, Jing Baiye listened to her elegant and easy-going complaint and greeted the hero of the novel for an entire hour, without repeating the words. In the middle of the process, he tried to interject several times to say that it was fake and don't take it seriously, but he felt that Shirley was in a bad mood, so he silently shut up.

After Shirley vented, she apologized to the innocent Jing Baiye, and invited him to the best-rated dessert shop nearby the next day.

While eating dessert, he asked her to borrow the book and quickly browsed it.

The male protagonist has a life-saving grace for the female protagonist. He accidentally finds that she looks very similar to his own Bai Yueguang, so he takes her with him. Unlike many dog ​​blood novels, the male protagonist did not beat or scold her or commit any sexual crimes, nor did he have common cold violence. He was always caring and considerate of her in his words and deeds, and was even willing to give her a compensation fee when he separated. Except that the ending made way for the returning Bai Yueguang, she was not aggrieved at all.

In the end, she didn't want a penny, sitting in a daze in the house he left for her, wondering whether he had paid her any sincerity over the years.

Jing Baiye's first reaction was whether this kind of good thing could be his turn.

He didn't understand Shirley's mood at all, and why she was so angry and sad.

Jing Baiye packed up the unfinished snacks and went home. Belmod called him to say hello that day. He naturally mentioned this matter, and then asked her strangely:

"Belmode, is it really sad to be used as another person's stand-in?"

He can see this emotion called "sadness" in others, but he doesn't understand the reason for this emotion, and he has never felt a similar feeling.

For some reason, Belmod on the opposite side was silent for a long time.

"Yes." After a long time, she said briskly, "But some people, for some reason, volunteer to be stand-ins."

Jing Baiye knew that Belmod's real name was Sharon Wynyard, which was her real name. Spiatus only called her code name, and the other BOSS who appeared at dusk always called "Chrissy".

Belmod never denied the name that wasn't hers.

She even brought "Chrissy Wynyard" to the public as her daughter, and started a life of one person playing two roles.

Is she just...

Jing Baiye was rarely sharp, but it was the first time he didn't ask directly when he had a question.

He could hear that Belmod was sad too.

[It's really too much to use people as stand-ins...] Jing Baiye complained to the system while waiting patiently for clothes.

[Then you tell An Shi and Pan...] Halfway through the system, the system suddenly got stuck.

[I know what you're talking about is Panno. 】Jing Baiye filled it up.

Guardian members and friends are disgusted with doubles, and he naturally chooses to be on the same front as them and reflects on his attitude.

- Attitude towards Amuro Toru.

Both were Asian men of mixed blond hair, of similar age, with docile drooping eyes, handsome, and even a little similar in appearance.

In the beginning, he wanted Amuro because he was good-looking and could bring bonuses. He had outstanding abilities on the Whether it was helping or protecting his eyes, he would be a good subordinate. It doesn't matter.

[I don't know why, but I always think of Panno. 】 Obviously he died under his hands.

But after thinking about Pan Nuo many times, when Jing Baiye saw An Shitou again, he always felt that the undercover agent was still by his side. He didn't realize it himself until Amuro revealed what happened to Scotland in the past.

This is not right. This is unfair to Amuro, thinking like this is insulting and hurting him.

Amuro always has a sense of insecurity, so he has been sticking to him and going around him. If one day he finds himself being used as a substitute, he will definitely be sad - so he must stop this kind of thinking immediately.

[When I see Amuro, I am more likely to think of him, but... no one is a substitute for anyone else, everyone is a unique existence. 】

This sentence was said to Amuro, as well as to himself, and he reminded himself to separate Panno from Amuro.

They are different people, just meeting him is completely different.

... Of course, because they look a bit similar, it is difficult to completely disassemble them in a short period of time. So in the future, he should pay more attention to Amuro Toru's own advantages, and then avoid doing things with him that he had experienced with Panno... The encounter is different, the experience is different, so that they will not be confused.

Jing Baiye thought of Scotland's beautiful eyes, and the blue-eyed cat in his first life who was taken care of and died by him and has always been regretful.

[Scotland too. 】

He shouldn't think of a big living person as a cat...but he'll still protect him, keeping him in a safe place where there's almost no blood. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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