Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 700: Humans are cruel

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An ordinary-looking man came, and while he was speaking in a low voice, it was a woman's voice, "I'll pick you up."


Amuro stood up, covered the mailbox with his body, and while talking to Bermod, distracted Bermod, and walked along the street calmly, "You don't need to investigate over there, you can see that, Not that store..."

In fact, there is no need for Amuro to cover up. As early as Belmode approached, Feimo had already jumped out of the postbox and quietly left from the shadows by the postbox and the wall.

Amuro and the man walked to the car on the street, glanced at the car's exterior mirror, and he was relieved when he didn't see Fei Mo's figure.



When Chi Feichi returned to the hotel room after dinner, he received a message from Feimo and posted it on July's mailbox.

Three minutes ago, a public security contact sent him an email asking him to help investigate the flow of a bank, with a price tag on the back.

The bank was called Shengxin Bank, a little-known private financial institution.

The Ministry of Public Security issues this kind of bounty, usually because someone in that bank colluded with foreign spies, or a high-level politician used the bank to take bribes.

Even if he doesn't investigate, there will be public security members who will investigate, and when the bounty is released to him, he just thinks that if he can help, it can save the police force.

But he knows very well that the manager of that bank is the one controlled by the organization, and the organization sometimes launders money through this line!

If the police went to investigate the bank, the problems inside would definitely be found out.

The one who let him keep July's vest is because, as a bounty hunter who prefers to catch criminals, 'July' may get some useful information for the organization, and let the organization do it before someone or something is investigated. respond.

It seemed that the news this time was probably given to him by Amuro Toru on purpose.

At present, Anshito is still investigating the eight builders under the arrangement of the organization. Today, he specially released news to him, not only to give him credit, but also to use this news to test something.

Chi Feichi didn't reply to the email. After logging out of the mailbox, he logged into another email account and sent an email to that person.

[The public security intends to investigate Shengxin Bank and has issued a bounty. ——Raki]

Without waiting for a reply, Chi Fei-chi continued to process other emails.

Feimo said that Anshitou's whereabouts were mysterious, and he also met with Belmod. It is estimated that he had been in frequent contact with the people of the organization during this time.

And he really can't contact Anshito now, so he can secretly cooperate with Anshito's actions.

Next is the information from Midorikawa Saki and Fran. After he has read it, what should be transferred to Rum is transferred to Rum, and what should be transferred to that one is transferred to that one.

In addition, Ayaka Pusheng really went to Tokyo.

Ying Tori Yanan sent an email saying that Pu Sheng Caixiang had contacted him and he would arrange for someone to pick him up.

The email was sent ten minutes ago.

Chi Feichi boarded the organization platform, found the information on the large training ground open to him, checked the address, and sent an email to Ying Tou Yan Nan to arrange for Pusheng Caixiang to be sent there, and he entered the basic information of Pusheng Caixiang into the organization platform. , sign your own code.

Before he could help Pusheng Caixiang's information be classified, the information was classified into one category.

When he opened it again, Rum added some investigation materials, and also indicated that people can't have an accident for the time being.

This is also good. Every once in a while, the organization will gather a group of people for training and training. There are many murderers with distorted psychology. Although the organization has clearly stated that it is not allowed to attack others without permission, but The person in charge of training is not good at it. In order to observe a person's ability, he may issue an order to catch and fight.

Rum arranged Pusheng Caixiang into the intelligence search category, indicating that Pusheng Caixiang's sense of smell is beneficial to the search, and can try to develop it, plus the remark that "people can't die", even if it is only "temporary", the person who manages the training ground I will also be careful not to put people's lives in danger.


Three days later, Cheng Zeng Jiansan was arrested on charges of accepting bribes, and the police reopened the investigation into the suicide case of Saeki, which also made the front page of the news.

As for the Fire Nation Cup Charity Tennis Tournament, due to the termination of the final and the imprisonment of the sponsor, the first tournament did not end well, and it is estimated that there will not be a second tournament in the future.

No. 119, Cupido-cho 1-chome.

Sitting in the living room, Chi Feichi flipped through the newspaper and noticed that the newspaper still had a small page.

[The manager of Shengxin Bank died of a fire in his home...]

Because Cheng Zengjiansan's incident has attracted too much attention, an accident caused by a fire, even if one person died, is not very popular.

According to the report, according to the police investigation, the cause of the fire was a circuit failure, and the importance and precautions of fire prevention and disaster prevention in summer were also popularized later.

Although it is not clear whether Amuro has tried to detect anything, it is clear that someone has organized an action. Before the public security investigates the problem, the bank manager will be silenced.



Feichi played kendama in a fancy way, and found that Chi Feichi put down the newspaper and got up, and stopped curiously.

"It's okay, you continue." Chi Fei walked to the laboratory late.

"Master, wait, I'll go too!" Feichi swung Kendama onto the sofa with her tail and swam quickly towards Chi Feichi on the floor.

Chi Feichi did not refuse to bring Feichi into the laboratory, and by the way, he repelled Feichi from a worm...

Fei Chi has been eating raw meat, he is worried that Fei Chi is full of parasites!

The next afternoon, Chi Feichi was busy in the laboratory.

Two days ago, he was still in the mood to go to the basement to make two bombs, but today he is completely in no mood.

His guinea pig was about to give birth, but when he came to see it this morning, six more guinea pigs had miscarried. He watched the surveillance video and realized that it was in the early hours of the morning.

The first thing to rule out is the environment, breeding methods and other reasons, because the ten pregnant mice who did not have genes introduced and only used normal fertilized eggs to inject into the mother mice are very healthy. Similarly, it can also be ruled out that his 'the process of artificially breeding mice went wrong'. This is possible.

In addition, the pregnant mice with some snake genes introduced into the fertilized eggs are all normal, so it is not the wrong way of introducing the genes.

Among the mice that were introduced with some of his genes, there were only two pregnant mice in the ten naturally bred mice, and only one in the ten artificially bred mice.

This gene is a mutant gene that Ark cut out after comparing his genes with 100 normal people.

Of course, only a small part of it.

However, the calculation results of Ark show that this segment is the most suitable gene to be introduced into the fertilized eggs of mice.

In other words, is the problem with this gene?

Chi Feichi examined all six pregnant mice that had been aborted in the early morning, and even the stillbirths were taken out for examination and autopsy.

Feichi huddled in the corner, watching Chi Feichi expressionlessly put a stillborn mouse on the white table, silent.

Originally, watching the owner pay attention to these little things every day, feed them every day, and get nervous when something goes wrong, it is still a little jealous of these white snacks.

That's right, for it, it's a snack.

But looking at it now, it's suddenly not jealous at all.

Humans are really cruel!

Chi Fei-chi was busy until 3:00 pm before checking and sorting out the data and uploading it to the ark.

About a minute later, a document was stored on his phone.

It is the result of Ark's analysis, which probably means that the miscarriage is indeed caused by the gene. When the fetus is about to mature, the mutant gene suddenly produces a secretion, which is regarded as an 'enemy' by the maternal immune system. Slowly cut off the nutrient supply and launch an 'attack' until the fetus is destroyed.

The imported gene only intercepted a small part of the mutated gene. Perhaps other mutated genes in his body could suppress the problem of that small part of the gene and restrain the drawbacks of the problem gene.

After all, Chi Feichi's mother and grandmother have no experience of miscarriage.

"Ark, send the data to my father and let him find someone to study."

If you want to determine this, you need to experiment repeatedly, so let the laboratory set up by Chi Shinnosuke do it.

Chi Shinnosuke has his blood, hair samples, and more than one professional, and the research progress will be much faster than his tossing alone.

With his hands free, he intends to look at the drug information of the organization, and steal one or two of the less-received toss first, to make that one feel that he is suddenly interested in drugs...

It's easier after that.

Chi Feichi picked out two research materials, one was researching the wrong direction when researching drugs that promote rapid wound healing, and the other was researching the decomposition and removal of tumors in the body. After a cursory look, he began to sort out the ingredient list. .

One draws a part, and no matter what you can do, it’s blind!

Of course, he was also afraid that he would get out of the way and create some toxic substances and gases, so he was going to make the ingredient list first, and at the same time he would ask if the Ark could add certain ingredients.

Feichiwo dozed off beside him, woke up after a nap, and found that Chi Feichi was no longer busy, "Master? Are you done?"

"All right……"

Chi Feichi put the form on the table, walked out of the lab, took off his white coat, took out the mobile phone he had put in his coat pocket, and found that it was past six o'clock in the afternoon, and there were still a bunch of missed calls. It was about ten minutes ago.

"Hey, Xiaolan...I'm sorry, I fell asleep before...Going to eat? Minato? Well, I'll ask Xiao Ai."

"Xiao Ai... I'm sorry, I fell asleep before... I'm going to eat with Mr. Maori, there are fireworks to watch, are you going?... I'll pick you up."

After a busy day, he even forgot to eat lunch. He really didn't have the heart to cook dinner by himself, so he might as well go to the ready-made ones.

Although it is difficult to have a good meal with Conan around, as long as he eats fast enough, the case will not interrupt him.

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